A Run in With The Delancey Brothers

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"Well you never told me ya real name!" They were arguing. Again.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Katherine said putting her hands on her hips. They always fought about the stupidest things, right now it was about why Jack wouldn't let Katherine buy him new shoes. Where he got 'well you never told me your real name' out of shoes Katherine will never know.

"Look Kath I don't want to argue with youse, please stop trying to make things better!" He told her and turned for her fire escape.

"Oh no! You are not leaving after what you just said!" She said and stormed up to him grabbing his arm.

"Let me go Katherine." He told her his voice low. She glared at him, why did he alway insist on being so impossible all the time?

"I will not let you go! Jack I'm just trying to help." She said in an attempt to sound kinder.

"Look, I don't need ya help. I love you but I can't have you buying things for me, what would the rest of the boys think? It wouldn't be fair." He said still annoyed at her.

"I'll buy the rest of the boys new stuff too!" She said desperately.

"With who's money? Your fathers? No we ain't doin' that." He said and yanked her window open.

"Don't go!" She said, even though she was mad at him she still wasn't to keen on letting him go. He was obviously ignoring her because he continued to climb out onto her fire escape. "Jack!" She shouted as he turned from her. "Jack stop! Or-or so help me I'll come out there and get you!" Jacks head ducked back into her window.

"No you won't." He said simply and disappeared down her fire escape. She let out a noise of shock and irritation does he really think she wouldn't come after him?

"You watch me." She breathed under her breath and climbed out of her window after him. He was at the bottom of the fire escape by the time she got the last of her skirts out the window, she angrily gathered them up and followed down after him.

"Katherine go back inside." She herd Jack call as she reached the bottom.

"No I won't! Not unless you come back with me." She called back stubbornly. He was walking with long quick strides that made Katherine have to practically jog to catch up.

"Well, well, well." Jack and Katherine herd a voice call from a shadow in a near by ally. The voice was a familiar sickly sweet that made the hairs on Katherine's arms stand on end. Jack stopped suddenly in his tracks causing Katherine to run into his back, Jacks hand found her arm and he gripped her tightly and pulled her closer in a protective manner.

"Jack what's-" Katherine started to say but was cut off.

"Look at who it is. The great Jack Kelly and his little rich girl taking a midnight stroll. Could we get any more lucky?" The man stepped into the light and Katherine nearly let out a yelp of surprise. It was Morris Delancey and right behind him was his brother, Oscar. Jack grabbed her shoulders and spun her around and they set off at a brisk pace back to her apartment.

"Hey! Where you running off to?" It was Oscar who called this time. Katherine glanced back to see Oscar standing with his arms open like he was innocent, she looked around for his brother but couldn't find him.

"Just ignore them, all they want is trouble." Jack whispered in her ear.

"Trouble?" A voice said suddenly appearing out of nowhere in front of them. Morris stood in front of them a smirk on his face, he must have taken a short cut thro the ally's. How the heck did he move so fast? Katherine thought to herself. "Why is it you always think we want trouble?" Morris asked.

"What do you want?" Jack snapped at him.

"Money. We need it to live and if beating you up is the way to do it then it's gonna happen." Morris told him and reached into his pocket pulling out a gleaming set of brass knuckles. Katherine gasped at the sight, how could he even think to use one of those?

"Beating up a convict has its benefits," Oscar said suddenly standing behind them. "But it's even better when we've got Katherine Pulitzer to play with too." Katherine felt suddenly sick to her stomach at his words. Jack glared at Oscar and pulled her closer to him.

"You leave her outta this." Jack said through his teeth.

"I'd rather not, she's far to pretty not to mess around with am I right Morris?" Oscar called to his brother a few feet away. Morris's answering smile was horrid. Oscar took a step closer to them.

"You touch us and I'll make sure my father has you fired sooner than you can even think about starting a fight." Katherine said to Oscar her voice so icy she was surprised he didn't suddenly become an Oscar-sickle.

"Go ahead, run to your daddy. He may be able to protect you but he don't care what happens to Kelly. Tell your father and I'll make sure he doesn't see your pretty face ever again." Oscar said sneering at her.

"Shut the hell up!" Jack spit his jaw clenched in pure anger and hatred.

"Ooooooh Kelly, watch your language I can't believe you used to kiss your mother with that mouth." Morris said coming closer.

"Oooooh Morris, you showed that face to your mother? No wonder you now live with your uncle, she couldn't stand the sight of you!" Jack snapped back. This was obviously a sore subject for Morris because in that instant his face became a mask of rage and he lunged at Jack knocking Katherine to the ground in the process. She felt a stab of pain shoot up her arm as she caught herself on the pavement, she let out a yell as she watched Morris tackle Jack to the ground in a whirl of fists. Her only thought was he needed help, she pushed herself back up and scrambled to her feet. Just then a hand grabbed her arm, she screamed as Oscar stomped on her foot and shoved her back to the ground. Her hands flew out to grab something, anything that might cushion her fall, her hands slapped something that felt like wood and she held on tight. There was a loud crash and a series of curse words as the thing that she grabbed turned out to be a pile of boxes. She hit the pavement a sharp pain shooting up her leg as her foot was twisted at an odd angle by Oscars foot. Boxes crashed around them as Oscar kneeled over the top of her. Panic shot through her body and she scrambled to get out from under him.

"Not so fast Miss Pulitzer, I ain't done with you yet." He sneered at her and clutched her shoulders to hold her down.

"Jack!" Katherine screamed as she thrashed under him. Where was he? She had lost sight of him as Morris had tackled him to the ground, the only thing she could see was Oscar and the piles of boxes that now surrounded them. "Jack!" She cried again.

"You better hold still or this is gonna hurt a whole lot worse." Oscar whispered and clamped her hands together and forced them above her head.

"Stop it! Stop!" She shouted panicked and scared.

"Not likely sweet face, you see I can't have you hanging out with Jack all the time, he's no good for you. I ain't much better but that ain't stopping me from having a good time." He sneered his free hand wandering down her body.

"No! Get off!" She said trying desperately to throw him off. Oscar clicked his tongue.

"Jack hasn't taught you well enough, perhaps I'll change that. Oh don't look at me like that, I know for a fact you let that street rat into your room every night. Don't deny it, you'd let Kelly between these skinny legs any day huh?" Oscar said and leered at her. Katherine broke one hand from his iron grasp and slapped it across his face. Oscar hardly reacted, on the contrary he seemed slightly amused. "Oh doll, I'm gonna enjoy this." He told her and grabbed her hands so hard she knew there would be a bruise.

"Jack!" She shouted again in panic, what had happened to him? Was he okay? She thrashed as Oscar pushed her skirts up to her thighs reveling her bare legs to the chilly night. "Stop! You can't do this! I'll tell my father! You'll go to jail!" She shouted trying desperately to get him to stop.

"You won't tell your father, you care too much about your boyfriend, wouldn't want to see him dead know would you?" He said getting uncomfortably closer. Katherine felt tears spring to her eyes, she felt so hopeless and useless. She was stuck under Oscar Delancey while Jack and Morris were off fighting, if she listened closely she could hear shouts in the distance and she knew they weren't shouts of victory. What was she gonna do? Jack could be hurt and she couldn't help him.

"Jack!" She called again her voice cracking. Oscar chuckled at her distress and moved his hands back to her legs. She couldn't help it, she started crying, it was too much she couldn't do anything she was weak and useless. She wasn't sure if it was her wishful thinking or it was actually happening but she heard a shout to her left that sounded closer than before. She squeezed her eyes shut and felt tears run down the sides of her face, she couldn't bear it if Jack got hurt. Oscars hand was getting way to friendly and Katherine felt like she might throw up, in one last ditch effort she screamed with all her might praying that someone, anyone would hear her and help Jack. With and angry yell Oscars weight was lifted off her and slammed into the wall to the side.

"You-" she herd Jack yell the most colorful words she'd ever herd at Oscar. She sobbed with relief at the sight of him, she rolled over and pushed herself to her feet quickly pushing her skirts back down. "How dare you! If I ever find you with her again I will kill you! Don't look at her, don't touch her, don't even think about her or so help me I will kill you!" Jack snapped, his fist was wound in Oscars shirt and a fear beyond reason filled his eyes. Jack shoved Oscar to the ground in disgust, Katherine had never seen someone move as fast as Oscar did when he got back up, before Jack could turn around he was gone.

"Jack." Katherine sobbed and he was right by her side in an instant his arm coming around her shoulder.

"Oh gosh Ace, are you okay?" He asked worried "I swear, if he hurt you-" Katherine clutched his shirt and buried her face in his chest.

"I-I'm okay." She lied. Jack held her tighter to him.

"Let's get out of here." Jack said and steered her back to her apartment.

"Your bleeding!" Katherine exclaimed as her hands came back bloody. "What happened?!?"

"Will deal with it later, I have to get out of here before I kill one of those Delancey's." Jack said fiercely and picked up the pace. Katherine tried not to wince as her hurt foot collided painfully with the ground, she hopped Jack hadn't noticed. He helped her up the stairs and through her window even tho she was more worried about his state. When they were back inside the safety of her apartment she carefully limped to her bed and sat down as he stated pacing her room.

"Did he touch you?!?" Jack asked turning to her. Her eyes dropped to the bruises and she couldn't make herself look him in the eye. "Katherine." Jack said again softer this time. He kneeled down in front of her "did Oscar touch you?" Katherine felt tears spring into her eyes.

"No, h-he didn't get that far. You got there before he could d-do anything." She said her voice shaky.

"That image will haunt me for the rest of my life." Jack said closing his eyes. Katherine knew he was taking about Oscar on top of her. "You have to tell you father. He won't listen to me but maybe if youse tell him what-"

"No! I can't! You herd Oscar he could kill you! No I won't tell my father." Katherine said panicked. Jack glared at her bruised wrists.

"We've got no choice, we can't let'm get away this time." Jack said angrily.

"Ok Jack" Katherine said still not entirely convinced "I'll tell my father."

Authors note- Second part? Yes? No? Maybe? Yes? Will see. Comment and tell me what you think. I own nothing.

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