The Final Showdown

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We're in the midst of a somber ceremony, marking the passing of Sandy. Burning candles line the perimeter of Sandy's stone emblem. Tooth sets down a candle and stands shoulder to shoulder with Jack, North and Bunny. The four hold hands in solace. The ringing of somber bells can be heard echoing, the elves and a yeti ringing the elf bells as part of a ceremonial dirge. (Y/n), facing a window, frosts over the glass with her finger to form a symbol of Sandy. Jack slowly walks up behind her. "Are you alright?" (Y/n) remains still, her eyes fixed on the image of Sandy. "I just, I wish I could've done something." She said. "Done something? (Y/n), you stood up to Pitch. You saved us." Jack said. "But Sandy-" she began. Jack put a hand on one of her shoulders. "Would be proud of what you did." 

He smiled at her. (Y/n) pulls back her (F/c) hoodie and stands up. "I don't know who you were in your past life, but in this life you are a Guardian." Jack said. "But how can I know who I am, until I find out who I was?" She asked. "You will. I feel it." He smiled at her and she smiled back. Jack and (Y/n) approach the globe which is losing lights quickly. "Look how fast they're going out." Tooth said. "It's fear." (Y/n) said, then used her wind powers to fly above the globe. "He's tipped the balance." She flies closer the globe. She looks at the lights going out, then back to the Guardians. "Hey, buck up ya sad-sacks. Come on! We can still turn this around!" Bunny said, twirling his boomerang. "Easter is tomorrow and I need your help. I say we pull out all the stops and we get those little lights flickering again!" Bunny said. A massive wooden door swings open; 

North leads (Y/n) and the Guardians through the doorway, into an elevator, and through his factory. "Bunny is right. As much as it pains me to say old friend, this time Easter is more important than Christmas!" North said. Bunny's eyes widened. "Hey! Did everyone hear that?!" He asked. (Y/n) smiled and nodded at him. "We must hurry to the Warren. Everyone, to the sleigh!" North said. "Ohh no, mate. My warren my rules. Buckle up." Bunny taps his foot and a rabbit hole opens up. "Shostakovich!" North said. Everyone falls through Bunny's tunnels. (Y/n), Jack, Bunny and Tooth arrive gracefully in the warren, while North and the yetis come crashing. "Buckle up." Is very funny." North chuckles. 

"Welcome to the warren." Bunny stands before them when suddenly, he turns his attention. His ears perk up and his nose sniffs the air. "Something's up." A faint scream comes from one of Bunny's tunnels. Tiny eggs come running out. Bunny grabs his boomerang, North draws his sword, Jack holds out his staff, and (Y/n) activates fire on both hands as the sounds of footsteps and screams, grows louder. Bunny begins to charge toward the tunnel. At his side are the Guardians, yetis, and sentinel eggs all screaming battle cries until Sophie comes out. They all immediately stop. "Sophie?" (Y/n) asked. Everyone quickly holds back their weapons. Sophie giggles and immediately runs after an elf. " Elf, elf, elf!" "What is SHE doing HERE!!?" Bunny asked frantically. North looks down at his coat pocket. "Ah, snow globe." He said. "Crikey! Somebody do something!" Bunny panicked. "Don't look at me, I'm invisible. Remember?" (Y/n) asked. Sophie giggles as she drags the elf by the bell atop its uniform.

"Don't worry, Bunny. I bet she's a fairy fan." Tooth flies up to Sophie. "It's okay little one." Tooth said to Sophie. "Pretty!" She said in awe. "Awww! You know what, I got something for you. Here it is." Tooth pulls something out. "Look at all the pretty teeth with little blood and gum on them." Tooth said. "3." (Y/n) said. "2." Jack said. "1." (Y/n) said, just then Sophie runs away screaming. "Blood and gums? When was the last time you guys actually hung out with kids?" (Y/n) asked. Meanwhile, Sophie is running around the warren, exploring and playing. Sophie pokes her head into a small tunnel. "Peek-a-boo." "We are very busy bringing joy to children! We don't have time... for children." North said. (Y/n) walks toward her, forming a snowflake, which floats over toward Sophie. She tries to grab at it. "If one little kid can ruin Easter, then...we're in worse shape than I thought." Sophie follows the snowflake as (Y/n) flies it over to Bunny. "Weeee! Weee, weee, weee!" Sophie said. The snowflake lands on Bunny's nose and his concerns seem to fade away. A flower, opens to reveal an egg. 

The egg stands up wobbly. Sophie and Bunny are looking at it, Sophie is amazed. "You wanna paint some eggs? Yeah?" Bunny asked. "Okay!" Sophie said. "Come on then!" Bunny said. There's a massive stone spire, covered in moss, as thousands of unpainted eggs fall down the side of it toward a green meadow. "Rimsky Korsakov! That's a lot of eggs." North said. "Uh, how much time do we have?" (Y/n) asked. "Weeeeee!" Sophie said. "Woooohoooo!" Bunny hops along, Sophie riding on his back, leading a huge mass of eggs down a wide path. As he goes by, flowers bloom on both sides, blasting the eggs with color. "Alright troops, it's time to push back. That means eggs! Everywhere!" Bunny said. North looks out over the eggs as they get sorted. "Single file!" North said. On her back, Sophie is carried by the eggs through the sorting stones. She giggles as North waves at her while she passes by. "Heaps of you in every high-rise, farm house and trailer park!" Bunny continued. Baby Tooth flies across, there is a multicolored stream in the distance. "In tennis shoes and cereal bowls!" Baby Tooth joins an elf, who stands by an egg at the edge of a cliff. The elf pushes the egg over, into the stream, and then begins to dance. "Oh, there will be bathtubs filled with my beautiful googies!" Bunny said. The elf turns just in time to see lots of eggs come toward him. They knock him off and the eggs spill into the multi-colored stream. Colored eggs go through the water, emerging with colors and patterns. 

An egg wanders off and gets stuck in a whirlpool. North takes it out, and looks at the egg curiously. It's now got a spiral pattern. "Okay, that's little strange." North said. "Naw, mate." Bunny's surrounded by butterflies and cute little eggs. "That's adorable." As a technicolored elf climbs out of the water, North sets the egg down and lets it rejoin the others. As Sophie leads a line of eggs, Bunny jumps to a rock. Meanwhile, (Y/n) rides atop a group of sentinel egg that are marching in the back ground. "There will be springtime! On every continent! And I'm bringing hope with me!" Bunny announced. A line of eggs runs down curled vines as yetis cover them with glitter. They continue down various shoots, decorating the eggs with stripes. A confused elf comes from the vines, striped with paint and walks away. The striped elf walks past a Yeti, painting a mound of eggs red. Bunny walks by and hops across. "Too Christmas-y, mate, paint 'em blue." The Yeti throws its arms up in defeat. 

A beautifully painted egg hides in the grass. "Oh, what's over there?" Sophie appears, spots the egg, and grabs it. Sophie brings the egg to Bunny. "That's a beauty!" Bunny takes Sophie's hand and leads her through a stone archway. "Now all we gotta do is get him and his little mates through the tunnels, to the top, and we'll have ourselves Easter." Bunny said. Bunny looks on proudly at the eggs gathered in front of the tunnels in the distance. (Y/n) approaches from behind and makes her way beside Bunny, who holds Sophie. "Not bad." She said. Sophie yawns and begins to fall asleep. Bunny turns to (Y/n) with a smile. "Not bad yourself." He said. "Look, I'm sorry about that whole, you know, the "kangaroo" thing." (Y/n) apologized. "It's the accent, isn't it?" Bunny asked. (Y/n) chuckles. North comes up with Tooth and Jack at his side. They turn toward Bunny, looking at Sophie, who is asleep. "Ah, poor little ankle-biter. Look at her, all tuckered out." Bunny said. "I love her!" Tooth said. They look up from the sleeping toddler toward (Y/n). She's taught them something today. "I think it's time to get her home." Jack said. Bunny hands the sleeping Sophie over to Jack. "How about I take her home?" (Y/n) suggested.

"(Y/n), no! Pitch is out there-" Jack began. "No match for this." (Y/n) twirls her necklace. "Which is why we need you here, with us." Jack said. The Guardians look at her with concern. "Trust me, I'll be quick as a bunny." (Y/n) joked. "Promise?" Jack asked worriedly. She smiles at him. "Promise." She said. Later, as (Y/n) tries to put Sophie in her bed, she won't let go. Finally, she releases her grasp and then falls out of bed. Baby Tooth gives (Y/n) a look. "Sophie? Is that you?" Her mother asked. (Y/n)'s and Baby Tooth's eyes widen. Sophie, asleep on the floor, is covered with a blanket and given a squeaky stuffed animal. (Y/n) closes the window and looks at Baby Tooth. "We should get back." She said. Baby Tooth nods. 

"(Y/n)." (Y/n) looks around, confused. Where is that voice coming from? She looks out across town, toward the woods, and the sound of the echoed voice. "That voice, I know that voice..." (Y/n) said. Baby Tooth looks at her, worried. "(Y/n)..." With that, (Y/n) leaps off the window ledge. (Y/n), carried by the wind, flies across town toward the sound of the eerie voice. Baby Tooth follows, trying to keep up. (Y/n) lands, settling on a rotating vent; as the momentum slowly spins her around, the voice calls out to her again. "(Y/n)..." she turns, looks to the woods, and runs off. She and Baby Tooth land in the middle of a thickly wooded area. It's spooky. (Y/n) scans the forest when again she hears... "(Y/n)..." (Y/n) runs through the thickets and enters a clearing only to find the decrepit remains of a rotting frame from a child's bed. Very creepy. What would that be doing in the woods, and how long has it been here? "Don't worry, there's still time." (Y/n) said. Baby Tooth desperately tries to get her attention by tugging at her tunic. 

(Y/n) uses her feet to break the damaged frame, revealing a hole leading somewhere. "(Y/n)..." she jumps down, Baby Tooth follows. (Y/n) walks through a long dark tunnel with Baby Tooth close behind. Eventually she comes to a huge underground cavern. Baby Tooth continues to tug at (Y/n)'s tunic. "Baby Tooth, Baby...come on! I have to find out what that is." She said desperately. Dozens of huge bird cages are hanging from the ceiling, and in them are the mini fairies. They see (Y/n) and immediately perk up. The girl jumps up onto one of the cages. "Shhhh! keep it down." She leaps to another cage. "I'm gonna get you out of here, just as soon as I-" (Y/n)." She turns away. "(Y/n)." "As I can." 

(Y/n) looks down and sees the boxes. She jumps down and begins looking through the pile. "Looking for something?" A voice suddenly asked. She suddenly turns around, blasting fire at Pitch. but Pitch isn't there. (Y/n) takes off, following Pitch's laugh. (Y/n) goes toward a corner as she sees Pitch's shadow fly across and into a shadowed corridor. "Don't be afraid, (Y/n). I'm not going to hurt you." Pitch said. (Y/n) walks along a shadowed corridor. "Afraid?" (Y/n) sees Pitch on a bridge across the cavern and goes after him. "I'm not afraid of you!" She shouted. "Maybe not. But you are afraid of something." Pitch taunted. (Y/n) steadily approaches, cautious and alert. "You think so, huh?" She sneered. "I know so. It's the one thing I always know." Pitch finally turns to face her. "People's greatest fears. Yours is that no one will ever believe in you." Fear came into her eyes. As she backs up, the chamber fills with shadows, and (Y/n) is spun around. She's disoriented as she crashes into a wall, which flips to reveal it's the ground.

Pitch, unseen now, chuckles. (Y/n) doesn't know where she is. She looks back to see the entrance, she's back where she began. "And worst of all, you're afraid you'll never know why. Why you? Why were you be like this?" (Y/n) sees that that the entrance has been blocked with bricks as Pitch's shadow encroaches. "Well fear not, for the answer to that..." Pitch is now in front of her, holding out a tooth box. "Is right here." (Y/n)'s eyes widen. The face of a young girl was on the side of the box, under it is the name (Y/n) Elemental. "Do you want them, (Y/n)? Your memories?" Pitch asked. He holds them out to her. (Y/n) stares, she closes her eyes, but when she opens them again, Pitch has vanished. Pitch's shadow moves across the pillars of the cavern. (Y/n) runs down a corridor, 

cast shadows from the mini fairy cages everywhere. "Everything you wanted to know..." Pitch's face moves in and out of the shadows. " this little box." Every time (Y/n) turns, Pitch vanishes. Multiple shadows appear on the wall around (Y/n). They're closing in. "Why did you end up like this? Unseen. Unable to reach out to anyone. You want the answers so badly. You want to grab them, and fly off with them. But you're afraid of what the Guardians will think." Her breathing speeds up as she's pushed into a corner. "You're afraid of disappointing them. Well let me ease your mind about one thing. They'll never accept you. Not really." Pitch taunted. The shadows have overcome (Y/n). "Stop it! Stop it!" She yelled, trying to scramble away. Almost reluctantly, the shadows pull back and Pitch appears in front of her. "After all, you're not one of them." He sneered. "You don't know what I am!" She snapped, as lighting appears on her hands, ready to attack if needed. "Of course I do. You're (Y/n) Elemental. You make a mess wherever you go. Why, you're doing it right now." Pitch gives her the box. (Y/n) catches it then looks up worriedly.

 "What did you do?" She asked. "More to the point (Y/n), what did you do?" Pitch begins to back away, becoming one with the darkness, laughing as he disappears. (Y/n) runs at him only to fall through one of Pitch's black holes. (Y/n) flies out of Pitch's shadow, ready to attack. Suddenly, she realizes she's forgotten something. "Baby Tooth!" She turns to re-enter the hole only to see one of Bunny's stone emblems. "Happy Easter, (Y/n)." Pitch taunted. (Y/n) turns around, broken egg shells lay on the ground, forming a path. "No." She said in despair. Bunny looks through the bushes. "There are no eggs." "There's none anywhere." "I give up." "Come on, let's go." "I don't understand." Bunny looks at the eggs in his basket, then looks back at the kids. "Maybe he just hid them really well this year." 

A little girl said. Bunny walks toward the kids who seem to be wandering around searching halfheartedly, disappointed and listless. "Kids! Oi!" He called. "I checked everywhere! There's nothing!" A little boy said. Bunny steps towards them. "Yes there is! There is! I mean these aren't my best looking googies, but they'll do in a pinch!" Bunny said. He holds out a broken Easter egg. The kids just stare. "I can't believe it." The girl said. "I know." Bunny said. "There's no such thing as the Easter Bunny." She said. The girl turns to leave. "What?" Bunny asked. "Easter's over. Forget this." The boy said. "No! Wrong! Not, not true! I'm right in front of ya, mate!" Bunny shouted. "There's no such thing." "I know." The kids walk through Bunnymund. "Now come on." "I don't understand. Why wouldn't he come?" "Let's get out of here." "Easter Bunny, where are you?" "This is the worst Easter ever." "They don't see me. They don't see me." Bunny said in realization.

(Y/n) watches this and could feel her heart break. Tooth flies to Bunny's side. (Y/n) hears a rustle in the bushes and turns around. "(Y/n), where were you?" Jack asked. She sees North, having just come from battle. "The Nightmares attacked the tunnels. They smashed every egg, crushed every basket. Nothing made it to the surface." North said. Her eyes widened. "(Y/n)!" Tooth flies over to them. She gasps as she notices the box in her hand. "Where did you get that?" She asked. (Y/n) looks down at the tooth box in her hand, then back at Tooth. "I's..." she stammered. "Where's Baby Tooth?" Tooth asked. "I..." she looks at her friends, trying to figure out what to say. Tooth gasps. " Oh (Y/n), what have you done?" She asked. "That is why you weren't here?" Jack steps forward to confront her. "You were with Pitch?" He asked, his voice rising in anger. "No, listen, listen... I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." (Y/n) said desperately. "She has to go." Bunny said, walking over. "What?" She asked, turning to face him. "We should never have trusted you!" Bunny shouted. (Y/n) jumps back in shock with widened eyes. "Easter is new beginnings, new life. Easter is about hope. And now it's gone." Bunny turns around and walks away. (Y/n) looks back at North, Tooth and Jack. The trio turn away. She looks at them with a broken heart. She pulls out the tiny Russian nesting doll and drops it, before flying away. Meanwhile Jamie, on a ladder, strains for what looks like an Easter egg, hiding in the rain gutter. 

The ladder totters and Jamie loses his balance, beginning to fall. "Whoaaa, whoa, whoa...aaaah!" Jamie grabs the gutter but it breaks loose, sending Jamie crashing into a mound of snow and Pippa winces. As Jamie gets up, he sees that the Easter egg was in fact a dirty old tennis ball. Jamie stands up, bewildered, and dusts himself off as his friends laugh. A few have empty easter baskets. "Let's check the park again." Jamie said. "Really?" Caleb asked. "For what, the Easter Bunny?" Claude asked in annoyance. "Guys, I told you. I saw him! He's way bigger than I thought, and he's got these cool boomerang-things-" Jamie said. " Grow up, Jamie." Caleb said. "Ah man, seriously." Claude sighs. Jamie backs away from his friends and looks at them with disappointment. "What's happened to you guys?" He asked. "It was a dream. You should be happy you still get dreams like that and not..." Caleb said, looking at the others. "Nightmares." Cupcake finished. They begin to turn away. Pippa's the lone straggler. She looks tired, depressed, and hands Jamie her basket as she leaves. "Forget it, Jamie. There's just no Easter this year." "I can't believe this." Caleb said. "He really is real!" Jamie shouted after his friends. Pippa walks away, trailing the others. Jamie doesn't know what to believe. He hangs his head and looks into the Easter basket, which is empty. "I know he is." Jamie said. Yetis stare at the globe of belief, in shock as more and more lights begin to fade. Meanwhile in Antarctica, (Y/n) runs to the edge of a floating iceberg, ready to throw her box into the ocean. But for some reason, she can't do it. She sighs as she looks at it. "I thought this might happen." Her face soon changed into a scowl at his voice. "They never really believed in you. I was just trying to show you that. But I understand." Pitch said.

She quickly turned around in anger and shoots a burst of lightning at Pitch, but it's quickly deflected. "You don't understand anything!" She shouted. She continues to attack, lashing out with multiple elements. Pitch blocks the attacks of elements, his control over the Nightmare sand has gained considerable strength. "No? I don't know what it's like to be cast out?" (Y/n) jumps in the air. Their show of force escalates until they're shrouded in a blanket of elements. As they settle, (Y/n) looks around stern and alert. "To not be believed in. To long for a family." (Y/n) turns around to find Pitch. There's a look of compassion on her face as she listens. "All those years in the shadows I thought, no one else knows what this feels like. But now I see I was wrong." Pitch said. They lock eyes. A moment of true connection between them. "We don't have to be alone, (Y/n)." Pitch said. "I believe in you. And I know children will too." Pitch said. "In me?" She asked softly. "Yes! Look at what we can do!" 

Pitch gestures to a fantastical elemental and nightmare "sculpture" that was created by the two of them. "We can make them believe. We'll give them a world where everything, everything is..." Pitch said. "Pitch black?" (Y/n) asked. Pitch, realizing how this looks, clarifies. "And (Y/n) Elemental, too. They'll believe in both of us." Pitch said. "No, they'll fear both of us. And that's not what I want." (Y/n) said firmly. She then turns and walks away. Pitch looked rather saddened and disappointed. "Very well. You want to be left alone? Done. But first..." "(Y/N)!" A familiar voice shouted. Her eyes widened and she quickly turned around to find Pitch holding Jack hostage. She gasped. "JACK!" "(Y/N)!" Jack shouted as he tried to run to her, but Pitch held him back tightly. "Let him go!" The girl shouted angrily. "The necklace, (Y/n)!" Pitch shouted. She looks at it then glares at Pitch. " You have a bad habit of interfering. Now hand it over. And I'll let him go." Pitch said. "Don't give it to him!" Jack shouted. Jack struggles to get loose, but Pitch only tightens his grip. He can hardly breathe. This was hard for her to watch. She gave in and took off her necklace. "All right, fine. Take it." She hands it to him. Pitch smirked as he twirled it in his fingers. "Now let him go." She demanded. "No." Pitch said. Hers and Jack's eyes widened, and (Y/n) glares at him.

 "You said you wanted to be alone. So be alone!" Pitch shouted. Jack glared at him before kicking him where the sun doesn't shine. Pitch groaned in pain before throwing him into the air. "JACK!" (Y/n) shouted. Pitch lifts the necklace, and breaks it over his knee, breaking it apart. Light explodes from the neckline and shock comes into (Y/n)'s eyes, and she clutches her chest in pain. Suddenly, Pitch sends a burst of Nightmare sand, blasting her into the iceberg wall behind. As the ice cracks, she comes loose and falls below. Pitch looks down into the ice fissure chuckling. He throws the broken shards of her necklace into the crevasse and walks off. It's cold and dark down here, and (Y/n) is more alone than she's ever been. (Y/n) slowly looks up and notices Jack, lying lifelessly on the ground. "Jack!" 

She shouted, she quickly rushes to him. "Are you alright?" She asked quickly in concern. Jack coughs for a few moments, then looks at her. "Yeah, I'm fine. You saved me. Thanks." He said. (Y/n) smiled. "You don't need to thank me. We're friends, of course I'd save you." She said. She then frowned, looking down. "What's wrong?" Jack asked. "Pitch was right. I make a mess of everything." She said. "That's not true, (Y/n)." Jack said. "Yes it is." she replied, not bothering to look up. Jack frowned. He hated seeing her like this. Then an idea came to him. He quickly put his hands into her pockets. "Hey!" She said. Then she heard the voice again. "(Y/n)." She jumped in surprise, then Jack quickly pulled out her memory. "(Y/n)." The voice called again. "Here." He said. She looked at him for a few moments. Jack nodded at her. "Open it." He said. "Jack, I don't know..." she said. He grabbed her hands. "It will be fine. I promise." He said, smiling at her. "Okay..." she said. She opened the box, and memories began to flash in her mind.

"Come on (Y/n), you can't have fun all the time." Her mother said. Children were laughing as a familiar girl hangs upside down from a tree branch. "(Y/n), what are you doing?!" Her sister called. Next (Y/n) is making silly gestures in front of her siblings as they laugh at her. "You're funny, (Y/n)." (Y/n) walks toward the woods with her sister. Her mother, calls out to her. "Be careful." "We will." She said. "It's okay. It's okay. Don't look down, just look at me." She said to her sister. "(Y/n), are you sure we should be doing this?" She said. The ice below her cracks a little. She wobbles a little. (Y/n) smiled. "Yeah, trust me. It will be fine. Let's have some fun." (Y/n) said. "We won't fall in?" She asked. The girl smiled. 

"We won't fall in. Now, just do what I do, okay?" The girl asked. She then tried to skate, only to almost trip and she let out a yelp. Her sister laughed. "See? It's easy. Now you try." (Y/n) said to her sister. Her sister looks down. She is trying to gather her courage. She tries to skate, but the ground cracks beneath her and she gasps, wobbling, but catching her balance. "That's it, that's it...come closer..." (Y/n) said. "Her sister skated a little bit more toward her. "There!" (Y/n) grabs her hand and quickly throws her to the other side. Her sister smiles at her and she smiles back, laughing a little. But then she suddenly falls into the water below as the ice breaks beneath her. "(Y/N)!" Her sister shouted fearfully. She gasped as her eyes suddenly opened, snapping back to reality. Jack looked at her curiously. "So, what did you see?" He asked. "I..." she began, looking down for a moment. "Jack, how did you die?" She suddenly asked. His eyes widened. "What?" He asked. "How did you die?" She repeated, looking at him. 

He blinked a couple times before answering. "I drowned, why?" He asked. She gasped and her eyes widened. "(Y/n)?" He asked. "I drowned too." She said. His eyes widened. "Where did you drown? In a pond?" She asked. "yes..." he trailed off. She thought everything over for a moment. "Jack, you and I died the same way." She said. "What?" He asked in shock. "I drowned in a pond too, and I think... it was the same one." She explained. Jack was stunned. "Wow." He said. She then stood up and Jack did the same. "We need to get out of here." She said. "Agreed." Jack said. (Y/n) looks at her broken necklace, and tries to put it back together, but it doesn't work. She sighs, then tries again. Jack watches, his eyes widening as a bright light comes from the necklace. (Y/n) continues to push, 

until a the light spreads and fixes the necklace. (Y/n) and Jack smile at each other. (Y/n) then grabs his right hand and flies out holding Jack by his hand. "Whoa!" He yelps. "Come on, Jack! I owe you one." She said. The Mini fairies twitter as (Y/n) and Jack jump from cage to cage, opening them. She opens another cage and notices the fairies not moving. " Come on, let's go." Jack shouted. "What's wrong?!" (Y/n) asked. The fairies are just standing around. "None of you can fly?" She asked. Jack turns to the globe. "Of course. (Y/n)." He whispered. She turned and looked. "The lights..." she mumbled. A Yeti sets the last painted red robot dolls on a shelf. He breathes a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the factory shakes, knocking the doll over. He goes after it, juggles it in the air, and catches it just before it falls. Suddenly, streaks of black sand come in. The dark sand goes around the globe, causing the Yetis and Elves to run and knock toys over. The Yetis and Elves look up as Pitch appears above the globe.

"You're all free to go! We won't be needing any Christmas toys this year, thank you! Nor ever again!" Pitch taunted. The yeti just sighs. (Y/n) and Jack land on the ground, now standing before Pitch's globe and it looks like almost all the lights are out. "They're all going out..." (Y/n) said worriedly. Pitch is dancing across North's globe, he's so giddy, counting down as the last few go dark. "Only six left! Six precious children who still believe in the Guardians with all their h-" a light goes out. "Make that, five." He said. "Oo! Four! Three! Two!" Pitch stares at the final light, waiting for it to go out. He snaps his fingers a few times, but nothing happens. "One." He growled. (Y/n) flies Jack up onto the globe to closely inspect the light. The two smile at each other when they realize who it is. "Jamie!" 

Meanwhile Jamie is sitting on his bed, talking to a stuffed animal, and whispering. "Okay look, you and I are obviously at what they call a crossroads, so here's what's gonna happen." Jack and (Y/n) appear outside his window. "If it wasn't a dream and if you are real, then you have to prove it. Like right now." Jamie waits. He looks around expectantly. "I've believed in you for a long time, okay? Like my whole life in fact. So you kinda owe me now." Jamie picks up his stuffed rabbit. "You don't have to do much, just a little sign so I know. Anything. Anything at all." He waits, but nothing happens. "I knew it." Jamie drops his stuffed animal to the floor. (Y/n) watches with worry. She looks at Jack, and he nods at her. She then freezes the glass and an image of an Easter egg appears. Jamie looks at the window. "Huh?' He then looks at the toy on the ground, then looks back at the window. "He's real." He whispered. (Y/n) then creates a snow rabbit, and makes it hop around the room. Jamie laughs. She laughs as well, then makes the rabbit turn into multiple elements and Jamie watches in awe at the sight. "Whoa!" He said. Then he suddenly had a thought come to his mind. "(Y/n) Elemental?" He suddenly asked. 

The girl's eyes widened. "Did he just say—?" She asked. "(Y/n) Elemental?" He asked again. "He said it again. He said- You said..." she said in shock. Jamie turns around and his eyes widened. "(Y/n) Elemental." He said. "That's right! But-but that's me!" She said. "(Y/n) Elemental! That's my name! You said my name!" She said. Jamie's mouth drops open. " Wait, can you hear me?" She asked. Jamie nods. "Can you... Can you see me?" She asked again, and Jamie nodded again. "He sees me. He sees me!" (Y/n) leaps into the air. "Jack he sees me!" She shouted. "Jack?" Jamie asked. Jack then comes in and hugs her. "I knew it! I knew you'd gain a believer!" He said. (Y/n) then looks at Jamie who's still watching. 

"Uh, Jack?" She gestured to the kid. "Oh!" Jack quickly stepped back. "Jack? Jack Frost?" Jamie asked, and he nodded. "You two know each other?" Jamie asked. "Yes..." (Y/n) said. Jamie then seemed to smirk a bit. "So, are you two like, a thing?" He asked. The two glanced at each other quickly, their faces going red. "Uh..." Jack stammered. "That... that..." (Y/n) said, trying to figure out what to say. Jamie seemed tp smirk more. "Is to be determined." Jack said quickly. Jamie nodded. "Uh huh." He said sarcastically, making the two chuckle nervously. "So if you two are real, what about the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy?" Jamie asked, changing the subject. "Real-real-real! Every one of us is real!" (Y/n) said. "I knew it!" Jamie shouted. "Jamie, who are you talking to?" His mother asked from outside the room. His eyes widened and he looked to the door then Jack and (Y/n). " Um...Jack Frost and (Y/n) Elemental." He said awkwardly. His mother chuckles. "Okay..." Jamie and (Y/n) chuckle. Suddenly, the sound of thunder and North's sleigh as (Y/n), Jack and Jamie look at the window.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..." North and Tooth arrive on the sleigh which is out of control, and crash land outside Jamie's house. The reindeer are separated from the sleigh and run into the woods. Tooth and North appear. "Ah, moi deti! Come back!" North called. As North stands, his back suddenly gives out. "North! Are you okay?" Tooth asked. "Is official. My powers are kaput." North said. Tooth gasps as she sees (Y/n) and Jack come over. "Look! (Y/n)! Jack!" Tooth tries to fly to them but falls to the ground. "Are you okay?" (Y/n) helps her up and she smiles. "Jack!" North said as he approaches. "We've been so worried about you! Where have you been?" He asked. "Well... I... I tried to find (Y/n) after what happened earlier, but Pitch found me and used me against her." Jack explained. Their eyes widened with worry. "What? Pitch captured you?" Tooth asked. "Yeah, but I'm fine now. Thanks to (Y/n)." He said. North then looked at the girl. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" He asked. "Same as you." She replied. She looks and sees Jamie come out of his house. "The last light!" North said. 

"Wow! It is you! I mean it is you! I knew it wasn't a dream." Jamie then smiles at (Y/n). "(Y/n). He sees you!" North said. She then nudges him playfully, then looks at her friends with concern. "Wait, but, where's Bunny?" She asked. "Losing Easter took its toll on all of us. Bunny most of all." North said. Suddenly a little bunny comes out of the sleigh. "" (Y/n) said. Jamie chuckles. "That's the Easter Bunny?" He asked. "Now somebody sees me! I mean, where were you about an hour ago, mate?" Bunny asked. "What happened to him? He used to be huge and cool! And now he's cute." Jamie gently tickles Bunny under his chin. Bunny begins involuntarily thumping his paw. "Oh, that's good." Bunny then realizes what he's doing and pushes Jamie's hands away. "Did you tell him to say that?" 

He hops over to (Y/n). "That's it! Let's go! Me and you! Come on!" "Hey!" Jack said scoldingly. "No! Actually she told me you were real. Just when I started to think that maybe you weren't." Jamie said. Bunny suddenly stopped. "She made you believe? In me?" He asked. Jamie nodded. (Y/n) and Bunny then smile at each other, until all of them hear thunder. The Guardians look to the sky to see Pitch. "Get Jamie out of here." (Y/n) said. "Be careful, (Y/n)!" Jack said. She flies into the air toward Pitch. Meanwhile, the Guardians try to take Jamie somewhere safe. Pitch looks at the girl in anger, then smiles. "(Y/n) Elemental! Let's end this, shall we?" Pitch flies toward her. (Y/n) sends a blast of multiple elements toward Pitch. Pitch easily absorbs the attacks. "That little trick doesn't work on me anymore." Pitch charges ahead and unleashes Nightmare sand that hits her and she falls. Jamie and the Guardians do their best to avoid the Nightmares. North struggles to keep up. "Quick, this way this way!" Bunny leads them to a dead end. "Dead end. Other way other way!" (Y/n) falls from the sky, lands on a dumpster, and falls to the ground. Everyone turns to look at her. "(Y/n)!" Jack and Jamie shouted, they run to her and Jack and Jamie help her up. 

"That was good try, (Y/n). A for effort!" North said. "He's stronger. I can't beat him." (Y/n) said. Tooth and North look at each other in concern. The guardians watch as nightmares come across the alley. "All this fuss over one little boy. And still he refuses to stop believing." Pitch said. There's a crack of thunder, and then shadows of nightmares approach them. "Very well. There are other ways to snuff out a light." Pitch said. Bulbs start breaking as a shadow moves across. Jamie looks around in fear. "If you want him, you're gonna have to go through me!" Bunny shouted. The shadow raises a finger, then moves along the floor, going to Bunny's back. "Look how fluffy you are! Would you like a scratch behind the ears?" He mocked. Bunny jumps into North's arms. "Don't you even think about it!" Pitch comes into view, riding on Onyx. "I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see you all like this. 

You look awful." Pitch smirked. All of them stand around Jamie to protect him as he backs away from the shadows. "(Y/n), I'm scared." He said. She bends down and puts a hand on his shoulder. Then gets a memory of her sister. Her eyes widened. "Let's have some fun. That's it. That's my center." She said. Jamie gives her a questioning look. What does she have in mind? Pitch gets closer. "So what do you think, Jamie? Do you believe in the Boogiema..." (Y/n) suddenly throws a snowball at him. Two Nightmares look at each in surprise. Jack laughs and Jamie snickers. North lets out a chuckle. "Now let's go get your friends." (Y/n) said. Pitch wipes the snow from his face and looks up to see a track of ice leading out of the alleyway. The streets are empty and the city is quiet. Suddenly a streak of blue begins to appear. A man is walking his dog when suddenly a cold wind blows behind. (Y/n), Jack and Jamie come flying past, leaving a trail of ice behind. The rest of the Guardians ride behind. "Yeah! Come on!" (Y/n) shouted. "Whoa! Cool!" Jamie said. Cupcake lies in bed awake. The Guardians' reflections go across the window. Out of nowhere, a snowball hits her window. Cupcake pulls the covers off and sees it raining in her room. She sits up and smiles. Pippa sits in bed amazed as it snows in her room. She hears a knock at her window and walks toward it to find Jamie floating outside. "Jamie, how are you doing that?!" She asked. "(Y/n) Elemental! Come on, we need your help!"

Jamie flies down the street, and as a snowflake lands on her nose she suddenly sees (Y/n). "Hey is.. is that?" She asked. "(Y/n) Elemental!" Monty said. Pippa looks up to see Monty. Caleb and Claude sit up in bed in awe, staring at the rain as it falls from the ceiling. The twins look down to find neatly wrapped gifts a their beds as a jolly voice shouts. "Merry Christmas!" The twins open their window, amazed. "Happy Easter!" Bunny said. "Don't forget to floss!" Tooth shouted. Caleb looks to his brother in shock. Suddenly Cupcake rides past. "Cupcake?" Claude asked. Then the others joined in. "Yeah!" Claude shouted. "Jamie you were right!" Pippa said. "The Easter Bunny's real!" Caleb said. "And the Tooth Fairy!" Pippa said. "And Santa!" Claude said. "They're all real!" Monty said. (Y/n) the Guardians, 

and the children all come to stop. They look up to see Pitch standing on a building. Monty comes over running happily before seeing Pitch and running behind them in fear. "You think a few children can help you? Against this!" Pitch mocked. Nightmares come down from the sky, North takes out his swords, but is pulled down by the weight. Jack and (Y/n) come to his side. Jamie looks at them with concern. "They're just bad dreams, Jamie." (Y/n) said. "And we'll protect you, mate." Bunny said. "Aww, you'll protect them." Pitch smiles mockingly. "But who will protect you?" He asked. Jamie thinks to himself for a moment before stepping in front of The Guardians. "I will." Then Cupcake joins in. "I will." Then the twins. "I will." They said. "And me." Pippa said. "I'll try." Monty said. "Still think there's no such thing as the boogeyman?" Pitch asked. His nightmares move through the town, toward the children. "I do believe in you. I'm just not afraid of you." As Jamie puts his hand out toward the nightmares, it suddenly turns into golden Dreamsand "Whoa...whoaaaa!" Everyone is amazed, hardly believing their eyes. Streams of Dreamsand fly around the children. The Nightmares buck and jump as the sand makes its way past. 

Pitch watches in aghast. Tooth's wings suddenly begin to work again and she smiles and begins to fly. "Yeah, Tooth Fairy! Whooaaa!" Cupcake cheered. North's eyes widen. He straightens his back and unsheathes his scimitars. "Whoa, yeah!" Monty cheered. "No! Get them! Do your jobs!" Pitch ordered. The petite rabbit looks at himself, waiting to be turned back to normal. " Oh yeah, come on, come on!" Suddenly nightmares chase after him. "Oh, crikey!" Bunny begins to run. North throws two snow globes to the ground, an army of yetis and elves then come through. "No way!" The twins said. Bunny runs under a car to hide from a nightmare. "I'm just a bunny!" Then once the nightmare pulls him out, he's back to his normal size. "G'day, mate!" Bunny kicks the Nightmare, flips into the air, and throws his boomerangs and slices two Nightmares. Bunny stomps his feet on the ground and an army of sentinel eggs come out. 

Caleb ends up on top of one as they enter the battle. "Whoa!" Caleb said. "Come on! Wooooohoooo!" Bunny shouts. Elves riding toy ducks and planes come flying in above. The kids look to see a Nightmare charging toward them, only to stop as the kids turn to face it. " Let's get 'em!" Cupcake shouted. The kids, accompanied by two elves in a bike and side car, run toward a Nightmare. The elf behind the wheel lunges at it. "Come on guys, we can do it!" Cupcake said. The kids put their hands on the Nightmare, turning it to Dreamsand. Pitch looks down with a smile at the chaos in the streets below. Pitch turns toward the noise to see (Y/n) on the roof. She quickly sends a wave of fire toward Pitch's Nightmares, disabling a few of them. The Guardians turn toward the explosions of elements taking place on the surrounding buildings. Pitch attacks her back. (Y/n) jumps to another roof and lets out a blast of lightning. " All yours, mate."

Bunny taps his foot on the ground and creates a rabbit hole for North and himself to jump in. Jack runs into Pitch as he rounds the corner of a chimney. Pitch lets a Nightmare arrow fly, which is suddenly deflected by (Y/n) as she flies through the area and takes out a few Nightmares. "Thanks, (Y/n)!" Jack called. Suddenly, Bunny comes flying out of a nearby chimney, drawing his boomerang as he lands. "Ho, ho, HO!" The Nightmares surrounding Pitch explode as the boomerang goes through. North shoots out of a bunny hole, his scimitars at the ready, only to have landed on a different roof. "Hyah!" He realizes everyone was behind him. "Wrong roof." Pitch tries to escape the Guardians and slips into a nearby shadow, going through the side of the building. North jumps off the roof to attack. Pitch is knocked to the ground. As he gets to his feet he forms a scythe with his 

Nightmare sand and begins crossing swords with North. Soon Pitch finds himself surrounded by the Guardians. Each of them take their turn to attack. Jamie looks over Caleb's shoulder as a wisp of Dreamsand leaves his palms and rises into the air. " Look at that!" Caleb said. Jamie then gets an idea. "I got it. I know what we have to do! Guys, come on!" Jamie leads his friends as they follow the streams of Dreamsand down the street toward the growing mass of golden sand. The Guardians advance on Pitch. "It's over Pitch! There's no place to hide." Jack snarled. Pitch gives them a wry smile and quickly goes into the shadows, creating multiple versions of himself along the alley wall. Suddenly Pitch comes up behind (Y/n), with his Nightmare sand axe. Jack's eyes widened in fear. "(Y/n), look out!" He shouted. She turned around in fear as she saw Pitch about to strike. She flinched and put her hand up in defense, but just as Pitch was about to hit her, a golden whip goes around Pitch's hands. Which came from Sandy. He gives Pitch a look, wags his finger, then punched him and sent him flying. "Whoa! The Sandman!" 

Sandy looks off to the side to where Jamie and his friends are. He creates a Dreamsand hat and tips the hat to Jamie. Jamie waves back as his friends stand behind him. Sandy then looks to his whip and tugs it, slamming Pitch to the ground and knocking him out. The Guardians cheer as they welcome Sandy. "Welcome back, old friend!" North said. "Sandy." Jack said. "Oh, Sandy. You're alright!" Tooth said. "Sandy, come here!" Bunny said. "Yeah!" (Y/n) cheered. "Mate, you are a sight for sore eyes!" Bunny said. Sandy flies into the air, sending streams of Dreamsand in multiple directions. Dreamsand comes into a child's bedroom and touches his forehead while he sleeps. Suddenly, a Dreamsand figure forms above the child's head, 

which is the Tooth Fairy. Lights begin to appear on the globe. Baby Tooth notices this, and perks up. Her wings start to flutter. Other fairies begin to fly. They shoot down to the tooth boxes and begin opening them. One of the faces on a box, and transition to the actual child who she goes from sad to happy as her fondest memories flood back. Sophie looks out of her bedroom window, watching as streams of Dreamsand flies across the sky. "Pretty!" Sophie said. More and more windows begin to shine bright with gold as swirls of Dreamsand fill the night sky. The globe in North's sleigh is now decorated with spots of yellow light. A Nightmare comes running at Cupcake. It comes to a stop. She gently touches the Nightmare and turns into a Dreamsand Unicorn. "Whoa." A gigantic Dreamsand dinosaur foot comes down which turns out to be a Dreamsand brontosaurus. As Dreamsand creatures fill the streets, the Guardians and children celebrate. Jack stands in awe of a school of beautiful Dreamsand fish as they fly by. He then jumps in surprise as a snowball suddenly hits him.

He turns around to see (Y/n) smirking playfully, holding a snowball. Jack smiles. She then throws one at Jamie. Jamie smiles, then begins a snowball fight with his friends. "Your center?" North asked the girl. "It took a while, but I figured it out." She smiled at him. North smiled back and gave her something. She looked down to see a doll that looked like herself. She smiled at North and he winked at her, then suddenly a snowball hit him. He sees Claude, Caleb, and an elf, the twins point at the elf. "Ooohhh." North bursts out in laughter. "You're all on naughty list. Bunny, think fast!" He hits Bunny in the face. Bunny sits up and smiles, then joins the snowball fight. Pitch groans in pain, and stands up and sees the town covered with Dreamsand and everyone playing. "No." He turns around to see the kids. "You dare have fun in my presence! I am the Boogeyman!" (Y/n) and Jack turn to glare at him. "AND YOU WILL FEAR ME!" He tries to grab Jamie, but Jamie runs through him. "No!" He looks to see The Guardians staring at him. He then quickly runs into the woods, and over the pond. 

Then suddenly crashes into North. "Leaving the party so soon?" North asked. "You didn't even say goodbye." Tooth gives him a quarter. He looks at it in confusion. "A quarter?" Tooth suddenly punches him in the jaw, and a tooth of his falls out. "And that's for my fairies." She said. "You can't get rid of me! Not forever! There will always be fear!" Pitch declared. "So what? As long as one child believes, we will be here to fight fear!" North said. "Really? Then what are they doing here?" Pitch gestured to the Nightmares appearing. "They can't be my Nightmares, I'm not afraid." North said. Pitch then looked confused. (Y/n) then stepped forward. "Looks like it's your fear they smell." She said. His eyes widened and he tried to run away, but the Nightmares pulled him down into the hole which then sealed up. 

"No, no, nooooooo!" (Y/n)'s eyes widened as she watched him disappear. Jack then laughs and runs to her, hugging her tightly. (Y/n) was surprised at first, but smiled and hugged back. The two realized the others smiling at them and quickly broke apart from each other, chuckling nervously. "Are you ready now, (Y/n)? To make it official." North said. An elf is hitting a horn against his palm. A Yeti hands North the book from before. "Then is time you take Oath." North opens the book, flips through a few pages, and pauses for a moment. "Will you, (Y/n) Elemental, vow to watch over the children of the world?" Jamie and his friends and a crowd of yetis, elves, and eggs walk over. "To guard them with your life, their hopes, their wishes, and their dreams? For they are all that we have, all that we are and all that we will ever be." (Y/n) looks at Jamie, who smiles and nods at her. Then she looks back at North and nods. "I will." She said. "Then congratulations, (Y/n) Elemental. For you are now and forevermore...a Guardian." Everyone then began to cheer for her. "Yeah! Wooo! Good job, mate. Good job!" Bunny said. "Klasno!" North gives her a hug, and kisses her on both cheeks. (Y/n) smiles at him. Imitating North, an elf picks up the elf standing next to him and gives him a big kiss. After an awkward pause, the elf is punched in the face. 

Multiple fairies fly nearby her forming a heart. "Keep it together, girls." Tooth said. One of them falls to the ground. "You guys, look!" Caleb said. "That's Santa's sleigh." Monty said as the sleigh flies down. "Everyone loves the sleigh." Bunny says smirking. North turns away from Bunny and puts his hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder. "Time to go." As the kids look on in wonder, Sandy throws up his hands creating a shower of Dreamsand, which falls on the children. Bunny hands an egg to Sophie who giggles and pats his nose. "Happy Easter ya little anklebiter. I'm gonna miss yah." Bunny said. "Bye, bye, bunny." 

"You're leaving? But, what if Pitch comes back?" (Y/n) turns to him. "What if we stop believing again? If I can't see you-" (Y/n) kneels down. "Hey, hey, slow down, slow down. You telling me you stop believing in the moon when the sun comes up?" She asked. "No." Jamie said. "Okay, well do you stop believing in the sun when clouds block it out?" She asked. Jamie smiles at her. "No." "We'll always be there, Jamie. And now... we'll always be here." (Y/n) points to his heart. "Which kind of makes you a Guardian too." She said. Jamie smiles. (Y/n) stands up and heads toward the sleigh. Jamie's friends stand off to the side rubbing their eyes as they become sleepy. "(Y/n)!" Jamie runs over and hugs the girl. She's shocked at first, then smiles and hugs him back, then joins the other Guardians. "Hyah!" (Y/n) and the Guardians look toward the kids as the sleigh takes off. Jamie runs after the sleigh and waves. (Y/n) approaches Jack. The two smile at each other, until (Y/n) kisses him. He's surprised at first, then smiles. "My name is (Y/n) Elemental. And I'm a Guardian. How do I know that? Because the moon told me so. So when the moon tells you something, believe it. (Y/n) sends out multiple elements as the sleigh flies away.

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