He misses you

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((What happens when your away for a week?)) 


Jack was bored all week, yes he would make his videos but after he got done he never got a nice hug and kiss he always got when he was finished.

So it was just him staring at the ceiling, playing on his phone, and just doing random things around the house.  When you finally come home, you bet your sweet ass he's going to cuddle and kiss you until you tell him to stop.


Anti didn't admit it at first, but he missed you dearly. No one scolded him for dragging blood inside the house, no one complained that he was being an asshole today. And most of all, no being called the nickname he loves most.

Cuddle Bear.  Anti was right next to you the whole first three days you returned home. And he wouldn't leave your side. And you sure as hell wouldn't leave the house without him. 


Chase knew you were gone, and it didn't bother him for the first few hours. Yeah, hours. He had a nerf gun fight with himself, played his video games, and then was lost. You normally always give him something to do.

But now you were gone.  Chase was so relieved once you came home. Finally, you can give him kisses and he complains he wasn't getting cuddles even though he didn't want them a few minutes ago. 

Dr. Schneeplestin:

Henrik would be too busy at work to even think of you during the day. But during the night is when it hit him. He wasn't welcomed home with a hot meal and a kiss. He was met with an empty home and an empty bed. He didn't like it. Not at all.  But when you came home, Henrik told you how much he missed you. And he was so happy to eat your cooking and cuddle you at night. God knows he can't cook for shit. 

Magic Marvin:

Marvin honestly felt lost, he had no one to talk too. No shows coming up so there was no need to practice his magic, all in all. He was secretly teleporting to you and watching from afar.

Yes, It was creepy but he had to do something!  When you came back, Marvin didn't want to leave your side for a second! He missed you so much! He kept kissing you all day. 


Jackie was watching over the city, but he found himself bored when nothing bad was happening. Normally he would call you or Skype you to entertain himself but you clearly told him not to call you unless it was needed.

Jackie was so glad once you came back, his boredom cured forever! Oh, happy day!


Robbie was worried, you had left to use the bathroom and you didn't want him following you for whatever reason. And he hadn't come back in two hours! So Robbie got up, stumbled his way toward the trees.

He was relived once he found you bathing in a clear lake. He sits near the water and watched you. He could understand why you were taking so long. I mean, you would bath for hours on end if you hadn't been cleaned in months. 

Jameson Jackson:

Jameson is being honest. He didn't mind you leaving. Because before he met you, He was used to being alone since he isn't a very popular Septic.

But his day tends to consist of drinking tea, tending to some flowers, and reading.  But, he is overjoyed when you come home, he loves seeing you and just wants to be there for you. Expect kisses, cuddles, and some Green tea.

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