Fairy Godmother Inc.: Apollo's Angel

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By DesireeRobertsAnfang

Title: This is clearly part of a saga. I also like that you're consistent with your titles format.

Cover: It's sensual but not overly revealing, it makes me think that there might be some kink later on.

Blurb: It's detailed and doesn't reveal too much. However, you might want to divide it into paragraphs and space me out, or else it'll look too confusing.

Plot: For now, I read the first two chapters. I noticed that they're on the long side, but I still enjoyed them. In particular, I love Viola's voice and her impact in the story. I also like your descriptive style and how you balance it with narration and dialogue. Each character has their own voice, which makes them recognizable at first sight.

Grammar: There are no glaring spelling mistakes, but there were some points where your punctuation was off, especially when it comes to commas and suspensive dots. You might also want to break down some overly big paragraphs into smaller ones.

Overall rate: 8/10

Would I recommend reading this book?: I'd recommend reading it because it explores love on a different, new light.

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