The Talk

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"I don't want you to respond because of your lip, but there's something I need to say." Clary nods for me to continue. "Thank you for saving us. Kaelie hopefully will forget about me for a while. I...I'm sorry I didn't help you, I...I was just so shocked. I'm also sorry for being such an ass to you. I didn't deserve your sacrifice, but I really appreciate it. It's past it's....colorful. I really do hope you're okay. She got a few good punches in before Mr. Blake stopped her. I...I know it's probably too late, but I'm hoping....maybe we could be friends. I know I don't deserve your friendship. I...I haven't had a friend in a long time because colorful past, but I'd really like to. What do you say?" I nervously ask. I shouldn't even been asking her to be friends with her! After what she just went through she probably hates me.

"Jace, I've known you for roughly two days. In that two days I have been harassed because of you (By Kaelie), walked in the rain, cried myself to sleep, been lied to (By Jace), literally beat up, and attacked," Clary replies. Yep! She hates me! After everything I've done to her in less than 50 hours, she has every right. I can't believe I did all of that to her. In my attempt to protect my family, I've completely left this girl feeling unsafe and in danger.

"Clary, I'm sorry. There's no way for me to explain to you how sorry I am. It's just if people learned past, it would mess everything up. Even thought I've gone to school here for two days and part of Chemistry, I really like what I have going here. It's a really good routine, and I just  want to keep it safe," I explain.

"Jace, I wasn't finished," Clary says. Okay, you deserve whatever she says to you! You made her life horrible for two days, you can take whatever she says.

"Just say what you need to say," I reply.

"Jace, after all that's happened in the last 50ish hours, if you would've asked me to be your friend this morning, I would've thought you were joking. Even after you gave me that horrible speech. You remember, the one where you tried to apologize my making me feel insignificant and small? I wouldn't just thought it was a cruel joke since all I've wanted to do since I met you, was be your friend. All the way from the beginning when I introduced myself. Then, Kaelie pulled you away to go and fool around," Clary begins. I can see her pain and I decide I have to do something.

"Clary, I really do want to hear all that you want to say, but we've got to go into the nurses office. Standing by the door won't help you any. Then, afterwards I'll walk you home and you can continue, okay?" I question.

"Jace, I can get home myself," Clary defends.

"Clary, I'm not trying to be mean, but one you just got beat up, and two you want to continue talking with me. I just thought it'd be best," I reply.

"I....I can't walk to my house like this," Clary finally shows her injuries. "My side hurts, my vision is blurry, and my head hurts. My house is like 3 miles from here, and I can't make it.'s fine. I'll just have to wait until school's over."

"We can just go to my house. You shouldn't have to be at school all day with you injuries." I reply. Then I remember Willow will be there and Clary will probably have to stay the night with Izzy, since it's Wednesday and her mom works late. She'll see Willow, but...we can play her off as my sister. "I'm sure Izzy would like to have a sleepover. Since your mom is working, that'll be the best option. What do you say?" I ask.

"I...I don't want to be a burden," Clary quietly replies.

"Are you kidding me? I owe you, you saved us today," I reply

"If...if your sure," Clary agrees. We walk into the nurses office.

"Clary, you look like you were just run over by a truck," Mrs. Pinol says.

"I...I had a run in with Kaelie. That's all," Clary replies. "I...I think I should go home."

"Here hon, I'll give you 2 Ibuprofen to help with the pain. I think it would be wise for you to go home. I'll contact the rest of your teachers," Mrs. Pinol explains.

"Thanks, Mrs. Pinol. Can you please tell them Jace is going with me, since my mom's at work?," Clary asks.

"Of course hon," Mrs. Pinol replies.

Once we're out of the nurses office, "I have to go give Alec my van keys quick, so him, Izzy, Max, and Willow have a ride home," I explain.

I run to Chemistry, avoid all of the awkward stares, and give Alec my keys. I give him one of those, 'I'll tell you later trust me looks,' and add "Please pick up Willow for me." Alec nods, and I run back to Clary.

We walk out of the school. Clary is almost in tears as we walk. "Clary, what's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing," Clary sniffles.

"Clary please," I grab her wrist and she winces. Damn it Jace! She just got beat up! Be more careful! "I'm sorry. Please tell me what's wrong?"

"'s nothing," Clary echoes.

"Please," I coax.

"Fine, truth be told I don't think I'm going to make it to your house. My side is shooting pain that should have me doubled over, but I'm trying to play it off, so we can just get somewhere with a place I can lay down," Clary explains.

"Clary, why didn't you say something?" I ask.

"I don't want to be a burden Jace. I....I know you don't like me. I'm sure you just feel bad for me," Clary says through gritted teeth.

"Clary you're not a burden," I reply. I step in front of her. She stops in her tracks. I inch closer to her and grab her waist. Then in one motion, I grab her and carry her.

"Please don't drop me," Clary quietly whispers into my neck. "Thank you Jace, for helping me."

"You're most certainly welcome," I smile. We reach the house, I unlock the door, and start walking up the stairs. "I'll get you situated in my bed, until Izzy and them get here."

"Okay, thanks Jace," Clary replies. I pull back the covers, gently lay her down, she shivering, so I hand her one of my sweatshirts. "Thanks, but Jace, we need to finish our discussion."

"Yes, let's do that now," I reply as sit on the edge of my bed. "But you do need to get some rest afterwards."

"It really hurt me when you went with Kaelie while I was trying to tall to you. With everything that's happened, I shouldn't be your friend. I should run the other way whenever I see you," Clary begins.

"I...I understand," I manage. Did I really think she was going to magically say yes after all that I've done! I can't actually be THAT naive, can I?

"Let me finish Jace!" Clary snaps.


I do not own any of the Mortal Instruments books, materials, etc. All credit belongs to Cassandra Clare.

Author's Note:
I hope you all like it! Please leave comments, votes, and feedback. I'm going to update, when I'm done and it'll be random.

Originally posted: 2/19/18

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