Chapter 36

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Jaggedtail stretched out his legs, the sun was beaming down onto his pelt and the air was beautiful and fresh. It was nearly greenleaf, but the season of newleaf had been so good to LichenClan. Prey was bountiful and LichenClan was thriving once again. It had been a moon since Brackenpaw and Redpaw's apprentice ceremony and about a half-moon after that, Branchpaw and Barkpaw had been named apprentices as well. Barkpaw was made Sagefeather's apprentice and Branchpaw had been given Elmheart as a mentor.

Jaggedtail had been incredibly thrilled for his friend for finally get himself an apprentice and he knew that Elmheart was excited about it as well. Even though Mosspaw was incredibly ahead of Branchpaw, they still did there best to train their apprentices together. It wouldn't be long before Mosspaw was a warrior, and Jaggedtail was very excited for that day.

"Jaggedtail!" Daisyfern's call got Jaggedtail's attention. He looked at Cherrypool and took one final bite of prey. "Guess I'm being called." He mewed, giving Cherrypool a quick nuzzle on the cheek before he trotted quickly over to Daisyfern.

"What do you need?" He questioned.

"Find your apprentice, you're going on the final patrol of the day." Daisyfern instructed. "Get her and then meet with your patrol mates here, Elmheart will be leading it." Jaggedtail nodded and began sniffing around for Mosspaw. He found her having a conversation with Brackenpaw.

"There you are." He mewed. "You're wanted on patrol, we'll be going with Elmheart too."

"Okay." Mosspaw purred and stood up. She had been working very hard as an apprentice, her skills were sharpened and Jaggedtail knew that her assessment should be soon. She's more than earned it, I just want the right time to come. It didn't take long for the rest of the patrol to show up, it was Elmheart with Branchpaw, Owlheart with Redpaw, Amberflame, Gingerdust and Fieldfoot. Jaggedtail was excited to be going on patrol with his son, he always enjoyed seeing the kind of progress his kits were making.

"Where are we going?" Jaggedtail questioned Elmheart who would be taking the lead.

"AshClan border." He replied with a flick of his tail. In the past few days, Jaggedtail sense that something was off about Elmheart but he couldn't quite place what it was or why. He really needed to take a moment to talk to him about it. We've both been so busy with kits and apprentices. Jaggedtail thought sadly. Maybe we can go out hunting together later. He would do his best to remember to ask Elmheart to go hunting with him.

With Elmheart in the lead, Jaggedtail and the rest of the patrol set out into the forest. It was just before sunset and the air still fresh and cool. Jaggedtail walked beside Elmheart while Redpaw, Mosspaw and Branchpaw all shared a conversation behind them. Gingerdust and Fieldfood had a conversation as well while Amberflame talked with Owlheart.

"How's Branchpaw been treating you?" Jaggedtail questioned.

"He's a very dedicated apprentice." Elmheart replied keeping his eyes forward. "He's going to make an incredible warrior in time, I can't wait to see how he is going to grow. How is Mosspaw? Do you think she'll be a warrior soon?"

"I think so." Jaggedtail nodded slowly. "In the next moon or so I think I will hold her final assessment."

"I'd love to partake if you'd let me," Elmheart mewed. "I could test Branchpaw as well."

"I would love that." Jaggedtail purred eager at the thought of spending time with Elmheart.

They neared the AshClan border and Jaggedtail's ears perked at the sound of voices, they sounded incredibly close. We're not that close to the border yet. Jaggedtail thought, his fur standing on edge.

They got closer to the border and Jaggedtail saw a flash of gray and white fur, it was the AshClan warrior Blossomheart. She hadn't seen the patrol yet and she was chasing down a squirrel, when she caught the prey it was on LichenClan territory. Elmheart noticed this too and he yowled loudly to get her attention.

Blossomheart skidded to a stop and looked in horror towards the noise. Jaggedtail could feel the anger radiating off Elmheart's pelt, and while Jaggedtail was sure it was a mistake, a warrior should be able to scent the border.

"What do you think you're doing?" Elmheart demanded dangerously as they reached Blossomheart.

"Um, catching prey, do you mind?" Blossomheart lashed her tail. Is this cat stupid? Jaggedtail thought, how could she not know.

"You're hunting on LichenClan land." Elmheart growled.


"Blossomheart!" A loud call came from inside AshClan territory as the rest of the patrol showed up, it was lead by Riverstorm. "What are you doing? You've crossed the border."

"Oh," Blossomheart looked incredibly flustered, she picked up her prey and quickly ran to the other side.

"They prey doesn't belong to you." Elmheart snarled, then looked at Riverstorm. "Don't your warriors know how to hunt? Or navigate their own territory?"

"She made a mistake." Riverstorm defended. "And do not insult my warriors like that." She lashed her tail.

"I will when they're idiots. Any apprentice could scent the two borders, and yet your warrior crossed the border when catching her prey, which again, doesn't belong to her."

"I'm the one who caught it!" Blossomheart spat.

"On our land!" Elmheart roared, his claws were digging into the soil below. Jaggedtail could feel the tension in the air, if things didn't calm down soon there would be a battle.

"Stand down, Elmheart." Jaggedtail mewed quietly.

"I will when Riverstorm admits that her warriors are stupid and the stupid warrior in questions gives up the prey she caught on our land." Elmheart mewed, his voice getting dangerously low.

"Blossomheart will give up her prey when Elmheart learns how to respect other cats instead of throwing insults out like a kit." Riverstorm snarled. "Otherwise, we will be keeping it."

"I'm not going to let you walk away with that prey." Elmheart took a step closer to the border.

"You don't want this fight, Elmheart." Riverstorm's blue eyes sparked dangerously. "I'll add to those ugly scars on your face."

Elmheart chuckled. "I'd like to see you try!"

"Come now, AshClan." Riverstorm turned her back on Elmheart which angered him even more. Don't do it. Jaggedtail thought, he could see that Elmheart was ready to attack. "Let's leave, with our prey."

As Blossomheart turned away, Elmheart let out a furious yowl and charged forward going straight for the gray and white warrior. Oh for StarClan's sake! Jaggedtail thought, and as Elmheart crashed into Blossomheart, Jaggedtail knew that they had no choice but to fight alongside him or Elmheart would be shredded.

Riverstorm quickly rushed to Blossomheart's side and began slashing at Elmheart's flank with her claws. Jaggedtail hissed and pinned Riverstorm to the ground. This isn't a battle we should be fighting. Jaggedtail thought, but he would defend Elmheart to the bitter end if he had to. Riverstorm quickly got back to her paws and lashed out at Jaggedtail.

He felt her razor sharp claws ripping into his flank, the she-cat was quick and strong and would be a challenge to fight, but Jaggedtail was ready to face it. He ducked away from Riverstorm's attack and shot forward quickly, headbutting the blue warrior in the chest. She let out a sharp gasp of air and stumbled backwards.

Jaggedtail swiped at her legs, making her fall completely to the ground. Riverstorm recovered quickly, shooting back up and sinking her teeth deep into Jaggedtail's foreleg, he hissed in pain and clawed at her face, his claws slightly grazing her cheek. Riverstorm hissed in rage and shoved her hind paws deep into Jaggedtail's belly.

He let out a gasp of air and stumbled backwards, Riverstorm jumped up on her paws and threw Jaggedtail to the side. His head landed heavily on the forest floor and his vision began to blur from the pain.

Jaggedtail clenched his jaw and ignored the pain to defend himself against Riverstorm's assault. He lashed out with his forepaws, feeling them connect with Riverstorm's chest. He dug his claws into her fur and shoved her off. He scrambled to his paws and jumped into her back, she couldn't hold his weight and her legs gave out from under her.

Jaggedtail slashed his claws down Riverstorm's back and she yelled out in pain. She struggled underneath his paws and she was starting to panic. Jaggedtail let her up in hopes that she would command her Clan to leave. She stood up with shaky paws. "All of this for a piece of prey?" Riverstorm hissed.

Jaggedtail didn't respond. I didn't want this fight, but I'll fight alongside Elmheart. He thought. "Take your Clan and go." He demanded.

"Not on your life." Riverstorm spat and moved in for another attack but Jaggedtail heard a panicked cry. Both he and Riverstorm skidded to a stop and looked towards the sound.

"What did you do?" The terrified voice came from Owlheart. "He was just an apprentice!" Jaggedtail's blood turned to ice. What happened. He spotted Branchpaw wrestling with an AshClan apprentice, but he didn't like that the voice came from Redpaw's mentor. Forgetting Riverstorm, Jaggedtail sprinted to where Owlheart was and he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces as he rested his eyes on the source of her terror.

Redpaw was on the ground, his green eyes open wide in shock with a terrible wound in his neck, his body was painfully still and he wasn't moving. No. Jaggedtail felt his legs begin to quiver before the gave out entirely. No. He couldn't take his eyes off of his son's body. He's not dead. The pain spreading through Jaggedtail. This isn't real. It can't be real.

"Redpaw..." Jaggedtail breathed out his dead son's name, he moved slowly towards Redpaw's body. No.

"I-I'm sorry..." The voice came from an AshClan warrior, Crowstep.

"Leave." Jaggedtail choked out, he couldn't say anything else.

He could hear the AshClan warriors leaving, but Jaggedtail couldn't see anything else but Redpaw.

"Jaggedtail..." The voice came from Elmheart and suddenly an emotion other than pain filled Jaggedtail's chest. It was rage. Jaggedtail stood up and turned suddenly on Elmheart.

"This is your fault!" He shouted. "My son is dead because you just had to start a fight!" Elmheart's eyes went wide and filled with pain.

"She-she stole prey..."
"Was Redpaw's life worth that stupid piece of prey?" Jaggedtail spat. "If you would've just let it go Redpaw would still be alive!" Jaggedtail couldn't bring himself to look at Elmheart anymore, he turned back to Redpaw and buried his nose into his tiny body, breathing in the last of his scent.

"My precious son..." Jaggedtail trembled. "I'm so sorry...I'm so so sorry." Jaggedtail closed his eyes, he couldn't move. The anger, the pain had all faded and now he just felt numb. How could he return to camp? How could he go on living without his son? How am I going to tell Cherrypool? The thought of seeing Cherrypool's face when he told her completely tore him apart. I can't do this, StarClan why did it have to be him?

Jaggedtail finally found the strength to start returning to camp, he carried Redpaw solely on his back, feeling pain throughout his entire body. He stayed as far away as he could from Elmheart who walked in the front of the patrol, dragging his tail through the leaves. I can't even look at him. Jaggedtail thought, all he wanted to look at was Redpaw. They finally reached camp and it was Daisyfern who noticed them first. "What happened to you guys?"

"Border skirmish." Elmheart replied, Jaggedtail glared at Elmheart. You started the fight. He had never felt this kind of anger before, especially not towards his best friend. Will I ever be able to look at him the same way again? "Redpaw--" Elmheart's voice choked off. "Redpaw is dead."

Jaggedtail grit his teeth and he flattened his ears. He gently set down Redpaw's body down, looking at his son once more. I need to tell Cherrypool and Brackenpaw. He found Cherrypool sitting with Hazelshine, he took a moment to take in Cherrypool's beauty. I'm so, so sorry my love. He thought.

"Cherrypool..." Jaggedtail mewed, barely finding the strength to speak.

Cherrypool looked up, happy to see Jaggedtail but her expression quickly shifted when she saw him. "Jaggedtail...what's wrong? You're bleeding, what happened?"

"Cherrypool," Jaggedtail's legs shook and he fell against his mate. "Cherrypool, Redpaw is dead."

"What?" Cherrypool breathed out, he could hear the pain in her voice. "H-how?"

"Elmheart started a fight--I can't--" Jaggedtail couldn't find the strength to speak anymore. "I'm so sorry."

Cherrypool let out a wail of pain and fell into Jaggedtail, together they sat and quietly mourned the loss of their son. Nothing felt real, and Jaggedtail knew that nothing would ever be the same again. How will I live without him? This pain will never go away.

It took Cherrypool and Jaggedtail a long time to stand up and face their son's vigil. Redpaw's body had been prepared like he was sleeping. Jaggedtail stared blankly down at Redpaw. My poor kit, I was supposed to protect you. Jaggedtail closed his eyes, trying to remember every little thing about Redpaw, his sweet voice, his eager amber eyes and his desire to become a great warrior.

"Jaggedtail..." Maplepool spoke quietly, moving in beside Jaggedtail. "I'm so so sorry, I don't even want to imagine what you're going through..." She whimpered. You can't, no one can. Jaggedtail thought painfully. He didn't respond to anyone's wishes or telling him that they were sorry for his loss. He spotted Elmheart at the vigil as well, but Elmheart only stared blankly at Redpaw's body. I can't handle this right now.

Jaggedtail let Cherrypool lean against him and closed his eyes. Fawnsky please...keep Redpaw safe in StarClan. I'll never forget you, my little warrior.

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