ᴏᴄ - ᴘꜱʏ (ᴏ8/ᴏ7/2ᴏ21 - ᴏ9/ᴏ7/2ᴏ21) + ᴘʜᴏᴛᴏ ꜱᴛᴜᴅʏ (ᴏ9/ᴏ7/2ᴏ21)

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Morning my children!

So... remember my old ass artclub persona?

Yeah.... so, since Mithiell, ccaput and I started a small project where we send each other signatures of paper to create small, collaborative sketchbooks, Mith also was so adorable and sent out a small letter, including three doodles of Her, Caputs and My so-called Bunkersonas.

And since I absolutely fell in love with Miths design I just... I kinda just freaked out and... uh... fell in love with it.... so I asked Mith if I'm allowed to use the design for the persona, so...
yeah..... here ya go...
here's Psy for ya, with a hand I forgot to draw and was too lazy to add afterwards >w<"

I mean.... I do like the small portrait a lot, but I kinda mucked up the face on the fullbody doodle :/  So I definetely plan on doing that again
And we all know, that I suck at feet, just... ignore them....

So, since I didn't export any WIPs and I don't really have a lot to say, I thought, that I might as well yeet a small photo study I did in here...

Why I suddenly decided to randomly paint something more realistic? Well... I think some of you know by now that I'm stuck at home, since my mental health is so bad, that I cannot go to school atm. And one afternoon I just... laid in bed the whole day, felt like crap and watched some YouTube, until I finally convinced myself to get outta bed and draw something...

Problem was, I didn't really want to draw, nor did I know what to draw, resulting in me browsing through pinterest and finding this random picture of a dude... and since I just wanted to chill a bit and not five a fuck about accuracy, I just went ahead and tried to draw him.

Kinda gave up at some point, and it doesn't really look like him, but it does kinda have the same vibe, and without the actual picture it does actually look kinda good (I regret the messy highlight detail-thingies tho.... kinda ruin the hat and hair...)... so yeah look at this more or less messy and failed attempt at realism, it probably will be one of the only times you'll see me do this sorta stuff xD

Either way, I did indeed have a surprising amount of fun and actually managed to calm down a bit, so I did kinda reach my goal ^-^

So that's all I got for ya today!

>>cuddles you, pats you, wraps you in a blanket and gives you a warm drink with cookies<<

Hope yall are doing better than me, and have a great rest of your day/night. Don't forget to take care of yourselves and drink enough >w<

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