ᴏᴄ - ʏᴏᴜɴɢᴇʀ ɴᴜɢɢᴇᴛ (ᴏ8.ᴏ8.2ᴏ21 - 12.ᴏ8.2ᴏ21)

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Howdy kids!

This boy is back with some sweet sweet backstory for yet another character, that I put through a lot more suffering than initially planned or deserved.

But anyways, so... his name is Nugget. He's my 38 year old earth genasi druid, who I currently play in a d&d campaign!! Essentially he was supposed to be the annoying, dreamy, chaotic character, until the campaign started and....
A 21 year old half-elf artificer (Tizo), who constantly get's into arguments with the 23 year old elf warlock (who just got outta wizard college and has problems with debt and is called Salem), and the edgelord 17 year old elf sorceress who is "rude, bitchy, sweet but chaotic as fuck" (Caieriss)...... essentially Nugget just turned into the babysitter of us all....

And... to get a rough idea of what I mean:

Salem: >>slams door open<< "Good day gentlemen, where can a handsome man like me get a cup of ale or two?"
Nugget: "I'll buy you one, if you relax a bit." (proceeds to buy ale and drink it himself, since the player of Salem kinda forgot that that happened)

Caieriss: >>bursts in through the door< "NOW WHAT ARE THESE MAPS FOR?!"
Nugget: "Why is everyone yelling when they enter this place?! Just enter places like normal people. That poor door!"

DM: >>desperately tries to get us to start the quest<< "Are you gonna keep arguing or are you gonna see the town master?"
Caieriss: "I didn't seem to catch any of your names. Are you scared or something?"
Salem: "Scared? Of you? Child, please, I've been more scared of a drowning rabbit."
Nugget: "Arguing sounds good, but how about we argue on the way there?"
Caieriss: "If y'all don't fucking listen to me-" >>gets out knife<< - "I will sadly have to force you."
Nugget: "Hey hey hey... the town already has a dragon, how about we don't start a barfight and instead do what we would be getting money for?"

(also.. we all ship Tizo and Salem, ever since Salem wanted to meet Tizo alone at night)

Salem: "That's odd. Is that far away from here? And if not, what direction is it in?"
Nugget: "We have a map."
Salem: "Oh."

It's a beautiful game, but... can be stressful when Cai and Salem just... argue.... all the time..... and wont stop...

So yeah... talking about your dnd campaign is the best thing ever, listening to another person talking about their dnd campaign is the worst thing ever, so let's get on with the drawing:

Since I'm experimenting with more dynamic and fullbody poses at the moment, I wanted to have a nice little motion shot, where we can see some magic and Nuggets speer ^-^

Things get a lot more readable and clear, when I got the lineart phase though, so... here's a start to that:

Since I'm currently still writing out his backstory, I wanted to draw my boy in different ages and stages of his life! Meaning I had to figure out how to make his face look a lot younger, than in my initial portrait, that's part of a WIP character sheet >w<""

It also was fun to make him look pretty hot, determined and like that typical "hero figure" since usually... well... Nugget is literally just stoned 24/7....

Either way, it was also very fun to experiment with his backstory and some features here... and was too lazy to draw the shoes untill the very end sooo:

For example of the clothing features though: his scarf. He still wears it, just rather different in the current design. Also had the urge to keep his earrings the same througout his entire life, since they look cool and I could definetely place some sort of value on them.
Another thing are the gemstones coming out of his skin. Since he's an earth genasi, I decided to give him grey/brown skin with some glowing cracks in them. The gemstones also were I theme I often saw online, so I thought they may be a sign of maturity in the earth genasi culture, and Nugget would start wearing them with pride, before ripping them out later on because of trauma and stuff.

Anyways, things got a bit very chaotic when it came to the colouring... since the cracks and freckles glow, they added quite something to the skin, which got a bit more tricky, once I started to add his scars in later on... In the end though everything turned out pretty darn fine, even if the hand holding the spear is... in the completely wrong perspective.... and yes, I did realise it pretty early on, but was just too lazy to change it dwgajvkerbfv

Anyways, too battle the chaos on his skin, I decided to lower the glow effect on the cracks, and make some of them a bit smaller, reducing other body details to a minimum and using light to still lead the eye in the right direction, getting some sweat sweat readability back through the shading process... argh...
yeah, sometimes it's just worth it, to trust your process and pull through with a piece, even if you're insecure about parts.

Um... yeah... that was all I got for now... I am indeed drawing him as a child as well atm, so I'll be explaining more backstory in that chapter, because otherwise this here will be a bit very much without context haha...

Anyways, I hope you like the drawing! Personally I've been really getting into these fullbody drawings with those rather simple patterned recktangles behind them... has something and brings some cohesion into my instagram feed xDD

Yeee.... hope you like the drawing and character as much as I do! Even though Nugget is indeed rather new, in comparison to.. nearly every character I own.. I do indeed love him very much and he has big potention to be part of my top 5 favourites....

>>hugs, wraps in blankets and gives ice cream and tea<<

So that's all I got today! Hope you guy maybe stick around for more or go explore some older chapters of mine. And until we see each other next time:

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