Tooth Fairy Duty

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"Quickly! Quickly!" North booms up out of a chimney, dashing along the rooftops. "Here we go, here we go..." Bunny said. Jack zips forward, calling out to (Y/n). "Hey, (Y/n)!" He called. The girl turned to look at him. "I bet you can't collect more teeth than me!" He shouted. "Is that a challenge, Frosty?" She asked, smirking. A playful smirk appeared on his face. "Maybe. If you want it to be." He said. "I don't think you want a race a winter spirit though." North bursts up out of a nearby chimney. "A race? Is it a race??" North jumps into one chimney, then shoots out of another across the way. "This is going to be..." North disappears down yet another chimney only to come out with a bang out the top of another. "EPIC!!" Tooth flies over, in hummingbird overdrive, dazzled by everything. Baby Tooth flies after her. "Four bicuspids over there! An incisor two blocks east! Is that a molar? They're EVERYWHERE!" Tooth, overwhelmed, flies off without paying attention and crashes into a toothpaste billboard. "Ow!" "Are you okay? (Y/n) asked from the top with concern. "Fine... sorry, it's been a really long time since I've been out in the field." Tooth said. "How long is a long time?" (Y/n) asked. "Ah, four hundred forty years... give or take." Tooth gasps and her eyes go wide, she flies to the window. (Y/n) looks to Baby Tooth who shrugs. (Y/n) arrives outside an open window. Her smile fades when she sees Jack by the end of the bed, smirking and holding up a tooth. (Y/n) zaps him with her ice powers causing him to yelp in surprise. The Guardians fly over a Middle Eastern city in North's sleigh. North takes out two teeth, one with each hand. "Yipa!!" 

Bunny pulls out his hand from under a pillow revealing several teeth. He then sees hockey trophies, posters and paraphernalia everywhere. Bunny grins. "Looks like you're a bit of a brumby, hey mate." Bunny said. North stands at the side of a boy's bed. "Is piece of pie!" He falls into a rabbit hole, finding himself face to face with Bunny. Sandman enters and takes the boy's tooth. "That's my tooth! Sandy! Sandy!" North shouted. (Y/n) parkours between two buildings and into a window. She flies in through the window when suddenly, a rabbit hole comes out from the ground. As (Y/n) falls down, Bunny comes out the hole laughing. Tooth reaches under a pillow and pulls out a Tooth with a mouse attached to the other end. Baby Tooth tackles the mouse. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Take it easy there, champ! He's one of us! Part of the European division. Ca va?" She asked the mouse. The mouse gestures back angrily. North and the Guardians, riding North's sleigh, exit a portal. North laughs as they fly over the city. Bunny pulls a note from under a pillow instead of a tooth. "Huh?" The note shows an arrow, pointing toward the window. He looks up to the window: North holds up a tooth as he grins, then leaps off the ledge laughing. Bunny lands on a rooftop, holding a tooth in his paw, and proud of himself. Then, Bunny hears the sound of ice. "Crikey!" Bunny is now sliding down the side of a roof on a sheet of ice. Jack grabs the tooth from Bunny's paw as he slides past and holds it high in the air. "Yes!" Jack holds up the tooth, but within moments a hand snatches it. Jack looks to see (Y/n). "I'll take that!" She said. "Hey!" Jack shouted angrily. "Finders, keepers, Frosty." She mocked. Jack narrowed his eyes. North dances across a rooftop and quickly drops into a chimney to enter a house only for Bunny to light the fireplace. Bunny grins demonically in the firelight. "Haha! Ho, ho, ho!" A large burst of fire shoots out the top of a distant chimney. " Ahh!"

(Y/n), Jack, North, Sandy, and Bunny stand proudly. Each showing their own bag. "Wow! You guys collect teeth and leave gifts as fast as my fairies." Tooth said. Their eyes widen and and so does Tooth's. "You guys have been leaving gifts, right?" She asked. The rest of the group turn to each other. The Guardians stand in line, waiting their turn to put dollar bills into a coin dispenser. Baby Tooth puts a coin under a pillow. Then Jack, then (Y/n). North's hand pulls a Tooth from under a pillow. He replaces it with a pair of candy canes and a few coins. Bunny stomps his feet and falls through a rabbit hole to reveal a pair of Easter Eggs atop a child's bed. Sandy walks through a doggy door with a coin in his hand. In shock, he sees North laughing while arranging Christmas decorations in the child's bedroom. Sandy angrily throws his coin behind him. A young boy, holding a stuffed animal and a sippy cup to his mouth, looks out his bedroom window. The Guardians, cast in moonlight, bound across the adjacent rooftops. The young boy, dumbfounded, drops his cup. The Guardians fly across the night sky only to disappear through a portal. Nearby, a Nightmare watches as the sleigh disappears. It leaps off the roof, through a drain, and into the sewers. The spy runs down into a dark cavernous space. Large cages hang all around and trapped inside are the mini fairies. The Nightmare goes to Pitch, standing at his own globe, covered in lights. "The lights... why aren't they going out?" He asked. The Nightmare comes from behind and gave a soft whiney; Pitch stiffens at the news. "They're collecting the teeth?" He asked. The fairies perk up, and start twittering excitedly. "Oh pipe down, or I'll stuff pillow with you!" He shouted. Pitch looks at the Nightmare, frustrated, and scowls. The Nightmare winces and disappears. Some nightmare sand from the Nightmare twirls in the air, and Pitch twists it with his fingers, turning it into a crude image of the Sandman. "Fine, have your last hurrah. For tomorrow, all you pathetic scrambling will be for nothing." He crushes the image. A cool looking robot toy rests on Jamie's bedside table. Jamie is sound asleep in bed. "Left central incisor, knocked out in a freak sledding accident. I wonder how that could have happened, Jack?" Tooth asked the winter spirit. "It wasn't me." Jack shook his head. Then turned to smirk at (Y/n) as Tooth looked at her. She chuckled nervously. "I uh... I might've done that to him by accident. Sorry..." she said in embarrassment. Jack just chuckled as Tooth shook her head. Tooth reaches under the pillow. 

She flies over Jamie. She smiles as she looks at the sleeping boy. "This was always the part I liked most, seeing the kids. "Why did I ever stop doing this?" Tooth asked. (Y/n) sees how much it means to her. "It's a little different up close, huh?" She asked. Tooth gives her a look. "Thanks for being here, (Y/n). I wish I had known about your memory, I could've helped you." Tooth said. "Yeah, well, look let's just get you taken care of. Then it's Pitch's turn." (Y/n) said then smirked slightly. "Yeah." Jack agreed. The trio then turn when they hear a noise coming from the window. "Here you are!" North, carrying a large sack over his shoulder, struggles to climb in through the small window. Sandman and Baby Tooth climb in after. "SSHHHHHHHH!!" Tooth hissed. "Oh, what gives slowpokes!?" North asked. Tooth pointed to Jamie who is still asleep. "How you feeling, Toothy?" North asked. "Believed in." She said. " Haha! That's what I want to hear." North said. "Oh I see how it is..." Bunny comes in through a rabbit hole. "All working together to make sure the rabbit gets last place." Bunny said. "SSSHHHHHHHHH!!!" Everyone except for (Y/n) shushed him. Bunny put his hands up in defense. "You think I need help to beat a bunny? I'm pretty sure I beat you and Frosty." (Y/n) said. "Oh, really?" Jack asked. "You think you have moe than this?" Jack asked, holding up his bag. "You call that a bag of choppers?" Bunny shows a larger sack. "Now that's a bag of choppers." He said. "As if. Check this out!" (Y/n) said, her bag was bigger than both of theirs. She held it up proudly, smirking. Jack and Bunny looked at her with wide eyes, before Jack huffed and crossed his arms, rolling his eyes. "Gentlemen! Lady! This is about Tooth. It's not a competition! But if it was," North shows off his even larger sack. "I win. YEEEEEHAAAHH!" He strikes a Russian dancing pose when suddenly a bright light flashes on them, catching their attention. "Uh oh..." (Y/n) said. "Santa Claus? The Easter Bunny?...Sandman... Jack Frost... The Tooth Fairy! I knew you'd come!" Jamie smiled. "Surprise! We came!" Tooth giggled. " He can see us?" (Y/n) asked. Jamie looks around, amazed, he sees everyone but (Y/n). "Most of us." Bunny said. Everyone turned and looked at her as they felt sympathy for her. The girl frowned as she realized he couldn't see her. "Shhh! You guys, he's still awake." Tooth said. "Sandy! Knock him out!" Bunny said. Sandy pounds his palm into his fist as he looks at Jamie. "Huh?" The kid asked.

"With the Dreamsand, ya gumbies." Bunny said. Then Jamie's greyhound walks over, snarling at Bunny. "No, stop that's the Easter Bunny. What are you doing, Abbey? Down!" The dog is nose to nose with Bunnymund. "Alright, nobody panic." Bunny said. "But that's a um, that's a greyhound. Do you know what greyhounds do to rabbits?" (Y/n) asked mockingly. "I think it's a pretty safe bet he's never met a rabbit like me. While Sandy forms a Dreamsand baseball, (Y/n) rolls her eyes and notices an alarm clock on the bedside table. "Six foot one, nerves of steel, master of tai-chi and the ancient art of—" (Y/n) couldn't resist: she reaches over stealthily and sets off the alarm clock. "Crikey." Bunny is off like a shot, the greyhound right on his tail, running laps in the small room, the dog barking like crazy. Jack's eyes widen as he gasps, which quickly turns to a smile and he chuckles as he watches what's happening. "Stop! Sit!" Jamie ordered his dog. Sandy, amused, makes a Dreamsand baseball to stop the dog, but bounces it as the dog runs past. "Down girl, down!" Jamie shouted. The others stand out of the way as Bunny and the dog run up the walls and over the bed. As Tooth tries to silence the alarm clock, Jack can barely contain his laughter. Sandy takes aim as Bunny and the dog runs circles around him. "Sandy, Sandy!" North shouted. The dog jumps past North, knocking him over. As Sandy winds up, the dog suddenly runs right into him. The Dreamsand flies into the air. "Hey, this is not proper Tooth Fairy behavior!" Tooth shouted. North ducks out of the way as the Dreamsand flies toward him. The Dreamsand baseball hits Tooth and explodes into golden dust. 

Tooth and her fairy fall as a golden tooth forms above their heads. Streams of Dreamsand fly around the room. "Ah, this thing's rabid! Get this dingo off me!" Bunny shouted. Bunny gets hit by some of the golden sand. The image of a carrot forms in front of him. "Oh no..." Bunny falls over asleep. So does the dog. North tries to get out of the way, to no avail. "Candy canes..." Dreamsand candy canes appear, then he falls like a giant Sequoia, landing on the end of Jamie's bed, which sends Jamie into the air. "Whoaaaaaaaaaa!" Luckily he lands in Sandy's arms. Sandy is there with a fistful of sand and Jamie falls back to sleep. (Y/n), Jack and Sandy look down at the sleeping boy, relieved. Then they look around. "Aw, Bunny looks so cute when he's sleeping." (Y/n) mocked, watching him snuggle with North. Jack chuckled in amusement. A carrot and candy canes, made of Dreamsand, hold hands as they dance above Bunny and North's head. Jack comes down off the dresser and turns to Sandy, who has put Jamie back in bed. Sandy lifts North's arm and lets go, it's completely limp and falls flat. Sandy smiles at Jack, who chuckles. "Oh, I really wish I had a camera right now." Jack said chuckling. (Y/n) chuckled too. She then sees Sandy's eyes go wide. She looks at the window to see a Nightmare. Jack turns to see it staring through the window. Without hesitation, (Y/n) jumps out the window after it. Jack quickly follows her. "Sandy, c'mon! We can find Pitch." (Y/n) shouted. Sandy pauses for a moment, then follows (Y/n)'s lead. Jamie's bedroom door opens, and Sophie toddles in. She takes in the scene, amused. She toddles over to North, giggling. She pokes at his rotund belly. Then she notices something. She reaches into his pocket and pulls out a snow globe. "Pretty!" She said in awe.

She looks over to see the Easter Bunny, sound asleep on the floor. "Bunny! Hop! Hop! Hop!" Suddenly the snow globe lights up. Sophie's eyes widen as she looks at the beautiful vista inside the globe. It's Bunny's warren. She takes the globe and toddles off for the door, when she trips again and the snow globe smashes on the floor. "Ow!" A flash of light appears. She looks up to see a magical portal open in front of her. A gust wind comes blowing out of the portal. Sophie giggles, and toddles through the portal. North's bleary eyes pop open mid-snore. "Whuh-huh...?" Meanwhile two nightmares fly along the rooftops. (Y/n) and Jack are on their tails, with Sandy, who's riding on Dreamsand. "Wahooo! Haha! Yes!" Jack cheered. Jack and (Y/n) smile at each other. One of the Nightmares flies off, into a bedroom window. Sandy follows behind. The Nightmare flies into the window and Sandy goes after it as the other one goes up over the house's roof to avoid (Y/n), who flies after it. Golden and green light race through the house as Sandy chases the Nightmare. The Nightmares and (Y/n) fly away from the house just as Sandy and the first nightmare crash out of the window, Sandy jumps on it and it explodes into golden DREAMSAND which he quickly turns into a Sting Ray. (Y/n) flies through town after the Nightmare. It makes a sharp turn down an alleyway and (Y/n) goes after it. The Nightmare then veers up the wall of the alley and onto a rooftop. (Y/n) whips a blast of fire from her hands and hits the Nightmare before it disappears, "HAAAH! I got it!" (Y/n) jumps up onto the roof and looks at the brunt Nightmare on the ground.

 "Jack! Sandy, did you see that?!? Look at this thing!" She said. (Y/n) can barely contain her excitement as she calls out to Jack and Sandy -- but suddenly Pitch lurches out from behind. "Elemental?" He asked. The girl's eyes widen as she quickly turned around, then tried to hit Pitch with a blast of lightning. "You know, for a "neutral party" you spend an awful lot of time with those weirdos. This isn't your fight, (Y/n)." Pitch said. Her eyes narrowed. She held out her hands, ready to strike. "You made it my fight when you stole those teeth." She growled. Pitch regards her curiously. "Teeth? Why do you care about the teeth?" Pitch asked. "Leave her alone, Pitch." He quickly turned and saw Jack glaring at him with Sandy calmly standing on the rooftop next to him. Pitch quickly backed away, moving away from the two. "Now this is who I'm looking for-" Before Pitch can finish a Dreamsand stream whips around him, forcing him to duck and dodge Sandy's sudden attack. Pitch creates a stream of Nightmare sand, turning it into a gigantic sickle and swings it back at Sandy. (Y/n) ducks, avoiding injury as Sandy's pushed back against a ledge. Sandy quickly grabs Pitch with another Dreamsand stream and yanks him off his feet, slamming him repeatedly against the tops of the buildings until finally throwing him off. Pitch bounces off the ground as he crashes into an empty street. As Sandy dusts his hands and calmly steps off the rooftop to follow, (Y/n) and Jack approach. "Remind me not to get on your bad side." (Y/n) said. Pitch shakes off the crash, trying to back up as Sand touches down and moves toward him, (Y/n) and Jack following. Pitch cowers in fear and backs away. Pitch looks up, pleading. "Okay, easy! You can't blame me for trying, Sandy. You don't know what it's like to be weak and hated. It was stupid of me to mess with your dreams. So I'll tell you what."

Sandy continues forward, grim faced... but suddenly Pitch stands up and his tone changes. " You can have 'em back!" a Nightmare comes up through a storm drain as others gather in the alley behind him. (Y/n), Jack and Sandy look around as hundreds of Nightmares come from the rooftops to encircle them. (Y/n), worried, looks to Sandy and mutters "You take the ones on the left, Jack and I take the ones on the right?" Sandy shrugs. Pitch rises up from off the ground as Onyx forms below. Pitch grabs Onyx's mane as it snorts and snarls. He then leans forward. "Boo!" Pitch's army of Nightmares begin to charge. Then suddenly, the sound of bells and reindeer are heard. North's sleigh comes through the clouds. (Y/n), Jack and Pitch look into the sky. The sleigh turns toward Pitch, then flies past him. Pitch looks as it flies by in confusion. North's still asleep, and so are Bunny and Tooth. Suddenly, the sleigh clips one of its skis as it flies over City Hall, startling North awake. "Ah!" Bunny suddenly wakes up. "Get outta my warren!" Bunny realizes he's awake now. "Huh?" Sandy propels himself, (Y/n) and Jack into the air with a stream of Dreamsand and launches them away. Jack quickly knocks an Nightmare with his staff, while (Y/n) uses multiple elements to knock away ones coming toward her. Tooth quickly jumps off the side of the sleigh toward the trio. (Y/n) knocks away a few more Nightmares with his her elemental powers, and looks up. Tooth suddenly flies through the Nightmares, slicing them apart with her wings. Pitch sends another wave of Nightmares after the Guardians. Back in the sleigh, Bunny jumps out and lands on a nearby roof. Bunny quickly throws his boomerang which destroys every Nightmare in its path. Bunny catches the boomerang once it returns, jumps off, and grabs the skids of the sleigh. North stands, drawing both his scimitars, and slices the Nightmares as they attack. "Ha. Ha. Ha. Come on!" North taunted. (Y/n) heads back to the sleigh by dodging two Nightmares as they come toward her. As she continues to fly back, (Y/n) is suddenly attacked by another Nightmare, which knocks her elemental necklace off. She screams as she falls. "Aaaaaaaah!" Jack gasps as he sees this. "(Y/N)!" He quickly flies toward her and grabs her, along with her necklace. He then lands on the sleigh. He looks at her in concern. "Are you okay?" He asked. She smiles at him. "Yeah, thanks." She said. "Ahem." Bunny said, catching their attention. "You kids might want to duck." He smirked. The two duck as a Nightmare comes up behind, but one of Bunny's boomerangs goes through it and flies back to Bunny. Sandy high up in his clouds, does his best to contain the nightmares that are crowding him. 

Pitch stands above some Nightmares. He stretches his arms as an arrow of nightmare sand appears. (Y/n) and the Guardians watch as more Nightmares speed away to appear. "We gotta help Sandy!" (Y/n) shouted. "Hyah!" North cracks the reigns, turns the sleigh, and heads toward the swirling cloud of yellow and black sand. Pitch releases the arrow. It flies through the air and hits Sandy's back. The Guardians look on, horrified. "Noooo!" (Y/n) flies ahead and toward Sandy. "(Y/n)!" Jack shouted. Sandy's eyes widened as he turns around. A patch of blackness starts slowly spreading across him. Pitch laughs as he and Sandy look at each other. "Hahahahaha!... Don't fight the fear, little man." Pitch laughed. The Guardians continue to speed toward Sandy, but Nightmares begin crashing into he sleigh, slowing them down. "Hurry, hurry!" Jack shouted. Pitch relishes this moment of triumph. "I'd say sweet dreams, but there aren't any left." Pitch taunted. Sandy falls to his knees as the patch of blackness continues. (Y/n) flies closer, trying to reach Sandy as fast as she can. Sandy stands up, accepting his fate, and closes his eyes as he and his Dreamsand cloud are covered by the Nightmare sand. "Sandy..." Jack said in despair. "No." (Y/n) flies toward Pitch, screaming in rage. Sandy's gone. His beautiful Golden Dreamsand, now black. Pitch then sees (Y/n) flying towards him, glowing energy coming from her necklace. Pitch raises his hands and sends a massive wave of Nightmares at her. The Guardians are stunned. She's engulfed by Nightmares and there is nothing but silence. "(Y/N)!" Jack shouted. Pitch looks on with a smile until a bolt of lightning suddenly comes from the black sand. "Ahhhhhh!!!!!" (Y/n) screams as a gust of wind blows past Pitch, quickly followed by multiple elements that go up the stream of Nightmare sand toward him, culminating in an explosion of elements. "AAAHH!!!!" Pitch shouted. (Y/n) falls back, unconscious. "(Y/n)!" North shouted. Jack quickly flies up and grabs her, then puts her down in the sleigh gently. "(Y/n), how did you do that?" He asked. "I, I didn't know I could." She said, then looks down at her necklace. Pitch pulls himself laboriously from the mud and weeds where he's crash-landed. He looks up to see a bright light. North's snow globe portal. The sleigh flies into it and it closes. Pitch shakes the elements from his arms as scores of Nightmares swarm behind Pitch. Pitch seems as pleased as can be. "Finally! Someone who knows how to have a little FUN!"

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