Part 10 : Step by step... Lets Fall in Love...

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Jai on his way back home.. calling vennela continuously on the phone. But, no response from her. She puts her mobile on silent mode and goes to the kitchen to prepare lunch. 

Syam enters the kitchen and noticing Vennela's eyes...

Syam : What madam?? Crying alone in the kitchen?? 

Vennela : I am not crying (showing the onion, which she was cutting, to Syam) 

Syam : LOL.... Welcome to the club madam. Now you understand my plight.. You used to tease me when I cook right?? 

Vennela : Grrrr Syam!!!! You are going to get nicely from me... Don't ever tell me you cook at home.. I know who does all the work for you... 

Syam : ohhh really... who??? tell me... tell me.. 

Vennela : It is Anand Anna.. I know and you can't cheat me saying this is not true.. because this news is from a very reliable source.. 

Syam : Vennuuuu!!!!! I know who is your source.. Anand right?? 

Vennela : LOL... NO!!!!! Jai told me.. 

Syam : Whatttttttt !!!!! Jai anna... Adieyei... Instead of discussing about your future life.. you guys were talking about us!!!!!! Romba mukkiyam (very important!!!!! saying it sarcastically) 

Vennela : Nothing much to talk about our future.. 

Syam : Yehhhhhhh!!!! Don't start that shree story again.. why can't you understand that was just an infatuation or crush that's it. Nothing more to it.. Don't confuse your real life with your imaginary life.. 

Vennela : Cheyyyyy no way.. Do you still think I am clinging on to that crush I had long back when I was very young. I forgot everything, the moment Jai tied wedding chain around my neck, promising his vows. I know very well I belong only to him. But, truth is.... he doesn't belong to me. He is in love with some other girl. 

Syam : Grrrrr it's either you or him... we are so frustrated convincing you both. Why can't you understand it's not love.. if it was... he would have never agreed to marry you and bring you along with him.. Vennu... I am telling you this for the final time.... you are Jai Anna's wife and he is all yours. Please periya thiyagi mathiri (one who sacrifices their own life for others) Don't let any other 3rd person to snatch this beautiful life from you. Take your time and think about it. 

Vennela : Syam... I don't want to leave my husband either... (tears rolling down on her cheeks)

Syam immediately moves to hug her... 

Syam: ohhhh Vennu, Please don't cry di..... Nee azhara alavuku inga onnumey illa.. (there is nothing to worry about) Tell me one thing did Jai Anna ever tell you anything about that girl or asked you to get out of his life?? 

Vennela : Noooooo.... 

Syam : Why are you worried then??? 

Vennela : Remember the trip we went to temple after marriage.... 

Syam : Yessss... What did you do there??? 

Vennela : I told him. "He doesn't need to sacrifice his life or love for me" 

Syam : Aiyooooo Vennuuuu...... (Releasing her from hug and looking at her) Didn't I tell you to stop this blabbering long back before your marriage??? you never listen to me di... Why vennu why???? 

Vennela bursts out into tears again..... Syam feels bad for her 

Syam : Sari (ok) Don't cry please.... Things will be fine. It's just a matter of time... Did he say anything after that?? 

Vennela : He didn't say anything on the same day. But, yesterday night we spoke about it and promised each other that we will be good friends until we find our own ways.... 

Syam: LOL..... 

Vennela : Syammmmmm.... Why are you laughing??? 

Syam : What else to do with you both... First thing you guys talk about being friends and getting separated on your first night... Best part is you both or atleast you have hidden feelings for him.... Enna sirikama enna panna solra...(What else can I do, rather than LOL) I can't cry... 

Vennela : I think you will not stop without getting a smack from me.... 

Syam : Amma... thaayi... ennala vaanga mudiyathu... Adhuku un husband irukaar (Madam, I don't have strength to take it.. for that you have your husband now)... Give him some.. 

Vennela : Syam..honestly speaking, I don't want to leave him.. But how can I make a decision without knowing his feelings?? Last two days has changed things for me but what about him?? 

Syam: Hmmm... I can understand your confusion... Atleast, I am glad to know that you love Jai anna.. One work less for us. Let us not do something hastily and then regret. Give it sometime. But, First thing erase all that sacrificing things from your mind. Try to ease out things, if Jai anna advances on his love for you.. I hope you understand. 

Vennela: Ok syam. (smiling finally) 

Syam : Remember, You both are meant to be... he would come to you.. only you.. where else would he go??? 

Vennela : Will he????? 

Jai enters his home calling out 

Jai : Vennela... Vennela... 

Syam : (Smiling) Didn't I tell you??? 

Vennela blushes for a moment and the next moment becomes upset on remembering his scoldings.. 

Jai stops looking at nethran, who was sitting and reading magazine in the living room.. 

Jai : Hey Nethra!!!! Eppo da vantha?? (When did you come???) 

Nethran : (Looking at his watch) Now you are asking me??? I have been waiting for you for 3 hours da??? 

Jai : Sorry da.. Went to office after so many days... got held up at work.. 

Jai goes to hug Nethran.... his eyes still wandering looking for his wife.. 

Jai : Sari you wait here... I will be back in few mins... 

Nethran : Few mins enna you can take few hours also... I have no problem. But, before going answer me, Why didn't you tell me that you got married??? 

Jai releasing Nethran from his hug... 

Jai : Deiiiii it all happened so fast, that I couldn't inform anyone. 

Nethran : Sari ok... When are you going to give me your marriage treat??? (Still holding on to jai who was ready to leave looking for his wife) 

Jai : Deiiiiii... if you don't leave me now... I will be forced to give both my marriage and divorce treat for you.... Do you really want that???? 

Nethran understanding his condition releases him... 

Nethran : Sari polachi po (It's ok.. go) 

By that time, Syam and Vennela make their way out from the kitchen to living room. Vennela feels happy inside seeing Jai but avoids meeting his eyes. Jai giving a sheepish smile walks towards them...

Jai : Enna ladies rendu perum busy ah??? (Looks like you both were busy??) 

Nethran: Nalla kelu (Ask them).... They just gave me one coffee two hours ago after that nothing... Now only they are coming out da.... I am hungry Jai.. 

Jai staring at Nethran 

Jai : Deiiiiii neeyum un saapaatu plan um.... (You and your eating plans) Wait let me go outside and get something for you to eat... 

Vennela to Syam : Syam, I have prepared lunch for us..... I will serve it now. 

Jai clearly knows that his wife is still upset with him... 

Jai MV : What should I do now??? Should I ask her to meet me in the bedroom or Should I drag her to the bedroom to talk to her??? What if she slaps me in front of everyone (Scene flashes on his mind) Ohhhhh nooooo not in front of everyone. Let me wait for them to leave... 

They all eat their lunch together. After a while.. 

Nethran : Jai, I need your help. I have some work.. Can you please come with me??? 

Jai mv : Really Nethra Now!!!!!!!!!! 

Jai : Huhhhhh... Sure why not??? 

Vennela mv : He is one dumb fellow... why can't he leave my husband alone!!!!! 

Syam looking at both of them... Understanding their mind voice. 

Syam: Nethran Anna, Jai anna must be really tired with all the driving since yesterday. So I will ask Anand to come with you... 

Vennela thanks Syam with a quite smile... which Jai doesn't fail to notice ..... 

Syam calls Anand asking him to come for Nethran... 

After chatting for sometime... 

Vennela : Let me go and make some coffee. (Excusing herself she goes to the kitchen) 

Jai wants to use this chance to talk to his wife. Before he could voice it out.. 

Syam: Wait Vennu.. let me come and help you.. 

Syam walks behind her.. 

Jai mv : Why is everyone so focused on disturbing my moments... Grrrrr

Nethran : Then Jai... how is your married life??? 

Jai : huhhhh married life!!!! Yes yes going on da... so tell me.. After so many months.. you are here??? Enna vishayam?? (What's the matter???) 

Nethran : For an emergency client work da. You know my work right.. have to maintain secrecy.. work ethics.. hehehe 

Jai : ok got it.. 

Meanwhile in the kitchen... 

Syam : So vennu... I will be leaving soon.. Don't want to be a hurdle anymore between you and Jai Anna.... Still you didn't tell me what you called me for??? 

Vennela : ohhh yes Syam.. I asked you for a good detective to investigate Latha Athai's death la.. were you able to find anyone? 

Syam : Yes.. but I don't know how well my suggestion would go with you?? 

Vennela : Why??? Who is that??? 

Syam : Nethran... my cousin brother. 

Vennela : WHATTTTTT!!!!!!!!! Seriously this guy????? 

Syam : Trust me.... He is very professional and an expert when it comes to his work.. 

Vennela : Are you sure Syam??? This is very important and urgent work. I want to find out the truth soon for our family. Above all... I can't see Jai suffering like this.. This is what I need to do for him now.. I can't bring back his mom.. But, by finding out who was behind her death and punishing them.. we can bring little peace to him..... 

Syam : I understand vennu... Trust me.. Nethran Anna will solve this case.. 

Vennela : Nee solra.. (you are suggesting) so ok.. 

They bring coffee for everyone.. Meanwhile Anand also comes there to take Nethran.. 

All enjoy their coffee with snacks.. Syam leaves in her car bidding goodbye to everyone.. Nethran leaves with Anand..

Once everyone has left, Vennela clears all the empty cups and goes to the kitchen avoiding Jai, who was looking at her 

Jai : Vennela... 

She ignores and leaves 

Jai : Helloooo Vennela... I am calling you!!!! 

He enters the kitchen behind her.. Vennela still avoiding him..... Unable to take her avoiding... he holds her hand and drags her to their bedroom.... Making her to sit on the bed..... he kneels down in front of her keeping his hands on the bed on either side of her... 

Jai : Look at me Vennela.. (when she doesn't listen to him... he puts his hand to her chin bringing her eyes to face his) paarunu solren illa.. (I am telling you to look at me) 

Vennela finally looks at him.. Tears brimming on her eyes.. 

Jai: I am sorry Vennela. I really didn't mean to hurt you.. work tension la I shouted at you.. I am sorry... 

Tears start to roll down on her cheeks... unable to take it.. Jai pulls her into a hug.. Taking vennela by surprise... 

Vennela mv : Should I hug him back!!!!!! (She hesitates for a few seconds and finally hugs him back) 

After few mins... they both realize they are still holding onto each other.... So without saying anything they both release themselves... 

Jai : (To ease the moment) Appa Enna kovam varuthu unakku!!!!!  (OMG!!! I didn't know you are so short tempered!!!!)

Vennela : Sir mattum morning enna paneenga???? (So.... what was that... You did today morning) 

Both LoL 

Jai : Sari.... How is your hand??? 

Vennela : It's better...... 

Jai : Really!!!!! With all the household work... I know it must be paining... Wait let me apply some medicine for your hand.. 

Jai starts applying medicine for her.. 

Vennela: Thanks Jai... (Smiling) 

Jai: It's ok Vennela... You take rest now.. I will buy dinner from outside.. 

They both enjoy a quiet dinner together and Vennela dozes off immediately... Jai finishing his work on laptop, comes to bed... Looking at vennela sleeping peacefully... He feels good.. Jai lie beside her, making sure not to disturb her... 

Jai: (Whispers looking at vennela) You are so sweet vennela.... I can't see you crying... something churns inside me when I see your tears.... I will not hurt you... ever again in my life... nor let anyone hurt you... Its a promise... 

"As they say, parents know what is best for their children.. Amma and Appa knew what was best for me.. but only I took long to realize that" 

Smiling... Jai too dozes off peacefully... 

To be continued ...

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