Chapter 6

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TW: Panic, spiritism session, haunting

Screams echoed in the pitch-black gym. Roman, Patton, and Emile screamed in panic. However, Roman would never admit that. It wasn't really because of the dark but because of the entire situation, they were in. First all the locker sounds and doors slamming shut. Then, the gym door slams shut, followed by the planchette moving and now this?! Hell no. He wasn't putting up with that. Everyone except Virgil and Remy let go of the planchette and moved away from the board.

Roman thought back for a moment, still in panic. Damien asked why J.D was still there and then the board spelled out 'DIE'...

"Dee? Are you okay?" he asked when he heard nothing coming from his boyfriend. He was answered by silence. "Damien." He reached out to touch him. Maybe he was frozen in fear or something.

Just as he thought he was about to touch him, the lights turned back on and his eyes widened. "Dee!" He scrambled closer to him.

Damien was laying on the floor, a couple of feet away from the board. He laid on his side, his eyes closed and his breathing irregular. He was trembling slightly.

Virgil looked up as he heard Roman and his eyes widened. "Dee!" He let go of the planchette without a second thought and rushed to his brother's side. "Dee, come on, wake up," he said, shaking Damien lightly.

The lights flickered again and something threw Damien across the gym and against the wall. Roman and Virgil gasped.

"Leave us alone!" Roman shouted.

Remy frowned, being the only one left following the rules of the 'game'. "Um... he said no..." he said shakily, just as terrified as the others. "What do we do?" he asked, looking at Virgil.

"We have to get the fuck out of here," he answered. "If we don't, we'll all be fucked." The flickering stopped and the planchette moved again.

"S... E, E... Y...O, U..." Remy spelled out loud. After that, they all exchanged a look and Roman and Virgil rushed to Damien. Remy let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "I- I think he's gone..." he trailed off.

Roman moved Damien slightly, and his eyes fluttered open. He looked at Roman and curled up to him before his eyes fell shut again and he went limp.

Roman frowned and got up, picking Damien up bridal style. "Let's get the fuck out of here." He said, looking at the others, who grabbed the bags and walked to the door. "Take the board as well. We have to get rid of it."

Everyone looked at the board on the floor reluctantly. Remus shook his head. "I'm not getting near that..." he said shakily. The others frowned, shocked to see Remus so terrified of something.

Remy sighed. "I'll take it," he said, walking back and putting it in Damien's bag, where it'd been.

Logan opened the door and held it open for Roman. "Where to now?" he asked, looking at him.

"Where we all are supposed to be... my place. We'll stay there until tomorrow and hope Dee's alright. Then we'll go to school... I guess..." Roman said. "We have my car... we can try to fit in it... but it's for five people so I don't know how that'll work..." he trailed off. "I'll drive... Logan at the front... Dee laying on Virgil, Remy, and Patton... maybe we can fit someone on the floor at the back if we move the seats... or- or-"

Virgil wrapped an arm around him, giving him a side-hug. "Calm down, Roman... we'll figure it out. You aren't alone in this one. And you don't live that far, some of us can walk there if we don't fit." He gave him a small, unusual smile.

"Bad idea," Remy said. "After what happened, I think we should all stay together until we're sure everything's alright." Virgil sighed, knowing he was right. "Maybe we should just take turns in groups. First Roman, Logan, Dee, Emile, and Patton... and then Roman and Logan come get the rest of us."

"I don't think it's a good idea to leave Em and Pat alone after this... we're all incredibly shaken up. There's no way we can split and win. Someone will be completely terrified at some point." Roman argued. "Did no one else take a car or even a motorcycle?" Everyone shook their heads and he sighed. "Then we'll have to figure out how to fit in the car... maybe someone can go in the trunk..."

They got to the car and had the sitting arrangement sorted out in less than five minutes. It wasn't ideal, but it was something. Roman and Logan were at the front. Patton, Virgil, and Remy were at the back with Dee. And Remus and Emile were sitting in the trunk. Definitely not ideal, but none of them really cared. They just wanted to leave and feel safe... not that they would anyway.

They reached the Prince residence no more than 10 minutes later. They all got out of the car and Roman picked Damien up again, handing Logan the keys for him to unlock the front door and switch off the alarm.

Roman and Virgil took Damien to Roman's bedroom while the others took the snacks out of the bag and set them on a tray to bring upstairs to the bedrooms. When they had all the food and drinks set up, they went upstairs. Luckily, Roman's bedroom was big enough for them to sit on the floor to avoid leaving Damien alone.

Roman was playing with Damien's hair gently, sitting next to him. He looked up at Virgil, who was leaning against the wall. "We need a story. Our parents can't know about this... especially yours."

Virgil nodded and the others walked in. "You're the creative one, Ro... what do you have?" he asked. "It has to be something believable..."

Roman sighed and looked down at Damien. "Um... maybe we can say that he got sick... that he's been throwing up all night..." he trailed off. Virgil nodded. "Will they believe that?"

"Yeah... that will buy us some time... maybe a few hours... a day if we're optimistic... which I'm not..." Virgil sighed. "No one will be asking questions until the morning... maybe we should just get some sleep..." the others nodded and sat on the floor, "We should all stay in the same room... put something to block the door so it doesn't close. And no one can be alone. So no trips to the bathroom alone. Got it?"

Remy nodded and looked at Roman. "And what about tomorrow? We have school. We can't all skip on the same day... it'll look weird. Especially for Dee... he hasn't skipped since his attempt to be cool in freshman year.

"Well... goodnight everyone..." Roman said quietly as everyone curled up on the floor in a cuddle pile. He looked at Damien and sighed, running his fingers through his boyfriend's hair. "What has he done to you, baby...?" he asked quietly, turning the light off and laying down, holding Damien close protectively.


Roman and Virgil couldn't sleep at all. They were both too worried about Damien.

The other teens were awakened by the house phone ringing. Roman checked the time and sighed. "School..." he muttered. "It's almost 9..." Remus got up and got out of the room, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

Logan got up as well, looking at Roman and Virgil. "How is he?" he asked, putting his glasses back on. He walked over to the bed and gently felt for a pulse on Damien's wrist. It was there and regular. That was a good sign.

Roman shifted a bit so he was sitting up next to Damien. Virgil bit his lip and looked at Damien, sitting on the other side of the bed. "Nothing's changed... he hasn't woken up. Honestly, the only thing that makes us know he's alive, is that he's breathing and has a heartbeat," Virgil said.

Logan sighed, looking at Damien. "Maybe we should take him to the hospital-"

"And tell them what?" Roman asked, almost harshly. "That we broke into our high school to talk to J.D. and that he was suddenly like this?!" he spat.

"Maybe in the middle of the chaos he tried to run. Maybe he slipped and fell, hitting his head-" Logan tried to explain. There had to be a logical explanation for what had happened.

"Logan... I have to agree with Roman here... Dee didn't move. We would've heard or even felt him move. If he had fallen, we would've heard the hit... he was at least a couple of feet away from the board when the lights came back on," Virgil said, looking at Logan and down at Damien.

"Maybe he was just pranking us. He, Remy and Remus do that quite a lot." Logan sighed.

Virgil and Roman shook their heads. "No. It wasn't a prank. He was magically thrown against a wall. We can't explain that without being locked up," Roman said.

Virgil's phone started ringing and he frowned, sighing. "My parents..." he muttered before answering. "Hey, mom... what is it?" he asked.

"Virgil, we got a call from the school. Why are you and Damien not in school?" she asked.

Virgil bit his lip, looking at Roman and Logan. "Well... Damien has been sick all night and hasn't been able to fall asleep until almost 7 am... the others had an exam, so I stayed at Roman's place with him to make sure he's alright," he lied. He never lied, which made his mother believe him. "We will stay here until he wakes up... if he's feeling better, when Roman comes back from school, he'll give us a ride home."

A few seconds later, he hung up. "So?" Roman asked, now noticing how Remy, Patton, and Emile had left the room.

"All solved. We have at least until this afternoon to figure out what to do." Virgil smiled lightly. "I'm gonna go get something to eat... want something, Lo?" Roman smiled, noticing the light blush on Logan's cheeks.

"Yes. Some food sounds good right now." Logan smiled, walking outside with Virgil.

Just as they left the room, a small groan escaped Damien's lips and his eyes fluttered open.

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