Part 9 : Is this For Real...

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Jai : Ammaaa

Jai wakes up screaming from his dream... breathing heavily.

Seconds later, Vennela also screams out loud..

Jai : Vennela!!!!!!! What happened???

Vennela: Jaiii aaahhh en kaiii (my handdd)

Jai : I am so sorry vennela.. (Realising while waking up from his bad dream he did hold onto her hand strongly making her to scream out in pain)

Vennela : It's ok (Rubbing her right hand which was still hurting with her left hand) what happened Jai!!! Why did you scream.. (handing over a glass of water to him.. )

After drinking..

Jai : Nothing... don't worry.. I just had a bad dream.. I was thinking about Amma before going to bed... and I had a dream about her... a bad dreammm.

Vennela : Ok.. you pls relax and lie down...

He lies down facing away from vennela to hide his tears. She knows he is crying thinking about his mom and missing her badly.

She starts caressing his hair from behind. Feeling her care he drifts off to deep slumber soon.

Next day morning, Jai sleeping on his stomach. Vennela still in half sitting position.. sleeping, leaning on to headboard.

Jai wakes up to the alarm sound coming from vennela's phone. He gets up looking for it. He notices the phone on the side table on vennela's side. Looking at her sleeping undisturbed even though she was in an uncomfortable position.

He attempts to get the phone and to turn off the alarm before it disturbs Vennela's sleep. He moves closer to vennela to grab the phone.. since he couldn't get to the phone, he crosses over vennela's lap and gets the phone.

He leaves a sigh after turning off the alarm. But by then vennela Wakes up to see jai lying on her lap.

Vennela : (Shocked with disbelief) Jaiii...

That's when Jai realises his upper body was completely on her lap. He gets up immediately giving her phone back.

Jai: Sorry... I was trying to grab your phone and while doing so...

Vennela : it's ok jai. I didn't ask for any clarification.. I know it's not intentional..

Jai : Thank you for trusting me.

Smiling she gets up from bed. After freshening up she goes to the kitchen to prepare coffee.

Coming back to the bedroom. She hands over his coffee cup to him who was busy browsing his phone... he gets the cup...

Vennela : Good morning Jai (Smiling)

Jai : Good morning Vennela... sorry I scared you last night...

Vennela : It's ok Jai. It's getting late...

Jai : Ok..

Vennela : I need to go and get ready before Syam comes here.

Jai : Ok..

Vennela : I need to go... and take shower..

Jai : Ok go...

Vennela : Ahem ahem...

Jai : What vennela??? (looking at her)

Vennela : I can go only if you leave my hand that you are still holding on to with the cup..

Jai : (giving a embarrassed smile) oops.. my mistake.. (he takes his hands off)

Vennela : (Walking away from him) looks like somebody is getting obsessed with holding on to my hand... (in a low voice)

Jai : What???? Did you say something???

Vennela : NOTHING...

Jai chuckles as he already heard what she said..

She goes to her Athai's room to take shower since their bathroom had heater problem.

Jai mv : OMG!!! How come.. i am getting so comfortable with Vennela that too within few days!!!!! I have never felt this comfortable with anyone not even with Reshmi!!!!! Why????
Thinking of Reshmi, he immediately gets up and starts thinking... How will I face her now. My feelings are betraying me. He thinks... Am I gradually getting drawn towards Vennela...

Shaking his head, he goes to get ready.

In the meantime, vennela prepares breakfast for them and both eat together.

Jai gets ready to leave..

Vennela : Bye Jai... (she waves at him standing at the doorstep)

Jai : Bye vennela (she reminds him of his mom)

Lost in thoughts he keeps staring at her..

Vennela : Jaiii!!!!!! Enna achu??? (What happened)

Jai : (coming out of his thoughts) Nothing.. if you need anything just give me a call. I will be late tonight. Take care.

Jai leaves bidding goodbye to her.

Jai at his office that too after a long break... he wasn't able to concentrate on any of the office issues for the last one month. He wanted to check his accounts and finance related issues first... As his operational manager kept hinting him about the issues related to his office accounts.. Jai gets busy at work.

Vennela at home getting busy with her household chores.

She hears loud and continuous banging on the door..

Vennela wondering who can be at the door, that too at this time..

Vennela mv : Syam also informed me that she will be little late!!!! Who can be here now!!!!!

Vennela opens the door.. shocked to see a stranger standing at the door.

Stranger : Who are you??? What are you doing in my BoyFriend's house?

Vennela : What!!!!! There is no boyfriend here. I live here with my husband.

Stranger : Who the hell are you?????

Vennela : Excuse me.. I am Vennela. Jai's wife...

Stranger : What!!!! He is married??? That too to you???

Vennela glares at the stranger..

Vennela : You should ask this question to him only..

Syam enters the main gate. Looking at vennela talking to someone that too rude face ... wondering who this might be...

Vennela mv : How could this monster be related to Jai!!!

Syam comes running to Vennela thinking someone is disturbing her... but she literally starts screaming in joy looking at the person standing opposite to vennela..

Syam : Annayya... You are here .. And u didn't even care to inform me that you are coming (Syam sulks on learning that her brother Nethran came to meet Jai first)... So Jai Anna takes first priority here!!!!!

Vennela : Syam... how come this guy related to My Jai????

Syam : ahem .. ahem.. Your Jai...(raising eyebrows)

Vennela: adhu...

Nethran : Leave it my dear sister. Now, tell me when did that idiot got married??? and that too with this strange girl..

Vennela : Look Who is talking!!! Coming and banging on my door with weird questions!!!! And most importantly... Don't ever call my husband as "Idiot , You atrocious fellow...

Nethran : ohhh somebody is getting too possessive with my dear friend it seems .. (Nethran ignoring Vennela and pushing her aside enters the house)

Vennela : (glaring at Syam) Syam, how more weird this guy can get???? And How come he is related to Jai???

Syam : Arre Vennu, you might have not met but surely I have told you about him. He is my cousin brother Nethran and he is jai Anna's close friend. You came to know that Anand and Jai Anna are close friends recently only right... So, obviously you would have not known about these three Mummoorthigal Friendship..

Nethran smirks at Vennela making her glare at him.

Vennela : hmm.. come lets go inside.. (taking Syam inside)

Meanwhile, at the office, Jai blasting his staffs for office accounts that looks manipulated. As per his calculation 50 lakhs were missing from his office accounts and no one had any clue about the missing money.

Added to that, he comes to know... Recently, they have lost a major tender by mere difference in quoted money that too to his rivalry company. After asking the staffs to leave, Jai calls his Operation Manager to get information on missing money and about latest mishaps.

Jai gripping his chair hand rest to control his anger when Operational manager informs him about recent mysterious happenings in office. He asks the manager to form a secret team only with their trustworthy employees to find a solution.

Jai decides to head the team to find out who was behind all these unfortunate happenings.

During all this time, he was getting continuous calls from Vennela. Looking at 7 missed calls on his phone he panics..

He decides to call her taking a break from all the work he was doing..

Jai: What happened Vennela??? (Feeling tense with so many calls)

Vennela : Nothing..

Jai: (His panic feeling turns into irritation) And for nothing you called me these many times.. Have you gone mad??? Can't you wait if I don't answer your continuous calls??? You very well know I am at work??? (In irritated high voice jai shouts)

Vennela : So sorry Jai. Sorry for disturbing you with continuous calls.. (Tears rolling down her cheeks, her voice changing)

Jai : (Jai realises he was too harsh to her and senses that she is crying) It's ok. I am sorry too. Are you crying??

Vennela : (Ignoring all his questions) I just called you to inform that you friend Nethran has come home and he has something important to discuss with you it seems. (Without waiting for his answer she disconnects the call)

Jai feels bad for showing his anger at Vennela. Jai tries calling her back but Vennela doesn't respond to any of his calls.

Jai mv : (Holding his head and thinking) Did I take vennela for granted and scolded her badly.. Why am I doing like this???

That's when he hears a knock on his office door.

Jai: Yes. Come in.

Reshmi : Hi Jai. How are you doing?

Jai: I am fine.

Reshmi : Married???? Fine??? I guess marriage is treating you so well???

Jai : I guess so...

Reshmi : Anyways congratulations and Thank you...

Jai : (Confused) Thank you!!!! For what????

Reshmi : Don't you know???? For giving me hope with your caring attitude that you will marry me someday??? (Reshmi starts crying) but instead u married that illiterate ugly village girl...

Jai is irked but controls himself..

Reshmi : I heard she didn't want to marry you in the first place and then finally agreed. I am sure she is after your money only?

Jai gets up banging his table

Jai : Shut up Reshmi... ( Reshmi shocked seeing Jai's anger for the first time).. One thing I have to clear first Reshmi.. You are my friend.. just friend. For this past one year.. I did care for you and shared good and bad things with you, but that doesnt mean I am in love with you.
(Jai controlling his anger) and another thing "Don't ever dare to insult my wife in front of me or anywhere else Then you have to face the consequences. Take this as a warning or threat. However, you want it to be.

Reshmi : But ...

Jai : What But.. Have I ever told you that I am in love with you????? Even If I was in love with you.. You would have been my wife by now. But, you are not.. So, its obvious that I am not in love with you. I hope you wont be shedding tears and telling everyone I cheated on you which is not the case.

Reshmi : Whoa... Ivlo support for wife of 3 days ...Semmaiya taan mayakki vachiruppa pola...(whoa... so much support that too after just 3 days of marriage!!!!! I guess she has mesmerized you well)

Jai : STOP IT RESHMI... before I forget that you are my friend and say something please leave...

Reshmi shocked, leaves from his cabin with teary eyes.

Jai MV : what the hell is happening with me since morning.. First I shouted at Vennela... then blasted at Reshmi for insulting my wife. And I never thought I could confess so easily to Reshmi that I don't love her. After all, Was Anand right about my relationship... that I am not in love with Reshmi.. was it just a mere attraction!!!!!

Vennela is not picking up my calls... I can't work like this.. I have to go see her... NOW...

Jai calls his PA on intercom...

PA : Sir.. (entering his cabin)

Jai : Please cancel all my appointments for today. I am leaving now.

PA : OK Sir.

Jai taking his laptop bag leaves from office.

On the other end @ Jai's office

Person 1 : He just left. I don't think its safe for me to stay here anymore. He will start digging everything.

Person 2 :(In the line) Then, its time for you to leave from there. Give your resignation letter and inform them you will be leaving in 24 hours and come here.

Person 1 : Ok.. Will do it now.

Person 2 : (laughing histerically) Jai, you messed up with a very wrong person.. You should have said "YES when I asked u 2 years back.. But you denied my proposal... Now, I will make sure you lose everything... one by one...

To be continued ...

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