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I am hoping and praying that this chapter in which I just came up with the idea for breaks-no MURDERS my writers block! So plz forgive me if this seems like trash XD.

It was morning at the campsite and as always, Brock was up first. He was always up almost as soon as the sun started peeking out from the horizon.
Brock rolled up his sleeping bag and placed it in the endless void that is his backpack. He was about to get started on breakfast when he realized that the second person, err Pokémon, up around this time was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Croagunk?" Brock asked out loud. He decided to search for his Pokémon. Brock then headed straight for where he saw Croagunk settle in for the night, while be careful not to wake anyone up. And sure enough, there he was, laying on the ground, on his stomach, sound asleep. Brock wondered if he should attempt to wake him up and, ignoring the fact that Croagunk might be a bit grumpy if woken up, knelt down and poked his nose hoping to stir him even if just a little. A reaction was almost immediate, Croagunk's nose twitched and so did his eyelids. He only remained like that for a second before relaxing. Brock attempted the same method, but with different results. Croagunk softly groaned before waving Brock away, and moving the paw used back into a folded position under his head. Brock sighed before going to try again, but suddenly stopped when "Brock...s-stop it.."

Brock froze but relaxed quickly when he saw that Croagunk's eyes were still closed and his breathing was still relaxed. "Oh, he's dreaming." Brock sighed of relief before smiling slightly. "Must be a pretty good one if he's still asleep. Wonder what's it about?" Brock pondered for a moment, while also hoping that he wasn't doing anything bad to Croagunk in his dream, the thought in which quickly silenced by Croagunk's slight smile. Brock got his answer by the next thing Croagunk muttered dreamily. "I...love you too....Brock.."

Brock's eyes widened while his face reddened. What did he say? Did Croagunk just say he loved Brock? As in love love? Croagunk suddenly chuckled in his sleep. "I t-told you to stop...kissing me..so much....." Brock's facial expressions remained for a few moments more before he shook them off to think clearly. "Does...does Croagunk have a crush on me?" He asked himself before realizing just how obvious the answer was.

"T-that would explain the way he acts." Brock explained to himself. "He attacks me when I'm flirting with women, slightly hides his face when I talk to him, he even chooses to hang around me when he's out of his Pokéball." Brock glanced down at the still sleeping Croagunk before testing his luck by petting him on the head, causing him to shift his head to the side. "Aw c-come on....scared of l-loving me?"

Brock sighed before standing up and turning away. "Y-yeah, guess I am." Brock frowned a bit. "Guess I'm too worried about myself to notice anyone else's feelings romantically towards me huh?" "H-hey it's fine....I understand...." Croagunk's voice sounded more tired then dreamy that time, so Brock assumed he was awake. "Oh, morning Croagunk. S-sorry if I woke you." Brock said without turning to said frog. He sighed before continuing "Y-eah, I heard what you were dreaming about and I...I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was so ignorant to your feelings...your true feelings." He clenched his fist with intensity. "But I'm completely wiling to except your feelings and, if you will allow me, give you a chance and try and be in a relationship with you. S-so...what do you say!?"

Brock swiftly turned around only to realize, Croagunk was still sleeping peacefully. Seems as if he was still dreaming when he told Brock it was fine. Brock chuckled and shook his head. Maybe he would tell Croagunk when he gets the chance. Brock was about to walk away when he heard Croagunk stir. His eyes fluttered open before he hoisted himself up with his front paws. Croagunk yawned before noticing his trainer. "Oh! Hey Brock. Morning." He greeted before sitting up. "Y-yeah morning." Brock glanced away before testing his luck again by saying. "Seems like you were having a nice dream?"

Croagunk's still tired eyes snapped wide open and his face reddened as he quickly turned to his trainer. "W-what!?" Seeing how flustered Croagunk was, Brock decided to save him the embarrassment of him accidentally admitting to his crush in his sleep, and himself the embarrassment of having to explain himself on the spot. "I-I mean you weren't awake yet and you seemed pretty peaceful." Croagunk relaxed a that explanation "O-oh, got it." Brock himself relaxed to. Maybe this wouldn't be too long till Croagunk admitted in reality.

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