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So lets start episode 4……

.”One-two-one-two-three-good morning”-sound comes from d pink dancing alarm clock kept at side table.
Rags woked up pressing d button to stop dat sound.

“May i come in?”-asked a pretty grl standng at half opened door wid a tray having breakfast n orange juice on it.
“aah swaru !!get in sweetheart..n from wen u started taking permission to get in dis room”-said rags gvng a sweet smile to her.
Swara kept d tray at side table n hopped on d bed
“jaaney(darling) its called manners” -said swara chucklingly..
“Manners haaan”-rags said tickling swara,whch made her fall on bed n rags gets upon her..!!

“Ahh!didu stop it …hahahahaha ahh!plz didu stop…”-said swara laughng crazily..
Rags stopped it bt dsnt move from her position..
“Now wt!!ahh r u tryng to rape me…hawww!!nahiiiiiii…plz someone save dis ABLA NARI(innocent grl)-said swara dramatically..
“Swara ki bacchi…”-rags couldnt complete her sentence as swara cutted her by sayng-“didu dark circles…u r not sleepng properly na..u get those dreamz now also??!!”-asked swara a bit seriously..
Rags changed her position n turned her back towards swara-“ahh!!nthng lyk dat dr..its jst work stress..”-lied rags as she dnt want to gve stress to swara

Swara turned ragini holdng her shoulder n said-“do u thnk u cn lie from me…??”
Rags noded in NOO
N hugged swara tightly.

“Dont know y god had snatched dem from me?”-said rags in husky n painful voice.
Swara patted her head assuringly.

“Swaraaaaa”-a manly voice came from downstairs..

Ragz parted swara n said wiping her tears-“go …chachu is calling u!!”
“Ahh!!dont know y dis jallad(devil) is callng me!uff.. after seeing his unlucky face ,my day wl also get ruined”-said swara makng a disgustng face
“Swara!!how many tyms i told u nt to say lyk dis about him!!he's ur father shona”-said rags a bit louder n calmly
“Yeahh!!father..huhh!!jst for name sake”-said swara sarcastically.
“Swaruuu ,!!”-said rags a bit angryly n den turned to other side n said softly-“u should have to b thankful shona dat atleast ur parents r dere wid u unlike mine”-she stopped as her voice started crackng .
“Didu its better to b fatherless den to hvng such jallad as a father”-said swara in a rage

“Swaraaaa”-said ragz turning towards swara wid full anger n raising hand to slap her,
Ragz eyes r burning in anger n tears are makng her vision blurrr…
Swara looked at ragz n gets shaken by d sudden outburst n den get frozen for a den rags ctrlled her anger n kept her hands back..
“If u ever again said dese lines na,den i will break all my cords wid u n dats a swear!”-said rags determined
Swara couldnt take d situation nymore n hugged her tightlyy.
“Didu !!y r u soo good..”both smiles wid dere tears.
Both soul sisters parted n den swara wiped rags tears n said-“pushpaa i hate tears”
To whch rags laughed n says -“pagalll”n hits her head playfully.

Swara jst sees her laughng .
Swara pov-
God!plz keep dis smile always on her face.she had faced a lot..plz god!send someone who”ll take away all her sorrow n gve her happiness only”

Her pov gets broken by rags voice-
“Okay enough..common now gooo!!chachu is waitng for u” said rags n pushed swara out of d room.
“Om bhoor bhuvas”-chanted sanskaar in front of his small mandir decoreted beautifully in his room;wen he gets flashes of d CLASH WHICH HE HAD WID RAGS LAST NIGHT

He shakes his head n den again chanted””om bhoor bhuvashiva..tatsavetur vareniyam bhar” he stopped as again he sees her flashes..

“ONLY BY PUTTING TILAK U WONT BECOME MAHAN(gr8)”..dis made him angry … he opened his eyes being frustrated n says”Ahh!!dat grl,,since wen i have met her,shez troublng me ..,now bcoz of her nly mere pooja mein vighn aaraha hai(my pooja is gettng spoiled) its so irritating!!huff.. dats y i nver help such kind of grls,,bt i think i shouldnt hve scolded her so much!!bt shez at mistake n even showed off her money…uff!!sanskaar dnt think much about her.. dat type of grls r big dramebaaz nly!!dey do all dese jst to lure guyzz..and i cnt let her affect me “-he said determiningly
“shivji...sorry for d disturbance but i promise i wont repeat it nxt tym,,,i wont let her affect me nymore”-said sanky loudly askng forgiveness from god closng his eyes.
“Oye sanskaari bhai,??i cnt believe wt m hearing.?u mean to say dat some grl is troublng u n even disturbng ur pooja path!!oh godji i really wanna meet dat grl who cn divert my poojniya bhrata’s (respecter brother’s)mind from mantras”-said laksh in a funny yet mischivious tone!
“Luckyy…i”ll kill u…tu ruk (u wait dere)”-said sanky completing his mantrs hurridly n running behind laksh..
“Catch me if u can badey bhaiya(big bro)”-said laksh running lyk a P.T. USHA.
“Chachi m going to hospital”-shouted rags holdng her bag n apron
“Sheru lets go”-said rags to a long heighted bulky yet fit man ,her personal bodyguard or u cn say her shadow.
He always stick to her n protected her.he doesnt speak much bt his eyes shows d care he had for ragini.rags get a secured feelng from him jst lyk a father n he too loves her lyk his own child.
“No need to go nywhere sheeru!!n ragini i already informed in ur hospital dat u r nt coming today”said sumi strictly
“Bt chachi u know na i dnt lyk takng leave widout ny imp. Reason”-said rags
“Hmmm!i know beta u r a big dere is a imp. reason!!mr. & mrs. Sharma wid dere son is coming to see common now go n get ready fast”-said sumi handing a anarkali suit to rags

“Wt??Bt chachi u know na m not at all interested in marriage y all dis?chachi plz ..i dnt wanna meet nyone”-rags said pleadngly
“Ragoo once meet d boy beta n if u dnt lyk him den i”ll not force u pakka”-said sumi assureingly
“Bt cha.”-rags words r cutted bt sumi-“bt vt kuch nahi..swaraaaaa..come n make ur didu ready fast”-said she caressing rags cheecks n leavng to d kitchen.
Rags goes n throws d suit in her room n stands frustatingly
“Didu now stop being stubborn n get ready”-said swara turning rags towards her.
“Ahh!!swaru y dnt chachi understand ..i dnt wanna get married yaar”-said rags
“Didu….u know na maa always think for ur betterment…”-said swara to whch rags nodded positively -“so now b a good grl n get dressed in dis”-completed swara
“Uff!!suit”-rags makes weird face to whch swara laughed loudly.


“Listen mr.bishwanath singhania ,dnt dare to utter a word against my father orelse”-said adarsh sternly standng in a bussiness party ,lookng angrly at bishwanath singhania,one of d most corrupted politician.
“Orelse what haan?? Nobody cn stop me…i”ll keep on sayng dat ur dad mr.durgaprashad maheshwari no no d whole maheshwari’s men are impotant”-said singhania disgustingly in drunken state n provoking adarsh’s anger.

Sanky who ws jst a little away from d place ,hears her badey bhaiya adarsh’s voice n wittnessed d situation.
As he saw adarsh holdng mr.singhania’s collar ,he runs dere n tried to calm d situation.

“Lo….one more useless son of useless father has come”-taunted singhania to sanky.

Adarsh again get provoked n turned to hit singhania wen sanky holded him. -“thnku soo much for D compliment uncle,coz it really suits it would be nyc if u dnt say nythng about my father n as i see u r nt in a state to talk as u r over better we”ll talk about dis some other tym”-said sanky maintaing his coolness.
“U …..u”ll teach me wt to say n wt not to!!i”ll say wtever i want n nobody cn stop me..tere baap ke to.”-stopped singhania as he saw one of his man lying on floor unconciously…
He looks in front to found sanky in full rage ,breathng heavily wid close fist n blood filled eyes.
“It could b u ,in his place…if my father havnt taught me d value to respect elders…u r elder to me n dats y i warned u dis tym.!!dont make me to loose my calm n became a beast..!!!our father is everythng for us..dont u dare to say a word against him !!”-said sanky pointng his index finger n in sterned tone.
Singhania gets horrified wid sudden move bt den came back to reality n said-“youuu!!!blo*dy …u r warng me…guardsss!!wt r u waitng for…beat dem till dey get a good lesson of raising voice against me”-ordered singhania to his guards.

Sanky suddenly huggged singhania,whch shocked bth singhania n adarsh.-“media is here..n i hope u dnt want ny bad image in front of public at dis election tym…soo stop all dis r8 now”-whispered sanky hugging bishwanath
Who saw d media n stopped his guards n said-“are sanskaaar,mere bacche howz u..”-wid a wide fake smile 😀

“Here she comes”-said sumi to mr. N mrs.sharma wid a sweet smile pointing towards d stairs from where rags is coming, wearing a beautuful royal blue color anarkali n dupatta pined at a side wid straight open hair n pleasant usual shez lookng gorgious 😉 ..swara is holdng her.
Boy n his parents gets mesmerised seeing her beauty..
Dey all chit chatted a bit n den mrs sharma said-“sumi i lyked her very much..shez perfect to become my bahu..”she turned towards her son n asked-“so beta wt do u u lyk her”

D handsome boy gets a lill nervous n nodded in yes smilingly.
Everyone gets happy n den sumi asked rags dat- “if she is okay with dis ?”

Rags pov-ragini beta do smthng orelse u”ll b dead..ahh godji!help me.
Pov ends

Rags-“ahh!!chachi i need to talk to him personally,if u all have dnt mind!”
“Ahem ahem!!so ask wt u wanna ask from me”-said d boy sittng in ragz room.
Rags gets up n moves towards him seducingly n den says-“i wanna show u somethng”
Boy started sweatng n she started removng her anarkali..
boy gets shocked n said stammerngly, closng his eyes tightly-“…wt..r u doing??”

He doesnt get ny response n den opened his eyes to found rags standng in denin shots n tshirt wid wine in her hand.
He opened his mouth wide.
She smirks seeing his reactions n gets happy dat now he”ll reject her.

But but but!!to her surprise no no shock!!he also smirked n loosened his tie n holds her waist n pulled her upon him.he made her sit on his lap n said gulpng her wine in one go-“ahh!!thnk god!!u r jst lyk me..i came here bcoz my parents forced me !!n i have to get agreed for dem unwilingly,,bt today is reallly my lucky day..m soo happy dat i got a grl lyk u”-he said nuzzling his nose on her neck.
She shievered n says-“leave me plz”
Boy says-“now nly we get started jaan”

She thinks-“oh god!!wt hve i done. Where i hve trapped myself..shit!!Now i m gone!for sure..”

Bt jst den an idea striked her mind. N she turned towards him weirdly ..
He looks at her eyes whch r cont. Starng him n asked -“wt?”
She said-“jaate deebe nai ..tumi aamake jaate deebi nai huhhmmm!!”(u wont leave me hmmm!)-in a heaviour n manly voice.
He gets lill scared n left her waist n asked-“w…wt .r u sayng??n wen u started speakng bengali!”
She got up n turned to him,whose sittng on bed –
“Heyyyhhh!!ami maunjolika..ami tume maar ke raukht peebe”(my name is maunjolika!i”ll kill u n taste ur blood)-said she swingging her hair round n round n searchng for something.

He wided his eyes n gets up from bed being horrified bt still tries to stop her.
She finds a knife n turned towards him-“heyyhhh!!ab ami tumake chorbo nay”(now i”ll not leave u)-said she holdng d knife n running towards him wid all her hair in front.
He screamed loud n runs as fast as he can n told dere parents to leave fasttt…
Dey asked y??wt happened?? Bt he jst managed to say-“bhoo..bhoo…bhooooot..shez mental..pagal h apki beti”-n runs to his car…his parents followed him . Leavng sumi n swara in a state of confusion.

Rags saw all dese peeping from her room n jumped in happiness-“yeyyyy ..dis is ragini’s acting talent bacchu ..hehehehe ;)”-said she laughing madly.
Soooo ,From d frst meetng nly rags thoughts r disturbng our sanskaar ;)lets see wt wl happen wen dey wl meet again?
N guyz Dis is one more side of rags :P[dramaqueen](sry i really dnt know bengali ,i hve jst written wtever i remembered from my fav. Movie bhool bhulaiya)

So how”ll villain affect ragsan lyf?
How”ll ragsan meet again??
How”ll dey b one??
Y swara calls her own dad devil??
N y sumi is so worried about rags marriage?

To know about all dese questions stay tuned wid me 😉
So guyz done wid another chappy!!hope u all lyked it.. 🙂 all suggestions r welcomed!
Now shower ur views in d comment box 🙂 🙂 🙂

Lots of love
Keep rockng n stay blessed
Yours fairy 😉

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