Chapter 2

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"Hey Artemis, why do you hang out with me?" Jack laid on her bed with a sigh.

"Why do I hang out with a kid who constantly sneaks his way into my room? Who knows." Artemis sat on the floor , leaning against the bed. "You are easy to talk to I guess."

"But what if I am not..ya'know...good to be around."

Artemis snorted. "Jack, you might be the oddest person I've ever met., but I can tell a good person when I see one."

"You don't know that.." Jack mumbled.

"We all done things we regret, Jack..believe me I've had my share of things I am not proud whole family has--" Artimis cringed, Jack hated when she brought up family, let alone his parents. With the bruises, cuts and the dislocated shoulder he had when they first met a month ago; she was beginning to think that Jack and his parents do not often see eye to eye.

"My family is everything to me." Jack stared at the ceiling" And I mean everything."

Artemis frowned a bit at Jack's tone, not liking how sad it sounded. She decided to test her luck and continue the subject. "What about all those wounds you have!?" She might have just met Jack but she was not going to let them stay in a destructive relationship. She felt a need to protect the kid.

Jack flinched a bit. " these..are not from them..well not most of them." He muttered to himself.

"But there ARE some." Artemis challenge suiting up straight and facing the bed, grabbing the others arm. "Be honest with me Jack. Do they hurt you?"

Jack pulled his hand away, not used to the sincerity the other has given him. He had never met anyone like Artemis, where all civilians like this? Kind? Unlikely...the world, let alone Gotham, is a cruel and cold place where only monsters seem to thrive. " You are a good person Artemis." He chuckled to himself, shaking his head. " But my family matters are of my own concern." He gave her a reassuring smile. "If you really must know– most of these scars are from PROTECTING my I said they mean the world to me."

Artemis sighed and stood up. " They must really be something then."  Gotham was dangerous, she knew that... It wasn't completely out of the ordinary getting hurt by getting mugged, those cuts did look like knife wounds. Though so many concerned her. "Promise me something Jack"

"You know I hate keeping promises, Art."


"What is it?"

"If you are ever in trouble, please call for help."


"Jack my boy, come here." Joker called out.

"Yes pops?" Jack smiled brightly, though giving a confused look at what the Joker was holding. "What's with the suit?"

"Ah excellent question! You see, an old friend of mine is having a party!" Joker cooed. "And being the fact that I am not invited is just hurtful!"

Jack chuckled "Well you are the life of the party."

"Exactly!" Joker said enthusiastically. "It was such a surprise! So i decided, why not crash it?"

Jack tilted his head slightly. "So the suit is yours? What's wrong with your old one?" The plain black suit did not seem like the Joker's style at all...he would never be caught wearing such a boring thing.

"No my dear boy! It's all yours!" He tossed the suit at Jack with a grin. "Might as well charm your way in with that face of yours, get us some extra goodies to play with"

Jack held the suit, holding it like it was a precious present. Joker never really gave much, so he will gladly take the gift even it was not really for his gain. "Thank you." He grinned. "So where is the party? And who is the chump who didn't invite you?"

"You remember my good pal, Bruce Wayne?"

How could Jack NOT know that name, between Bruce Wayne and the Batman, that's basically all the clown talked about. It made Jack kind of envious that they got all of the attention. "So when are we going to crash the party?" He laughed, maybe he could get a good punch in that playboy's face.


Artemis felt off. This whole charity gala thing was not her style at all--and even with a compact bow, it was extremely hard to conceal it in a dress. She glanced over to Wally who was fidgeting with his tie with a grunt. Why did she have to be paired with him in this mission? He was a complete idiot! She returned her attention back to the mission, Bruce Wayne. Both Wally and herself had to be personal guardians for this playboy as he flirted with younger women and talked business with others. She was about to get to a closer position but then bumped into someone. "Hey! Watch where you are going-- Jack?" She blinked looking at an equally surprised teen dressed in a black suit. "What are you doing here?"

((A/N  heya folks in case you were curious about the song choice for this scene, it's my favorite tango. The assassins tango XD

[A gif or video was added here in a newer version of Wattpad. Update now to see.]

Now you may continue ))

Jack's mind was reeling at the realization that his new friend was this party. Joker was coming and she was going to be put in danger! "I..uh..." he floundered. "I was...dragged here by my parents." This wasn't good, he was going to blow his cover. Take hostages, that's all he had to do..that's all Joker wanted him to do... his friends do not matter. He took a deep breath and smiled, extending his hand and giving a charming smile. "But, since we are both here, might as well enjoy it."

Artemis rose an eyebrow. She always had a feeling Jack was little off. She laughed. "Are you asking me for a dance?" She grinned. "You tend to like games, so what is the catch?"

"The catch is that if you can keep up, I won't 'accidentally' pop up at your school again."

Artemis snorted. "You barged into a conversation and took a selfie with me. How did you even get into Gotham Academy anyway without being noticed?"

Jack grabbed her hand and twirled her, pulling her closer. "Let's just say I am quick on my feet." He eyed the door. Joker would come in any second now..and his entrances were always 'big'. He will have to try to get his friend to the other side out of harm's way..then it would be a win win; hostages AND the safety of his friend. "So what do you say?"

Artemis stepped forward, a playful smirk on her face. Dancing was not much different than fighting, how hard could it be? The music started playing, and Jack held her closer. "By the way, you look ridiculous in a suit."

"Consider it noted. You look horrible yourself." Jack joked "Hope you know how to tango" He chuckled and swept her into the center of the ballroom floor.

Wally looked back to his surprise, seeing Artemis of all people dancing. Who was that she was dancing with? They seemed to know each other.. He looked around to see that he was not the only one gawking, most of the guests were staring in awe as well at the two teens as they made their way across the floor while doing the tango. It was weird how graceful both of them were, rather than dancing it seemed more and more like a battle..just a..really close one. Both of them were smiling however, the teen with raven hair seemed to enjoy being the center of attention like his very purpose was to entertain.

Bruce Wayne's attention was also drawn to the two dancing, or rather the way the boy on the dance floor moved in a way so familiar though he could not put his finger on it. The teens eyes shifted in his get real direction with a hostile glare that could closely match with the batglare.

Jack looked up at Bruce Wayne with a scowl, he was so going to enjoy punching his lights out. The second he stepped near the edge of the room, an explosion rattled the building. Fashionably late, nothing but to be expected from Joker. And during the screams and chaos, Jack took the opportunity to slip away and change, rejoining his father figure's side. " Ready to play pops?"

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