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I stared at Y/N, who was standing by Tori's locker, talking animatedly with her.
I didn't like it.
I didn't like the way Tori leaned over to her when she laughed, grinning at her.
In theory, this shouldn't be a problem.
Me and Y/N were not together.
Still, everyone here knew full well that anyone who touched Y/N had to be afraid for their life.
And that's what Tori was doing right now. She touched my Y/N on her shoulder.
I clenched my fist, still watching Y/N brush her hair back and then laugh at something Tori had said.
I really couldn't take it any longer, continuing to watch Vega get so into Y/N, which is why I pushed myself off the wall and walked quickly towards the two of them.
Vega saw me coming towards them and whispered something in Y/N's ear, which made her turn in my direction.

"I'm going to count to three, if you haven't taken your filthy fingers off my girlfriend by then, I'm going to chop them off," I growled, pulling Y/N towards me by her waist.

"Girlfriend? How long have you been together?" asked Tori, looking at Y/N in wonder. She really seemed to be confused.

I stared questioningly at the H/C girl as much as Tori, which seemed to slightly overwhelm her.

"It's been a week. I didn't want to tell you yet because Jade was supposed to keep it a secret." she mumbled, blushing.

I smiled. I knew I could count on my girl, after all.

"I see.", Tori replied. "Congratulations then!"
She gave Y/N a big smile, and was about to pull her into a hug until she saw my gaze.
"Dont. You. Dare. ", I said angrily, causing her to stumble back a bit.

"I'll leave you guys alone then.", Tori said quickly and turned around to leave.

Y/N didn't even wait for her friend to leave before she grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me into the Janitor's Closet.

As soon as she closed the door behind us, she turned to me and looked at me, waiting.

"What?", I asked, annoyed.

"I didn't know I had a girlfriend," she replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, now you have one. Get used to it.", I replied indifferently and was about to walk out when Y/N held me again.

"You think I'll accept that?"

I didn't want to admit it, but that sentence hurt me. Didn't she wanted to be my girlfriend? Had I been wrong?

She must have realized something was wrong because she intertwined my hand with hers and looked me in the eye.

"Jade. ", she murmured much more softly now. "I want to be with you. I want to run all over the school building, telling everyone that you're my girlfriend. I want to kiss you and hold your hand without people looking at us confused. The only thing I ask for, is that you ask. Ask me if I want to be with you instead of telling me to."

Only now did I realize the mistake I had made.

I really wouldn't apologize to anyone. Ever. Except to her
"Sorry, Y/N.", I mumbled, giving her an apologetic look.

"It's okay."
She gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I know it's a bit silly to ask that in here, but you're right and I don't want to wait anymore. And I don't want to watch someone flirting with you, while i cant do anything. Will you be my girlfriend?"

She looked at me a little puzzled at first before a smile spread across her face.
"I'd love to."

I pulled her to me by her waist and gently pressed my lips to hers.

"I've fallen in love with you, Y/N," I whispered, causing her cheeks to blush again.

"And I've fallen in love with you, Jadie. "

"Call me Jadie again and I'll kill you."

Y/N giggled softly, which made me grin as well.

I would have loved to stay here with her longer, but I was just as happy to pull her out of the closet to make it clear to everyone that Y/N was now officially my girlfriend.
And no one had the right to touch a hair on my girlfriend's head.

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