Chapter 5

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TW: Swearing, Remus being Remus, Spiritism session, Ouija board

"Okay... we start at 3. Don't get overexcited, you three," Damien said, looking directly at Remus, Remy, and Virgil, who were starting to get slightly impatient as they all ate some of the snacks he and Roman had bought. They were all sitting in a circle in the middle of the gym. All the food and drinks set in the middle. They were sitting in the following order: Damien, Virgil, Logan, Patton, Emile, Remy, Remus, and Roman.

The occasional sounds out of the gym would startle the teens. Some doors slamming shut, the same sound they'd heard coming from the lockers earlier. None of them had a 'logical' explanation other than 'holy shit, J.D. is here'.

"I find that ridiculous. If we get answers, we'll get them at any time. Why wait until 3? I'm impatient." Remy frowned, looking at Damien, sipping from his second coffee since they entered the gym.

Damien rolled his eyes. "And you consider yourself a fan of the paranormal? 3 am is the prime hour to do these kinds of stuff. We'll start with the board, and if we get nothing, we'll use the spirit box," he said. Virgil nodded and Remy rolled his eyes.

"But it's so early!" Remy whined. "There's still 20 minutes left. Why don't we start a bit earlier for a bit of a warmup?" he asked. Damien sighed. "Please? And if we don't get anything now, we still have 3."

Remy and Remus looked at Damien with a hopeful look. "Fine." He sighed. "Clean all this up while I take the stuff out," he said, grabbing his bag and unzipping it. He looked at the group as they cleaned up the stuff.

"Should we turn the lights off?" Remy asked excitedly as he threw the empty wraps and cups in a trashcan.

"Yes!" Remus and Virgil shouted in unison.

"No." Damien, Patton, and Emile said. "Guys. No." Damien shot a glare at Remy. "We are not turning the lights off. Not with Patton at Emile here."

Remus laughed. "Oh, please, DeeDee. Don't act like you aren't terrified as well. It's okay, everyone is afraid of something... it's just that some fears are lamer than others~" he said. His tone was teasing, almost as if he was making fun of him.

Damien's glare turned to Remus, darkening. "Why don't I shove the planchette up your ass and then J.D. can talk to you directly." He hissed.

Remus smirked. "Oh... okay!" He stood up to undo his belt, grinning.

"Remus! Down!" Roman growled. "And stop. All of you. You are best friends. This is exactly what happens in movies before it all goes terribly wrong. So, please, let's just start with the lights on and stop fighting." Damien sighed, glancing at him and nodding. "Okay, let's go on," he said. Looking at Remus and Remy as they sat down.

Damien pulled out an old box, still partially sealed, and opened it, revealing a Ouija board inside. It looked intact despite looking old. He carefully pulled the board out of the box and set it in the middle of the circle, making sure everyone could reach it.

"Okay... does everyone know the rules?" Damien asked, looking at everyone. Roman, Remus, Remy, and even Logan nodded. Patton and Emile shook their heads. "Alright, I'll read them, them," he said. "First, every player must put their index and middle finger on the planchette. Both hands." Everyone nodded. "Before the session begins, the players have to make a circle per person with the planchette over the board. So we'll have to make eight circles." Another nod. "One person is the medium. The one to ask the questions. And another has to write down the answers if it moves from letter to letter too fast. I don't think we'll need that."

"That sounds easy..." Roman started. "But how do we pick the medium? That person will be more exposed than the others." He looked at Damien, who raised an eyebrow. "No. Did you hear a word of what I just said? Damien, it's dangerous."

"This whole thing is dangerous. It was my idea to do this and I'll be the medium." Damien smiled lightly, kissing Roman's cheek. "Two more rules. Never let go of the planchette. And when the session is over, we must say goodbye."

"Aren't we taking this too seriously? It's not a demon, it's just a ghost." Remy said, taking another coffee.

Logan scoffed. "Yes. The ghost of a serial killer who died in an attempt to kill his entire school," he said, getting a whimper from Patton in response. "Do not worry, Patton. Nothing will happen," he reassured.

Damien smiled. "Okay. 2:45 am... should we start?" he asked. Roman joined Virgil, Remy, and Remus in their excited nods and Damien smiled. "Let's do this."

He put the planchette on the board and put his fingers on it, watching as the others did the same either excitedly or shakily... except Logan, who just seemed as skeptical as always.

One circle. Two circles. Three circles. Four circles. Five circles. Six circles. Seven circles. Eight circles.

Damien looked up at the others. "We're here tonight to reach out to Jason Dean. The legend of Westerburg High," he started. "J.D.? Are you here?" he asked. He knew better than to just straight up ask for a sign.

A few seconds of silence passed without an answer. So Damien decided to move on to another question. "Is what they say about you true?" he asked, earning a few confused looks. "Everyone in this town says that you killed your classmates in your senior year," he continued. "Did you do it?"

Again, no answer.

"This is ridiculous, I told you that it would get us nowhere-" Logan started. He was cut off by a loud door slam coming from the second floor. Whoever was slamming the locked doors shut was getting closer.

"Does that sound like it's getting us nowhere, Microsoft Nerd?" Roman asked, almost too excited. "Keep going, Love." He smiled, kissing Damien's cheek.

More questions were asked. All falling to deaf ears. None answered. The Devil's hour was approaching and they all felt more uneasy as minutes went by. The next few minutes were uneventful. Virgil tried asking some questions as well, but they were also unanswered.

Damien was mid-question when a door slammed shut near the gym. All the teens tensed up, even Logan looked slightly afraid. Damien bit his lip and looked at the others.

Roman wanted to let go of the planchette and hold Damien to protect him, but he didn't. He didn't want to break the rules. Not when it could potentially get him killed or possessed.

"Why are you still here after all these years?" Damien asked, his voice slightly shaky. He was tense, just like everyone in the room, nearly petrified.

The gym lights began flickering and the gym door slammed shut, making Damien, Roman and Remy jump, letting go of the planchette before quickly putting their fingers on it again.

Damien looked around, terrified, but he didn't say anything. He didn't say anything about the presence he felt in the gym. He didn't say anything about how it slowly moved closer to them. He didn't say anything about how his heart was beating at an inhuman speed.

Then, the planchette moved, so very slowly. But it moved.


"Damien, stop moving it. It's not funny!" Patton said, looking at him. They didn't feel it? Did they not feel the presence, closer to them each second.

"I- I'm not..." he replied, his eyes wide in pure terror. He was starting to realize how much of a fucked up idea that was.


"It's moving from your spot. You're the one who's moving it," Emile joined Patton's accusations but he didn't sound anywhere near as convinced. Damien shook his head again, unable to make up a single word.

Damien felt the presence right beside him, almost hovering over him. He was terrified, but no one seemed to feel it or notice it. Maybe he was just being paranoid. Maybe it was one of his friends moving the planchette to make the session more interesting... probably Remy or Remus.


"Guys-" Damien started before the lights went off, leaving the gym in complete darkness.

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