The New Guardian

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a pair of tongs slam a block of ice onto a stone work table. A chainsaw shears the block in half, spraying ice. North lifts up the chainsaw revealing a massive tattoo on his arm, the word naughty clearly visible. Three elves huddle in a doorway around a plate of cookies. Each licking their own tasty morsel. "Still waiting for cookies!" North called. As North crosses the background, the elves lower the cookies from their mouths, their faces frozen in fear.  The elves duck out of the way as North launches himself across the floor on his rolling chair close as his huge hand gropes furiously among his work tools, finally grabbing a miniature hammer. As North's humming along with his music, delicately chiseling into the ice, his intense blue eye magnified in a jeweler's eyepiece. A delicate sculpting tool cuts fine details into the ice. His hands place the finished piece on a curving ice track. It belches ice vapor and chugs down the track, picking up speed. "Yes!" North's hand grabs a cookie from a plate held up by the two elves.  One of the elves gives his cohort a look and points to the plate as it chews with a mouth full of food, to which it then unfurls its tongue and lets the half eaten morsels spill out onto the plate. "Ah, finally!" He takes a bite and leans toward the ice track. He chuckles as the train hits a loop, and launches off a ramp into midair, then wings unfold and jet engines sprout and ignite and the train lifts off the track. Suddenly, the door is thrown open by one of North's concerned yetis, sending the flying ice locomotive skidding across the  floor in pieces. "Arghbal.." "Ach!" North said. The yeti cries out covering his mouth in shame. North cries out, devastated.

 The yeti, equally emotional, lets out another whimper. North looks down at the broken toy and takes a moment to collect himself.  "How many times have I told you to knock?" North asked angrily. "Warga blarghgha!" The yeti shouted. "What...? The Globe?" North asked. North leaps up and draws a huge scimitar from its sheath and a sea of tiny bells on the heads of panicking elves part as North's huge boots stomp through. "Shoo with your pointy heads. Why are you always under boot?" He pushes his way past a couple of his yeti workers that are looking up in fear at the globe covered with lights blanketing the continents. But North notices that all at once, hundreds of lights suddenly go out. "What is this?" Now more lights, in greater numbers, as if something is snuffing them out by the thousands. North's concern grows. "Have you checked the axis? Is rotation balanced?" North asked. "Wardle bawddrel." The yeti replied. Before the Yeti can finish, a wind whips up from out of nowhere -- North stares in outrage as a blanket of swirling black sand, crawls over the lights, and shrouds the entire globe in inky darkness. The elves scurry in a panic, then all at once the black sand whooshes up off the Globe and rushes up through the ceiling as the remaining sand bursts into a puff of smoke and dissipates into the air. As the wind dies, the scattered pieces of debris settle to the ground, and the globes lights come back on, North whirls to see a huge shadow flash across the floors and curving walls of his fortress. It quickly disappears, leaving nothing but the distant echo of laughter. North is frozen, looking up into the darkness. "Can it be? Dingle!" A group of elves step forward gleefully pointing to themselves, as if they're all "Dingle". The excitement quickly turns to confusion. "Make preparations! We are going to have company." North reaches out for a large emergency lever, twists and presses it.

the globe pulses with energy, which lights up and zooms up the axis shaft toward the roof. From the tallest spire of North's fortress, northern light energy radiates outward. A little fairy, carrying a coin, flies above the head of a sleeping child. She quickly ducks under the pillow and comes  out the other side with a tooth in hand. Hundreds of fairies fly toward a hollowed out mountain, this is Tooth's palace and it's a majestic site. Dozens of tiny fairies flit about. Teeth are filed away in tiny wooden drawers. Coins are handed out. "Chicago, Sector 6 -- 37 molars, 22 bicuspids, 18 central incisors. Moscow, Sector 9 -- 22 incisors, 18 premolars: Uh oh, heavy rain advisory!" Tooth was ordering her fairies. "Des Moines, we've got a cuspid at 23 Maple. Head out!" A hive of activity, and at the center a winged figure barks out orders like a harried air-traffic controller. This is Tooth. A Mini Tooth Fairy flies up to Tooth as thousands of tiny mini tooth fairies continue their work behind them. "Wait!" And suddenly everything stops. Tooth whips around. She's holding up a little tooth, and gazing at it with dreamy adoration. The surrounding fairies tweet with excitement. "It's her first tooth. Have you ever seen a more adorable lateral incisor in all of your life?! Look how she flossed!" Tooth said. The fairies' tweets turn to concern, turning Tooth's attention to North's aurora signal stretching across the sky. She gasps, and flies off like a rocket toward the source of the signal, accompanied by a few of her ranking fairies. "My fellow Guardians - It is our job to watch over the children of the world, and keep them safe - to bring wonder, hope and dreams. And so, I've called us all here for one reason, and one reason only. The children are in danger." A child is sleeping peacefully with a stream of swirling overhead. It's a dream and it's taken the shape of a child playing soccer.

In the sky are dozens of strands of sand descending to earth. The strands are being controlled by a small figure, the Sandman. Suddenly, North's emergency signal zips by. The Sandman turns to look and his eyes narrow, visibly concerned. Sandy closes his eyes and in an instant the Dreamsand cloud suddenly swirls around him, changing form into a small biplane, with sandy in the cockpit. He barrel rolls the plane into a dizzying dive through the spectacular cloudscape and flies off into the distance. "An enemy we have kept at bay for centuries has finally decided to strike back. We alone can stop him." A few easter eggs pop up out of the ground; their little legs carry them out of the way of a fast approaching object. Speeding along through a subterranean tunnel, a dimly-lit figure as it races at blinding speed, leaping and zigzagging through a series of tunnels. A hole opens in the snow, and a pair of rabbit ears pops out. A huge rabbit climbs out and brushes off the snow, annoyed. The six foot tall figure is Bunnymund. "Ah, it's freezing." He shivers with cold, then goes slogging through the snow. "I can't feel my feet! I can't feel my feet!" Meanwhile Jack Frost was riding on his staff, having fun and bringing winter everywhere he goes, laughing as he flies past. His face suddenly turns to concern as he sees the Northern lights. "Oh no..." he mumbled, before flying off toward them. In the distance is North's ornately decorated and dimly lit palace built into the side of a mountain of ice. Sandy's biplane circles the massive chamber, leaving trails of Dreamsand.  "Cookies? Eggnog, anyone?" North asked. "Oh, this better be good, North." Bunny said.

"Montreal, sector six: ten premolars, eight incisors and twelve canines. Steer clear of the wild goose migration." Tooth said to her fairies. "Sandy, Jack, thank you both for coming." North said as the two guardians arrived. "What's the trouble, North?" Jack asked. Sandy descends from the plane and floats to the ground. Sandy joins North, Jack, Bunny and Tooth as they walk through the Globe Room. Sand glyphs appear above Sandy's head communicating that he is busy and has a lot of work to do. "I know, I know, but I obviously wouldn't have called you all here unless it was serious." North said. North, Jack, Bunny, Tooth and Sandy reach the center of the room. Tooth does her best to shush her mini-fairies. "The Boogie Man was here. At the Pole." North points to the globe. The other Guardians turn to look. "Pitch? Pitch Black? Here?!" Tooth asked. "Yes! There was black sand covering the globe." North said. " What do you mean black sand?" Jack asked. " And then a shadow!" North said. "Hold on, hold on, I thought you said you saw Pitch." Bunny said. " Well, ah, not exactly..." North said. "Not exactly? Can you believe this guy?" Bunny turns to Sandy, who shrugs while forming a Dreamsand question mark above his head. "Yeah, you said it, Sandy." Bunny goes back to painting one of his Easter eggs. "Look, he is up to something very bad. I feel it, in my belly." North said. " Hang on, hang on, you mean to say, you summoned me here three days before easter - because of your belly? mate, if i did this to you three days before Christmas-" Bunny began but was interrupted. "Please. Bunny. Easter is not Christmas." "Here we go..." North grabs Bunny's painted egg, casually juggling it in his hand as he walks off. Meanwhile Sandy, who is being served eggnog by a yeti, suddenly notices something high above, and Jack then notices it too. "Uh guys..." he said, trying to get their attention. "North, I, I don't have time for this.

 I've still got two million eggs to finish up." Bunny argued. "The moon rises into view, high up in the ceiling; its rays of light begin to shine brightly through as they cascade down the walls of the globe room. "No matter how much you paint, is still egg!" North said. Sandy points to the moon unsuccessfully to get the others' attention. "Guys..." Jack said, still trying to get their attention. "Look, mate, I'm dealing with perishables. Right. You've got all year to prepare." Bunny said. "Pittsburg, boy eight, two molars. Saltwater taffy." Tooth said to her fairies. Sandy puts his fingers in his mouth to whistle, a silent musical note forming above his head. "Hello?" Jack called to his arguing friends. "Why are rabbits always so nervous?" North asked. "And why are you always such a blowhard!" Bunny snapped. "Ontario, sector nine: five canines, two molars, and fourteen incisors. Is that all in one house?" Tooth asked. Sandy waves a sand flag above his head, pointing and jumping up and down as the moonlight continues to fill the room. "Guys, Sandy is trying to tell us something!" Jack said. "Tooth! Can't you see we're trying to argue?" North asked. "Sorry, not all of us get to work one night a year. Am I right, Sandy?" Tooth asked. Sandy tries to signal with a golden arrow, pointing toward the ceiling, but to no avail as the others continue their bickering. Sandy thinks Tooth has noticed for a split second, but then "San Diego, sector two! Five incisors, a bicuspid and a really loose molar on stand-by." Tooth said. Jack sighed and rolled his eyes before looking at Sandy. "Come on, mate, Pitch went out with the dark ages. We made sure of that. Remember?" Bunny asked. "I know it was him. We have serious situation!" North shouted. "Well, I've got a serious situation with some eggs." Bunny said.

"Hey, I hate to interrupt the, "We work so hard once a year club" but could we concentrate on the matter-" Tooth began. "HEY!" Jack shouted, catching their attention. Jack then used his staff to point to the moon. "Aah! Man in Moon! Jack, why didn't you say something?" North asked. "I..." Jack was about to explain that he had been trying to the entire time. Then he just gave up and sighed. "It's been a long time old friend! What is big news?" North asked. Everyone looks to the center of the intense spot of moonlight, the light ebbs away, leaving a dark spot which resolves into the shadowed silhouette of Pitch. The Guardians look on, stunned. "It is Pitch." Bunny said. North pats his belly and gives Bunny a look. "Manny...what must we do?" North asked. In answer, the shadow of Pitch disappears and the circle of moonlight intensifies and shrinks, concentrating further illuminating an ornate symbol on the floor, at the center on their circle. The symbol rises out of the ground revealing a large gem at the head of a pillar. "Ah, guys, you know what this means?" Tooth asked. The moons light suddenly refracts through the gem casting light all over the chamber. "Is he choosing a new guardian?" Jack asked with excitement. "Wait, what?!" Bunny asked. "It appears so." North said. " What?! Why?" Bunny asked. "Must be big deal! Manny thinks we need help!" North said. "Since when do we need help?!" Bunny asked. "I wonder who it's gonna be?" Jack asked. A Dreamsand Four-Leaf clover forms above Sandy's head. " Maybe the Leprechaun?" Tooth asked. "Please not the groundhog, please not the groundhog." Bunny said. Then a bright flash, a rush of wind - and a figure resolves over the central pillar. "(Y/n) Elemental." North said. 

The Mini-Teeth all sigh and swoon as the Guardians stand there, stunned. "Ah, I take it back! The Groundhog's fine!" Bunny said. "What's wrong with (Y/n)?" Jack asked. "What- what's wrong with her? Is that a serious question, mate?" Bunny asked. "Well, ah, as long she helps to protect the children, right?" Tooth asked. "(Y/n) Elemental?! She doesn't care about children! All she does is use her elemental powers irresponsibly and mess with my egg hunts. Right? She's an  irresponsible, selfish..." Bunny began. "Guardian." North said. "(Y/n) Elemental is many things, but she is not a Guardian." Bunny said. Meanwhile a girl with (H/c) hair and (E/c) eyes with a necklace that has pendants that resemble every element rests atop a Post Office box on the opposite end of the street. The girl touches the ground, sending a streak of water across the street. A boy approaches a water fountain, turns the handle and moves in for a sip. But as he does, the water freezes magically, and the boy's tongue is stuck to the frozen water. His friends can't help but laugh. A mail man walks across the street and a patch of ice magically appears under his feet. He scrambles, and lands on his butt. Just behind the man, the trail of ice climbs up the side of a building. It moves up along a rain pipe. A boy tried to feed his gold fish, but a layer of ice suddenly forms along the water surface and prevents the fish from reaching its food. At the side of the building... A writer in his study sits next to stacks of papers. The window suddenly swings open and a gust of wind sends the pages flying out the window. Clothes lines and power lines freeze. (Y/n) makes her way atop a cathedral spire and takes in the view; the full moon bathes the city in moonlight.

"Ah, now that, that was fun." The girl said to herself. She uses her power of the wind to fly toward the town of Burgess. (Y/n) continues on down and zooms through the streets. Pedestrians clench their jackets and reach for their hats as gusts of wind, snow, and streaks of frost are left in her wake. (Y/n) flies in, and with the wind behind her skates across an all too familiar pond. As the wind zips across the pond it knocks a book out of the hands of a little boy walking alone, this is Jamie. "Whoa, whoa." Jamie goes to pick up the book called "They're Out There! Mysteries, Mythical Creatures And The Unexplained Phenomena." (Y/n) lands beside Jamie. "Huh, that looks interesting. Good book?" She asked Jamie. Suddenly twins Claude and Caleb, come barreling past them, rough-housing and laughing as they slam each other into drifts. "Alright! Yeah! Waahoo! Snooow daaaay!!!" They shouted. "You're welcome!" (Y/n) called, then uses her wind powers to fly after them. Jamie goes running after them. "Hey guys, wait up! Are you guys coming to the egg hunt Sunday?" He asked. "Yeah, free candy!" Caleb shouted. "I hope we can find the eggs with all this snow!" Claude shouted. Caleb stuffs a handful of snow down his brother's jacket. "The kids arrive at the fence of Jamie's house. Jamie opens up a secret plank, and heads into his yard. Claude and Caleb are still messing with each other. Meanwhile, (Y/n) walks unseen along the top of the fence. "Stop!" Caleb shouted. "No, you stop!" His brother shouted. "Whoa, it says here that they found Big Foot hair samples and DNA, in Michigan. That's like, super close!" Jamie said. "Here we go again." Claude said. 

Jamie arrives at his front gate, sled in hand while Sophie Jamie's 2-year-old sister in fairy wings sits down on their Greyhound as it lies in the yard. "You saw the video too Claude, he's out there!" Jamie said. "That's what you said about aliens." Caleb said. "And the Easter Bunny." Claude said. Jamie grabs his sled. "Wow, the Easter Bunny is real!" He said. "Oh he's real alright. Real annoying, real grumpy, and really full of himself." (Y/n) said. (Y/n) hops off the fence and walks amongst the kids, peering over their shoulders as they play in the yard. "Come on, you guys believe anything." Claude said. "EASTER BUNNY! HOP-HOP-HOP!" Sophie falls over. "Ow!" She begins to cry. "Mom! Sophie fell again!" Jamie said. Jamie's mom comes outside. "You okay, Soph?" She asked. Caleb, alongside his brother, stands at the front gate and calls out to Jamie. "Are we sledding or what?" "Jamie, hat? We don't want (Y/n) Elemental freezing  your nose." She said. "Who's (Y/n) Elemental?" Jamie asked. "No one, honey. It's just an expression." (Y/n)'s smile drops, offended. "Hey!" (Y/n) jumps down from the fence as the boys head off. "Who's (Y/n) Elemental?" She reaches down and grabs a hand full of snow from off the ground. With her palm open, (Y/n) uses her magic to form the perfect snowball. The snowball goes flying through the air and hits Jamie in the back of the head. Jamie looks up, then turns. A mischievous sparkle comes into his eyes. "Okay, who threw that?" He asked. (Y/n) flies over to the kids. "Well, wasn't bigfoot kiddo." She joked. Jamie looks around to find out who threw the snowball. He then sees kids making snow barricades. Monty gets hit with a snowball in the back of the head. (Y/n) then hits Pippa next, knocking her over. "Jamie Bennett! No fair!" She shouted. "You struck first!" Jamie shouted. "Oh!" Claude struck in the side of the head with one of (Y/n)'s snowballs; Claude began to laugh. "Free for all!" (Y/n) shouted as an intense snowball fight began. "Alright, who needs ammo?" (Y/n) makes more snowballs for the kids.

The snowball fight continues as Jamie, using his sled as a shield, is knocked backward into a snowman, crushing it underneath. A snowball goes through the air and hits Cupcake, a tough third grader in the back of the head. "Crud, I hit Cupcake." Pippa said. "She hit Cupcake." Monty said pointing. "You hit Cupcake?" Claude asked.  Jamie was on his back, hiding behind his sled, using it as a shield. Cupcake stands over him. Then (Y/n) hit her with another snowball. The kids gasp in horror. "Did you throw that?"  Caleb asked. "No." Monty said. "Wasn't me." Pippa said. Suddenly Cupcake starts laughing. She then chases after the kids, holding the head of her snowman. (Y/n) flies after them. "Ooh, little slippery!" (Y/n) jumps ahead, blasting ice behind. The kids fall to the ground, except Jamie, who lands on his sled, and slides down the path. Jamie flies out between the trees and past a set of cars. (Y/n)'s path of ice covers the street. As Jamie turns, his speed increases, sending him into traffic. Jamie barely misses a moving truck, spinning it out of control, sending furniture out. "Whoa!" Jamie shouted. " Whoa, don't worry kid, I gotcha." (Y/n) said. Jamie looks back, then quickly ahead. "Hold on. It's gonna be alright." (Y/n) said. "Ahhhh. No, no, no, no..." Jamie said. 

"Keep up with me kid! Take a left." (Y/n) said. Jamie slides through a pedestrian intersection, narrowly missing some people. "Hey, slow down!" Someone shouted. "Whoa, no, no, no, no..." Jamie said. (Y/n) flies over to the far side of the street, sending the ice and Jamie on the sidewalk. "Is that Jamie Bennett?" Someone else asked. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..." Jamie said. "There you go!" (Y/n) said. Jamie flies off the sidewalk and into the middle of the street, almost knocking over a postman. (Y/n) sees Jamie with sudden excitement. She then sees a snowplow and quickly jumps ahead, using her wind abilities. Jamie's sled then turns, narrowly missing a truck and barrels toward (Y/n)'s ice ramp. Jamie closes his eyes as the ramp throws him over the street, into the air, and toward the statue of Thaddeus Burgess. Jamie's friends stare in awe. Jamie opens his eyes and the look of fear changes to joy. Jamie lands in the snow as (Y/n) lands on the statue. "Oh my gosh!" Pippa said. "Yeah!" (Y/n) cheered. Jamie's friends run over and he suddenly stands up. "Wow, that looks serious!" "Jamie! Jamie, are you alright?" "Is he okay?" His friends asked. "Whoaaa! Did you guys see that? It was amazing! I slid - I did a jump and I slid under a car-" a sofa suddenly crashed into him and (Y/n) cringed. "Oops." She said slowly. His friends cringed as well. After an awkward moment of silence, Jamie comes up from behind the Sofia smiling, holding a tooth. "Cool! A Tooth!" He said. "Dude, that means cash! Tooth Fairy cash!" "I love the Tooth Fairy!" Jamie's friends said. "Oh, no..." (Y/n) said. "That's totally awesome. You lucky bug! Lucky!" "I gotta put this under my pillow!" Jamie said. "Ah, wait a minute! Come on, hold on, hold on! What about all that fun we just had? That wasn't the Tooth Fairy, that was me!" (Y/n) said. (Y/n) jumps down from the statue, trying to engage the kids. But the kids run off. (Y/n) blocks Jamie's way as the boy comes toward her. "What's a girl gotta do to get a little attention around here!" She said. Jamie runs through her. She sighs, then flies away.

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