Jace, I'm Pregnant

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Author's Note: Shout out to i_am_nephilim_ and mazaevie for being so supportive! I really do appreciate and love all of my readers! Also, I ended up using a name BellaSH13 helped me pick out, so thanks! Bella, it's not what you think, you'll have to read it. Also, the picture is to make you feel better.......


We get to my house. As I pull into the driveway, I can't help but smile at Clary. She's just so beautiful and I can't believe she's really mine. We get out, but Clary gets a phone call. I offer to wait for her, but she assures me it's fine. I go and find Willow. "How's Dada's baba?" I ask while I pick her up from the ground in the living room.

"Dada, baba wan pyah wif aminals," Willow says. ("Dad, I want to play with animals.")

"Baba wants a bath?" I question.

"Ya! Bafh!" Willow exclaims. I gave her a bath....oh crap. It's been at least two days! Crap! "Baba can get a bath after nummies," I reply. I set Willow down and go to get something to drink when Clary comes in.

Clary runs to me. "Love, what's-" I begin, but she cuts me off.

"I'll sorry. I'm lying. I'm sorry. I'm lying, just don't believe me, please, I'm lying," Clary quietly sobs into my shirt.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I ask concerned.

Her phone buzzes and she stops crying. "Jace, I'm pregnant," Clary says. What? What is this?! We didn't! Sh....she with someone else.....I....but....

"How?" I blurt. "I....I mean I know how.......It's just....who's the baby's  dad? Who did you-?" I can't ask, I just can't. I don't know what to do, I'm so confused.

"I....it was when you were with Chloe. I was just so sad and felt so alone......" Clary begins.

"Who?" I almost sqeak. My heart is breaking into little tiny pieces.

"Asher," Clary mumbles.

"Asher, as in that kid from our Chemistry class with the black hair?" I ask.

Clary glances at her phone and then looks at me. "Yes, that Asher," Clary says. Is she trying to tell me something? The whole crying thing? Am I not supposed to believe any of this?

"The one that always looks at you who I glare at almost daily?" I question. If she says yes, then this is a show. She must be being blackmailed or something. If not, then she's being serious.

"Yes," Clary replies almost immediately. She's being blackmailed. Who? What could they possibly be blackmailing her with? She looks safe, I'm safe, Willow is in the next room with my brother and his boyfriend, who I trust completely, so safe again. Her brother is a sick bastard in jail, she doesn't even know who her father is, Izzy is safe in her room with Simon, so that leaves..........her mom! Crap! How did it take me this long to figure out! Someone has her mom! Crap! Crap! Crap! Okay, I have to play along, pretend to be how I'd be if she was telling the truth. If she really had sex with Asher, I'd want to know why.

"Why Clary?" I question using her real name to show fake anger, just in case anyone's watching us. Clary's told me before that when I get mad, I clench my fists, so I start doing that.


Jace clenches his fists, and I know it's all over. He believes what I'm telling him. He thinks I had sex with Asher. He wouldn't hurt me would he? I mean, no, Jace would never hit me, but I just told him I'm pregnant. He would never hit a pregnant person. I'm safe. Jace's right hand comes unclenched and he starts bringing it up higher. He's not going to hit me. He's not going to hit me. He's not going to hit me. I flinch anyways, it just happens.


I raise my hand to rub my neck, something I do when I'm angy, nervous, etc. but when I do, Clary visibly flinches. Am I going too far? Is this really an act? Is she scared of me? Crap! What do I do? After all this time, she's really scared of me...........

"Clary why?" I echo with fake anger.

"I felt so alone and then he was at the coffee shop when I was. He sat next to me and we walked. We were walking back to my house and he kissed me. I......I kissed him back and then it got heated. My mom wasn't home, and I wanted to stop feeling so alone, stop feeling so worthless, so I had sex with him," Clary explains. That story is really convincing, only one problem: Clary wasn't anywhere near ready to have sex even a week ago, even with me, so she certainly wasn't with someone she doesn't know well.

"In the same bed we slept on, in the same bed we made out on, Angel in the same bed you accepted my promise ring on, that bed. You had sex with Asher on that bed?" I question with fake anger lacing my voice.

"Technically," Clary quietly answers.

I go to the kitchen counter and squeeze the countertop. "Did.....did it happen more than once?" I manage.

"W......we only did it that one night, but we did it multiple times......." Clary quietly answers.

"Multiple times?" I almost sqeak. Please know I'm just playing along baby! I try to tell her telepathically. "This whole time I have waited for you. We almost had sex and then you weren't ready, so I waited. I always waited! Now, you're telling me you fucked (Author's Note: Sorry for the term, but Jace is faking being really mad.) with Asher from Chemistry!"

"I'm sorry Chilli pe-" Clary begins, but I cut her off.

"Don't. Call. Me. That," I seethe. Clary starts crying and it takes every muscle in my body not to hold her close. "Let's go to my room." There's no way they'll see us there, whoever they are.


I do not own any of the Mortal Instruments books, materials, etc. All credit belongs to Cassandra Clare.

Author's Note:
I hope you all like it! Please leave comments, votes, and feedback. I'm going to update, when I'm done and it'll be random.

Originally posted: 6/1/18

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