Chapter 28

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I want to apologize in advance bc this chapter has a different format and it's awful and cringey and visually bad. BUT I really needed this part to happen for the story to move forward...

It's all a dialogue. I am pretty sure you'll figure out who the two characters talking are once you start reading.


Fire. There's fire everywhere. And Remy. No. This can't be happening. I haven't done it!

Oh, yes, you did. If they find evidence, it'll point to you.

No. No, no, no! It wasn't me! Why is Remy dead?!

That's funny. You see, he challenged me. He knew too much. He was going to talk. I couldn't let him do that. I am finishing what I began.

No! You won't make it!

That's cute. Who's gonna stop me? You? You have done a pretty pathetic job at that so far.

No. I-

You were there. Whoever was there at the party saw /you/ push Remus in front of that truck.

I didn't do anything! What- I wasn't even there!

Of course, you were! You pushed your best friend. And you burned your other friend alive just now. And you poisoned your other friend.

No, I didn't! Remus' death was an accident! And Patton-

Why don't you keep telling yourself that while I go kill your brother?

Don't get near him!

You'll eventually have to go home. Your brother's there. And so are your parents. Of course, you can't show up like this.

I'm not going to let you get near them.

Again, are you going to stop me? It's not that hard to keep you out of my way.

You don't know what I can do to protect my brother.

I would love to find out. But, you see, you are starting to get really annoying. So if you don't shut the fuck up right now, you won't see anyone else again.

You can't win. You lost when you were alive. You can't win while dead.

Well, you're wrong there. Back then, I only had one chance. I got killed. Now, the only people who may know something really care about you. They won't be able to kill you... or your body, I'm the one dealing with you.

They will if they have to.

Awe, that's really stupid. They've all had the chance. They haven't. So, here's how I see it. I get rid of you now. I keep your body. I finish what I started. Sounds fair to me.

No. They'll know. They aren't stupid. They'll kill you.

They can't. All they can do is kill you. Which would be a really stupid move, since I would still be here. I'm already dead. Have been for twenty years. Now, why don't you go nap and let me do my thing?

You won't get away with this.

Already am. I already killed three people. I'm sure I can kill the others before the end of the year.

Wow, that's just delusional. I'm here. There are two weeks until prom. You won't win.

You're right. You're here. How about I get rid of you first and I move on? That sounds good.

And how do you plan on doing that?

Hm, good question. But I have no time to answer. You are already gone. You're too weak to fight back and if you try, you can really say goodbye to your body, so... I wouldn't.

You won't touch them. None of them.

You are getting too annoying. Sweet dreams.

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