How About Forever?

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Two days. Two whole days until she would be Katherine Kelly. She was looking forward to it to say the least. Her and Jack had been dating for three years before he finally asked her to marry him, Jack would deny it if she ever brought it up but she knew it had taken him that long to purpose because he was still nervous about her father. But never the less he'd asked her father first (bless him) then asked her in the most Jackish way possible.


She sat at her kitchen counter sipping a cup of tea when Jacks voice rang out from her room.

"Hey Kath you here?"

"No I'm at work." She called back sarcastically. She herd him chuckle and he came around the corner and leaned up against her door frame watching her.

"Got somethin' for ya." He said with a smirk and reached into his pocket and pulled something small and silver. With a flick of his wrist it sailed through the air and Katherine caught it (barely) in both hands.

"Wha-?" She said opening her hand to see a small silver ring flashing in the light of her kitchen.

"It ain't much but what do ya say? Will you marry me Ace?" He asked shoving his hands in his pockets. She held the ring between her fingers so she could see it better. She felt tears start to form in her eyes as she watched the small diamond wink at her.

"Oh Jack! You finally had the guts to ask my father?!? I'm so proud of you!" She said and flung her arms around his neck.

"Had the guts? I've always had the guts... I'se was jus' waiting for the right time ya know?" He said and pulled away so he could look at her.

"Three years?" She asked her eyebrows raised.

"Ya, well... you still haven't answered my question yet." He said changing the subject. Katherine laughed at that.

"Yes!" She said brightly as he helped her slip the ring onto her ring finger. "Yes Jack! Of course I will marry you!"

"Well good cause' I didn't know what I was gonna do if ya said no..." he said scratching the back of his head. Katherine giggled and threw her arms around his neck again and pulled him into a long kiss.


That had been a few mounts ago and know she was finally gonna marry the man of her dreams. She smiled at that thought as she leaned over the railing on the roof of the Logging House, it was dark and the city lights shined brightly in her eyes. Their was a soft breeze blowing making the air seem fresh as it blew her brown hair out of her face.

"Hey you, what youse doin' up here all alone?" A voice asked, she didn't turn to see who it was. No, she knew that New York accent anywhere.

"Just enjoying the view." He said as Jack came and stood next to her.

"Sure is pretty huh?" He asked but he wasn't looking at the city, he was looking at her. "It sure beats anything I ever seen." Katherine's face flushed and her eyes dropped to her hands. He chuckled at her bashfulness.

"Oh you dork." She said playfully as he kissed her warm cheek. She pushed him away lightly and turned back to the city, it really was pretty in her opinion.

"What ya thinking about?" Jack asked and leaned next to her so their shoulders touched.

"About how much I love New York, about how hungry I am, you, work, my father, you, the seeming endless stream of people who seem to walk these streets. You." She said looking over at him.

"Wow." He said clearly impressed "how does that even work? I mean I can barely concentrate on what I'm saying when your around. I can't comprehend thinking about that many things at once." Katherine rolled her eyes at him, leave it to Jack to make fun of the way a women functions.

"Well better get used to it cause your gonna be stuck with me for a while." She said giving him a shoulder bump. His face turned serious at those words and he turned to look out at New York.

"Youse sure ya still wanna marry me Ace?" Jack asked starring off into the night.

"Well of course. I wouldn't of said yes if I didn't want to." She said trying to get him to look at her.

"I'm jus' worried Kath."

"Why?" She asked.

"I'm just worried I ain't gonna be enough, I don't got a lot to offer." He said seriously. Katherine took his hand in hers and made him look at her.

"Hey," she said softly "you being you is enough. I don't need the glitz and glamor, heck I don't want the glitz and glamor. I have you." She said. He smiled faintly and pulled her into a hug.

"For sure?" She chuckled at that. That simple phrase had become a sort of tradition between the two.

"For sure." She said confidently. He pulled back to look at her.

"You sure 'for sure?' Cause' I'm gonna give you an out if you want it."

"Jack! I. Want. To. Marry. You." She said punching every word. His face split into a grin and he softly grabbed her cheek and pulled her lips to his. It was short and sweet.

"Till death do us part?" Jack asked still skeptical. Katherine rolled her eyes at him.

"Nope." She said then laughed at his confused expression. "How about forever."

"What you mean like Heaven?" He asked.

"Yup, just like Heaven." She said and twisted her hand into his.

"Do you really believe in that?" Jack asked sounding sincerely interested.

"Yes I do."

"Well then, forever it is." He said and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"For sure."

-Authors note, I GET TO SEE NEWSIES IN 2 DAYS!!!!! Ahhhh! I'm so excited this has been the longest four mounts of my life (I got the tickets for Christmas) I can't wait!!! Ahhh! Anyway, hope you like it. Tell me what you thing! I own nothing.

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