Chapter 38

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Once again, leaf-bare had claimed the forest in its icy claws. The seasons seemed to move so quickly as Jaggedtail's life continued on. At this point he simply expected sickness to claim a few lives, but he didn't know who it would claim. He could simply only prey that he wouldn't lose anyone close to him, but he really hoped he wouldn't take a single cat. That was wishful thinking however, and Jaggedtail knew what to expect. He had done this before, many times now.

In fact, two cats were already sick. Amberflame and Gingerdust had been confined to the medicine cat den, and many more would be joining them soon Jaggedtail just knew that would be their future. Jumpstar had actually been the first cat to get sick, but he managed to kick the sickness despite all odds and was back on his paws without even losing a life, thought the entire Clan knew that he was nearing the end of them. Jaggedtail set out into the forest, attempting to hunt and catch some prey for the slowly dwindling fresh-kill pile. He was currently on a hunting party with Rabbitwing, Branchfur, Breezefall and Flamewhisker.

It had been two moons since the death of Daisyfern and Elmheart was named deputy in her place. Jaggedtail had to admit that Elmheart was a natural at it, but he also noticed that Elmheart's nightmares seemed to have gotten worse. When Jaggedtail attempted to talk to him about it, Elmheart quickly changed the subject. Jaggedtail was starting to worry about his friend, he even talked to Maplepool about it.

Maplepool had said that she noticed as well, but he wouldn't talk to her either. Jaggedtail just hoped that it really was nothing, but Elmheart got incredibly defensive when confronted about it. He won't let anyone help him. Jaggedtail thought painfully. I hope he'll be able to handle it, or let us in soon.

Jaggedtail's hunt took him around the back of the camp, near the twolegpalce and the abandoned badger den. As he was tracking prey, another scent picked up. It was a LichenClan cat, but the scent was heavily lined with fear. Jaggedtail lifted his head and spotted Sagefeather staring up towards the sky. Her eyes were so focused on something that Jaggedtail couldn't see.

The slow wind rustled her long gray pelt, Jaggedtail sensed that something was off about the old medicine cat. Jaggedtail stepped forward, approaching her slowly. "Sagefeather? Are you okay?"

Sagefeather slowly nodded. "Yes, Jaggedtail. I am okay." Her voice was low, it made Jaggedtail feel incredibly nervous.

"Are you sure? You're just sitting out here."

"I've spoken to StarClan, Jaggedtail." Sagefeather finally looked down. "Come here and let me tell you what they've said to me."

Jaggedtail felt confused and somewhat uncomfortable. "Why me? Why not Jumpstar? He's the leader, not me."

"Because I believe that you will benefit from these words the most." There was a sense of hopelessness deep in Sagefeather's pale green eyes. Jaggedtail could see that she needed someone, so Jaggedtail listened and sat down beside the medicine cat. "Thank you." She said quietly and turned her eyes back up towards the sky. "This will be the hardest leaf-bare any of us have ever seen." Sagefeather breathed out.

Jaggedtail tensed. "How so? Sickness?"

"Sickness, death, and something that I can't see." Sagefeather closed her eyes. "You will have to make a choice, Jaggedtail. This will be the hardest choice you've ever had to make, and it will completely change the fate of LichenClan." Jaggedtail stared intently at Sagefeather, trying to understand her words.

"What do you mean? What kind of choice?"

"I don't know, but you will when the time comes." Sagefeather replied.

"Is this what StarClan told you? They told you about this...choice?"

Sagefeather nodded. "You've struggled a lot, Jaggedtail. You've lost family, friends and this loss has shaped you into the cat you are today. I hope that in the end, you will make the choice you think is right." Jaggedtail didn't know what to say, he was completely shocked that StarClan was talking about him of all cats. What choice will I have to make? Why is it so important? What if I make the wrong one?

"I've lived such a long life." Sagefeather mewed, pulling Jaggedtail out of his thoughts. "I've mentored two apprentices, seen countless lives be created and countless lives end. Being a medicine cat was the right choice." It didn't seem like Sagefeather was even talking to Jaggedtail anymore, but she was speaking as if her life was coming to an end.

"What are you talking about?" Jaggedtail urged. "Why are you talking like this."
"Because, Jaggedtail." Sagefeather sighed. "I can feel the sickness creeping its way into my body. It's not bad, not yet anyway, but it will. My body is too old to fight greencough, even with the help of herbs."

Jaggedtail's heart twisted. "Sagefeather, you can't leave us, the Clan needs you."

Sagefeather shook her head slowly. "No, Jaggedtail. Maybe once, the Clan needed me but now they'll need Barkclaw. I've lived a good life, and I have no regrets." She closed her eyes. "Death won't be taking me today or even tomorrow, but before the snow melts my time will end in this forest, I shall fade away with the harsh leaf-bare ahead, and I am ready for it."

Jaggedtail couldn't believe what he was hearing. How could you be ready for death? Jaggedtail was terrified of death, how could anyone welcome it? "How are you able to handle this?"

"I've seen so much death, Jaggedtail." Sagefeather mewed. "It's my time, and it's Barkclaw's time to guide LichenClan into the future. Don't fear my death, Jaggedtail. I am happy to join the stars."

Jaggedtail didn't want to say goodbye to Sagefeather, she had been medicine cat for such a long time. What will LichenClan do without her? It would be strange to have the Clan go on without their medicine cat, but Jaggedtail knew that Barkclaw would care for his Clan just as Sagefeather did.

Jaggedtail watched the passing clouds with Sagefeather in silence for quite a long time, after a while he decided he should return to camp. "Don't tell any cat what I've told you today." Sagefeather mewed as he left. "I don't want them to panic about my fate." Jaggedtail regretfully agreed, but continued on nonetheless. Jaggedtail returned to camp with his catch and apologized returning late, saying that he struggled to find prey in the spot that he had chosen. Not long after Jaggedtail returned, he spotted Sagefeather returning to her den as well. Please, StarClan. When you take her, let it be peaceful.

Jaggedtail spent his day by sharing some prey with Cherrypool, Brackenheart, Maplepool and Mossleaf. As they ate, he couldn't help but notice that Mossleaf wasn't as energetic as she usually was, as if something was on her mind. Jaggedtail wanted to ask, but he figured it wasn't his place.

They all wanted Elmheart to be with them, but he was out on patrol with Jumpstar, Breezefall, Hazelshine, Stormsong and Timberfall. They would return soon, but they were all too hungry to wait for Elmheart.

Jaggedtail's ears twitched as he heard the sound of kits playing, the nursery was now full of them. Ashstream had given birth to Tigerkit and Owlkit and Willowstrike had given birth to Foxwhisker's kits, Larkkit and Rustkit. Soon the apprentice den would be full once again, LichenClan needed apprentices, the den had been empty since Branchfur earned his warrior name.

The nursery wasn't the only thing that was full, the elder's den was full for the first time in Jaggedtail's life, the newest member being Jaggedtail's own father, Sunstorm. He had noticed that his father had aged, and he was happy that his father would be able to spend the rest of his days resting.

As the sun began to set on LichenClan, Jaggedtail couldn't help but notice that Elmheart's patrol was taking a terribly long time. He hoped that everything was okay, he didn't want to sleep until they returned so he could make sure that his friend was okay. Just as he was about to call it a night, he heard movement at the camp's entrance.

The rest of the Clan had started to worry for the patrol as well, and as the patrol stepped into the camp Jaggedtail understood why they were gone for so long. The entire patrol was beaten abd battered, many of them covered in bloody wounds. Jaggedtail flattened his ears, he looked at Elmheart who led the patrol.

Elmheart was still standing tall, but he had a nasty claw mark in his side and he carried something on his back. Jaggedtail squinted to see what it was, only to discover the golden-brown pelt of Jumpstar. Jaggedtail's heart twisted. No. His throat tightened and he noticed that Timberfall was carrying another body, this one of Breezefall.

Jaggedtail and many others sprinted to the patrol while Owlheart got the medicine cats, Jaggedtail's legs began to tremble at the sight of the patrol. "What happened?" Jaggedtail breathed out, meeting Elmheart's gaze.

"A badger and her kit had moved into our territory." Elmheart explained, his voice raw. "They caught us off guard, Breezefall died almost instantly. Jumpstar died in the fight, it was his final life." All of LichenClan was stunned into silence. Our leader is dead, so suddenly...and after he fought through greencough.

Elmheart gently set Jumpstar's body besides Breeze Falls. Jaggedtail approached his friend. "Are you okay? That wound looks bad."

"I'm fine." Elmheart's voice was low, exhausted and defeated. "I did everything I could to save Jumpstar but I just--"

"He was old," Jaggedtail rested his tail on Elmheart's shoulders. "And he hadn't fully regained his strength from the sickness." Elmheart said nothing. Jaggedtail stared at his friend, with Jumpstar dead it meant that Elmheart would be leading LichenClan, fear burned deep in Elmheart's eyes. He's scared. Jaggedtail thought. But I know that he will be a great leader.

The deaths of Jumpstar and Breezefall shook the Clan, especially those closest to them. Shorttail mourned his father, and it was so soon after the death of his sister. The same could be said for Willowstrike and Timberfall who were mourning the death of their father so soon after the death of their mother.

Before the vigil began, Elmheart faced the Clan. "I want nothing more than to share the vigil of Jumpstar and Breezefall with all of you, but LichenClan can't be left without a leader. Tonight, I will travel to the Moonstone with Barkclaw and receive my nine lives." Elmheart spoke boldly, but his eyes revealed fear.

Jaggedtail looked at Sagefeather who watched from the medicine cat den. She's not going with them, she's letting Barkclaw go instead. He thought painfully, remembering their conversation earlier. Jaggedtail along with Maplepool approached Elmheart before he left.

"You've got this, my love." Maplepool purred into Elmheart's ear. "We will be waiting for you."

"Thank you." Elmheart nuzzled Maplepool before turning to Jaggedtail. "You know what's going to happen when I return, right?"

Jaggedtail nodded. "Yes, and I'm ready. I know you'll be a wonderful leader, Elmheart. LichenClan is lucky to have you as our leader."

"I hope so." Elmheart breathed out. "I should leave, the night won't last forever. Keep an eye on the Clan for me." Elmheart gave Jaggedtail a nod before Barkclaw joined his side and Elmheart vanished out of camp.

"He's going to be different when he returns, you know that right?" Maplepool returned, her eyes cast after where Elmheart had left.

"I know." Jaggedtail replied. "But I know he can do it, he's wanted this his whole life."

"And are you ready to be deputy?"

Jaggedtail nodded slowly. "I think so, I want nothing more than to be by his side while he leads."

Maplepool and Jaggedtail returned to the vigil, but Jaggedtail found it hard to focus. He knew Elmheart would return completely differently, but he was excited. He was also terrified, Jumpstar's and Breezefall's deaths were just the beginning of the terrible leaf-bare that Sagefeather had warned him about.


When Jaggedtail woke up, it was just past dawn. He blinked sleep out of his eyes, had Elmheart returned yet? He stood up in his nest, stretching out his forelegs. He climbed out of the warriors den from his spot beside Cherrypool and stepped into the cold morning outside. His eyes scanned the camp, most of the Clan was still sleeping. He crossed the snowy camp to the leader's den and climbed to the top, hoping that his friend would be inside.

Sure enough, he spotted Elmheart's form inside the den. He wasn't sleeping, he was just staring at his paws. "Good morning." Jaggedtail spoke, he was surprised to see Elmheart jump. "How did it go?"

"It went well." He flicked his tail. "I have nine lives and was named Elmstar before LichenClan, though I haven't seen any other cats besides Barkclaw yet, and now you."

"Then allow me to welcome you as Elmstar first." Jaggedtail dipped his head.

Elmstar nodded slowly. "Thank you, Jaggedtail. And once the Clan has woken up, I will be naming you as my deputy, if you still want to that is."

"That's all I want, Elmstar." Jaggedtail assured him. "I'll always be by your side, and as your deputy I will help you lead no matter what."

"Thank you, I needed to hear that." Elmstar sighed. "Being leader is a lot more terrifying than it seemed when I was kit, the whole Clan is depending on me now and I can't lead them wrong."

"You'll be fine, Elmstar. You're not doing this alone, you have me, Maplepool, Mossleaf, Cherrypool, Brackenheart and Sunstorm all cheering for you. Not to mention Mosswing, Fawnsky, Robinkit and Redpaw from StarClan." Elmstar's mood seemed slightly elevated from his words.

"I'm not supposed to talk about it, but I saw all of them you know." Elmstar looked at Jaggedtail his eyes flooding with love. The thought of seeing Redpaw again made Jaggedtail's heart ache. "They miss you."

Jaggedtail nodded slowly. "I miss them too." He swallowed his emotions. "Thank you, Elmstar."

The two of them spoke until LichenClan was active and out, they were all waiting to see their brand new leader. Jaggedtail stepped out alongside Elmstar who faced the Clan. He jumped on the High Stump for the very first time. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the High Stump for a Clan meeting!"

Those words had been spoken so many times before, but never before by Elmstar. He said them so perfectly, like he had been born to say them. "My trip to the Moonstone was successful, I received nine lives and the name Elmstar."

"Elmstar! Elmstar!" The cats of LichenClan cheered their new leader.

"As my first duty as the new leader, I must name the new deputy of LichenClan." All eyes rested on Jaggedtail, as no cat would be surprised by Elmstar's choice. "I say these words before the spirit of StarClan so they may hear and approve my choice, Jaggedtail will be the new deputy of LichenClan."

"Thank you, Elmstar." Jaggedtail spoke up, knowing he had to say something. "As my best friend, my brother, and now as my leader I dedicate my service as deputy to you."

"Jaggedtail! Jaggedtail!" Despite everyone knowing, Jaggedtail still felt the love from his Clanmates as they cheered his name. Jaggedtail faced Elmstar, they now led the Clan together. Jaggedtail had dreamt of this day before, but it was finally a reality. As long as Jaggedtail had Elmstar by his side, he knew that they could do anything.

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