Chapter 2:

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" Welcome back students! " My advanced biology teacher Mrs. Chinedle announced as I snuck into my regular front row seat, Claire beside me.

" I hope you all had a wonderful winter break and are ready to work towards summer "

The class groaned, but Claire and I smiled at each other. We've both taken this tough class because we both wanted to help horses. Claire wanted to be a vet and I wanted to maybe have my own stable or take over J.O.P.S for my parents one day. Either way, bio was a must class.

As Mrs. Chinedle started writing down our assignments on the white bored, Claire slipped a note onto my desk.

' When does the Polo team arrive? '

I quickly wrote back and passed the note just as Mrs. Chinedle turned back to face us.

' They should be arriving when I get home '

We were given our homework and had the rest of the class to work on it. Over 4 pages of work just for reviews, not even starting the new stuff.

Claire turned to me, a big smile on her face. " So...the junior British Polo team. Sounds...interesting " she wiggled her eyebrows.

I laughed. " You sound like Sky before she and Felix officially became a couple " I sighed. " It's nothing too interesting, their here preparing for a match. Mom and dad are clearing the side field and if its still to wet then they'll use the indoor arena "

" Still, their boys...and British...and our age... "

We giggled until Mrs. Chinedle gave us a stern look, then turned back to our homework.


At lunch our group took our usual spot in the middle of the cafe. I had piled my tray with a salad, bottle of water and a muffin for later. Sky slammed her tray down beside me, making me jump. Unlike me, her tray consisted of gooey macaroni and cheese, a brownie and chocolate milk.

I shook my head. " Whats up with you? "

Sky slumped down next to me. " Schools killing me! "

Kendall, Sky's best friend, sat across from us with Claire, while the rest of our group, Xander, Addison, Zoe, Max, Mark and Lisa sat around us.

Kendall laughed. " Its only day 1 and we've just had math and history "

" Still, I could be riding right now! Onyx and I could be breezing through the advanced cross-country course! "

" Then Andréa would kill you for not listening to her. She'll make you ride stirrup-less Dressage for a week " I replied.

Sky rolled her eyes and shovelled her macaroni into her mouth.

" So... " Zoe began, turning all of our attention to her. " How's the mare hunt going? "

I smiled and picked at my salad. " ...I...may have found one... "

Everyone immediately leaned closer. " Who? "

I glanced at Sky and she shrugged. " Felix hasn't gotten back to me yet "

" Ooh! " Addison commented. " So the ' perfect mare ' is Rio huh? " she smiled. " I think thats great! "

" Me too! " Lisa added. " That foal is going to be so cute! "

Zander, Max and Mark rolled their eyes.

" All you girls care about is how cute the foal will be " Max teased. " I just wanna see how high this baby will jump! "

This time I rolled my eyes. " I care about that, but looks matter a bit too " I defended. The group laughed and I raised a brow.

" ...Already defensive mommy over a foal thats not even created yet " Xander teased.

I stuck my tongue out at him, but joined in their laughing before going back to eating my lunch.

We were just putting our trays away when Sky and my phones chimed at the same time. It was a text from mom.

' Hello girls, wondering how your first day back is going? Also I have to ask you two for a favour. The head coach of the Polo team called me earlier and asked if one of you could take on the responsibility of teaching the boys a few things about eventing. He thinks it would be good for them to branch our their horsemanship. Let me know what you decide :) '

Sky and I looked at each other.

" Not it! " We both shouted in unison.

" You should do it! They'll listen more to you, plus you love showing off with Onyx " I told her.

Sky shook her head. " No way, I want to prepare for show season! Plus, you owe me! I'm getting Felix to breed Rio to Shadow "

" Thats more of something for yourself! Since Felix will be staying with us again! " I replied.

Sky shrugged. " Fine then, I guess I'll say you changed your mind about creating the best foal "

I sighed in frustration. Rio was the only mare that really fit all the criteria of what I was looking for in a mare, I couldn't lose her now.

" ...Fine... " I grumbled. " I'll teach them... "

Sky smirked and stuck out her hand. " Shake on it? No going back "

I sighed again and shook her hand. " Deal... "

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