Chapter 1:

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" Energy! Good! That's it! Collect him up! "

I did everything that my Cross-Country coach Andréa Rivière told me as Shadow and I approached the tall vertical. It was the last jump in our small 7 jump course and after conquering a liverpool, double combo with two oxers and a triple combo of verticals with an oxer in between, my black gelding with four equal length stockings was ready to call it quits. With winter break over and show season starting back up soon, my twin sister Skylar and I were back into our regular 3 lessons a day routine. Our horses having the winter break off from hard work, were slowly getting their conditioning back. Shadow seemed worse than Skylar's horse Onyx because they had competed in a Puissance competition with Sky's new boyfriend Felix Marston, a champion Puissance rider who had quit after an accident. Sky had taken the time up until winter break getting him to ride again and they had won. Meanwhile I had been freaking out after an announcement from our parents, Scott and Charlotte Lockhart, retired Equestrian Olympic champions. The day winter break officially began they had pulled us into the kitchen to talk.


" You think we're in trouble? " Sky asked nervously.

I raised a brow. " Maybe you are for not telling them you were planning on jumping the Vortex jump, but I did nothing "

Sky playfully shoved me. " Hey! If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me! "

I laughed. " For what? "

" Well, I told you I was planning on jumping the Vortex and you kept it a secret "

I frowned, now nervous myself. We both stopped at the dark brown solid oak door that led into the kitchen.

" Well, you got us into this mess, so I suggest you go in first... " I whispered to Sky.

She rolled her eyes and slowly pushed open the door.

I walked in after her and we both took our usual seats at the island counter. Mom and dad were casually talking before turning to us. I breathed out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding as they smiled at us.

" Girls, we have some very exciting news to share with you! " Mom spoke as she put down her cell phone.

I sat on the edge of my seat, now excited. I could tell Sky was too, because she had already blurted out " What is it? " not even a second after the words left moms mouth.

" With recent events " Dad continued." With your recent victories this past show season, and even more victories we know you'll both bring this new show season...we have decided its time to put Shadow and Onyx up for breeding "

My mouth fell open and I sat back.

" Oh, is that all? " Sky asked.

" Are you serious? " I interrupted. " That's amazing! But, how? Shadow and Onyx are geldings "

Mom and dad laughed at my overeager tone.

" We are going to use artificial insemination using what we had froze before they were gelded, but we wanted to confirm with you girls if this is what you want? They are your horses after all " mom spoke calmly.

I glanced at Sky and watched as she shrugged, looking at me before looking back at mom and dad. " I don't mind, but maybe we should breed Shadow first? Jewel seems more excited about this and I don't think I'm ready to take care of a mini Onyx, I can barely handle the real Onyx sometimes " I could tell by her tone that she was joking, but I didn't mind having a mini Shadow around before a mini Onyx.

Mom and Dad nodded. " Now, you know we will have the vet handle a lot of things involved in this, but you still play a big part Jewel "

I nodded furiously, feeling like my head was going to fall off. " Anything, name it "

Dad smiled. " We want you to pick out the mare we will breed Shadow to... do the research and come back to us once you have picked one " he explained.

I froze. That was probably the most important job of them all! Well, besides actually getting the mare pregnant, and the birth of the foal, but still, it was pretty important.

I nodded again, feeling my neck crack as a result. " Okay, I'll pick the best mare " I told them.

" I promise "

*End of Flashback*

My room was now covered in files from mares being offered for breeding, JOPS mares included, but I still hadn't found ' The mare ', the mare I knew could produce a horse that could possibly be the next Hickstead.

Shadow snorted as his hooves pounded the dirt, getting closer to the jump. I blinked and refocused, but a few seconds too late. Shadow took off a stride too late, his back hooves knocking the top rail of the simple 3'9 vertical and it tumbled to the ground behind us. Despite the disappointing last jump, I gave Shadow a hardy pat, it wasn't his fault I had gotten distracted.

I slowed him to a trot and circled him around Andréa, who was shaking her head.

" Jewel, what happened at that last jump? " She asked.

I slowed Shadow to a walk, kicking my feet out of the stirrups of my show jumping saddle and loosening the reins to the buckle. Shadow shook out his mane, stretching his neck.

" I'm sorry Andréa " I sighed. " I've just been so caught up in going back to school and finding this broodmare for Shadow... "

Andréa smiled. " Ah yes, Shadows first foal, it is very exciting for J.O.P.S. You must be very proud "

I smiled back as I leaned back and patted Shadows croup. " I am, but if I can't find the perfect mare for him then there won't even be a foal "

" Jewel, there is no such thing as the ' perfect ' mare. You look for a mare with good temperament, a mare you think would compliment Shadows personality, plus all the technical things, like confirmation, pedigree, competition history " Andréa replied, throwing me a wink.

I laughed. " I guess your right, but you never know...the perfect mare could be out there... "

" I guess that is true " Andréa replied, laughing along with me.

I dismounted after we settled and led Shadow out of the arena.

" Jewel! When you see Skylar, please tell her I'll be waiting for her by the beginner cross country course! " Andréa called behind me.

I gave her a thumbs up, but I knew Sky would have something to say about jumping the beginner cross course.

I led Shadow down the aisle of the barn, dodging the grooms, trainers and horses. I stopped him beside his stall, noticing Onyx was gone. I quickly took off Shadows saddle and switched out his jumping bridle for his trail riding bridle. I led him outside and remounted him. I trotted him out to the forest, keeping an eye out for a dapple grey blur. I had just passed by a wide log jump when Shadow bolted forward. I tried not to pull on the reins, but tugged on them slightly when I was flung back in the saddle.

I heard a frantic whinny behind us and quickly circled Shadow around. He settled down pretty fast, but the cause of his spook had been Onyx landing on the other side of the log jump, just feet away from Shadows hindquarters.

Sky let Onyx circle at a canter, getting his pent up energy out.

" What was all that? " I asked once she halted him.

" Me? You were the one who just crossed in front of a jump! " She retorted.

" Well I doubled checked before I crossed, you came out of nowhere! "

We both paused before laughing.

" Just like old times? " Sky asked.

I nodded. " Just like old times "

The ' old times ' we were referring to was when mom and dad first let us go on the trails without a supervisor. Sky had been riding Alby and I had ridden Wes. We were only 10 and Wes was new, but trained. Sky had wanted to take some jumps and she had galloped ahead. I was crossing through a small stream and hadn't realized that Sky had circled back around looking for me. She and Alby came barreling into the water behind us and Wes had bolted, only that time I wasn't strong enough to stop a frightened thoroughbred. I had fallen off and sprained my wrist. Sky had gotten grounded from riding for 2 weeks and it was even longer before mom and dad had let us go on the trail together again.

" Anyway " Sky spoke, bringing me back from the memory. " Whats up? "

" Andréa told me to come find you. She said to meet her at the start of the beginner cross course " I explained.

" Seriously? The beginner? Me and Onyx can do that in our sleep! " Sky complained as he finally halted Onyx in front of Shadow. The two geldings greeted each other. Sometimes I felt like they were brothers, even though they weren't breed or blood related, they acted like Sky and I, so i considered them related.

I shrugged. " Thats conditioning for you, snows melted, grounds finally firm enough for the horses not to slip and they've been out of some real cross work for awhile "

Sky rolled her eyes. " I know how conditioning works Jewels, but that doesn't mean I have to like it... "

" If you want to keep Onyx from getting hurt then you'll learn to like it " I replied, clucking Shadow forward. I heard Sky turn Onyx around and soon enough our horses were walking in sync.

" So hows this whole, ' perfect mare ' search going? " Sky asked.

I sighed. " I'd rather not talk about it...I just have to pick the right dam for Shadow. I want this foal to be strong and healthy so maybe one day he'll become a great show horse like Hickstead, but none of these dams are impressing me. They're all missing...I don't know, something! " I complained.

" Well, what about Rio? " Sky suddenly spoke up, pushing Onyx into a trot.

I loosened Shadows reins, letting him catch up to them.

" Rio? "

" Ya, Felix said he wanted an excuse to spend the rest of the year here, now he has one and then some, since the foal won't be born until next spring " she explained.

" ...But Rio? What makes her the right dam for Shadow? " I asked, trying to lose my defensive tone, but I couldn't help it. This dam had to be perfect for Shadow, even though he wasn't really going to be breeding with her, but still, it had to be the right match.

" Why not Rio? She beautiful, good pedigree, amazing jump and she's a champion, what's not to like? "

The more I started to think about it, the more it sounded like a great idea. Rio was a good match for Shadow and their personalities, looks and skills could produce an Olympic hopeful.

I smiled. " You think you can convince Felix it would be a good idea? "

Sky smirked. " Trust me, he'll love the idea "

We both laughed as we made our way to the barn. I dismounted Shadow. " Tell me what he says "

Sky circled Onyx around. " I'll text him after my lesson " she replied before letting Onyx gallop away.

I waved the dust out of my face and led Shadow back into the barn, skipping every few steps. I may have just found our perfect mare after all!

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