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"Dear Jack." Katherine said to herself reading the paper in her hand. "I'm sorry that this happened but..." Katherine suddenly found her throat closing up with emotion as she read the letter she had just wrote to her boyfriend. "...but, I've recently found out that- that- I'm pregnant." Emotion swept over her whole body as the reality of the situation finally sunk in.

She was pregnant.

She was going to have a baby.

"I-I don't want to be pregnant Jack, I'm so sorry about this, I don't think you ever meant to get me pregnant. I know you never wanted to have kids, I'm so sorry I've messed that all up."

The tears she'd been trying so hard to keep back finally poured on to her cheeks dripping on to her piece of paper. It suddenly felt like all the air in her lungs was being sucked out by a vacuum. Katherine struggled to breathe as she attempted to read the rest of her letter.

"M-my father f-found out b-before I could tell you in p-person so that why... that's why I'm writing you this. H-he's sending me to my s-sisters house in Maryland... he-"

She could hardly speak now her body was so full of emotion. She pressed a hand to her stomach willing herself to not think about what she was now carrying around.

"He's m-making me leave... I h-hate it Jack I don't want to leave. I n-need you!"

She was now sobbing so violently no words could escape past her lips, she sat their on the chair for a half an hour rocking back and fourth before she finally pulled herself together enough to continue reading.

"The only reason I'm leaving is because my father said he would kill you. And he damn sure would have Jack, we both know it. We weren't supposed to fool around, we're not even married. I should have stopped us. I'm so sorry. Now because of it I have to leave, I don't want to, but my father agreed he wouldn't kill you if I promised not to be with you anymore. So therefore, I agreed and he promised to spare your life. Now I'm going to be stuck in Maryland for the rest if my life."

Katherine felt a bitter bite to those words, perhaps it was the cold reality that she really would be leaving New York. Or maybe it was because the reason she was leaving was because she hadn't been able to say... no.

"This is the hardest thing I've e-ever had to do... I wish I could see your cocky face one more time. Maybe I will see you again, maybe Maryland won't keep us apart. Maybe it will. After all you don't want to have any kids, don't worry, you won't ever have to see my kid if you don't want to."

Katherine felt her eyes burn with tears again as she read that line but she forced them back.

"I-I sincerely hope you do well Jack Kelly, this last year has been the best of my life. You introduced me to a whole new world of life, friendship, leadership, courage, passion... and so much more. I can only hope someday my child will grow up to be just as amazing as you are. I love you so much. Don't forget that their is someone out there that believes in you. I always have, and I always will. Sincerely, Katherine Plumber."

The tears she had recently fought back had betrayed her and slipped down her cheeks. She wiped them away angrily and stood up folding her letter in the process, she stuck it into an envelope and sealed it. She took a long look around at her now bare room, the only thing left was her baren bed standing alone in the middle of her room. There were so many memories of Jack in this room, so many. Katherine looked over at her fire escape window and thought of all the times he'd appeared there grinning like an idiot at her from outside. She looked over to her left where her empty closet was wide open showing the little J + K carved into the white paint in the back. She could clearly remember hiding from the boys in that closet with Jack and carving that in there when they got bored. She looked back over to her sheet less bed and took a step towards it, she reached out and ran her fingers along the top. It had been the bed she'd nursed Jack back to health on when he'd came to her window with a fever and the chills. It had been the bed she would snuggle up to Jacks side and watch him draw as she slowly fell asleep. Heck, it had been the very bed she got pregnant on... She suddenly flinched away realizing if she hadn't opened her legs none of this would be happening.

She took a long deep breath through her nose attempting to calm herself down, she would not blame Jack for anything. After all, he'd been raised differently than she had been. Katherine should of known better, it was entirely her fault. She clutched the letter tightly in her hands as she took one last look around the room. She then gently set the paper down on to the mattress and backed away. Jack would find it tonight as he came to see her, then he would know why she had been so distantly lately. Then he would know why she'd been making him stay away for the last week. Then he would know why she'd been throwing up the last month...

This was it. She was leaving.

"Goodbye Jack Kelly." She whispered.

With that she spun on her heels and darted out of her apartment determined to never look back.

Boy was she wrong.


So I've seen a lot of "Dear Jack's" floating around this fandom so I did one of my own! And I'm a sucker for pregnant stuff so... this was a bit sad and I hate to say it but there will probably not be a second part... unless you guys have any really good ideas. Anyway, let me know what you think. I own nothing.

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