Chapter 24

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Virgil was pacing around the waiting room in the hospital. It'd been over an hour and no one had told him anything. He pulled at his hair as eternal seconds passed. What if there was something really wrong? What if there was irreparable brain damage? Hell, he was bleeding! Not a lot, but there was still blood. What if he did really die? Shit. He couldn't let J.D. win the battle. He couldn't lose his brother without getting him back. He wasn't going to allow that to happen.

His pacing got faster as his anxiety grew. All the thoughts in his head were scrambled. Just like a freaking omelet. He felt his breathing pick up slightly and stopped in his tracks for a moment to take a couple of deep breaths. A few seconds later, he started pacing again.

Emile sighed, dropping his phone onto the seat beside him. "Virgil," he said, almost sternly. "Pacing around isn't going to solve anything. Other than giving me anxiety... sit down. I can assure you sitting and breathing does more than pacing around." Virgil turned to look at him. "If there was something very wrong, they would've said something already. They are running tests to make sure there's no internal bleeding. If everything's alright, he should be out later today."

Virgil groaned and dropped into the seat. He looked at Emile with a frown. "It's my brother, what am I supposed to do? Not worry?" he asked before biting his nails. Emile sighed. "I have no idea what they are doing to him, what if they're dissecting him!?"

Emile raised an eyebrow. "Um... I don't see why they would do that. Damien is just like every other human being. I doubt they would do that, don't worry. Damien is alright." He gave Virgil a small, reassuring smile.

Virgil bit his lip and let out a breath. "Okay... but they've been in there for so long. And he was bleeding. Does that not worry you?" he asked. "What if- like- what if he's badly injured? What if he's in a coma or something?"

"Virgil, breathe. He's going to be fine, alright? There wasn't a bruise forming where he got hit, so that rules out most possibilities of internal bleeding, which is the most dangerous scenario," he said. "Now, why don't we go ask if there is any news? Calmly," he said, nodding slowly as Virgil bit his lip.

"So, what I'm getting is that you have no idea what can be wrong." Virgil stood up and started pacing again. "He's going to die. Or he's already dead and they are being so negligent they aren't telling us. For what? To give us false hope that he may be alive? That he'll make it? What?!" he rambled under his breath, faster than Emile could understand.

"Virgil," he said sternly again. "He's not dead, okay? Besides, how can I be sure, I'm not a doctor-" he started. He was trying really hard to keep calm, but it was hard with Virgil around and in that situation.

"Well, you should be!" Emile sighed. "I'm going to go see what's going on. I don't care if I go alone or with you," he said. With that, he turned and walked toward the exit of the waiting room. Only to be, luckily, interrupted.

"How is he?!"

"Roman?" Virgil froze, looking up at the person rushing in. "You- weren't you arrested for something?" he asked, frowning slightly in confusion. If someone in their remaining group was going to be a fugitive that was Roman.

"We'll talk about that later. How is he?" he asked again. Virgil glanced at Emile, not answering. "Unbelievable..." he muttered, storming out of the room.

Virgil went back to biting his nails. Roman had easily seen through him. He didn't want him near Damien. He'd hurt him and he was afraid it would trigger something to be with him. He sighed and glanced at Emile again before walking out to ask someone. Anyone. He couldn't stand negligence, especially if someone he cared about was the victim.

At least, while Damien was there, he was sure the others were safe.

He spotted Logan and Remy walking in and let out a sigh of relief, approaching them and hugging Logan without saying a word.

"Did they say anything?" he asked as he hugged back. Virgil shook his head and looked up at him.

"Still nothing... Em says they are running tests and shit, but I'm not sure that's what they're doing... this should be considered negligence," he muttered. Logan chuckled as Remy went to the waiting room to meet Emile. "What happened with Roman...?" he asked. "He's not a fugitive or anything, right?"

Logan shook his head and Virgil broke the hug. "No, Jane's mother showed up. She's a lawyer, apparently. She managed to get him out pretty easily... Roman said they're accusing him of Remus' murder and an officer's... and trying to kill Damien today. Apparently, people in school said he and Remus didn't exactly enjoy each other's company and they took it as a motive to kill him. We can't say it was Damien. Without him actually remembering and having mental gaps of both murders... he's more than likely to be locked up. Either in jail or a mental institution. We can't let that happen after what happened the other day at my house."

Virgil looked at him, taking in all the information. "I need to make sure he's alright. And that it's really him..." he said, "I can't let him wake up and be on his own... I promised him he wouldn't be alone... I-"

"Okay," Logan quickly interrupted, not wanting Virgil to panic. Things were already chaotic enough. "We'll go ask someone, or... where did they take him?" he asked.

Virgil bit his lip and looked around, biting his nails. "Um... they said CT and resonance... where do they do those?" he asked. Logan nodded and took his hand, pulling him to one of the corridors. "Wait, what about the others?" he asked.

"Two people get less attention than four," Logan simply answered, looking at the door labels. "How well do you handle anxiolytics?" Virgil frowned lightly, confused by Logan's sudden question. "I have an idea."

Virgil hesitated for a moment. "Um... they make me drowsy for a few hours... Logan, what are you planning?" he asked.

"Is the drowsiness bearable?" Virgil's worry only grew. Was Logan planning to drug him or something? What was going on?

He bit his lip before bringing his hand back to his mouth to bite his nails. "I guess... I fall asleep sometimes, though..."

"That's good enough," he said, reaching out and knocking on a control room door.

"Wait, what are you do-" Virgil hissed before the door opened. He froze, looking wide-eyed at the doctor. It was some sort of lab room. There were many shelves filled with meds.

The doctor frowned lightly. "This is a restricted area," he said. It wasn't exactly rude, but Virgil didn't like the tone he used.

Logan glanced at Virgil for a moment. "I know, I'm sorry. My boyfriend just had a panic attack. His brother got hurt and there is no news yet... is there any way we can know how everything is going?" he asked, sounding the most innocent he'd ever had.

The doctor sighed. "I'll give him an anxiolytic. What's his brother's name?" he asked. A small, relieved smile formed on Logan's lips.

"Thank you so much. It's Damien Sanders," he answered, glancing at Virgil and squeezing his hand as he noticed the shock in his eyes.

The doctor went back inside and grabbed a clipboard with a list of patients, presumably. "There's only one Sanders but-"

"That's him," Virgil quickly said. Logan glanced at him, frowning lightly. "Where is he?" he asked, slightly breathless. "Is he okay?"

The doctor looked at Virgil for a moment before looking back at the list. "He's getting a TC now, but he did wake up after arriving. The resonance doesn't show any major damage. Once the TC is done, he'll have to wait for the results. If there's nothing wrong, he will be allowed to go home," he explained.

Virgil let out a sigh of relief and nodded as Logan thanked him and the doctor gave him the anxiolytic. "Thank you..." he said, taking it with some water the doctor gave him in a cup.

After that, they turned and walked back to the waiting room, where Emile and Remy were sitting and talking.

They sat beside them and waited for Damien and the results.

Virgil rested his head on Logan's shoulder and Logan squeezed his hand. "Did you tell your parents you're here?" Virgil shook his head and Logan frowned lightly. "Shouldn't they know what happened to their son? Who also happens to be a minor?"

"No... I think any kind of confrontation with them could be bad. The night of the party, 'he' argued with my dad... I don't want it to happen again."

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