Inscriptions from Heaven

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By AllAmericanLisa

Title: It's very catchy, interesting and pulls readers into reading the story.

Blurb: Sorry, but it's too short and a little too vague. You should have added more details on it, without being too revealing, though.

Cover: It's simple and fits very well with the story's theme.

Plot: The fact that you chose to develop this story as a collection of letters (otherwise known as epistolary novel or novella, depending on the story's length) is interesting and allows the reader to get a better insight of each character, as well as the protagonist. I know the story is not complete yet, so every letter is a step closer to the truth.

Grammar: your grammar is pretty good, although you had some punctuation mishaps. Sometimes, your periods are a bit too long, which leads to an overuse of commas. There is even a passage where you use more than one exclamation mark at the end of a sentence. It's strongly advised not to do so, so I hope you'll fix that during the editing stage. Also, you use a little too many quotation marks. In conclusion, there are some misspelt words, as well as passages where you capitalized words, another thing that shouldn't be done in writing.

Overall rate: 7.5/10

Would I recommend reading this story? It definitely has potential and an interesting plot, so, if you like reading letters, this could be a good story for you to read.

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