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Hey there everybody, this is a shorter version than my other one shots but i hope you like it. This was a concept idea given to me by none other than @HallowLegend.

P.O.V. Izuku

Jumping from the rooftops I had a clear view of the city.

Masutafu, the city I was born and raised in, the city that tried to break me, the city that watched me rise, and the city that brought me the love of my life.

I came to a stop on the rooftop of an office building and looked at a near by billboard, I smiled as I read it. "Some saw the new All Might, but instead we got the first Deku." There was an image next to the text of me receiving the award for making it to the number one hero spot.

"And to think, I only graduated U.A. three years ago." I laughed a bit as I jumped to the next roof to continue my patrol.

The day had been pretty normal, a couple purse snatches, there was one car accident which proved that the hydro pump quirk I got from that villain last week was worth while, and one suicide attempt. Other than that, it had just been patrolling the city.

And just as I was about to head back to the agency I felt the ground shake. The building bellow me started to give way and I released a stasis pulse in order to stop it from falling, I used a few speed enhancers quirks to run through the stasised building and collect civilians. Once they were all safely away from the area, I moved to where the shockwave came from and saw a huge bulk of a man standing in the street.

"Stop right there, you're under arrest." I yelled as I ran toward him. He turned toward me and gave an evil grin.

"Well if it isn't the new hotshot, so happy ill be able to kill you." He spoke in a dark raspy voice before he charged at me. I ran to the left as he closed in on me and could see that he didn't have much control overturning.

However, my feign attempt failed, his body started to be covered in blackness and in an instant he had snapped to were he was facing me, and he never lost momentum. I gasped as I felt his body collide with mine, I only barely managed to activate a shock absorber in time.

I hit him with a massive pulse wave, and he flew back into a nearby building. "This is your last-" I was cut off as my communicator clicked on.

"Deku, do you copy? This is lance." I heard the voice of my head communications officer just as I was trying to intimidate the villain.

"Deku copy. What is it lance?" The villain stood and I could see him getting ready to charge. I steadied myself and got ready to use my geo manner quirk to incase him.

As I started using the quirk, I heard lance again. "Its your wife sir, she just went into labor." As I processed what he was saying, I slipped which caused my geomancing to miss and for the villain to once again ram into me. As he made contact I was sent flying into a nearby building. "SIR! What's going on, are you ok?"

"No, no I am not." I groaned as I sat up. "While someone is fighting a villain is not the best time to drop that bomb on them."

"I'm sorry sir, but she is holding on the line and wanted to speak to you." I sighed as imagined her panicked, after all this is our first child.

"Patch her through."

"Are you sure sir?"

"Yes, just do it."

There was a click and I could hear that who I was talking to had changed. I could hear heavy breathing as well as my mothers erratic driving. "Hello?"

"IZUKU! Oh, thank god he could get in touch with you." I could tell she was panicking. Just as I was about to respond, the villain charged me again. However, this time I used some wings I had gotten to shoot into the sky.

"Ochako, you need to breath ok. Where are you?" I felt the strain on my flight increase and looked down to see the massive man holding onto my legs.

"Were in your mothers' car on the way to the hospital. Please tell me you will meet us there. I'm really scared." I activated a flame quirk which seemed to hurt him, it also caused him to let go and fall. However, I had reached my max for how long I could use a certain quirk without a cool down and I fell too.

"Yeah, just gotta take care of something first." I landed and rolled away from the villain and watched as he stood. I lifted my arm and scrolled through the data I had on all my current quirks, I frantically searched for something that would work.

"WHAT THE HELL IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN OUR BABY!!" The villain stood and charged again.

"Well, I'm kinda in the middle of a work thing. You know how it is being number one." I rolled to the side just in time to dodge as I tried to correct my mis wording.

"Your right I'm sorry. I know how hard work can be for you." She had started sobbing as she spoke which I chalked up to hormones.

"Its ok." I consoled her as I continued to search for a good quirk to use. I saw him moving in for another charge and as I tried to dodge I noticed I was backed into a corner. "Shit."

I took one last glance at my arms and thank god I saw one. As he was mere inches from me I activated my impact reversion quirk and he view backwards in a bloody unconscious mess.

"Izuku, what was that?" Ochako asked through the earpiece.

"A victory, as soon as he is contained I will be right by your side."

"You promise?"

"You bet."

"Right this way Mrs. Midorya, we have a labor room waiting and your doctor is on his way." I heard a nurse and knew they had made it to the hospital.

I stayed on the line to reassure her that everything was gunna be ok as I waited for the authorities. Once they arrived and detained the villain I shot off to the hospital.

After several minutes I made it to the hospital and rushed in. As soon as I found Ochako she wrapped me into a death grip as she was in the midst of a contraction.

She was in labor for a total of twenty-seven hours. It didn't help that the doctors missed that we were having twins. Once all was said and done I found myself sitting in a chair next to her bed as she slept.

I sat there watching her for what seemed like forever, but that didn't matter because I wouldn't be able to rest until she woke up. As I sat there the door opened behind me and a nurse walked in holding two bundled up babies. "Hello Mr. Midorya. You wanna hold them for a little bit."

"Of course." I said as I stood and walked over to her. She handed me the twins and I looked down at two of the three most special people in my life.

"Alright, ill let you be for a bit. Hit the call button if you need anything." The nurse left me standing in the middle of the room holding my newborns. I looked down at them and stared at them as I admired them. They were both girls with identical rosy cheeks, you could tell that they were going to have green hair when they grew up because of their matching green cat ears and tails. They had their tails wrapped around their wastes and their ears were flat against there head.

"Lets just be on the safe side." I said as I closed my eyes and activated All for One, when I opened them a green glow was being emitted from them. I looked at my two daughters with my quirk active so that I could see their quirks.

It took a moment but once I was able to see their quirks I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god neither of them got All For One. that cursed quirk will die with me."

I stood their looking at their quirks so that I could figure out what they were. As I watched, it seemed like their quirks were connected to each other. One resembled Ochako's, clearly a quirk that would manipulate gravity toward the negative spectrum. The other one seemed to be the exact opposite, with the ability to increase gravity on something.

It was clear that they took mostly after Ochako. I sat back down and laid the both of them face down on my chest as they slept. I could feel their tiny lungs taking in air and their small hearts beat. "Someone's getting comfy."

I opened my eyes to see Ochako sitting up in bed with a smile on her face as she watched me. "Yeah, I could get used to this." I saw her pout a bit as I spoke and knew she wanted to see her daughters. "If you wanna see them, just ask. After all they're our daughters."

"I know, I just didn't want to disturb you." I chuckled and stood up, careful not to wake the girls.

"I think you've earned it." As I approached the bed I could see Ochako get excited by her children coming over to her. She reached out and took one and then the other into her arms.

"There so precious."

"Yep, and beautiful, just like there mother." Ochako started to tear up a bit which worried me a bit.

"Is everything ok Ocha?" I asked as I rubbed her back.

"Yeah, its just... there has only been one other time in my life where I've loved someone so much and they only just came into my life. That was when I met you, the day you saved me from that villain." I hugged her as I thought back to the day.

I had just gotten of the train on my way to U.A. when I saw her walking by, back then I had closed myself of so much from people that I initially just ignored her. But that was when an idiot with an energy shooting quirk tried to rob her. Let's just say that quirk has come in handy several times since that day.

"Yeah I think about that day a lot. I can still count it as one of the best days of my life." I smiled to myself.

"Wait, why isn't that the best day of your life?"

"Well there are a few that are fighting for first. There was our first kiss, the first time we were together, the day you agreed to marry me, the day we got married, the day we found out you were pregnant, today. There are several, and they all have you in the center." I leaned forward and kissed her. Just then one of the girls started stirring, we both leaned forward to see her starting to open her eyes.

"She's so beautiful." Ochako said as she stared down at her now awake daughter.

"Yep, she has her mothers' eyes." As I spoke our other daughter started to wake up. They were without a doubt twins.

"So, I'm assuming you already saw their quirks." I noticed Ochako look up at me.

"Yes, and neither of them will have to deal with what I did. All for One will die with me." she sighed a bit and we turned our attention back to the girls.

"So what quirks are they?"

"One is similar to yours, takes gravity from things. The other adds gravity. They're like each other's Yin-Yang." She smiled as she gazed at the two girls.

Just then there was a knock on the door and the same nurse from earlier came in. "How are you four doing? I hope your feeling better Mrs. Midoriya."

"Somewhat, I don't want to try standing right now though." the nurse came over and checked the twins before grabbing the two clipboards.

"So, do we have any names picked out?"

"Yes, I think we do." Ochako said as she smiled and looked at me.

I motioned to the girl in Ochako's left, "Hanako." And then to the right, "Saitekina."

"Alrighty. Ill let you four be for a bit. Ill be back in a while so you can try feeding them." I let my face flush red as the nurse left which earned a giggle from Ochako.

"Some things never change." I chuckled nervously as I rubbed the back of my neck.

Once again, there was a knock on the door. I turned to see our parents walking in. "So, where's my grandbabies?" Inko said as she walked over.

"Actually, its grandbabies. Their twins." I gave my mother a smile as she stared at the two babies in Ochako's hands. She and Rei had stars in their eyes as they looked at the two girls.

"You two picked any names yet?" Ochako's father asked as he came over and hugged his daughter.

"Yes. this is Hanako, and this is Saitekina." Ochako said as she gestured to the girls respectively.

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