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So lets start episode 3…

“Hey ragz!!thank god u came..”-said almas hugging her tighty n kissing on her left cheek..
Rags chuckles n den met d rest of so called name sake BFF’S of her….
“Dis one’s for our nikkers hangging;CHEERS”-said karan raising d glass of wine wid his CHAAR KARIBI YAARS(4 close frnds)

His cheers is accompanied wid a gigglified n boasted up voice of “CHEERS”coming from unison of Arjun,vivian,guru n sanky …

All gulped d wine in one go except for our TILAK DHARI MANDIR-VRATA
admirer, submissive gentleman always wid tilak in his forehead) SANSKAAR.
Who kept d glass on d table without even tasteing a sip of it!!
Hes lookng dazzling with his black coat covering his grey shirt n denim jeans.accessorised by watch n black shiney shoes n not to forgot his identity mark-LAL TILAK(red tilak)

“Yaaar dats not fair ,atleast for today please drink it”-said guru in a pleadng n hopeful tone.
To which sankaar smirks a bit n watches his BRANDED wrist watch showing his disinterest.
Karan-arjun-vivi-guru looked at eo knowing his answer n so without wasting tym dey continued dere previous discussion on dere COLLAGE LYF…
“Ya-ya , n have u seen dat vernika .wen she had worn dat local sadak chap(downmarket) red dress .how cheap na”
“Ya babe totally ,i mean no class at all”
-ragini hears from right side of her frnds circle n den turned to left side to get some relief from dese b*t*hing,plotting n taunting discussions.but as she turned to other side to sip her glass of red wine n relax,she hears…
“But baby u only said dat u”ll buy diamond necklace for me ,if i”ll make out with u n wl surely marry me”
“Ya baby i have said dat,but frstly i have to make my career na darling.u understand na jaan”
“Yes ofcourse i understand honey”

“Okay den give me a kisss —-”
Dats it!!she cant able to tolerate nyone..
She gulped her wine in one go thinking how can a grl could loose her self for money n how could she believe a guy ,who nybody cn guess is lustfull…

She proceed towards d huge dance floor or we can say the grandest dance floor .which is fully crowded with TALLI(drunken)young blooded guyz n grls…dancing,hollowing,shouting lyk shed of several disco lights shinning on dere head with loudest n craziest muzicccc…

“Well sanky,u ddnt told dat how did u convenced tak…(he bites his tongue after d glare of karan ,who knows dat his TILAK DHARI AGYAKARI(obedient) frnd sanky wl react if he listen TAKLU word for his AADARNIYA(respectable) dad,which dey call him secretly widout acknowledge of sanky)i mean uncle,how did u convenced him??”-asked vivian gvng a sheepishly smile to karan n rest 2…
Sanky narrowed his eyes n den told dem after releasing out a sigh

“Dad malhotra uncle finalised d deal n said dat he”ll soon send u d final papers”-said sanky sitting in d study room of MAHESHWARI NIVAS
“hmmmm”-came as a reply from d head of family mr.durgaprasad,who again involved himself in his other paper works.
Sanky got up to leave bt remembered about d bachlors party n den looks at his DAD..
“Aahhh…vo …dad..i need ur permisssion for something”-said sanky in nervous yet polite voice.

Dp looks through his specs n gives a “say it”look to sanky.
To which sanky gulped n said in one go”gurmeet wants me to come to his bachlors party tonight in trisome club”-he mentioned each n every detail n den looked queriously for a reply.
To his surprise Dp smiled n den removed his specs n said-“den whts d problem!go n njoy ur lyf son.u r a mature grown up wtever u feel lyk to do.i appreciate dat u now also ask permission for each n every thing n respect us unconditionaly n not missuse our freedom moreover u r not at all spoilt but son b a lill modern too,coz todays grls lyk those boys nly got it ..DUDE..”dp chuckles n sanky gives a shocked yet confused look.
He nodded his head lyk cartoon charecter NODDY n den proceeds towards his room..

Flashback ends☆☆☆

“Yaar m i hearing properly or dere is some problem in my ears,i mean d strict durgaprasad had spoken dose words..i litterely cant believe it ..plz someone pinch me!!!”-said arjun looking at sanky n den at viv-kar who r also in utter shock….

Rags goes on center of floor n strted doing se*y moves n den turned to face d crowd,
(She goes here n dere doing certain moves n den moves her hand in air danceing wid other peoples)

Main Ladki Beautiful Kar Gayi Chull
Chull Chull Chull…
Arrey Ladki Beautiful, Kar Gayi Chull
(She sang wid full energy n den continues her dance n lost herself in dat freaking crazy era)

Eveybody ws eyeing her.
Some with pleasure ,some with lust,some with jealousey but 1 pair of eyes have unknown feeling for her!! N dat was of our SANSKAAR..

Shez not at all his type of girl.Moreover shez somewhat dat type which he ddnt prefer at all!!but still he couldnt move his eyes from hers…although shez lost in her own world but he could feel connected with her innocent seems dat shez something else den what is in front of him.

“Abey wt a beauty she is yaar”-sanky’s chain of thoughts get broken by arjuns word..
Sanky den saw hes frnds are already lost in her.he nodded in disbelief n said-“okay guyz its already late i think i should leave now”
Hes frnd requested him to b here for some more tym but stopped wen he told dem about mornings AARTI.(which hes frnd knows dat he never could miss)
He leaves to d exit after biddng bye to his JIGRI YAARAS..
“Twit-twit”-sound comes wen sanky unlocked his janeman(bike) .whch ws parked in d parknglot .

He entered d key n ws about to sit wen someone pushed him n sat in drivng seat..d force of push ws though strong but somewhat gentle…

Sanky gets blankout for a second bt came to reality hearing a soothing voice-“sorry man,its really urgent..i promise i”ll return ur bike soon..jst wait here for sometym” Said d grl startng d bike in hurry ..

To his surprise its d same grl dancing inside..(dats our ragini)

As she accelerated it ,sanky got shocked n suddenly jumped to sit at d back his sudden action ,rags lost her ctrl n bike started jerkng…she widens her eyes n tightly hold d handle to control it n prevent demself from fallng….

“R u mad”-yelled rags at sanskaar lookng through d mirror n drivng wid fulll speeed….
“Ahh!!r8 …same queston applies to u!!!!R U MAD”-sanky said a bit aggressively..?
She understand d situation n says politely-“huff!!look m really i dnt hve any other choice dat tym..” She increases d speed more..
Sanky holded d back of bike tightly n said”hey slow down ,r u planning to kill us?? N whts d matter?”

She pay no heed to his demand of slowng down: ,instead incresed d speed to d maximumest-“sry man bt i cnt slow down..well see to ur left”
Sanky saw dat side where she indicated.
“Dat red car…m followng dat…actually dere were 4 boys in it…wen i came out of club ,dey harassed me n before i could do nythng dey snatched my car keys n left in dere car..after dat i runned after dem bt i knew i wont b able to catch dem lyk dis n at dat tym i saw ur bike..n rest u know!!!”-said rags fully involved in gettng those boys..
“Ya..i undrstand ,bt u cn asked for help from me na..instead of doing all dese blunder!!”-said sanky a bit calmly..
“Ahh!man if i had asked for help from u den i also had to tell u  whole of d story n in dat i would have loosed dese morons..!!so i acted smartly …”said she chucklng.
“Smartly!!!huff”-said sanky in desbelief lettng a sigh coming out of his mouth..
D hot air of his breathe falls upon rags bare bck n she felt a tickle.she ignored it n involved herself in drivng.”n wts dis man-mann,plz stop callng me dat i.have a name n dats sanskaar”-said sanky a lil irritated.

“Oh man..aahh sry sry i mean sanskaar..k i”ll not call u dat now…n by d way …m Dr.ragini”-said ragini gvng a  smile,whch is seen by sanky through front mirror of bike.

D wind is mking her hair flow upon sankys face..he enhaled her fragrance n njoyed d ride for sometym unknowngly bt den became a bit irritated as its d frst tym hes sittng at back of his own janemn n dat too wid grl…he came to reality by a sudden break..
Whch made him fall upon rags,raising all d nerve sensations of her ..she jerked him n stand d bike before movng out of it n sayng”thnks ,now u cn take ur bike,sry for d trouble”

He came to his senses n saw d red car in front of him.
He thought to start d bike n move on from d place n dat mad grl as soon as possible…bt seeing d situation his values n ethics doesnt allowed him to leave moreover dis tym.his heart also dsnt allow him to go…

“Thudd”-a sound disturbed his inner thoughts..
He looked up to found rags holdng a boy’s collar whose cheeks were red ;whch is surely by d slap she had gven to him..
-“dont u dare to misbehave wid me nxt tym.orelse i”ll break all ur teeth n make u edentulous(toothless) in dis age nly mr.shaurya”..-said Dr..ragini in full range..

D rest of d boys comes out n one of dem holds her hand tightly,givng her pain.she tries to slap him also bt couldnt due to his strong clutch.

Shaurya holds her mouth squeezng her lips from his hand n was about to kiss her forcefully wen he got a stong PUNCH on his nose n falls down in d road.

(Lines from shivaay movie song plays..)
Yaksha swaroopaya jatta dharaya
Pinaka hasthathaya sanathanaya
Divyaya devaaya digambaraya
Tasmai yakaraya namashivaya

Rags turns around n found sanky standng dere wid a lava of anger in his eyes..d boy holdng rags goes to sanky n tries to beat him bt sanky holds his collar n throws him in nearby car.

Shiva rakshyamam
Shiva pahimam
Shiva trahimam

,wen his 3rd frnd tries to protest ..sanky punched him hard in his ribs leadng him to feel immense pain…

Mahadev ji trahimam pahimam
Sharnagatam pahimam
Shiva rakshamam
Shiva pahimam Shiva

d 4th boy tries to come bt got frightened by sankys look..he looked at all his 3 frnds drowling at d floor in pain n runs from dere…

Sanky goes n take d keys from shaurya’s pocket n gves it to ragini..
She ws jst staring him lost ..

“Come sit i”ll drop u to ur car”-he said in a manly voice accelerating his janeman..
Anybody could feel his anger through his sound ..
She silently moves towards him n sits at d back…

Both r unknown to d feelng dey r experiencng at dat point of tym..
Ragini smiled rememberng d incident happened ssometym before..
“Now u need some invitation to get down or wt”-her smile dissappeared listeng to d dull yet angry voice of sanskaar.

She gets down n goes to sanky who was about to start his janeman n said-” “Ahh thnku so much for helpng me”-she said engrossed in findng somethng inside her branded clutch.
“Dis is my card ,come to my home..i”ll pay u wtever amount u want as a token of gesture for helpng me”-said rags smiling sweetly…

She is a grl who thinks money cn buy anythng n nly money cn gve happiness…bt she ws unaware of d fact dat whom shez offerng dis have a fully opposite thinkng… money is nothing for him,he judge people by dere nature n not by dere money status….

He ws already angry at dat tym n rags have provoked him more by her action..

He smiles sarcatically n says-“u know wt keep ur money wid urself nly n buy some decent dreesses .so dat u cn avoid such situation nxt tym…” N den continued being a bit serious-“i mean i dnt know wts d prob. Of u type of grls…frst u wear such dreeses to impress boys n den wen dey approach to u..u started behavng lyk SATI SAVITRI’S (innocent)…u know wt its ur fault nly..if u dnt wear such dress den dese thngs wl never hppen..try to b in ur limits..u r grl n dont forget dat”

Dats it rags couldnt tolerate it more..she crushed her card n says-“just shut dis bullshit!!!i thought u r somewt diff. From other mens bt no wonder,u r also d same…or i cn say more narrow minded n judgemental den dem…” She continues gvng a weird expression-“n wt if we wear dese kinds of dresses n comes to late n8 parties den wts ur prob. Haan???u boys also wears wt u want na den y cant we??!! N u helped me na so m gvng u dis free ka advice …a dress dsnt defines a persons charecter understood..get dat in ur brainless skull”.
“Take one free ka advice from me also…u r a grl so dnt try to b a boy “-said sanky leavng from dat place in his janemn…
“Try to change ur mentality mr. …its 21st century..n nly by puttng TILAK ,u wont become MAHAN(gr8)…for dat u have to do such thngs also..blo*dy looser”-shouted rags from her full voice running behind sankys bike…

She stopped panting wid red hot face n den goes to her car cursing snky from deep core of her heart n den left to her home being frustrated…
Hmmm!!!!so dey met n dat too lyk dis…
Uff!!if frst meetng is lyk dis ,den how”ll dey became one soul???
Lets see who”ll change ....sanskaar or ragini or both!!!!

To know about all dese ,stay tuned wid one n nly me 😉
So guyz done wid another chappy!!hope u all lyk it…so now shower ur views in d comment box 🙂 🙂 🙂

Lots of love.
Keep rockng n stay blessed.
Yours fairy 😉

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