Chapter 23

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It was chaotic. Just as Virgil and Emile sped through the traffic to get to the hospital on time, Logan and Remy headed to the sheriff's office to get Roman out of there. Traffic seemed to be completely against them all despite being on opposite sides of town. And to say they all almost crashed five times was an understatement.

Roman, however, was struggling in different ways. He sat at the back of the sheriff's car, helpless and panicking. Why was he there in the first place?! He'd gone completely numb after they'd taken Damien away, so he wasn't really listening to whatever the officers were saying in the principal's office. He had no way to get out of there. He'd tried everything. Well, almost everything, but he wasn't that desperate...

"Fuck, Em, hurry up!" Virgil said as they stopped at a red light. Virgil groaned in desperation. He believed that, when Damien woke up, it would be a key moment to keep him with them so he didn't disappear.

Emile sighed. "Do you want us to crash? Because that's what will happen if I hurry up," he said. "I get you want to be there when he wakes up, but I can't go any faster and I can't skip any red lights if I'm not first. That's common sense, Virgil."

Virgil growled. "Well, I'm sorry my common sense is about to leave with my brother if you don't hurry the fuck up."

On the other side of town, Remy was also getting on Logan's nerves as the latter drove over the speed limit.

"Jesus Christ, Logan. I already lost Remus, I'm not losing Roman, too. If you stop at another red light, I'm going to fucking end you," he threatened. Logan let out a sigh and rolled his eyes. "Get out of the car, I'll drive-"

"So you can crash the car /and/ kill us both? No, thank you," Logan said, not looking away from the road. "We are almost there, I can see the sheriff's car from here. It's just around the corner. Don't do anything that can potentially get us or Roman in trouble. Let me do the talking and we should be out with him in no time."

Remy grumbled something under his breath, crossing his arms over his chest and huffing.

Roman frowned as he was taken to a questioning room. He didn't struggle. He was hurt, so there wasn't much he could do if he actually managed to break free. He winced as he was forced to sit on the chair.

"Roman Prince, you are charged with the murders of Remus Prince and Officer Smith, and he attempted homicide of Damien Sanders." Roman frowned, looking at the sheriff with confusion clear in his features.

"What?! You can't be serious. Why the fuck would I kill my /brother/? And why would I try to kill Damien?" He asked defensively.

The sheriff sat in front of him and leaned over the table. "Well, that's what I'm waiting for you to say," he said. "Why did you kill your brother?"

"I didn't-!" Roman shouted.

"There are witnesses who saw you out of that party when your brother fell. Care to explain that, then?" Roman frowned. "There are also many people in your school that claim that your relationship with your brother was far from friendly."

"Well, yeah... we weren't close, that doesn't mean I killed him!" Roman clenched his fists tightly. He didn't understand anything. Why was he there? He hadn't done anything! "I- I went to the party and saw it happen-"

"Fine, let's say you're telling the truth. Who did it?" Roman blinked, slightly confused. "Who pushed your brother in front of the truck?" the sheriff asked, shockingly calm.

Roman stuttered for a moment. He couldn't tell him who'd done it! "I- I didn't see it. It was pouring and I was with some friends. I wasn't there to babysit Remus." Lie. But no one needed to know. He wasn't going to tell them it'd been Damien. Fuck, he still felt something for him.

The door opened and a woman walked in. "Mr. Prince, don't say another word." Roman looked up. She looked familiar. "Sheriff, I will be representing Mr. Prince and he has the right to stay silent. But, as usual, I'm sure you didn't read him his rights. Let's go. Your parents are on their way."

Roman quickly stood up and held his arms out in order to be freed from the handcuffs. The sheriff pulled out the keys and took off his cuffs. The woman led Roman out and glared at the sheriff one more time before closing the door behind them.

"Um... thank you, whoever you are... I don't know how much I would've lasted in there." Roman gave her a small smile. "How'd you know I was here? I didn't call anyone," he said.

"My daughter called me. She said you were taken here and asked me to get you out." Roman blinked. "Jane is my daughter."

Roman's eyes widened. "Jane Cooper is your daughter and asked you to get me out of here?" he asked in disbelief. She nodded. "Wow..."

"I called your parents. When this case is closed, I will sue the sheriff for _." She smiled lightly.

Roman smiled. "I didn't catch your name," he said.


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