long distance girlfriend

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babygirl<3: happy birthday, love<3 have a great day
me: thanks baby. can you call me?
babygirl<3: aww does jadie miss her girlfriend?
me: shut the fuck up
me: yes, i do
me: can you call me now?
babygirl<3: i would love to, but i'm busy right now. maybe later? this evening?
me: but its my birthday. only five minutes?
babygirl<3: baby i cant, but i promise, this evening we will facetime and i will sing you to sleep
me: ok
babygirl<3: please dont be mad at me, ok? i love you

Frustrated, I threw my pear phone on my bed and snorted. I knew I had forgiven my girlfriend in twenty minutes at the latest, but it still pissed me off that she hadn't taken the five minutes.
Was it too much to ask? We had been in a long-distance relationship for almost a year, and yet I had never seen her in person. She lives about 19 hours away from me, in Vancouver, and the stress of school didn't make it any easier.

As soon as I got my mind off it, I decided to head off to school. The thought was already pissing me off.


By now it was noon, and my girlfriend still hadn't texted me. I continued to stare at the chat history while my friends talked.

Beck seemed to be the only one who noticed I was distracted, and nudged me.
"Are you okay?"

I nodded and decided to turn off my phone and slide it into my pocket. Y/N wouldn't text me just because I wished she would.

The rest of the day dragged on like gum. I just wanted to get out of school and be alone. Especially since Tori had somehow found out it was my birthday. Now she was getting on my nerves without a break.

When the bell finally rang for the last time, I almost ran out of the building.

"Jade wait!"

I groaned loudly when I heard Vega's annoying voice and turned to face her.

"What?", I nagged annoyed.

"You haven't gotten my birthday present to you yet," she said.

"Vega, for the thousandth time, I don't want a gift from you. No matter what it is, I refuse it," I replied sharply.

"That means I have to drive home again then, doesn't it?"

I winced when I heard that familiar voice. This was a joke. It couldn't be -

Slowly, I turned around.
In front of me was indeed Y/N, leaning against a wall. She smiled wryly at me, while I still stared at her in shock.
She sparkled at me in amusement when she noticed me looking her up and down.
She was incredibly pretty. And a little bit shorter.

As I admired her, she pushed herself off the wall and came toward me.

"No hello, Jadie?" she asked with a grin.

I smiled and pulled her to me by her waist with a tug.
"Hello.", I breathed against her lips.
Her cheeks flushed slightly as I kissed her lips gently.

I had often imagined what it would be like to kiss her. But nothing even came close.

The moment was ruined by Tori clearing her throat.
Annoyed, I broke away from my girlfriend and looked questioningly at Vega.

"What do you want, Vega?"

"Can I have a hug for my birthday present?"

I glanced once at Y/N, who gave Tori a warning look.

"You don't get a hug, but you get the assurance that I won't kill you."

I turned to Y/N and intertwined our hands together.

"How long are you staying? And where are you sleeping?"

"I'm staying for a week. And I wasn't sure if it would be okay with you if I slept over. That's why Tori offered that I could stay with her."

"You're staying with me," I replied firmly.
"Now let's get out of here before you have to make acquaintance with Sinjin or Robbie too soon."

Y/N laughed softly, which made me stare at her again.
She was so perfect... Why was she so perfect?

"So, how do you want to spend your birthday?" she asked, looking at me expectantly.

"I don't really care, as long as you're there."

"I didn't realize you were so romantic -" Vega said teasingly.

"Lose a word about that and I'll break my promise from earlier and kill you," I replied without hesitation.

Y/N sighed, but said nothing.

"So Vega, I'd like to spend some time with my girlfriend right now without you staring at us."

Tori rolled her eyes, but smiled. "Please be alive tomorrow, Y/N."

Y/N laughed softly. "I'll be fine, I think. See you Tori."

I looked suspiciously back and forth between the two until Vega finally disappeared.

"How do you two know each other?", I asked, looking to my girlfriend.

"We texted, then I asked her if she could help me with the surprise visit. About the place to sleep, and she had to stall you a bit because I was late."

"Hmm.", I grumbled and started to walk away, she pulled me back though and eyed me until a smile crept onto her face.

"Is Jadie jealous?"

"Is N/N cheeky?"

"Yes Mommy," she murmured.

I raised my eyebrow, but grinned.
"I won't ask for once."

"You do that." she replied, patting my shoulder before turning around.

"Are we going? My car's right there." She pointed to the parking slot.

I nodded and took her hand again. She pulled me to her car, and was about to sit in the driver's seat, but I pulled her back to me.

"You've been driving long enough, I'll take it from here," I mumbled, almost ashamed of the fact that I was really worried.

The feeling of shame disappeared immediately when she gave me that beautiful smile.
"Thank you, Jade."

She gave me a kiss on the cheek, and got in, and I did the same.

Driving was really hard with her sitting next to me. I really had to control myself not to look at her every three seconds. Actually, I really expected that when we met, it would be kind of weird. At least at first. But we got along just as well as we had in our phone calls, and having her here was the best thing that could have happened to me today.

"We're here," I said as I parked in front of my family's house.

She gave me a nervous smile. "Sure it won't be any trouble if I sleep here?"

I unbuckled my seatbelt, turned to her and gently took her chin in her hand.

"Don't even think about being an inconvenience. Besides- My bed is big enough for two."

I watched with satisfaction as her cheeks flushed.

I grinned at her and gently brushed a strand of hair out of her face.
"I haven't had a chance to tell you you're beautiful, by the way."

She bit her lips to suppress another smile.

Everything in me went crazy at the sight, and I wanted nothing more than to kiss her until she fell over. Every single second she was here. I couldn't even describe the feeling that ran through me when I looked at her. I had never adored anyone so much.

Her concerned voice pulled me out of my slump.
"Are you okay?"

I grinned before my hand moved from her chin to her cheek, and my second hand settled flat on her other cheek as well.

I looked between her lips and her E/C eyes before pulling her closer to me and finally kissing her.

This kiss was longer and more intense than the one from before, probably because it was just us. Everything inside me tingled as she wrapped her hands around my neck as well.

After a while, she broke away from me, breathing heavily, which made me laugh.
"Get used to it, S/N. Because I'm going to start showering you with kisses like this."

"I think I can get very used to that."

A brief silence fell over us. But that was only because I was staring at her and were lost in my thoughts again.

"I have another present for you. But I suggest we get out of the car first."

I nodded and got out. As soon as she was out of the car as well, I took her hand again and pulled her inside the house. No one was home right now anyway, and even if they were, I really wouldn't have cared.

"What about my things? ", my girlfriend asked, amused.

I groaned loudly, which made her laugh. "It's okay, I'll get i-"

"No.", I interrupted her, "I'll get it for you. Meanwhile, go to my room, it's the last one in the hall."

She nodded obediently and I went back to the car, opened the trunk and took out the two bags that were inside.

As I went to my room, Y/N was sitting on my bed waiting for me with a knowing look.

"Ok, what did you find?", I asked sighing as I put the bags down.

"You have a lot of...things in here.", she answered and the corner of her mouth twitched upwards.

Again, I had to smile- I felt like I had never smiled so much in my life as I did today.

"Time for my birthday present.", I said, dropping down next to her.

"Right, wait."

She stood up and went to one of her bags to rummage through it. Finally, she pulled out a small, white box and walked back over to sit next to me.


Carefully, I accepted the box. It was really very light.
"Open it already," she urged me.

Slowly I lifted the lid and looked in surprise at the single sheet of paper that was on it. I feared it out of the box and opened the piece of paper. There was an address written on it.

Confused, I looked at Y/N, who returned my gaze.
"Do you know where this is?"

"Yes. About five minutes from here. Why? What do you mean?"

"You remember when I said I was rejected at the collage, right?"

I nodded.

"That was a lie. I didn't get rejected, I denied the offer. Because I got a spot here. The address is my address now."

My eyes widened when I heard that. I couldn't even realize what she had said.


"In a month. I wasn't sure it was going to work out yet, and i didn't wanted to tell you, before it was sure."

My girlfriend -who lives 19 hours away from me- would soon be living just five minutes away.

Before I knew it, I had already pounced on her. She giggled as I kissed up from her neck to her mouth.

"This is the best birthday I've ever had," I mumbled with a happy, silly grin on my face.

She just smiled lovingly at me before pulling me to her again to kiss me.

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