Chapter 24: A Threat Comes From Another Universe

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[The shot opens on the Shirai Ryu Temple. Izuku and Hanzo are meditating in the Temple's arena. They breath deeply and open their eyes, seemingly unaware of the female assassins in a fighting stance behind them. They charges them and leap into a flying kick, and Izuku grabs one of the assassins' foot and throws her aside without even getting off the floor. The other assassin rolls across the arena and sits up, bemused, while Hanzo gets to his feet. It is now clear the "assassins" are in fact the Blind Bandit, Toph, and Izuku's girlfriend Ty Lee. The four were in fact training]

Ty Lee: Nice moves, darling.

Tarantula: I learned with the best.

Toph: Yeah, your master is very good at what he does.

Scorpion: The Shirai Ryu train to enhance their senses.

Tarantula: And we could sense your chi. We knew you were there.

Ty Lee: I should never underestimate the combat skills of the Shirai Ryu.

Scorpion: I'm impressed to see you so soon.

Ty Lee: Prince Zuko found out that some of the firebenders disappeared, including uncle Iroh.

Toph: Various earthbenders are gone too.

Scorpion: So are most of the Shirai Ryu.

Tarantula: This makes me worried about Takeda.

Ty Lee: By the gods...

Toph: Who could be behind this?

Tarantula: Shao Kahn, Quan Chi and Shinnok are dead. Overhaul and Dabi are imprisoned. But the League of Villains are still trying to fill the void left.

Scorpion: We cannot forget about two other factions.

Ty Lee: The Red Lotus and the Black Dragon.

Scorpion: I'll try to ask the Lin Kuei for help.

Toph: I'll go after those Red Lotus Bastards.

Tarantula: I'll search for the League of Villains.

Ty Lee: I'll contact Cassie. Her mother is on Kano's trail during weeks.

Tarantula: This Kano is always so sloppy.

Scorpion: Not a surprise, I suppose.

(The four start their searches. Izuku is seen in a graveyard)

Izuku: I sense an evil presence. I must be close.

(Tarantula takes a golden medallion with the MK Dragon logo out of his pocket. It is in fact a communicator of sorts. A purple swirl of magic begins to protrude out of it and a magical image of Scorpion appears.)

Tarantula: Master, have you contacted the Lin Kuei?

Scorpion: Yes. It seems most of the Lin Kuei have been gone too.

Tarantula: Now this is getting hard.

Scorpion: Have you found a villain?

Tarantula: Well, I am very... (a spear comes out of nowhere, then Himiko Toga pins him) ...close...

Toga: Closer than you think, Izuku baby. (draws her knife) Now bleed for me!

(Izuku teleports off, then attacks Toga from behind)

Tarantula: My turn!

(Izuku throws a spear, but Toga is fast enough to avoid it, then she pins him down again)

Toga: Why resisting, baby?

????: Why don't you ask THIS?

(Zuko comes in and punches Toga, shoving her off)

Tarantula: Zuko?

Zuko: You should be careful, Izuku. Various villains hide in places like this.

(Tarantula approaches Toga and grabs her by the collar)

Tarantula: Start talking. Where are our friends?

Toga: What are you talking about, baby?

Zuko: Don't try to trick us! Some benders have disappeared lately!

Toga: Some members of the League of Villains disappeared too, I swear!

(Izuku feels an evil presence, then throws Toga to Zuko)

Tarantula: Hold her for me.

(Then Izumi appears, trying to punch Izuku, but he is fast and their punches clash. Then they take distance.)

Izumi: Thought you got rid of me, didn't you, brother?

Zuko: And I thought Azula was bad.

Izumi: Well, now you're mine!

(Izumi tries to punch Izuku, but he teleports off and comes in from behind.)

Izuku: Is this the best you can do?

(Izumi tries to hit Izuku, various times, but the Shirai Ryu Firebender keeps evading the attacks by teleporting off. Then he decides to throw his spear at her)

Tarantula: GET OVER HERE!!

(Then Izuku hits Izumi with various couple of combos before knocking her out.)

Tarantula: Now stay down!

(Then a yellow aura surrounds Izumi, and she disappears. As she disappears, a blonde man named Jaune Arc comes in)

Jaune: What happened? I feel so strange...

Izuku: I have seen this trick before... Your illusions don't work on me, Shang Tsung!

(Izuku attacks Jaune as he thinks he is Shang Tsung in disguise. Jaune defends himself with his Crocea Mors, but Izuku's attacks are too much and it causes Jaune to lose his balance. This takes Izuku to a conclusion.)

Tarantula: Sorry. I thought you were... (looks at Aang) Him!

Zuko: What are you doing here, Aang?

(Then Liu Kang attacks Aang with a bicycle kick. Then Aang reveals to be Shang Tsung.)

Liu Kang: Now it's you, Shang Tsung.

Tarantula: I'll handle him!

(Tarantula fights Shang Tsung. The sorcerer tries his transformations to outsmart Izuku, but the Shirai Ryu somehow can see through his tricks and defeats each one of his transformations, eventually knocking him out)

Tarantula: May the Elder Gods bind you in another realm for your treachery, sorcerer.

(Then Izuku's communicator beeps and he talks to it.)

Tarantula: This is Izuku Hasashi.

Ty Lee: (winks) Hello again, darling.

Tarantula: Have you found Cassie?

Ty Lee: She was about to catch Kabal, but somehow both disappeared. How is your search for the villains?

Tarantula: Zuko and Liu Kang helped me. We captured Toga, Shang Tsung and a blonde guy with a shield.

Ty Lee: A blonde guy with a shield?

Tarantula: Yes. I can see some abnormality in his chi.

Ty Lee: His chi?

Tarantula: The energy that courses through all things in the universe. This aura is unlike anything I have seen before. I will try to attune to it.

Ty Lee: Don't try anything crazy, okay?

Tarantula: I'll be fine.

Ty Lee: You may be the champion, but you're not invincible, darling.

(Then Izuku places his hands on Jayne's body, but the yellow aura surrounds both of them.)

Zuko: That yellow aura!

Liu Kang: Oh no, Izuku...

(Izuku screams in pain, then the ground around the two of them turns bright yellow as Izuku's screams progress and the light begins to engulf him. With a final scream, he disappears.)


Zuko: Damn it!

(A new crisis starts. But who could possibly be the culprit? Where will Izuku be taken?)

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