☁️[3|4] project 101

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As they arrived at their house, they knocked on the wooden door. To y/n's surprise, her mother was already there, standing at the doorway with Izuku's mom.

"Hey y/n and Izuku! Come in!" Inko greeted as she walked back to the kitchen. As y/n walked in, she was stepped aside by her mom.

"Okay, y/n. I talked to Inko and she said that it was okay for you to date Izuku. If he likes you back." She grinned. Y/n just blushed and looked away.

"Come! Inko made a special after school snack for you guys!" Y/n's eyes went wide as she finished her sentence. She raced to the kitchen to where Izuku was. They both stared at the snacks in awe. It looked delicious and the aroma was enticing. On the table, there were 6 beautiful serving plates with mouth watering foods : anmitsu, daifuku dango, dorayaki, mochi, and taiyaki. Y/n slowly looked up, smiling sheepishly to Izuku's Mom.

"M-may we h-have some, Mrs. Midoriya?" She asked, pointing at the food. Inko smiled.

"Sure! Eat as much as you guys like! And please, call me Inko!" Faster than light, y/n sat down, Izuku next to her, and grabbed a mochi. As soon as it made contact with her tongue, it immediately melted in her mouth.

"Mmm! This is delicious, Inko!" She said, joyfully as she stuffed her mouth with mochi.

"Thank you, y/n. I made it myself!" She said proudly, smiling. Y/n's mom sat next to Inko and started talking about their job and the struggles they both have. After Izuku and y/n finished eating, Inko told them that they could go somewhere to hang out while they have a parent talk.

"Ok mom." Izuku replied as he headed toward the front door.

"C'mon y/n!"

"I'm coming!" Y/n said as she got off her chair, almost tripping, and followed after Izuku.

"Bye, mom!" The two teenagers waved as they walked out the door.

"Your son is so sweet." Y/n's mom complimented.

"You must've raised him well!"

"Thank you. Your daughter is too. She's very pretty!" The two parents continued complimenting while Izuku and y/n were deciding where to go.

"So Izuku, have any places in mind?" Y/n asked as she kicked a rock on the sidewalk.

"Hmmm... Oh! Wanna go to the mall?"

"Yeah!" Y/n squealed as she tugged Izuku's arm towards the mall. Izuku blushed as he followed behind her. So cute he thought.


When they arrived at the mall, the first thing that y/n spotted was a manga and cosplay store. Her eyes widened as a giant smile plastered her face. She turned to Izuku, holding her excitement in, but Izuku could already tell she wanted to go in.

"Let's go!" He said as he ran ahead of her, laughing.

"Hey!" She shouted, giggling as she followed behind. When she got inside, Izuku was nowhere to be seen. She looked around for a while until she spotted him where all the all might stuff was. She giggled. Of course she thought. She ran over to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned to her blushing as he pointed to all of the all might merch.

"I-I just wanted to see the stuff they had of all might!" He said as he scratched the back of his head. Y/n just smiled, taking his pointed hand in hers and lowering down.

"You can get some items if you want. I'm paying!" Izuku blushed at her touch.

"A-Are you sure, y/n?"


"T-Thank you!" Y/n blushed and smiled. She thought it was cute when he fanboys over hero stuff. Y/n tapped Izuku. He turned to her and smiled.

"I'm gonna go look for some stuff while you look for something you wanna get."

"O-okay." Y/n started walking around the store, looking for manga and anime. She finally found the manga section and started searching through the shelves. She squatted down, looking through the bottom shelf and found all the box sets of the different seasons of naruto. She looked at the price tag.

"Hmm. 30 dollars each." Y/n mumbled.

"Whatever. It's worth it." She mumbled as she threw the boxes in a plastic store basket. As she was about to get up, she turned to the side and noticed colors of green on the wall. Curious, she walked over to that place of the store. Her eyes widened. There were a whole bunch of Deku merch.

"Oh my gosh! I have to get some stuff before Izuku sees it!" She said, mumbling to herself. She grabbed 2 action figures which were 5 dollars each and grabbed 2 posters that were also 5 dollars. After that, she immediately ran to the cash register and checked out her items. She snatched the receipt from the cashier, barely saying thank you, and ran over to Izuku.

"H-hey Izuku. I-I got my items!" She said, out of breath.

"Okay I got mine too! H-hey, are you okay?" He said as he walked over to y/n.

"Yeah, one of my favorite anime voice actors was just here." She said, making up a lie.

"O-okay. Let's go to the register."


As the cashier checked out the items, y/n whispered to him, "u-um sir, can you please separate the Deku items and manga in a different bag then the all might stuff?" He looked up at her, confused, but then noticed the back of Izuku's hair. Izuku was looking at all of the other items in the store, distracted by all the wondrous items. The cashier looked back at y/n and smiled.

"Sure ma'am." When he finished up, y/n quickly grabbed her bag and handed Izuku his.

"Let's go back to your house, Izuku." Y/n said as she grabbed his hand. He blushed as she led him towards the exit of the mall.

"Woahh." Y/n and Izuku looked up at the sky. It was an orange yellow color and pink clouds streaked across it.

"It's beautiful!" Y/n said as she continued walking, keeping contact with the sky.

"N-not as beautiful a-as you, y/n." Y/n looked up at him with a surprised look on her face. Izuku started sweating, looking at the ground. Her expression softened as she leaned against his arm.

"Th-Thanks." Izuku mentally screamed in excitement and embarrassment. It was an awkward silence the rest of the way until she heard her mother.

"Y/n!" She saw her mother waving as they reached the entrance of Izuku's house. It was already dark which meant it was time to go home.

"Bye, Y/n." Izuku said as he gently pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you for paying for my items. Is there any way I can repay you?"

"I think you already did." She tiptoed to kiss him on the cheek and ran back to her Mom. Izuku just stood there, a blank expression on his face. She...she just kissed me...the girl of my dreams.

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