ᴀʀᴛꜰɪɢʜᴛ ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋ - ᴅᴀᴡɴ, ᴀꜱʜ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴇᴏɴᴀʀᴀ (18/ᴏ8/2ᴏ21 - 2ᴏ/ᴏ8/2ᴏ21)

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Heyho kiddos!!

And welcome! Welcome to the first chapter, written on my new laptop.

So yeah... finally expect proper speedpaints from over here, maybe streams, idk, and better and bigger paintings uwu

But before all that can happen, I gotta install all the stuff and get all my files over here from my old lappy... so whilst I'm waiting for that, I thought I'd finally write this chapter, dedicated to two dear friends, who got attacked by me >:)

First of all: Funkenteufel! Yes again... but the characters are just too cool!!

So I stole Dawn:

Now, you might be aware that Dawn is very much not human... and I thus I decided to turn them into an elf-ish dude!

The lighting totally ruined the colours I planned, but... hey... I still really liked the expression I got! Even though I did indeed kinda fuck it up when it came to facial anatomy... not gonna lie, this probably is one of the worst portraits anatomy-wise I drew in quite a while...

But enough trashing on my own art xD

So, I decided to go for an elf creature, so I could add an extra amount of earrings. Them earrings were supposed to represent them feathers.
I also decided to add freckles, and add in that heart Limi put there as a mole-ish thing.

The hair was essentially all that fur that was there, in this rich purple colour, that my lighting turned into an aggressive pink...

Yeah.... didn't export any WIP's, so this is all I can more or less say for the process... essentially I just wanted a small portrait to relax in the evening, which made the quality suffer quite a bit.. hehe.... but I still like it!

As I said, the expression was a small experiment, and whilst I am not all too happy with the result, the way there definitely was worth it and in future I know how to do it. And as long as I learnt something and had fun, the picture is good :)

Next up we have these two characters, Ash and Leonara, from KatChan, who sadly has no wattpad, insta, etc :(

Anyways, again I turned them into genderbent portraits. I tried to get some energy into Ash and make Leon(ara) seem more reserved and elegant!

AND this time I even exported some WIPs so... SKETCH!!

Next was the lineart. I decided to give Ash some fancy ass locks, whilst chopping Leon(ara)s hair down quite a bit hehe.

Colours were actually really simple, so not all that much to say here... I decided to incorporate Ashes tattoo on his shoulder, as he otherwise lost a shitload of characterization, you know? Since Leon(ara) had clothing n all that, but Ash would've looked a bit weird with the jacket, since it's just a bust after all.

And then I just went ham and had fun with my lighting :)

Decided to go for a golden yellow from the left, sunset/-rise like you know?

Yeee...... not a lot to say again.. but therefore you guys got 3 heads!! Really liked these last two, especially since I draw locks so rarely and keep forgetting how much fun they actually are to render in the end!

So yeah... uh... words are hard soo...

hope ya liked them!

>>cuddles, pats, wraps in blanket and gives ice cream and tea<<

see yall next time round!

>>proceeds to admire rainbow flashing laptop keyboard<<

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