Chapter 39

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"Shorttail, I want you to lead a hunting patrol near the AshClan border." Jaggedtail began. "Take Hazelshine, Fieldfoot, Timberfall and Mousethorn. Cherrypool, I want you to lead a border patrol on the MoonClan border take Foxwhisker, Owlheart, Rabbitwing, Mossleaf and Maplepool. When you all get back come see more for the later patrols." The cats that he had assigned set out on their patrols and Jaggedtail was left to try and plan out the rest of the patrols for the day.

Jaggedtail found being a deputy came naturally to him, he enjoyed planning out all the patrols of the day. He had been deputy for just over a moon and he had adjusted to it quite well. He enjoyed leading alongside Elmstar, who had also been born to be leader. The cats of LichenClan looked up to him.

Leaf-bare continued to claim the forest, and as Sagefeather predicted, it wasn't going to be long and hard. Amberflame, Gingerdust and Dustclaw had all lost their lives to sickness and Jaggedtail could sense that they weren't the only ones. The one that Jaggedtail feared the most was Sunstorm, his elderly father was incredibly sick and couldn't even move from his nest. Jaggedtail knew that Sunstorm wouldn't survive the season, and it tore him apart.

As Jaggedtail spoke to his father, Sunstorm told him not to fear. Sunstorm had accept his death and told Jaggedtail he had lived a long good life. Despite all this, Jaggedtail still didn't want to lose his father. I won't let Sunstorm's death destroy me, however. Jaggedtail told himself. He got to know Brackenheart so well, and he gave me a wonderful life. Plus, Fawnsky is waiting for him.

The other cat Jaggedtail was certain wouldn't survive was Sagefeather. As she told him, Sagefeather had grown sick as well. It was up to Barkclaw to care for the Clan, usually Stormsong would help but the former medicine cat had grown sick as well. This will be the hardest leaf-bare any of us have ever seen. Her words echoed in Jaggedtail's ears, he knew that this was only the beginning. So far five cats had died, three from sickness and two from the badger and Jaggedtail knew there would be so many more.

While he waited for patrols to return, Jaggedtail went to talk to Elmstar who was in his den. "Hey there," He greeted. "Having fun?"

"Not really." Elmstar chuckled. "It doesn't really feel like anything has changed." He admitted. "I have nine lives and a big den all to myself now, but I still feel like the old me."

"That's because you are still the old you." Jaggedtail mewed, nudging his friend. "You may have nine new lives, but you're still my best friend. You're still Maplepool's mate and you're still Mossleaf's father." Elmstar didn't respond, but he did seem to relax slightly. "I know you don't want to tell me what's been eating at you, but know that I am here for you. I'm your deputy, your best friend and your brother. You can always depend on me, even if you don't tell me just know that I am here for you."

"Thank you, Jaggedtail." Elmstar nodded. "I'm doing better, actually." For some reason, Jaggedtail didn't believe that. "But I would like some fresh-air." Together, Jaggedtail and Elmstar climbed out of the leaders den and into the camp where they grabbed a mouse to share. As they bit into their prey, Jaggedtail noticed movement coming from the medicine cat den. He lifted his head and saw Barkclaw step into the camp, his amber eyes filled with sadness. Oh no. Jaggedtail's heart twisted. Who died? Jaggedtail questioned, fearing that it was his father.

"Attention, LichenClan." Barkclaw raised his voice to address the Clan, the cats that remained in the camp looked towards their medicine cat. "It is with an extremely heavy heart that I tell you all that Sagefeather has passed." Sadness clouded over LichenClan once more, Jaggedtail dropped his head. He knew this would be coming, and yet he didn't prepare for it. "As she passed she gave me a message to pass onto her Clanmates." Barkclaw cleared his throat. "She said to not mourn her, she lived a life that was full and had no regrets. She loved serving her Clan and she wanted to assure us that even though this leaf-bare will be hard, it will not be the end of LichenClan. We will survive."

Together, the cats of LichenClan shared a long moment of silence for Sagefeather. Most all of the cats in the Clan had known Sagefeather their entire lives, and for a moment Jaggedtail remembered Birdstar. Birdstar had been even older than Sagefeather at her death. The LichenClan that Jaggedtail was born into was completely different than the one now, he had seen the deaths of medicine cats, deputies and leaders.

He looked at the nursery, remembering when he had been just a kit in the leaf-bare. Robinkit had just passed and he stared out into the camp wondering what his life would bring. It certainly brought so many unexpected events. He flicked his ears. But they've shaped me into who I am now.


That night, the Clan held vigil for Sagefeather as she passed onto the stars. Jaggedtail felt like there had been so many vigils lately, and there had been. This wouldn't be the last one either, as the sun began to rise upon Sagefeather's still body. Jaggedtail decided to plan out the dawn patrol before getting some sleep.

He chose cats that had slept before, making sure they would be able to handle it and ended up sending out Foxwhisker, Flamewhisker, Branchfur, Hazelshine and Timberfall. Jaggedtail returned to his nest, curling up beside his beautiful mate Cherrypool. Jaggedtail found sleep hard, and ended up waking up just before sunhigh. Cherrypool and many other warriors had already risen, so Jaggedtail was glad that he had decided the rest of the patrols before heading out.

Jaggedtail stood up and left the den to see that despite the loss of Sagefeather, LichenClan was still working hard to keep their spirits high. While the patrols were out, Jaggedtail decided to take his own solo hunting mission to hopefully clear his head. He found himself thinking about what Sagefeather had told him, about the choice he would soon have to make. He had no idea what it could be, but he was terrified of making the wrong one.

He knew that most of the territory was pretty well covered when it came to hunting, but there was one spot in the territory that was rarely tread upon. The area right beside the twolegplace. Jaggedtail began travelling that way, remembering when he took Foxwhisker here as an apprentice and encountered Rowanfang. He hoped that he wouldn't encounter him again.

Jaggedtail neared the twolegplace and began searching for prey, but it wasn't mouse that he caught a scent of, it was Mossleaf. What's she doing out here? Jaggedtail wondered, he could see her pawsteps in the snow leading towards the twolegplace. Maybe she's hunting, but it doesn't seem like she's stopped.

Letting his curiosity take the lead, Jaggedtail followed Mossleaf's scent and pawprints towards the twolegplace. Her scent grew stronger and stronger but Jaggedtail was just about out of LichenClan territory now. Confused, Jaggedtail looked around for his niece but couldn't spot her.

"--its so hard." Jaggedtail heard a faint voice speak, it was close to where he stood and the voice belonged to Mossleaf.

"I'm sorry," Another voice spoke, this one completely unfamiliar. "I wish I could be there to support you."

"It's okay," Mossleaf purred. "Seeing you here is good enough for now." Who is she talking to? Jaggedtail followed the sound of their voices and finally spotted Mossleaf, she was sitting under the shelter of an old, twisted oak tree. Beside her was an unfamiliar black tom, he had a white chest and muzzle, paws and tail tip. The collar around his neck revealed him to be a kittypet.

Mossleaf was curled up against him, her eyes filled with love and care. Mossleaf is seeing a kittypet! Jaggedtail thought with shock. I have to say something. Jaggedtail stepped forward. "Mossleaf." He spoke her name sternly.

Mossleaf's eyes went wide and she jumped to her paws, facing Jaggedtail in horror. "J-Jaggedtail!" She shouted. "H-How long have you been there?" The kittypet stood up as well, his entire body going rigid.

"Not very long, but long enough to figure out what's going on. Who is this kittypet?" Jaggedtail demanded.

"Please, please don't tell my father!" Mossleaf pleaded, she was clearly terrified.

"Who is he?" Jaggedtail repeated his question.

Mossleaf was still borderline hysterical so it was the kittypet who stepped forward. "My name is Spade." He explained. "I really don't mean you any harm."

He's bold for a kittypet, most of them would have ran away from a warrior like me. Jaggedtail thought. "You're awfully close to LichenClan territory, and Mossleaf, you clearly have feelings for this tom."

Mossleaf dropped her ears. "I know it's wrong, but--" She looked up pitfully. "I can't help it, Jaggedtail." She cast her green gaze towards Spade. "He makes me happy." Jaggedtail could see in their eyes that the two of them really did like each other. "But you can't tell, Elmstar!" She begged again. "He hates kittypets! He would shred both of our pelts if he found out."

Jaggedtail sighed, he didn't like the thought of keeping secrets from Elmstar. "Mossleaf, he is a kittypet and you are a warrior."

"But he wants to join the Clan!" Mossleaf exclaimed taking Jaggedtail by surprise. "He wants to come live with me and learn how to be a warrior!"

Jaggedtail looked at Spade. "Is this true?"

Spade nodded. "It is, from the moment I first saw Mossleaf, I knew that I wanted to be with her. No matter how hard it is."
"I don't think you quite understand just how hard it is." Jaggedtail flicked his tail, a kittypet could never understand the struggles that warriors went through. He turned his attention back on Mossleaf. "You can't keep sneaking out of the Clan like this, what if it had been Elmstar who found you instead of me?" Mossleaf flattened her ears. "Look, Mossleaf." He stepped closer to the she-cat. "I want you to be happy, I really do, but a kittypet becoming a warrior is unheard of."

"Please, Jaggedtail." Mossleaf whimpered. "He wants to be with me, and I want to be with him."

"It's not my choice, Mossleaf." Jaggedtail reminded her. "It's your father's, I know you don't want to tell him, but he loves you. Perhaps he will show some kindness to Spade. You never know unless you talk to him."

Mossleaf looked at Spade for a long moment, then back to Jaggedtail. "I guess I could try, but what if he says no? I don't want to say goodbye to Spade!"

"We'll figure it out from there," Jaggedtail turned to Spade. "We will be discussing this, if Elmstar says yes then I will guide you back to LichenClan myself."

"Thank you, Jaggedtail." Spade dipped his head, Jaggedtail was honestly impressed with the kittypet's composure. He definitely isn't a coward like most kittypets, but still. I don't know how Elmstar will handle this.

"Bye, Spade." Mossleaf said quietly. "Hopefully I'll see you later." Jaggedtail could see that Mossleaf's hopes were low. Part of Jaggedtail wished he had never come out here, if he hadn't caught them then they could hold onto their happiness for a while yet, but it was bound to come out eventually.

"How long have you been seeing him?" Jaggedtail questioned Mossleaf.

"About four moons now." Mossleaf replied. "I was hunting over here and he saw me, he wasn't scared or anything he just came up and say hi. We got to talking and I kept visiting him ever since, I wasn't expecting to fall in love with him." She flattened her ears. "I don't know what I'll do if Elmstar says no."

"We'll just have to see." Jaggedtail did his best to keep her spirits high, but his were low as well.

The two of them reached camp and Jaggedtail took Mossleaf to Elmstar's den, he was already in there with Maplepool. Both her parents are going to find out. Jaggedtail thought. "Hello there." Maplepool purred. "Need something?"

"Yes actually." Jaggedtail nodded, both he and Mossleaf sitting down in the den. "Go on," Jaggedtail nudged Mossleaf.

Elmstar looked at his daughter intently, his amber gaze curious. Mossleaf took a deep breath. "Elmstar..." She began. "For the past four moons I've been...seeing a kittypet."

"What?" Elmstar's fur stood on edge, Jaggedtail lifted his tail to try and calm him down.

"Let her explain." Elmstar glared at Jaggedtail but kept quiet.

"His name is Spade and he is...wonderful. He's so sweet and amazing and...he wants to join the Clan."

Maplepool looked at Mossleaf in shock, but it wasn't the same anger that Elmstar had. "Absolutely not." Elmstar growled. Jaggedtail could see the pain spread across Mossleaf's entire body.


"No buts!" Elmstar roared, standing up and towering over his daughter. "I said no! A kittypet could never survive in this world! They're selfish and lazy! Kittypets aren't even worth the time of day!" Jaggedtail stared at Elmstar, he had no idea that Elmstar hated kittypets that much.

"That's not fair!" Mossleaf cried.

"I don't care about fair!" Elmstar shouted. "I am your father and your leader and I'm saying that kittypet will never step foot into LichenClan territory!" Mossleaf winced and cowered down to the floor.

"Elmstar," Maplepool spoke up, standing up beside her mate. "Perhaps you shouldn't be so harsh."

"No!" Elmstar lashed his tail. "Warriors don't interact with kittypets, and I won't have you seeing that disgusting cat again."

"He's not disgusting!" Mossleaf cried.

"Silence!" Mossleaf closed her eyes, Jaggedtail felt horrible he didn't think Elmstar would react like this. "You won't be leaving camp without an escort from now on, until I'm sure you've forgotten about this kittypet."

"I'm not an apprentice!" Mossleaf wailed. "You can't do this to me!"

"I already have, no go! You better stay in camp." Without another word, Mossleaf sprinted out of the leader's den leaving the three warriors.

"Elmstar," Maplepool spoke again, this time more bold. "That was a little much, don't you think? She's young and in love, you can't make her feel like that!"
"I don't care." Elmstar growled. "I will not have a kittypet in this Clan." He didn't even look at Maplepool, but he rested his eyes on Jaggedtail. "How long have you known about this?"

"I just found out today." Jaggedtail explained. "But you were far too rough on her, Elmstar. I've met this kittypet and he's nothing like Rowan--"

"Don't say that traitors name!" Jaggedtail winced at Elmstar's raised voice. "She's my daughter and I won't have her being mates with a kittypet. If it was your kits would you let them be mates with a cat like that?"

Jaggedtail tensed up. "Yes." He mewed bodly, looking Elmstar directly in the eyes. "If Redpaw was still here I would let him have any mate he wanted."

Elmstar's eyes flashed with pain for a moment. "Jaggedtail--"

Jaggedtail had enough. "Think about what you've done, Elmstar." Jaggedtail hissed. "Do you really want your only daughter to look at you as a source of pain and fear?" With that, Jaggedtail left the den and approached Mossleaf who was incredibly distraught outside the warriors den.

"Don't talk to me." Mossleaf growled, not turning around to face him. "If you wouldn't have brought me here he would never know, now I'll never get to be with Spade. Just leave me alone." Jaggedtail could sense the pain in her voice, he wished he could take it away. I wish I never found them. Jaggedtail thought. I just want her to be happy.

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