Meeting The Guardians

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Jamie plays with a toy robot as drawings and charts of mystery creatures hang on the wall behind him: ufo's, aliens, Bigfoot, you name it. There's even a drawing of Jamie flying in midair on his sled. "I did this jump and it was amazing and I slide under a car and it was awesome! Then I was flying down this hill and I was like whoosh, whoosh, whoosh through all these cars, and then the sled hit this, this thing, and I was like way up in the air." He mimes flying in the air with his robot, then crashing to the bed as Sophie and their dog sit listening. "And then BAM! The sofa hit me, and, and see?" He opens his mouth. "My tooth came out!" He said. Sophie giggles and points at it. "Alright you, tooth under your pillow?" His mom asked. Jamie sets the toy robot on his nightstand, then grabs a stuffed rabbit next to his pillow to reveal a camera and flashlight. "Yeah. I'm ready." He said. "Now don't stay up trying to see her, Jamie, or she won't come." His mom said. "But I can do it this time! You wanna help me, Soph? We can hide and see the Tooth Fairy!" Jamie said. "Hide, hide, hide, hide!" She said. Jamie's Mom picks Sophie up off the bed and lifts her over her shoulder. Their dog gets up and begins licking Jamie's face. "Uh uh, straight to bed now, mister." His mom said. "Mom..." (Y/n) is watching from outside the window. She flies onto the roof. She walks to the roof's peak and looks up at the moon. "If there's something I'm doing wrong, can you, can you just tell me what it is? Because I've tried everything, and no one ever sees me. You put me here, the least you can do is tell me, tell me why." As usual, she gets no response. She sighs and walks onto a telephone pole, and walks across telephone wires. A stream of Dreamsand comes behind her, then another, which comes in front of her. (Y/n) turns and looks up, smiling.

"Right on time, Sandman." The Dreamsand comes down from the sky, and goes into windows around own. (Y/n) runs on the telephone wire until she can reach out and touch one of the streams. A stream turns into a dolphin and comes toward (Y/n), before flying to a child. Dreamsand flies into a window, where Cupcake is in bed, hugging a stuffed unicorn. The Dreamsand swirls over her, and changes into a little girl riding a unicorn. The girl smiles in her sleep. Then the room darkens as a dark igure with a familiar laugh crawls out from under the bed, and rises up. It's Pitch. He notices Cupcake's dream. "Ohhhh, I thought I heard the clippity-clop of a unicorn. What an adorable dream!" He leans down to Cupcake. "And look. At. Her. Precious child. So sweet, so full of hope and wonder. Why, there's only one thing missing... a touch of fear." Pitch touches Cupcake's dream, it suddenly turns black and disappears. Cupcake flinches as Pitch snickers. "Hahaha! That never gets old!" Pitch swirls the Dreamsand around and it all turns into black Nightmare sand. "Feel your fear. Come on. Come on, that's right." The black sand changes into the shape of a black horse. "Yesss. What a pretty little Nightmare." He grabs the Nightmare's mane. "Now, I want you to go tell the others the wait is over." Then the black horse flies out the window, joining other Nightmares. Pitch steps out into the street from an alley. He looks up to the sky and looks at the moon. "Don't look at me like that, old friend. You must have known this day would come. My Nightmares are finally ready. Are your Guardians?" He asked. (Y/n) walks on a telephone wire as the Dreamsand disappears from the sky. Suddenly a shadowy figure and an unfamiliar noise zips behind her.

"Whoa!" She said in surprise. (Y/n) leaps over a house to a tree and looks around and something flies behind. (Y/n) jumps from the tree onto a truck in a nearby alley. The shadow went by, knocking over a trash can. (Y/n) jumps down from the truck and backs up out of the alleyway into a clearing. "Hello, mate." (Y/n) quickly turned around, ready to attack, until she realized who it was. "Been a long time. Flood of 68, I believe? Easter Sunday, wasn't it?" He asked. "Bunny? You're not still mad about that... are yah?" She asked innocently. "Yes." Bunny takes out his boomerang and looks at it. "But this is about something else. Fellas..." suddenly a giant hand grabbed her. "Hey! Put me down! What the..." the girl was then shoved into a bag. A yeti takes out a snow globe, and smashes it on the ground. A portal opens in front of them. The yetis move out of the way for Bunny. "Dwbard urghwetee." "Me? Bunny asked, then laughs. "Not on your nelly. See you back at the pole." Bunny taps his foot twice, and a rabbit hole suddenly appears. Bunny then jumps inside. The yetis throw (Y/n) in the portal as she screams. The yetis then enter. "Tangiers! Incivie du haut, 421 rue de Barat! Allez!" Tooth said. The sack flies out of the portal and lands on the floor. "She's here." North said. (Y/n) comes out of the sack and sees two elves. "Walla Walla, Washington. We've got a trampoline mishap at 1340 Ginger Lane." Tooth said. "Quiet." North said. (Y/n) looks up to see North and Sandman looking down at her. She then notices someone else, with Snow White hair and blue eyes, staring at her. She stares back, and they seem to be staring at each other for a long time. The Tooth Fairy is surrounded by a dozen hovering tiny fairies who come and go as she blurts out orders.

"Canine, lateral and central incisor. Ouch!" Tooth said. North clears his throat. They all turn to a bewildered (Y/n). "Hey, there she is! (Y/n) Elemental!" North said. "Wow, you gotta be kidding me." She replied. Two Yetis grab her by the shoulders and lift onto her feet. "Hey, hey. Whoa, put me down." She squeaked. "I hope the yetis treated you well?" North said. "Oh, yeah. I love being shoved in a sack and tossed through a magic portal." She said sarcastically, causing the boy with white hair to snicker. She looked over at him and he cleared his throat nervously and suddenly looked away. "Oh, good! That was my idea!" North said. The girl rolled her eyes. "You know Bunny, obviously." North said. "Obviously." (Y/n) said. Bunny stands off to the side, grumbling with his arms crossed. (Y/n) suddenly notices the mini tooth fairies flying in front of her. "And the Tooth Fairy?" North asked. Before (Y/n) can answer, she's gliding toward her. "Hello, (Y/n). I've heard a lot about you. And your teeth." Tooth said. "My, my what?" She asked. Tooth moves in way too close. "Open up! Are they really as white as they say? Yes! They are!" She said. Several swooning Mini Teeth flutter around a confused (Y/n), batting their lashes and screaming like crazed fans. Tooth collects herself. "Girls, pull yourselves together... Let's not disgrace the uniform." "And Sandman." North sees Sandy sleeping. "Sandy! Sandy! Wake up!" He nudges him causing him to wake up. He smiles at her. "And of course you know Jack Frost, right?" North asked. (Y/n) turned to the young teenager. "Jack Frost?" She asked. "That's me." Jack said smiling. "Like from the Christmas song?" She asked, and he rolled his eyes. "Oh come on! You have to know more about me than that!" He complained. She smiled bashfully at him. "Sorry..." she apologized. Jack rolled his eyes, then smiled and shook is head.

"So, anyone wanna tell me why I'm here?" She asked. Sandy tried to explain through images of his Dreamsand, but the images went by too quickly. "That's not really helping. But thanks." (Y/n) said. "I musta done something really bad to get you five together." (Y/n) walks away from the group, frosting an elf with a tray of cookies as it walks by, then turns around. "Am I on the naughty list?" She asked. "On naughty list? You hold record! But no matter. We overlook. Now we are wiping clean the slate." North said. " How come?" She asked. " Ah, good question." Bunny said. "How come? I tell you how come! Because now... you are Guardian!" North said. Suddenly yetis light ceremonial torches and Elves leap from columns, unfurling homemade, celebratory banners as they come down. (Y/n) brushes off a few baby fairies who try to put a necklace on her. "What are you doing! Get, get that off me!" (Y/n) shouted. "This is the best part!" North said. An elf marching band began, marching into the room. Two yetis move (Y/n) on to a designated spot on the floor. (Y/n) looks down to find an elf pointing at her bare feet. The elf then directs her attention to two elves, carrying a pair of ceremonial boots. A Yeti hands North a large book. North blows off the dust, opens it, and begins clearing his throat. (Y/n) looks around, beginning to feel overwhelmed. The Mini Teeth continue to fawn, Sandy's smiling, Bunny just rolls his eyes, Jack looks at her with excitement and North looks on with pride. Suddenly (Y/n) uses her wind powers to blow everything away. The torches go out and everything comes to a halt. "What makes you think I want to be a Guardian?" She asked.

 North bursts out in laughter then looks at (Y/n). "Of course you do! Music!" The elves blare the trumpets. "No music!" (Y/n) shouted. The music stops again. An elf throws his trumpet to the ground and storms off. "What's wrong, (Y/n)?" Jack asked with concern. "Look, this is all very flattering, but ah... you don't want me. You're all hard work and deadlines, and I'm just fun times. I'm not a Guardian." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, that's exactly what I said!" Bunny pointed out. "(Y/n), I don't think you understand what it is we do." Jack said before flying toward the globe with his staff. "Each of those lights is a child." He said. (Y/n) looks at the Globe, taking in the enormity of this. North suddenly moves to her side. "A child who believes. And good or bad, naughty or nice, we protect them." North said. Tooth is examining (Y/n)'s teeth again. "Tooth! Stop!" Jack shouted. "Oh, sorry. They're beautiful." (Y/n) moves away from the Globe and back toward the center of the room. "Okay, no more wishy-washy! Pitch is out there doing who knows what!" North said. "You mean the Boogeyman?" (Y/n) scoffed. "Yes! When Pitch threatens us, he threatens them as well." North said. North points to the lights on the globe. "All the more reason to pick someone more qualified!" (Y/n) said. "(Y/n), we don't pick. The man in the moon does." Jack told her. (Y/n) turns and looks to the group. "What?" She asked. "Last night, (Y/n). He chose you." Jack said. "Maybe." Bunny said. "The Man in the Moon, he talks to you?" She asked. (Y/n) looks up to the skylight, taking in the awesome sight of the moon as it shines down on Earth. "You see, you can not say no. It is destiny." North said. (Y/n) is still confused by the news. "But why, why wouldn't he tell me that himself?" The girl sighs in annoyance.

"After 300 years this is his answer? To spend eternity like you guys cooped up in some, some hideout thinking of, of new ways to bribe kids? No no, that's not for me. No offense." (Y/n) said. "You know, just because you say "no offense" at the end, doesn't make what you say any less offensive." Jack said sulking a little. "Exactly! How is that not offensive? You know what I think? I think we just dodged a bullet. I mean, what's this clown know about bringing joy to children anyway?" Bunny asked. (Y/n) turns back. A little pissed. "I'm sure I know a lot more about that topic than you do, flea bag. I know it's no hard-boiled egg, but kids like what I do." She snapped. "But none of 'em believe in you." Bunny leans in to her. "Do they? You see, you're invisible, mate. It's like you don't even exist." Bunny snarled. "Bunny! Enough!" Jack scolded. (Y/n) tries not to look stung by this. "No, the kangaroo's right." She said. "The, the what -- what'd you call me? I am not a kangaroo, mate." Bunny said. "Oh. And this whole time I thought you were. If you're not a kangaroo, what are you?" (Y/n) asked. "I'm a bunny. The Easter Bunny. People believe in me." Bunny said. Sandy nudges North, who acknowledges the tension in the air. "(Y/n). Walk with me." North said. (Y/n) and North ride an elevator, to the factory floor. "It's nothing personal, North. What you all do, it's just, it's not my thing." (Y/n) said. "Man in Moon says it is your thing. We will see!" North walks through the factory floor, (Y/n) trying to keep up. "Slow down, wouldja? I've been trying to bust in here for years, want a good look." She said. "What do you mean, "bust in?" North asked. "Oh, don't worry, I never got past the yetis." (Y/n) said. (Y/n) looks over her shoulder, to see an angry yeti pounding his fist. " Oh, hey Phil." She said. "Keep up, (Y/n)! Keep up!" North charges ahead.

North's factory is filled with activity: Yeti's are building toys and moving packages, while Elves are testing all of the flying toys. As (Y/n) walks behind North, looking around at everything, a duck toy suddenly flies over her head. She ducks just in time and continues after North. "Whoa! I always thought the elves made the toys." She said. "We just let them believe that." North said. North looks over to see a group of elves eating Christmas ornaments and another electrocuting himself with Christmas lights. North smiles and calls to them. "Very nice! Keep up good work!" North walks through the factory floor. He passes a yeti painting a blue toy robot. "I don't like it. Paint it red." North said. The yeti reacts in dismay as he had hundreds of finished blue robots. "Step it up, everybody." North said. As North and (Y/n) move to the opposite side, they finally glimpse the orchestrated chaos of the entire workshop. (Y/n) follows North into his office. North dusts his hands and turns to her. His sleeves are rolled. (Y/n) notices that on one of North's forearms is tattooed the word NAUGHTY, and on the other, NICE. North grabs a plate from a nearby elf. "Fruit cake?" He offered. "Ah, no, thanks." (Y/n) said. North hurls it and there is a pause as North looks at (Y/n). "Now we get down to tacks of brass!" North said. "Tacks of brass?" (Y/n) asked. As North cracks his knuckles, (Y/n) stands silent. The wind suddenly slams North's office door behind them. (Y/n) looks to the door, it locks itself, and he turns back. North moves in close to (Y/n), backing her up against the door. "Who are you, (Y/n) Elemental? What is your center?" North pokes her in the chest. "My center?" She asked. "If Man in Moon chose you to be a Guardian, you must have something very special inside." North stands up straight and begins to stroke his beard as he gives (Y/n) a curious look. "Hmmmm?" North is standing in front of a shelf of Russian nesting dolls. One is carved to look like North himself. "Here. This is how you see me, no? Very big, intimidating. But if you get to know me a little." 

North hands the doll to (Y/n). "Well, go on." (Y/n) looks at North curiously, she twists the doll in half, and inside is another carved North doll, this one is a more typical Santa Claus. "You are downright jolly." She said. "Ah, but not just jolly..." North said. The dolls get progressively smaller as she twists them open, all versions of North, but all slightly different. "I am also mysterious. And fearless. And caring. And at my center..." (Y/n) opens the last doll. As North approaches, she looks down and drops the final Russian doll into the palm of North's hand. "There's a tiny wooden baby?" She asked. "Look closer. What do you see?" North asked. (Y/n) looks at the doll more closely. "You have big eyes?" She asked. "Yes! Big eyes. Very big. Because they are full! Of wonder! That is my center. It is what I was born with. Eyes that have always seen the wonder in everything!" North said. North raises his hands, and the toys on the shelves came to life. Jack-in-the-boxes spring open, toy trains speed around the room, and soldiers march. Toy planes fly above. An elf gets carried away by a balloon. A flying toy plane flies by and and makes its way around the room. A Christmas tree is covered with bright lights. Two doors open as the flying car comes in. "Eyes that see lights in the trees, and magic in the air!" As it crosses, dozens of other toys are now flying around. North stands outside his office, with (Y/n) at his side. "This wonder is what I put into the world, and what I protect in children. It is what makes me a Guardian. It is my center. What is yours?" North asked. "I don't know." (Y/n) said. She looks down into her palm, the wooden baby stares at her. North closes her hand. And they look at each other. Then, something suddenly flies past a window outside. Jack, Bunny and Sandman come running toward North and (Y/n). "North, we have a problem! Trouble at the Tooth Palace." Jack said.

North shoves open a set of doors, followed closely by (Y/n), Bunny, Sandy, and Jack. Several Yeti's rush by as they prepare for launch. "Boys, ship shape. As soon as impossible!" North said to the yetis. "North, North! I told you, I'm not going with you guys! There is no way I'm climbing into some rickety old..." Santa's sleigh suddenly comes into the room. "...sleigh." she finished. (Y/n) almost gets knocked over by one of the reindeer. "Whoa!" "Hey! Moi deti, moi deti. Quiet, quiet." North said. The sleigh comes to a halt as the Guardians prepare to climb inside. Several Yetis are still running around making last minute preparations. "Okay, one ride, but that's it." (Y/n) said. She jumps aboard. North smiles knowingly, and climbs inside. Sandy hops up into the back seat. "Everyone loves the sleigh." North grabs the reigns, wrapping them around his arms. He turns to see Bunnymund standing there. "Bunny, what are you waiting for?" He asked. "I think my tunnels might be faster, mate. And um, and safer." Bunny said. "Ah, get in." North grabs him and puts him in the sleigh. "Buckle up!" Bunny desperately looks around his seat. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, where are the bloody seatbelts?!" He asked. "That was just expression!" North turns to one of the Yetis. "Are we ready?" The Yeti throws his hands up in a fit shaking his head. "Good! Let's go! Clear!" North cracks the reigns. "Hyah!" The sleigh flies off. Elves and yetis run out of its path. Sandy, Bunny, and Jack fly back into their seats. Bunny clutches the edge of his in fear. (Y/n) laughs. "Out of the way!" North said. The sleigh heads down a luge-like track. (Y/n), North and Jack are enjoying the ride. "Ohhhhhh no!" Bunny shouted. North cracks the reigns, the sleigh goes down, an almost vertical drop. Sandy grins.

 "Slow down, slow down!" Bunny shouted. North pulls a lever, putting the sleigh into overdrive. He looks back as the sleigh enters a corkscrew. "I hope you like the loopty loops!" He shouted. "I hope you like carrots." Bunny said. "Here we go!" The sleigh reaches the bottom, and shoots up, flying into the sky. "WOOO-HOOOOOO!!!!!!" (Y/n) shouted. North, reins in hand, leans into the wind as the reindeer fly higher. (Y/n) jumps onto the rear of the sleigh to watch the North Pole fade away. Bunny looks off the side, then leans back. "Hey, Jack, Bunny—" the two turn to see her standing on the back. "Check out this view-" (Y/n) screams as she flies off. "(Y/N)!" Jack shouted worriedly. The two quickly look over the side only to see her lying on the sleigh's skid. " do care." She says to Bunny. "Ah, rack off you bloody show pony!" Bunny shouted. She climbs back on. "For real, don't scare me like that!" Jack shouted, and (Y/n) chuckled. "Hold on everyone, I know a shortcut." North said. "Oh strewth, I knew we should have taken the tunnels." Bunny said. North takes out a snow globe. "I say, Tooth Palace." An image of the Tooth Palace showed up inside. North throws the globe into the air and a giant portal appears. "Hyah!" The sleigh suddenly comes out of hyperdrive at the outskirts of the Tooth Palace. Streaks of black fly past. "What!?" Nightmares and terrified Tooth Fairies fly past. North yanks the reins, and the sleigh turns sharply, dodging the Nightmares. "What are they!?" North asked. Sandy and Bunny duck the onslaught. "Whoa!" Bunny said. (Y/n) now sees that the Nightmares are actually gulping down the fleeing fairies and flying off with them. "They're taking the tooth fairies!" She shouted. She looks up to see a fairy with a Nightmare right behind. (Y/n) flies into the air and grabs it before the Nightmare can.

She lands back in. She opens her hand to reveal Baby Tooth, who's shaking with fear. "Hey little Baby Tooth, you okay?" She asked. As Baby Tooth nods, North steers the sleigh forward through the Nightmares to Tooth Palace. A vast chamber supported by pillars containing millions of tiny wooden deposit boxes from floor to ceiling. North sees a Nightmare up ahead and hands (Y/n) the reigns. "Here, take over!" (Y/n) though surprised, quickly grabs the reigns and smiles as she snaps them. "Hyah!" She said. North readies his sword and cuts the Nightmare in half. Several tooth boxes spill out of the split Nightmare and rain down into the sleigh at the Guardians' feet. The Nightmare disintegrates into black sand. "They're stealing the teeth!" Bunny shouted. Sandy looks at his hands and sees the Nightmare sand take shape and drift away. He and Bunny exchange a look. The Guardians turn, they're headed straight for a pillar. "(Y/n), look out!" Jack shouted. She pulls the reins. "Aaaahhhh!" The sleigh nearly misses the pillar and skids to a rough stop. "Oof!" Jack accidentally crashes into (Y/n). "Oh. Sorry." He apologized. The girl's face was red as she helped him up. "It's okay. That was my fault." She said. The two stand and awkwardly look away from each other. " Tooth! Are you alright?" North asked. Tooth is flying around in panic. "They, they took my fairies! And the teeth! All of them! Everything is gone! Everything." Tooth's wings drop in sadness. She's completely lost amidst the devastation. The Guardians rush to comfort her. (Y/n) stays behind as Baby Tooth pops out from the hood of her tunic and flies to Tooth. "Oh thank goodness! One of you is alright!" "I have to say, this is very, very exciting." Pitch's voice echoes. 

They look up to see Pitch, standing high above them with a satisfied smile. "The Big Five, all in one place. I'm a little star-struck. "Did you like my show on the globe, North? Got you all together, didn't I?" Pitch mocked. North scoffs as Tooth flies after Pitch, but he escapes. "Pitch, you have got thirty seconds to return my fairies!" She shouted. "Or what?" He asked. Tooth sees him near one of her tooth box columns. "You'll stick a quarter under my pillow?" Pitch mocked. "Why are you doing this?" North demanded. "Maybe I want what you have. To be believed in." Pitch said. (Y/n) takes this in. Pitch moves along the walls and shadows of the chamber and emerges from behind a column. "Maybe I'm tired of hiding under beds." Pitch said. "Maybe that's where you belong." Bunny said. "Ah, go suck an egg, rabbit!" Pitch said. Bunny looks down past the edge of the platform to find Pitch upside down, staring him in the face. Pitch disappears. "Hang on, is that... (Y/n) Elemental?" Pitch laughed at this. "Since when are you all so chummy?" He asked. "We're not." She replied. "Oh good." (Y/n) turns and sees Pitch standing in the middle of a column. "A neutral party. Then I'm going to ignore you. But, you must be used to that by now." Pitch said as he walked away from her. "Pitch! You shadow sneaking rat bag! Come here!" Bunny goes after Pitch, but he disappears and reappears on an opposite column. Tooth spots him, grabs one of Bunny's boomerangs and flies at Pitch in a rage. Pitch looks at Tooth with a smirk and before she can reach him, a huge Nightmare comes out of hiding. Tooth flies back in surprise. Baby Tooth hides in (Y/n)'s tunic. "Whoa! Hey, easy, girl. Easy."

Pitch takes a bit of black sand from Onyx's mane, twirls it around, and turns to Sandy. "Look familiar, Sandman? Took me a while to perfect this little trick. Turning dreams into Nightmares." Pitch notices the shocked Guardians. "Don't be nervous, it only riles them up more. They smell fear, you know." Pitch said. "What fear? Of you!? No one's been afraid of you since the Dark Ages!" Bunny shouted. Pitch smiles. "Oh, the Dark Ages. Everyone frightened. Miserable. Such happy times for me. Oh, the power I wielded! But then the Man in the Moon chose you to replace my fear with your wonder and light! Lifting their hearts! And giving them hope! Meanwhile, everyone wrote me off as just a bad dream! "Oh, there's nothing to be afraid of! There's no such thing as the Boogeyman!" He said. Pitch leans toward the Guardians, showing nothing bu contempt. "Well that's all about to change." He said. There's a sound behind Pitch: one of the columns of the Palace begins to crack and crumble, as if decaying. Tooth is stunned. "Oh look, it's happening already." He taunted. " What is?" (Y/n) asked. Tooth's eyes widen. "Children are waking up and realizing the Tooth Fairy never came. "I mean such a little thing, but to a child..." (Y/n) moves closer to Tooth as the palace continues to crumble. "What's going on?" She asked. "They, they don't believe in me anymore." Tooth said. "Didn't they tell you, (Y/n)? It's great being a Guardian, but there's a catch. If enough kids stop believing, everything your friends protect - wonder, hopes and dreams - it all goes away. And little by little, so do they." (Y/n) realizes now the magnitude of Pitch's plan.

"No Christmas, or Easter, or winter spirits, or little fairies that come in the night. There will be nothing. But fear and darkness and me! It's your turn not to be believed in!" Bunny throws his boomerangs at Pitch, who quickly ducks out of the way as they fly around the chamber columns. Pitch jumps on Onyx and flies downward. The Guardians dive after him, followed by (Y/n). Bunny grabs a set of egg bombs and throws them at Pitch, exploding before Pitch hits the ground. The Guardians land. "He's gone." North said. Tooth, defeated, sits on the ground with an empty tooth box in her hands. Baby Tooth, resting on a nearby broken tooth box, looks to Tooth with concern. (Y/n) walks up and crouches down beside Tooth. Jack not far behind. "Okay, alright I admit it, you were right about Pitch." Bunny said. "This is one time I wish I was wrong. But he will pay." North said. "I'm sorry, about the fairies." (Y/n) said. "You should've seen them. They put up such a fight." Tooth said. "Why would Pitch take the teeth?" (Y/n) asked. "It's not the teeth he wanted. It's the memories inside them." Tooth said. "What do you mean?" (Y/n) asked. Tooth leads (Y/n) across the pond, the girl being able to walk over the water with her powers. "That's why we collect the teeth, (Y/n). They hold the most important memories of childhood." Tooth directs her to a mural, which illustrates this. "My fairies and I watch over them and when someone needs to remember what's important, we help them." Tooth said. (Y/n) takes a second to admire the immense beauty of the mural before her. "We had everyone's here. Yours too." Tooth said. "My memories?" (Y/n) asked. 

"From when you were young. Before you became (Y/n) Elemental." Tooth said. "But, I wasn't anyone before I was (Y/n) Elemental." She replied. "(Y/n), of course you were. We were all someone before we were chosen." Jack explained. "What?" The girl asked in shock. "You should've seen Bunny." North chuckles. "Hey, I told you never to mention that!" Bunny snapped. (Y/n) confused, is trying to process all this. "That night at the pond...I just, why I assumed... Are you saying, are you saying I had a life before that? With a home? And a family?" She asked with excitement. "You really don't remember?" Jack asked her with concern. (Y/n)'s expression says it all. Finally the key to all her questions. "All these years, and the answers were right here. If I find my memories, then I'll know why I'm here. You have to show me." (Y/n) uses her wind powers to fly off the ground and across the pond. "I...I can't, (Y/n). Pitch has them." Tooth said. (Y/n) floats down onto a rock, overlooking the Guardians. "Then we have to get them back!" Suddenly, some of Tooth's feathers fall off. "Oh no!" (Y/n) looks back, the ancient mural begins to disintegrate. "The children. We're too late." Tooth said. "No! No! No such thing as too late!" North paces as he begins to think. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Idea!! HAHH!!" He's gleeful. The others look at each other as if he's nuts. "We will collect the teeth!" North said. "What?" Tooth asked. "We get teeth! Children keep believing in you!" North said to Tooth. "We're talking seven continents! Millions of kids!" Tooth said. "Give me break! You know how many toys I deliver in one night?" North asked. "And eggs I hide in one day?" Bunny asked. North turns to (Y/n). "And (Y/n), if you help us, we will get you your memories." North said. (Y/n) looks to Tooth, who gives him a reassuring smile. Sandy gives to enthusiastic thumbs up and Jack smiles at her while also giving her a thumbs up while Bunny rolls his eyes. (Y/n) looks back to North with a smile. "I'm in." She said.

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