One Plus One Equals Three

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Ochako's P.O.V.

Tired, that's all i could feel right now. Down right exhausted. I had just gotten off work, for which I had to work a double today, and was now walking home. In all honesty I could fall asleep leaning up against a lamp post at this point since I didn't sleep last night since Mochi had kept me up all night, i swear when I find out where that cat gets her energy im going to steal all of it.

The streets were rather empty, not too surprising for ten at night, which both eased my worry and fueled my paranoia. I just had to make it a couple more blocks and i could go to sleep for the next twelve hours since i was off tomorrow. However, luck would not be on my side.

As I was passing a coffee shop that had just closed up for the night, I failed to notice the man locking the door and turning to walk away. And i ran straight into him. "Ow." I said in a drowsy manner as my behind landed hard on the concrete.

"Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry. Are you ok miss?" I looked up to see the green haired man looking down to me with his hand extended to help me up, and looking at him was the worst mistake of my life. I immediately felt my heart pounding as I looked up into his deep green eyes that seemed to pop even though they matched his hair perfectly. I couldn't even form a proper sentence as he helped me to my feet, which was another mistake because as my left foot took on my weight I almost collapsed from pain. I would have had it not been for him. "It looks like you twisted that ankle pretty bad!" He spoke in a panicky state.

"No, i'll be fine after a secon-." I was cut off by trying to muffle the scream from the pain I felt as i tried to stand on it.

"You are not fine, here, my house is just around the corner. Let me take you there and fix up that ankle. It's the least I can do after causing you to fall." I looked up at him and a blush spread across my face as I realized what he had said, and only a moment later did he realize the same. "I-I mean, n-not t-to force y-you. I-its just i-i-i have s-some experience w-with injured ankles."

I giggled at how flustered he seemed to be, He is so cute. "It's ok, if you can fix me up without me having to go to a doctor than you can count me in." I gave him my best smile and noticed he was even redder than he had been.

He wrapped an arm around my back and pulled my left arm over his shoulder so he could support my weight, it was now that I realized how much taller he was than me. Although he seemed to be about my age of twenty-two, twenty-three, and he was very well built. All in all, I had already developed a major crush on him.

We started walking and turned the corner to a street full of townhouses, we walked past three before he turned up the steps of the fourth and started fishing in his pocket for his keys.

Izuku's P.O.V.

OMGOMGOMG!!! Not only did I run into a really pretty girl and hurt her but i opened my mouth and invited her over! I just hop Eri is asleep. I started to internally panic as i finally found my keys and unlocked the door, I was afraid Eri would see her and get the wrong idea. Especially since she came back from school the other day asking me about when she was getting a Mama. To my luck, I found the note left by the babysitter saying that everything had been taken care of and that she had put Eri to bed. Thank God. I quickly hid the note and helped the girl over to the couch, and that's when it struck me that I did not know her name. "So, now that you're here, what's your name?" I asked as I walked into the bathroom to get the stuff for her ankle.

"Ochako, Ochako Uraraka. And what about you?" She asked and I face planted realizing i had not introduce myself.

"Izuku Midoriya. Now let's get that ankle taken care of." I knelt down next to her and carefully removed her shoe which caused her to wince. "Sorry."

"It's ok." She said as i could see the pain leaving her face. We spent the next few minutes in silence as I wrapped her ankle and grabbed an ice pack from the freezer. As I finished I could tell she was exhausted as she fought sleep. That's when I got the worst best idea ever, and i could not believe the words left my mouth.

"If your that tired just sleep here." Her eyes shot open as I spoke and I brought my hand over my mouth."Imeansinceyourtiredandstillhurtifigureditwouldbeeasierforyou." I said before taking a deep breathe. I looked over to her and saw her face a deep red, "I'm sorry, I just figured it would be easier on you since your so exhausted right now. You don't have to."

"Actually, I wouldn't mind. I cant really walk right now anyway." She said and before I could stop myself i had a smile spread across my face.

"Alright, I'll grab a blanket and pillow for you." I said as I hopped up and started to head over to the hall closet and grabbed the comfiest pillow and blanket i could. Once I returned I could see she was already starting to fall asleep so I quietly put the pillow under her head and covered her in the blanket. And within a matter of seconds she was out like a light. "You must have had a long day to fall asleep that quickly."

I turned off the lights and made my way to my bedroom upstairs. Once there I took a quick shower and changed for bed, once done I climbed into bed and quickly fell asleep.

Eri's P.O.V.

I woke up to my unicorn alarm clock making a lot of noise next to me. As I sat up in my pink and white bed I reached over and turned off the clock while still clutching my teddy bear in my right hand. I stood up and straightened out my pink unicorn pajamas before deciding to head downstairs, Papa should be up and making breakfast right now.

I slowly and tiredly made my way out of my room and over to the stairs, however I didn't smell breakfast like I usually do at this time on a saturday of all days. Once downstairs I notice that there was a lump of something wrapped up in the blankets on the couch. Slowly making my way over, I was careful not to make a sound. As I got to the couch I pulled back the covers to reveal a woman that looked the same age as Papa with beautiful brown hair. She was really pretty.

As I watched her i noticed her start to stir and backed up a bit. She slowly woke up while letting out a yawn and sat up. She rubbed her eyes and as she opened them I could see her deep brown eyes, they looked like chocolate. She looked around and her eyes landed on me, she looked confused as she stared at me.

"H-hello." I said, still a little timid toward her since I didn't know her.

"Hi, were am i?" She asked as her confused face seemed to get worse.

"This is my house." I said as I hugged my teddy bear to my chest.

"Have we met?" I laughed a bit at her question as I shook my head to indicate we had not. "Then how did I get here?"

My face brightened up as i got an idea. "Let me go get Papa, maybe he knows." Before she could say anything else I darted off and up the stairs as quickly as I could. I made it to Papa's room and threw the door open and could hear his alarm still going off, which was odd because he always woke up to his alarm. I quickly climbed up onto his bed and got ready. Then I bounced on top of him which jolted him awake and caused him to make an "OOF!" noise.

"Eri, what are you doing up this early?" He asked as he still hadn't noticed his alarm.

"Papa, your the one who slept in. that's your alarm going off." He looked over at the alarm on his bed side table and laughed at himself before sitting up with me in his laugh. "So who is that girl downstairs?" I asked and his eyes shot open.

"Shoot, i forgot about Ochako." He said as he quickly got up and threw on a shirt before picking me up and carrying me downstairs. Once we made it downstairs I could see the girl i now knew as Ochako sitting up on the couch looking around the room. When she saw us she went pale but i wasn't sure why. "Hey, how are you feeling this morning." Papa asked as he sat me down on a chair next to the couch.

"Better, it doesn't hurt right now, but I also haven't tried walking yet." She said as she moved the blanket aside.

"Papa, you still haven't told me who she is." I said and looked up at him standing next to me.

"Well Snowball, this is Ochako. I met her last night, and kind of knocked her down and hurt her ankle." He said with an embarrassed chuckle. "And Ochako, this is my daughter Eri."

"Hi!" I say as I stand up in the chair. "And in case you're wondering, Papa is single and ready to mingle! Or at least that's what grama Inko said." I gave as bright a smile as I could and looked up at Papa who now looked like a ripe tomato. "What's wrong Papa, you look sick." I asked as i grabbed his arm.

"Y-yep, J-just fine s-snowball. Why don't you go get some juice in the kitchen, i'll be over there in a minute to start breakfast." He said to which i nodded and hopped off the chair to make my way to the kitchen.

Ochako's P.O.V.

I could feel the heat on my face as I watched Eri dart off to the kitchen. "Sorry about that. She gets a little excited sometimes."

"I-its ok, but, if you don't mind me asking, what happened to her mother?" he sat down in the chair and laughed a bit.

"I have no idea, I adopted her. She had been kidnapped by the yakuza and one escape attempt and some good luck brought us together. I managed to get her to the police station where she told us everything. She's the reason the yakuza in this town aren't functioning anymore. I immediately adopted her once we found out she had no living family and she's been living with me since my senior year of highschool." I was in awe by the story, the fact that someone could be as selfless as him was remarkable.

"So, in other words, your single?" I asked as my face took on another shade of red. I looked over at him a little embarrassed by my question, and I noticed he was just staring at me wide eyed as he nodded yes to my question. "Well, if Eri doesn't mind, i could...change that."

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I w-would n-n-not mind t-that." He said with a goofy looking grin on his face.

"YAY!" We both snapped our heads over to see eri standing in the doorway to the kitchen with three juice boxes in her arms as well as her teddy bear. She had a huge smile on her face that could blind someone if she wasn't careful.

Not long after that Izuku made the three of us a breakfast of eggs and bacon and I got to know Eri a little better. Once we finished eating, I couldn't help but feel like I was forgetting something. "MOCHI!!" I yelled as I slammed my hand into my forehead, my outburst caused Izuku and Eri to jump in surprise since Eri was in my lap.

"What? Did you want some mochi?" Izuku asked as I slumped back and sighed.

"No, that's the name of my cat. I haven't fed her since yesterday morning." I felt Eri stand on the couch next to me.

"Papa, we must embark on operation Feed the pretty kittie." Izuku stood and saluted his daughter before darting off with her. After a moment they were both dressed and ready to leave. "Alright, Papa will be carrying you since you can't walk as we make our way to your home. From there you will let us inside so that we can?" She asked as izuku stood at attention and spoke.

"Feed the pretty kittie, sir!" Eri nodded as she looked at me.

"Are you ready soldier?" It was so hard for me not to laugh at their antics, however i nodded and agreed. Izuku broke his solute and came over to me and turned so i could climb on his back. Once i had been situated Eri started for the door after grabbing her backpack to put her teddy bear in, and as soon as we were outside she stopped the soldier act and started bouncing around excited.

"Why is she so excited?" I asked Izuku quietly.

"She loves cats, like a lot." He said with a chuckle as we made our way down the sidewalk. I didn't really want them to see my apartment building, it's in shambles and not the best place to live, but im broke and it's cheap. I directed them a couple blocks away until we stood in front of the building. Both of them were looking up at the rat hole that is my apartment before Eri spoke.

"Papa?" She said and it seemed like Izuku knew what she was getting at.

"Don't worry Eri, it's not anymore." I was clearly confused by his statement, but I didn't get the chance to question him since he started again. "Alright, here's the plan. Ochako, you are not living here anymore."

"W-what?" I asked, shocked by his statement. "Then were am i supposed to live?"

"You are going to move in with us, I can't let you live in a place like this. We will go inside to feed Mochi, then i'm taking you two back to my place while working on moving you out of here." He turned toward me and gave me a determined smile as i simple stared at him bewildered.

"Izuku, i can't ask you to do something like that. It would-" I was silenced by Eri smacking my uninjured foot.

"Papa is not going to give in, trust me. When he makes up his mind, there is no swaying him." She said as she gave Izuku an annoyed look. I was in shock by what he was doing. We walked up the stairs and to the front of my apartment and i hande Eri my key. Once she opened the door we entered and I was immediately happy that i had cleaned two days ago since I now had a really attractive guy here, one who i'm pretty sure i was falling in love with.

"Mochi, here girl." I called and heard a low meow come from the couch. "Her food is in the cabinet on the left, second shelf."

Eri walked over and collected the food as Izuku and I walked over to the couch where he sat me down next to the hungry cat. "Izuku, i can't ask you to do this. I can't accept something like this." I said as I stroked my cat.

"I thought Eri explained how this works, im not budging. This is no place to live, and I want to help. Besides...never mind." I looked at him curiously as he looked away from me.

"What is it Izuku?" I asked as I looked over to him.

"Don't make fun of me, ok?" I nodded to show that i wouldn't. "Ok, I think im in love with you. I know it sounds strange since we just met last night, but I do."

I smiled at him as i lifted his chin. "Can I say something without you making fun of me?" he nodded as i looked into his eyes. "I do too."

I started leaning closer to him as he wrapped a hand around to the back of my head and we met for a soft kiss. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt all my stress disappear in an instant, like I had someone to care for me and protect me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as the kiss deepened only for us both to freeze as we heard an excited squeal.

We separated our kiss while still holding each other and turned to see Eri with a massive grin on her face. She came over with a can of food and handed it to Izuku for him to open, once he did and sat it down for Mochi to eat, for which she immediately scarfed it down, Eri climbed in Izuku's lap and whispered something to him that caused him to turn bright red and start steaming out of his ears.

"Papa? Are you ok?" Eri asked as she looked at the unresponsive man. "Fine, if you won't answer me than I'll ask her myself." She turned to me and spoke before Izuku could react. "Can I call you Mama?"

I froze, of course I did yesterday at this time i was struggling financially, single, and with no hopes of having children. Yet here was this little girl whose eyes were filled with hope and admiration as she asked me if I would be her mother. I felt a tear escape my left eye which worried the little girl and i saw Izuku panic a bit. However, before he could say anything, again, i picked up Eri into a hug as I answered her question. "Of course you can."

She was a bit shocked but started crying tears of joy as she wrapped her arms around me. I looked over at Izuku who was in complete shock, and opened my arms for him to join our hug. "Come on, we don't bite, well Mochi does a little." He laughed a bit as he came over and joined our hug.

After a moment we seperated with Eri taking her well deserved seat in my lap, for which Mochi climbed up and curled up in the little girls lap much to her excitement. "Alright, let's get you two back home and I'll call Kachan and Kirishima to help me move your stuff." izuku said as he stood and very secretly wiped a tear from his eye.

"Ok, but are you sure your ok with carrying me all the way back?" I asked as I stroked Mochi's fur.

"Absolutely, these aren't just for show." He said as he pulled back the sleeve of his shirt and flexed his well toned muscles which earned a giggle from Eri and a blush from myself. He turned around and squatted down for me to climb on which i did. He turned to Eri who was kneeling down to play with Mochi. "Eri, why don't you grab some of Mochi's food and toys in your backpack then you can carry her back with us."

She looked over at us with stars in her eyes. "Where taking her with us?!" She asked in an excited tone.

"Of course, did you think we were leaving her here. You and Ochako are never setting foot in this building again." She immediately darted to the kitchen to grab some of Mochi's things before she rejoined us with the orange cat held carefully in her arms. She wasn't a very big cat but I assumed it was because she was still a kittie pretty much.

Izuku's P.O.V.

After Eri gathered some essentials for Mochi, we went straight back to the townhouse. I sat Ochako carefully on the sofa so she could rest her ankle some more and walked up to my room to call Kachaan. Once i dialed the number i waited until i heard the click and then a rough voice. "What do you want?"

"Someone just woke up didn't they?" I asked with a chuckle before i heard Kirishima in the background.

"Yes, he was up late working on his next Album. Even though I told him to go to bed." Kirishima said which received a grunt from the blonde.

"Whatever, what do you want?"

"I was hoping I could recruit you and Kirishima to help me move someone today." There was a pause before he responded.

"Who are we moving?" He asked as i heard him get up from his bed.

"My girlfriend." I heard Kachaan fall off his bed and onto the floor with a loud thud.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY!!" He screamed into the phone.

"Did you just say girlfriend? Were on our way, we'll be at your place in twenty minutes with most of the class." Kirishima said which caused me to pale, There is no way she's ready to meet the class.

"NO I JUST-" I was cut off by the call being ended. "Crap." I walked out of the room and downstairs to see Ochako holding Mochi while Eri was snuggled up next to her watching a show.

"Is everything ok Izuku? I heard yelling." I chuckled nervously as I scratched the back of my neck.

"Yeah, i'll have moving help in twenty minutes. Buuuuuut, it's gonna be more than two people coming. It's gonna be more like sixteen to eighteen." She looked at me confused before Eri spoke.

"The class is coming?" She asked, clearly excited.

"Yeah, I guess Kirishima got a little excited when I told him I had a girlfriend." I looked over to Ochako and could see a smile had made its way across her face.

We waited for about twenty minutes before there was a knock at the door. I walked over and looked out of the peephole to see Mina staring back into it. "Hey Izuku, open up. We wanna meet herrrrrrrrr." Mina whined, I looked back at Ochako to see she was nervous but nodded anyway.

"Alright Mina, but you all have to stay calm. There's a kitten in here and you know what Eri did the last time you scared a cat." I said to the group outside.

"Alright right, i'll be calm." She said and I unlocked the door. Once open the group of twenty two year olds walked in and created a semicircle.

"Katsuki?" I turned to Ochako who had asked the question then to the bewildered Kachaan that stood next to me.

"Round Face?" He said as he looked confused.

"That's never going away is it?" She asked as she slumped into the couch.

"Do you two know each other?" Kirishima asked.

"She's my cousin." I looked back and forth between the two in confusion. "Are you telling me that your girlfriend is Roundface?"

"Will you stop calling me that, that was a really bad day." She said in annoyance. "And yes, we are together."

"Kachaan turned toward me with a glint in his eye, "Why are we moving her?" He asked.

"Because it's been an interesting two days, and she lives in a hell whole. So she's moving in with me." Kachaan looked at me like he was thinking before he spoke.

"Fine, once these losers are introduced to her we'll get going. You don't need to be at the Cafe today?" He asked.

"No I wasn't planning on going in today anyway, i think Mishu can handle herself." Once that was handled everyone took a few minutes to introduce themselves, unfortunately Tenya and Shoto couldn't come because of their responsibilities. However Shinso found a great deal of joy in playing with Eri and Mochi, of course he's were she got her love of cats.

The next few hours were spent with myself, Kachaan, and Sero going to the store to get boxes to move her things, and once we got back I was berated by Toru and Momo about having caused her injury. Almost all of us went to her apartment, which got several comments about being deplorable, and set to work packing her things to move them over. Because there were so many of us we had everything packed and in my house within three hours, and as a thank you i bought everyone pizza.

By the time everyone left the sun was starting to set and everyone was tired. I put Eri to bed and came back downstairs to see that Ochako was sitting on the couch with a weird face. "What's wrong Ochako?" I asked as I walked over to her.

She looked up at me and I could tell something was bothering her. "Is this ok? I mean yes, we both feel the way we do, but we just met yesterday and your doing all of this for me. Hell, you even paid off my lease for my apartment. I just feel like im takeing advantage of you because this chance encounter has lead to my life being improved one hundred and fifty percent. I just feel bad."

I took a seat next to her and wrapped an arm around her. "Do you remember what we talked about this morning? As crazy as it sounds, when i met you yesterday i'm pretty sure i fell in love in that moment. You should know that I love you, and Eri does too. This all just feels so right that I can't imagine having not twisted your ankle."

My comment got a chuckle out of her and I wiped the tears from her eyes before i leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss. Once we separated, she wrapped her arms around me and buried her head in my chest. "Izuku, you have no idea how much just today has literally changed my life." She looked up at me while keeping my body close to her. "I wasn't gonna be able to make rent this month, i work a job that has me working insane hours that can't even support me, and ive been so stressed out about money that I haven't been able to visit my parents in months. Everything that you did today has lifted so much stress off of me that I can never thank you enough."

I pulled her in close and ran my left hand through her hair which earned a content hum from her. "How about we go visit them tomorrow? Your ankle is doing better so i think you should be fine tomorrow so I can drive you, then we could go and meet my mother."

"I would like that, I haven't seen them in so long." She said as she sighed into the embrace.

"And while were driving you can call your job and tell them you quit." She snapped her gaze up to me confused.

"What? I can't quit, I still need to earn money." I smiled down at her before I spoke.

"You don't need to worry about that now that you're with me." I said as I hugged her closer, "The people I love shouldnt have to worry about that."

She snuggled closer to me as she buried her head in my chest. "Your an amazing person Izuku. And i don't think you understand how amazing you are."

We sat there in silence for a few minutes before she yawned, "Ready for bed?" I asked as she rubbed her eyes to express how tired she was.

"Yes, if you hand me the blanket then I'll go ahead and get some sleep." However i had different plans. Before she could tell what was going on I picked her up bridal style which caused her to go red. "W-what are you doing?"

"Im not letting my girlfriend sleep on the couch, you will be sleeping in my bed tonight while I sleep on the couch." I looked down at her and could tell she had something planned.

"Fine, I'll sleep there, but on one condition." I gave her a questioning look and she smiled at me before continuing, "You have to sleep with me."

3rd Person P.O.V.

That night the two of them sleep soundly in each others arms after about twenty minutes of awkward consciousness. The next morning Ochako's ankle was pretty much one hundred percent, the three of them got dressed and ready before Ochako called her parents to tell them she was coming by for a visit around lunch and that she had a surprise. During their two hour drive to meet her parents she called her horrible manager and told her she was quitting, although she used some more colorful words that would have made Kachaan proud, and after words she let a sigh escape her as she realized she would never have to deal with that horrible woman ever again.

The visit with her parents was, interesting, her father tried to fight Izuku and her mother passed out when she saw Eri call Ochako her Mama. After some explaining, they both calmed down and got to know Eri and Izuku, the former of those two loving the fact that she had more grandparents than just Inko.

They stayed at the Uraraka house for lunch before they made their way back to the city, and just in time. As they entered the city limits Izuku received a phone call from the manager at his Cafe that she needed him to come in for an emergency. That was of course how Ochako found out that the cafe he was leaving the night they met, was His cafe. He owned it.

The issue was nothing major, but one of the workers had been injured so Izuku had to fill out some paperwork while one of the baristas, who seemed to be really close to Eri, made the little girl a hot chocolate while Izuku wasn't looking and Ochako agreed she wouldn't tell him. After the paperwork, Izuku insisted they stop by the emergency room to check on his employee. Once they found him he made sure the employee wasn't too badly injured before the three left and made their way to Inko's home.

That introduction wasn't much different then how Mrs. Uraraka reacted, however this time no one tried to fight Izuku.

Six months later and the two of them finally got married and Ochako became Eri's Legal mother.

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