ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇꜱᴛ + ᴏᴄ - ᴇᴠᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜɴɢᴇʀ ɴᴜɢɢᴇᴛ (ᴏ2.ᴏ8.2ᴏ21 - 13.ᴏ8.2ᴏ21)

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Would one look at that...

ngl I wasn't expecting to finish this drawing today, but it actually is kinda hilariously beautiful that we now have two Nugget chapters back to back soo.... no complaints uwu


I'm back! Long time no see, what happened in between now and the last chapter, that I uploaded this afternoon? Hopefully you're still all intact and have gained some interest in my dearest boy: Nugget.

But first of all, I'd like to thank the spons-

Bro I've been watching too much YouTube recently....

First of all I just wanna mention, that this drawing was made for buechl-sophies little drawing contest/challenge/thingy, that had the topic "draw your OC as a child"

Ngl, I was instantly inspired over here to draw my little boy Nugget as a kid. I have no clue why, but I just... had to.


Nugget was confident and rambunctous as a child. He was the kid that ran around during playtime, climbed on trees whenever and was just wild, independant and had too much energy to contain in one small body.

So I wanted to get his confidence across in the pose.

He also is very determined in what he wants, and whilst he is a certified clown, he can be surprisingly adult, when the situation is serious enough.

Now... children...... when drawing kids, I usually just soften up the features a lot and give them big eyes, as well as a huge head. This all kinda results in more chibi-ish proportions and I think it helps to get the child-vibe across better.
I still am no good at drawing children though soo.... gotta practise more on those..

Colour-wise I wanted to keep everything very golden yellow, also bringing some other dusty tones and browns in there, to make the clothing more childish, yet fitting with the whole earth and topaz theme i got going on for him.

I also reduced his cracks a bit, as though his skin would crack more during growth... I think I could have pushed that concept quite a lot more though, since the changes are indeed minimal...


Nugget was born under the name of Quartz in a tiny, independant mountain village, populated mostly by elves, some humans, and very few genasi. His father (Lazuli) was a water genasi, whilst his mother (Terra) was an earth genasi, resulting in Nugget being an earth genasi as well, but with a more slender build and an instant love for mud.

Now, in the village he attended the human schooling program, which was different to the elven schooling program, since elves mature at a different rate to humans. Nonetheless he had indeed an elf friend, as they were his neighbour, which resulted in an adorable friendship between a human (Crafir), elf (Aylith) and him, a genasi.

From very young on, he knew he didn't want to be part of the mining buisiness, which his mother was part of. Very odd for his race, he did indeed like working with the earth and rocks, but felt uneasy underground, and very much wasn't interested in the fishing industry, where his father worked. Instead he was thinking about being a herbalist or farmer, some day, which confused both of his parents, as it wasn't only a realistic and reasonable job, but the exact opposite of what they would have expected from their energetic and impatient son.

Nonetheless, life is a bitch, meaning that war came around the corner, as Nugget was about 12 years old. The village wasn't impacted at all, as it was in the middle of nowhere, had nothing of value, and was hidden in the mountains, yet the government had an interest in the place. Less because of the ressources, but rather the manpower they could find there.
So anyone, who seemed fit enough to fight, was brought to the front, most children below 10 (or the elvish equivalent) and mothers were left there, as well as some essential workers, to make sure the small economy wouldn't collapse in an instant.

Either way, small Nugget and his father were now on the way to a completely foreign area to them, to fight for a country that had ignored their existence since birth!

Aaand.... well.... that next part of his backstory would be another picture, so that's all you got for now ^-^

Oh, and here's the final and rendered piece >w<

So yeah!! I hope you enjoyed what you've heard so far of him, I definetely had a huge blast drawing him and working on his story a bit more :)

>>also yeets WIP of Nugget during the campaign in here, as a reference<<

So yeah... that was now really all I got for ya today ...

>>cuddles, pats, wraps in blanket and gives cookies and tea<<

Um... words are hard and im tired soo...

Maybe you'll hang around for another while, maybe you're interested in Nuggets story! Either way I'd really love it, when you stick around for other art of mine, and maybe even leave a comment or vote to tell me that you've been here ^-^

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