Goodbye (Part 2)

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Jack rapped his knuckles against Katherine's window wondering idly why it was so dark inside. Surly she wasn't asleep yet... he knocked again and pressed his face up against the glass squinting into the darkness. With a jolt he realized he must have gotten the wrong apartment, surely Katherine's apartment wouldn't be empty. He glanced around him counting three rows up and two windows over, yep, this was her apartment. Feeling a little nervous he yanked open the unlocked window and crawled through, he then knew this was the right apartment because it smelled like Katherine. Sweet ink with a hint of Appel perfume, it was the complete essence of her. He took a long look around the empty room his eyes landing on a small letter folded up on the foot of the bed.

Jack Kelly was written on the front in Katherine's perfect handwriting, with trembling fingers he picked it up and tore it open. He immediately began to read:

Dear Jack, I'm sorry that this happened but, I've recently found out that I'm pregnant.

Jacks whole body froze as he read those words, surely he was hallucinating, surely he'd read it wrong. Immediately he reread the words over and over in his mind. 'I've recently found out that I'm pregnant. I've recently found out that I'm pregnant.' Found out... pregnant... Katherine... Jack couldn't comprehend it. Feeling his legs about to give out he sat down on her bed and continued reading.

I don't want to be pregnant Jack, I'm so sorry about this, I don't think you ever meant to get me pregnant. I know you never wanted to have kids, I'm so sorry I've messed that all up. 

"What?" Jack said allowed unable to grasp the concept of her being pregnant, the was no way...

Maybe there was.

My father found out before I could tell you in person so that's why I'm writing you this. He's sending me to my sisters house in Maryland.

Maryland? The full reality of the situation had just come cashing down on top of Jack like a ton of bricks. This was real... this was actually happening! Jack noticed very big very round splatter of dried tears on the page as if she'd been crying while she wrote it. Jack felt his own throat closing up with emotion as he thought of her sitting alone at her table writing this with the whole world on her shoulders.

He's making me leave. I hate it Jack I don't want to leave. I need you! The only reason I'm leaving is because my father said he would kill you. And he damn sure would have Jack, we both know it. We weren't supposed to fool around, we're not even married. I should have stopped us. I'm so sorry.

"No Ace." Jack said his voice breaking. "It's not your fault!"

Now because of it I have to leave, I don't want to, but my father agreed he wouldn't kill you if I promised not to be with you anymore. So therefore, I agreed and he promised to spare your life. Now I'm going to be stuck in Maryland for the rest of my life. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I wish I could see your cocky face one more time. Maybe I will see you again, maybe Maryland won't keep us apart. Maybe it will. After all you don't want to have any kids, don't worry, you won't ever have to see my kid if you don't want to.

"Oh Katherine, I didn't mean that when I'se said that...." Jack said feeling his eyes burn with tears. How could she think that he would never want to see their kid? Had he really drilled it into her head that he would be angry if she ever wanted to have a kid? Jack felt guilt bubble in his chest as he pictured her curling up into a ball scared because she thought Jack would leave her. How had Jack not seen the signs? He shook his head and read on.

I sincerely hope you do well Jack Kelly, this last year has been the best of my life. You introduced me to a whole new world of life, friendship, leadership, courage, passion... and so much more. I can only hope someday my child will grow up to be just as amazing as you are. I love you so much. Don't forget that their is someone out there that believes in you. I always have, and I always will. Sincerely, Katherine Plumber.

Jack was completely in shock, one small tear rolled it's way down his face but he quickly whipped it away. He wouldn't cry, no, he was going to be strong for Katherine. He was going to see her again, he didn't care how far away she was or what her father said. He would kidnap her and take her away if that meant he got to see her again. He needed to man up and take responsibility, it was his fault she was pregnant. No matter what she said it was his fault! He had been the one to slide between her thighs a few times. Now he was paying dearly for those few fleeting moments of fun, and so was Katherine.

Jack clutched the letter tightly in his hands, he was going to see her again.


He was going to find her and make everything right, he was going to be there for her. She would not be alone.

This letter would not be goodbye.


Surprise! Part two! What did you think?

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