Chapter 37

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Jaggedtail stepped out into the brisk early morning air, suppressing a shiver. He breathed the scent of the forest, but it didn't smell the way that it used to. Nothing was the same anymore. Jaggedtail's world had grown dull, not even prey tasted as good anymore. With a heavy sigh, Jaggedtail decided to get started with his day. It had been five long moons since Redpaw's death and nothing had felt right since that day. Jaggedtail worked hard to try and fall back into his normal life, which he had but the pain of Redpaw's death was still like a fresh wound on his pelt, it never stopped aching.

In the five moons that had passed, Mossleaf and Brakcenheart had been named warriors as well as Barkclaw earning his full medicine cat name and Ashstream had moved into the nursery expecting Rabbitwing's kits, LichenClan was thriving but Jaggedtail and Cherrypool weren't. Jaggedtail believed that he would never find his happiness again, he had been incredibly proud and happy for Brackenheart to receive his warrior name, but after the moment was over the normal pain returned.

Jaggedtail looked around camp for Daisyfern, hoping that the she-cat would have something for him to do. All he did most days was hunt and patrol all day to keep his mind off the pain. He noticed that she was talking to Elmheart and Jaggedtail's heart twisted. He had barely spoken to Elmheart since Redpaw's death.

At the time, Jaggedtail lashed out at Elmheart for starting the fight but he had a lot of time to think and he didn't really blame his best friend for the death of son, Elmheart had been justified in the fight that he started but Jaggedtail had been too scared to talk to Elmheart again. He feared that their friendship had been destroyed forever.

"Go talk to him." A gentle voice spoke from behind Jaggedtail, he looked over at Cherrypool who clearly noticed him watching Elmheart. "You need him in your life, Jaggedtail. You always have."

Jaggedtail took a deep breath. "I know, I miss him but..." His voice trailed off. "I don't know how to fix it, or what to say."

"Just talk." Cherrypool nudged him forward. "Let him know what you're feeling, I'm sure that Elmheart has been dying to try and be there for you, but he's scared too."

Jaggedtail sighed. "Alright." He nuzzled Cherrypool, the only thing that still kept him going was her. I couldn't do this without her. Jaggedtail thought, giving her a quick lick on the cheek before going towards Elmheart. He approached his old friend, dragging his friends. "Hey."

Elmheart looked at Jaggedtail his eyes going wide. "H-hey, what's up? Trying to get on a patrol?"

"N-no," Jaggedtail avoided his gaze. "I want to talk to you, actually."

"Alright..." Elmheart looked at Daisyfern. "I'll be right back." Jaggedtail didn't say anything else as they walked out of camp to find a secluded place to talk. "What did you want to talk about?"

Jaggedtail took a deep breath and sat down. "Look, I'm sorry about what I said--back during the battle." His voice cracked at the thought of Redpaw's death. "I was shocked, so hurt and so torn apart, I needed someone to blame. I didn't want to accept that he was dead."

"You're not the one who should be apologizing, Jaggedtail." Elmheart mewed quietly. "I'm the one who started the fight, I should've just let Blossomheart take the prey. Nothing was worth the life of your son." Elmheart looked up towards the sky. "Every since that day I've been questioning everything I do, I didn't know if you ever wanted to speak to me again."

"I did," Jaggedtail sighed. "I just didn't know how, everything hurt, everything still hurts. I don't know how to go on without Redpaw, nothing has felt right since he died and I don't know if I can handle it anymore."

"I spoke to my mother once," Elmheart began. "About losing Robinkit, she told me that losing one of her kits was unlike any pain she had ever felt before. She said that even though the pain never went away, she learned to live with it. She put her love into me and other things about her day. She told me that one day when she passed away, Robinkit would be waiting for. It hurt to never see her become an apprentice or warrior, but she knew that every time she looked up at the stars, Robinkit would be looking back."

Jaggedtail listed to each of Elmheart's words, gazing up towards the sky. There were no stars yet, but Redpaw was up there. He's up there, with Fawnsky. With Mosswing and with Robinkit. Jaggedtail closed his eyes. I'll see Redpaw again, I know I will. Jaggedtail looked at Elmheart. "Thank you," He dipped his head. "I really needed to hear that."

Elmheart nodded slowly. "No problem." He sighed. "That night I took a close look at Mossleaf, I realized that I would be completely destroyed if she died. That doesn't compare to you actually losing Redpaw, but I understood a little more of what you felt I guess. I just figured that you didn't want me around anymore, that I had messed everything up."

Jaggedtail gently nudged Elmheart. "That will never be true, you're my best friend, my brother." Jaggedtail and Elmheart met gazes, they held it for a very long time and for the first time in five moons, the pain subsided, even if it was just for a moment. "I lost my son that night, I can't lose you too."

Jaggedtail and Elmheart spent a few moments catching up about the last five moons before they returned to camp. Jaggedtail finally felt a small weight being lifted off his shoulders. Rekindling his friendship with Elmheart wouldn't bring Redpaw back, but it certainly made him feel happier.


"I'll be leading the patrol," Daisyfern began. "And I want Amberflame, Jaggedtail, Elmheart, Branchpaw, Fieldfoot and Gingerdust." Jaggedtail looked around at the cats chosen for the patrol, they would be patrolling the AshClan border. Elmheart called for Branchpaw who was watching his brother who Sagefeather had just announced had earned his full medicine cat name.

Branchpaw was a very ambitious apprentice, but he had a lot of skill. Elmheart had taught him incredibly well, Jaggedtail knew that his warrior ceremony would be any day. He had also noticed that Elmheart had learned a lot from having an apprentice. He's grown a lot, but I still can't help but feel something is bothering him. Elmheart tossed and turned in his sleep, often growling and hissing as well. It happened almost every single night, Jaggedtail just hoped that whatever was bothering his friend would pass.

It had been four days since Jaggedtail and Elmheart had made amends and Jaggedtail had felt himself falling back more and more into normalcy and it felt nice. It had him thinking that maybe things really could get back to some kind of normal, even without Redpaw. The patrol carried on, nearing the AshClan border.

Jaggedtail's paws begin to twitch as they reached the spot where Redpaw died, he did his best to keep himself together. Daisyfern lifted her muzzle, sniffing the air. "Nothing out of the ordinary." She mewed. "Perhaps AshClan have finally relaxed."

"Not likely." Elmheart flicked his tail, looking across the border into AshClan territory. "AshClan are always up to no good."

"May I remind you who started that fight, Elmheart?" Daisyfern looked at Elmheart with annoyance in her eyes. Jaggedtail couldn't help but wince. Elmheart snorted but held his tongue while Daisyfern rolled her eyes. "Let's keep going, Gingerdust mark the border and we'll continue." She mewed. "The day is still early, we have time to check more of the territory as well."

The patrol moved onward into LichenClan territory once Gingerdust was done, and despite the chilly leaf-fall air, Jaggedtail enjoyed the cool breeze on his pelt, he tried his best to focus on the forest and not the area they had just left. Will I ever be able to face the border again? Jaggedtail had done his best to avoid the AshClan border, and Daisyfern had been kind enough to not send him on patrols to that area for a while but he knew he would eventually have to face it, today he did and he was still standing. I can do this. Jaggedtail told himself.

A foul stench filled Jaggedtail's nose, one that caused the fur on his spine to rise. He had smelled this scent once before, when Mosswing and Applepaw died. He could tell that the rest of the patrol had scented it as well, they came to a stop.

"Fox." Daisyfern growled, flattening her ears. "Stay alert." She commanded. The entire patrol was on edge now, Jaggedtail included. He felt a phantom pain in the shoulder that had been wounded by the same fox, he also saw flashes of Applepaw's death. Foxes are bad news. Jaggedtail thought. "If it's a young fox, we can drive it off ourselves but if it's bigger we will want to bring backup." Daisyfern mewed. Jaggedtail didn't want to fight it at all, but he would if his deputy told him to.

As they moved closer, the stench of fox was all that Jaggedtail could smell. It's close. He thought. They moved forward silently and with caution, they didn't want the fox to find them first. "Look." Fieldfoot whispered, motioning with his paw towards something on the ground.

"Fox dung." Daisyfern wrinkled her nose in disgust. "We're close, be ready for a fight if it sees us first."

"Over there." Jaggedtail noticed that Branchpaw had come to a stop, he motioned deeper into the trees. Daisyfern moved forward slowly to investigate, Jaggedtail kept his eyes peeled for the creature, and when he finally saw the fox he was surprised at its appearance. The fox was incredibly skinny, with dirty matted fur. Its ribs poked out against the ragged pelt and its white muzzle was lined with dried blood. It was currently tearing into a squirrel with others torn at its paws. Disgusting. Jaggedtail thought, foxes simply had no care in the world at anything they did. Mindless creature. He flicked his tail.

"We can fight it." Daisyfern decided. "It's weak and starving, we need to drive it out before it decides to hunt down our Clanmates." Jaggedtail agreed with that part, but he still didn't want to fight it. I don't have a choice. If this fox was starving, it would be fighting for a meal. It's going to try its absolute best to kill us. Jaggedtail thought, shivers climbing up his spine.

Daisyfern turned to the rest of her patrol. "Elmheart, Branchpaw you go around and get behind it," She instructed. "Gingerdust and Fieldfoot will attack it from the front and Jaggedtail and I will start the attack. The fox will think it's only fighting two of us, and then the four of you come out and surprise it." Jaggedtail nodded slowly along with the deputy's plan, he wasn't thrilled about being the one starting the fight but he wouldn't complain.

Jaggedtail and Daisyfern crouched in the undergrowth while the rest of the patrol moved silently to their positions, Jaggedtail watched Elmheart and Branchpaw vanish into the forest. His heart was pounding in his chest, but Jaggedtail kept his head high. "Go on my command." Daisyfern whispered, Jaggedtail just gave a stern nod.

Jaggedtail took a deep breath before Daisyfern gave the signal, he did his best to keep his paws from shaking. Just fight, Jaggedtail. He told himself. Daisyfern waved her tail and in that instant both of them exploded out of the undergrowth, charging towards the fox. The fox whipped its head around to face the sudden attack. It let out a cry and charged forward. As it moved, the rest of the patrol joined in on the fight.

As Elmheart and Fieldfoot went for the fox's hind legs, it waved its narrow head around trying to figure out which cat to attack. Jaggedtail shot forward and slipped underneath the fox, flipping onto his back and battering at its belly with his claws. Jaggedtail wasn't expecting the fox to flatten down on top of him.

Jaggedtail was being smothered by its bloody and foul smelling pelt, Jaggedtail slashed blindly at the fox as his air was cut off completely. He heard a yowl of anger and the fox yelped and stood up, Jaggedtail saw that Elmheart had come in to attack. Jaggedtail got back on his paws, shaking his head and taking in several long breaths.

Jaggedtail saw Daisyfern slashed violently at the fox's muzzle, the fox swatted a paw at Elmheart and Jaggedtail its eyes focusing in on Daisyfern. The deputy let out a powerful battle cry and jumped forward, the fox however was prepared for this and used its paw to shove Daisyfern to the ground. She landed with a harsh thud and her pale eyes were glazed over. We have to help her! Before any of them could even move, the fox sank its teeth into Daisyfern's throat and lifted her up off the ground, Jaggedtail watched in horror as her eyes filled with fear. No! Not again!

"No!" The cry came from Branchpaw and the apprentice charged forward. He gave a mighty jump and landed on the fox's shoulder and began slashing at the fox's face and eyes. The fox dropped Daisyfern and began thrashing its head wildly. It sank its teeth into Branchpaw's leg and threw him across the forest floor.

"Now's our chance!" Elmheart shouted, the fox was starting to panic and had blood covering its eyes. "Jaggedtail now!"

Jaggedtail and Elmheart charged towards the fox, letting out yowls of fury. Jaggedtail prayed that Branchpaw was okay, but he had less hope about Daisyfern. Just get this fox out of here! He told himself.

The fox looked at Jaggedtail and Elmheart and let out a high pitched whine before turning tail and running into the forest. Jaggedtail and Elmheart gave chase, determined to get it completely out of the territory.

Both warriors ran as fast as they could to keep up with the wounded creature, they led it away from MoonClan territory and towards the twolegplace beyond LichenClan's borders. With a few extra swipes and nips at the fox's legs they sent it running out of the territory. Jaggedtail and Elmheart came to a stop, watching it run. Jaggedtail's heart was pounding painfully in his chest, he hadn't moved like that in moons.

"Come on," Elmheart breathed out. "Let's get back, I need to see if Daisyfern is okay." Jaggedtail and Elmheart quickly ran back to the scene of the battle, they stopped running once they got close to catch their breaths. They arrived back at the location and the scent of blood was heavy in the air.

It ran towards the twolegplace." Jaggedtail explained. "It shouldn't be coming back anytime soon."

"We showed--" Elmheart's voice choked off once he saw Daisyfern's lifeless body. "Is she--" Jaggedtail looked down at the deputy's body, his stomach churning. I knew we shouldn't have fought that thing! Jaggedtail thought painfully. He looked towards Branchpaw, the apprentice had a bloody wound on his leg but it didn't look bad, he was already standing on it.

Gingerdust nodded. "She must have died while she was being picked up by the fox, there wasn't anything any of us could've done. She died as she lived, for her Clan." Gingerdust's words didn't do much to make Jaggedtail feel better. Our deputy is dead. Jaggedtail thought painfully.

Fieldfoot and Elmheart carried Daisyfern's body back to camp and Jaggedtail feared what Jumpstar would think. Daisyfern is Jumpstar's kit. Losing Redpaw had nearly destroyed Jaggedtail and Cherrypool, what would happen to Jumpstar?

They reached camp which was incredibly active, it was Vinetail who stepped forward. "What in the name of StarClan happened?" She demanded, her green eyes wide in horror.

"There was a fox on the territory." Elmheart replied, his voice strained. "We drove it off but not before it killed Daisyfern."

Jaggedtail didn't have any wounds that needed tending to, so he slowly walked away from the patrol. He needed Cherrypool, by the time he had reached her the news already spread. "Oh, Jaggedtail!" Cherrypool mewed, running up to him and nuzzling him all over. "I'm so glad you're alright." Her voice was filled with panic.

"I don't know if I'm alright." Jaggedtail mewed quietly. "But I'm uninjured." Jaggedtail leaned against Cherrypool, trying to forget what had just happened. He never wanted to face another fox again, they were deadly creatures that shouldn't be messed with. What if I had spoken up. Jaggedtail wondered. What if I suggested we get back up, would Daisyfern still be alive?

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the High Stump for a Clan meeting." Jumpstar's voice called out from the center of camp, but it wasn't as bold as it usually was, it was thick with sadness and pain, a pain Jaggedtail knew all too well. Jaggedtail looked at Cherrypool for a moment and two of them crossed camp to sit with the rest of their Clan.

You all know by now about the death of our beloved deputy, Daisyfern." Jumpstar began. "Daisyfern was my daughter and I have never felt a pain like this before. However, I know that Daisyfern is now happy living in the stars along with her mother, Mothflame. Daisyfern was proud, cheerful and incredibly brave and she died to drive out a fox that threatened our home. I know I speak for all of us when I saw that she will be missed dearly." The cats of LichenClan held a long moment of silence for their fallen deputy.

"As the warrior code states, I must name a new deputy before moonhigh and that isn't far off. I know I wish to succeed Daisyfern, but I must perform another ceremony first." Jaggedtail felt a twinge of confusion. What kind of ceremony would he need to perform first. Then he realized, LichenClan only had one apprentice right now. Jaggedtail looked at Elmheart, had he figured it out as well?

Jumpstar jumped down from the High Stump. "Branchpaw, step forward." Branchpaw looked completely caught off guard, his dark amber eyes going wide. Jumpstar looked towards Elmheart. "Elmheart, do you believe that your apprentice is ready to become a warrior?" Judging from the look in Elmheart's eyes, he was not expecting this.

Elmheart stood up after gathering himself. Yes, Elmheart. He has proven time and time again to be a dedicated hunter and fighter, and his loyalty to the Clan is unquestionable. During the fight against the fox, he did everything he could to try and save Daisyfern. He is ready." Jaggedtail was impressed at the way that Elmheart spoke, he truly cared about Branchpaw, and Jaggedtail agreed. Branchpaw was the first to act and try and save and Daisyfern.

"Very well," Jumpstar turned back to Branchpaw. "Branchpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend the Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Branchpaw spoke loudly and boldly.

"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name. Branchpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Branchfur. StarClan honors your courage and dedication and we welcome you as a full warrior of LichenClan."

Branchfur and Jumpstar repeated what many warriors had done before, then Branchfur stepped back his eyes shimmering with pride. Branchfur will be a wonderful warrior. Jaggedtail thought.

"Now I will perform my next ceremony." Jumpstar continued. Jaggedtail knew what that would be, he had to name Branchfur as a warrior because a cat can't be deputy without having mentored an apprentice.

"I say these words before the spirit of Daisyfern, so that she may hear and approve my choice. Elmheart will be the new deputy of LichenClan!"

Jaggedtail looked towards his friend, his amber eyes burning with a fierce fire of pride and determination. He deserves this. Jaggedtail thought, his heart swelling with pride and love for his best friend.

Elmheart stepped forward, the sun reflecting off his brown pelt. "I can promise you Jumpstar, that while I may not be able to take Daisyfern's place, I will do my best to be a deputy that she and all of my Clan can be proud of."

"I have no doubt, Elmheart." Jumpstar mewed, his eyes sparkling.

"Branchfur! Elmheart! Branchfur! Elmheart!" The Clan cheered for their newest warrior and deputy. Jaggedtail rushed over to Elmheart, unable to contain his excitement.

"Congratulations!" Jaggedtail mewed, nuzzling all over Elmheart. "I'm so proud of you, brother."

"Thank you." Elmheart dipped his head. "I just hope that I'll be able to live up to everyone's expectations."

"Don't worry about the others," Maplepool purred, touching her muzzle to Elmheart's cheek. "Just do your best, my love."

"I will." Elmheart breathed out.

"I know you would be leader some day!" Mossleaf proclaimed. "I just knew it!"
"I don't think I'll be leader any time soon." Elmheart purred at his daughter. "But I've wanted to be deputy for a long time."

"Don't forget our promise." Jaggedtail nudged Elmheart playfully, recalling the promise the two of them had made many, many moons ago.

"I never could." Elmheart nodded.

"Congratulations." Another voice spoke, it was Sunstorm as he approached the group. "I'm proud of you, Elmheart."

"Thank you." Elmheart nodded.

"I know that both Fawnsky and Mosswing are incredibly proud of you, just as we all are." Jaggedtail nodded slowly at his father's words. Elmheart has so many cats who love him, and I'm so happy for that. Jaggedtail closed his eyes, this was the beginning of change for LichenClan, and Jaggedtail knew that no matter what the Clan faced, they could survive it.

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