The Next Morning

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I feel a sharp pain in my ribs and cautiously open my eyes. I see Willow or more like Willow's feet kicking into my ribs with surprising force. It'll probably make my bruises bigger. Willow is crying in her sleep. Oh, poor baby! She must be having a nightmare. Gently, I pull her into my arms and hold her close to my chest. "Shhh, it's okay Willow. I've got you. You're safe," I whisper to her. After a few minutes, she stops kicking me. Thank you! For a little girl, Willow can pack quite a kick. I can't fall back asleep, so I sit here watching Willow until Jace's alarm goes off.


Jace quickly turns the alarm off as if he doesn't want to wake me. I smile at his kind gesture. I set Willow on my right side and scoot closer to Jace. "Good morning my....." I stop midsentece. Is Jace still going to want to date me? Are we just friends? Is he my boyfriend?

Jace's face suddenly looks concerned. "What's wrong?" Jace asks.

"Jace.....are we still.....boyfriend and girlfriend?" I ask nervously.

"As long as you want us to be," Jace responds.

"E....even though.....I...I don't want to be intimate with you?"I question.

"Clary, dating isn't all about being intimate, and I'm confident in time you'll come around to the idea," Jace explains. "You, my love, are certainly worth waiting for."

"I-" Willow's cries interrupt us. Quickly I grab her and hold her close. "She's been having nightmares all night," I explain. "I woke up once and comforted her, but it seems they're back." I set her back and scoot closer to Jace, so we don't disturb her.

"I'm sorry. I...I should've had you sleep in my room. You need your rest," Jace apologizes in a whisper. "Are you okay?"

"M..mostly," I smile at him.

"Please elaborate," Jace quietly responds.

"'s just Willow was kicking me rather hard, a....and I....I still have....marks from....S...Se," I try, but tears overpower me. I take a deep breath to hold them in. Jace carefully grabs my waist and pulls me into his chest. I let my tears soak into his shirt as he rubs my back. How does he know just what to do? Why can't I be better for him? He shouldn't have to support me all the time.

"Love, whatever negative thoughts your likely thinking about yourself right now, please stop.'s not your fault,'s my fault," Jace whispers to me.

What? It's not Jace's fault! He knows Jonathan put Se....Him upto it! Why is he blaming himself? "I...if I would've walked you to your locker and never left your side, Sebastian would've had to go through me before he layed a finger on you. Let me tell you love, he wouldn't have gotten through me. I....I would've protected you with my life. If I was wouldn't have been.....assaulted, tormented, or beat. I...I failed you."

"Jace, there's only one person who failed, and I can tell you with 100% certainty that said person is not you," I defend him. "If not when....He did....He would've found another way to....get me. Jace, the only person who failed, is J.....Jonathan. He broke me when he was supposed to be protecting me. Then, after I was picking up the pieces, he sent someone to break them all apart again when he should've been at the very least content knowing I was healing." Does he believe me? I can't let him beat himself up about this!

"I...if I'd just walked you to your locker.....Why don't you hate me?" Jace asks. "I hate myself." Jace mumbles the last part, but I hear it. I get closer to him until I'm half on my side and half on the side of his body. Our noses are almost touching.

"Jace....I...I don't know....where I'd be right now.....without you. I...if...Se....Sebastian would've....had a few more minutes....with me, I....I....don't.....k...know....what.....h....he....would've....done," I stutter. " thought about the school cameras, asked Mrs. Johnson, put the pieces together. She called the police and they.....found me. told me the story on Friday while you were at school," I swallow hard. "What you....d..don't know is how the police officers found me."

" don't have to, if you're not-" Jace says.

"No....don't you get it? I'm not comfortable at all. My skin still feels dirty and icky," I explain. "But.....when I'm in your arms or even when we're talking, I....I'm the most comfortable I've even been. I....I'm safe with you," I pause to look at his reaction. "I need to tell someone and you're the only one I can even fathom telling."

"I....I'm your safe place?" Jace asks dumbfounded.

"Yes, you're my safe place," I answer. I look down at his clothed chest for the next part. "Jace, when the police found me, I....I was chained to a pipe sobbing naked with Sebastian....." I...I can't tell him Sebastian was me. No! He'll hate me. He'll think I let him or.....I'm disgusting. ".......he was me. That's why it was so easy for the police to get him under control. He...was....d....distracted. The police officers covered me with their coats. They covered the blood, the bruises, the abrasions, my naked body, and the shame. They all looked away and tried to....give me back a sliver of dignity."

" don't know how honored I am that you felt like you could tell me," Jace responds. His hand grazes my cheek gently. "You're so beautiful."

"What?" I ask shocked.


I do not own any of the Mortal Instruments books, materials, etc. All credit belongs to Cassandra Clare.

Author's Note:
I hope you all like it! Please leave comments, votes, and feedback. I'm going to update, when I'm done and it'll be random.

Originally posted: 2/23/18

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