Chapter 18

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TW: Mentions of murder, crying, fighting

Roman sat on his bed with tears running down his face. Remus was dead... how? He couldn't be dead! He had seen him get killed. Get run over. Get pushed by his boyfriend. Remus had been murdered by Damien.

He couldn't wrap his head around it. He couldn't. Damien wasn't like that. Damien wouldn't hurt anyone, let alone kill! He couldn't have- but he'd seen it. He'd seen it and he still couldn't believe /his/ Damien would do that, especially to Remus. Remus and Damien had been best friends for years. How could he push him in front of a truck?!

Virgil had told him that it wasn't really Damien. But, honestly, through the pain, his only thought was 'Damien killed my brother'.

He ran a hand through his hair and got up, heading down the stairs and seeing Damien in the kitchen. He frowned. "Get out," he said, glaring at him.

Damien frowned in confusion, looking at Roman. "What?" he asked. "Roman, I'm not leaving you alone. Your brother just died-" he started, walking towards him.

Roman flinched back, making Damien freeze. Virgil frowned. "Roman, don't," he said, seeing the look of hatred he was looking at Damien with. "Don't do something you'll regret-."

Roman scoffed as more tears streamed down his cheeks. "Regret?! He killed him, Virgil! He was the one to push him! We both know it!" he shouted, making the other two flinch and fall silent. "Get out," he said again. "I won't say it again. I don't want to see you again. Not after lying to me. Not after you killed Patton. Not after you killed Remus... leave."

Damien frowned. "What?! I- I didn't kill them! Why would I do that?! Remus was my best friend! He fell- what even makes you think that I would ever hurt him?!" he asked. He didn't understand anything. He didn't understand why Roman was saying all that.

"We saw you! Virgil and I saw you!" he hissed. Damien turned to Virgil before looking back at Roman. "I want you to get the fuck out of here." He growled lowly.

Damien shook his head slowly, mostly in disbelief. "You actually think I killed him... that's ridiculous." He scoffed. "I'm your fucking boyfriend, Roman! I fucking love you! I- I can't believe you think I did it..." he trailed off. "Fine. You won't see me again," he said, storming out of the house.

Silence reigned for a few seconds in the house.

Virgil groaned loudly. "Roman, you may have just lost your brother, but you are a fucking idiot." He sighed. "Why did you tell him everything? Why did you do that?" he asked. "We need him close! We need to know his every move. This is what /he/ wants! He wants to break us to kill us more easily!"

Roman looked at him and frowned. "I'm sorry I don't want to date a fucking serial killer who happened to murder my brother! You were the one who suggested we go to that stupid party! And now you defend him?!"

"God, Roman he's not-! You know what? It's cool. It's all great..." he muttered, trying to calm himself down. "Have you never watched a horror movie?! He was Damien now. Our Damien! And you just drove him away because you couldn't keep your mouth shut." He ran a hand down his face in frustration. "Right now, he's like a light switch balanced in the middle, it can go two ways. One, is the original, the Damien we know and love. The other is J.D. and we need to figure out when he's one or the other before Damien is gone."

Roman sighed, shrugging lightly. "I don't care. He killed Remus. I'm not going to take him back."

Virgil huffed. "Roman, how stupid can you get?! Damien will fucking die, too, if you leave him to be on his own! He's growing weaker every moment he's fighting. He wants to be himself again. He wants J.D. gone. Just like we do, whether you can forgive him for something he didn't do or not. He needs our help."

Roman rolled his eyes and turned to go back upstairs. "Text me when he's back or whatever," he said.

Virgil shook his head. "You can't do this..." he trailed off. "You can't leave him like this..."

Roman looked at him before starting to walk again. "Watch me."

Virgil glared at him. "Fine. But I'm not abandoning my brother while there's still hope. You're on your own," he said before walking out to find Damien.

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