Chapter 5

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I've Sean The Future

"So when did this all start?" Swift asked Feather, gesturing to her. Feather spun around then floated beside Swift.

"Well, it's a long story." Feather smiled, she looked up thoughtfully. "Me and my brother lived with our friend, Sean in our hideout, that we're leading you to. We've stayed with him for years now, almost my whole life actually, what I know is that brother was 10 when he and I first stayed here. Sean's a good friend, quiet at first and kinda secretive, but when you get to know him he's a big softie." She added, chuckling.

"About my wings, it was one time I was playing at a cliff as a little pup, I was with big brother while Sean was busy. I chased a butterfly and didn't realize quickly that I was gonna fall, when I did I was already plummeting down. It was high and my heart was beating so fast, I looked up helplessly at my brother who was peering down. Then, a bright light overcame me, I didn't know what it was but I felt light as air, and poof! My two wings appeared and I flapped them to safety." Feather continued, "As for my powers, I don't know how I got them, they just started a few days after my wings appeared."

"Interesting." Jake murmured thoughtfully. "Do you know about the Gems Of Magic?"

"Oh, those things?" Feather asked, "A little bit, all I know is that they control the flow of the Elements." She said.

"That's correct." Swift replied. "Have you ever seen one?"

"No." Feather frowned, "Should I?"

Now they were confused. "So there wasn't any Air Magic Gem that appeared?" Kyle asked in disbelief. Silver and Feather looked at each other, then shook their heads. "Well then.." Kyle trailed.

"I guess it takes time for a Gem to form, especially since Air Magic is practically new." Izzy suggested, "Weren't we thought that the Gems didn't appear until after a long time before?"

The others looked at her blankly.

"Fine, just me then." Izzy huffed silently, her ears folding back as she walked.

"Anyways, that's alright." Jake said to Feather, "Actually we have them."

"Really!?" Feather asked in surprise and excitement. The group nodded, "Um, can I see them?" She asked sheepishly.

"Sure, but not here, there could be anyone looking at it." Hunter said, Feather pouted, but nodded.

"We're almost to our hideout anyway." Feather said, being cheery once again.


"We're here!" Feather announced.

They arrived at a large mountain, with moss, vines and plants everywhere on it, the mountain was dark gray, and it was on the verge of crumbling apart due to cracks around it. Feather looked at the mountain then flew to the right, she revealed a secret button disguised as a rock when her paw lit up and it was revealed. She pushed it, then after a few moments an opening appeared as a square shaped piece of the mountain shifted up, showing a pathway inside.

"Secret hideout, secret entrance." Feather whispered to us with a grin, Silver chuckled. "Come on!" She said, flying quickly inside. They all followed, Silver pressed another button and the light disappeared as the rock shifted back down, everyone lit up their way with their magic, auras of different colors making their paws glow. Feather could be seen excitedly flying in circles as she lead the way, after a while of turning she suddenly said, "Stop!"

Swift, who's in front stopped, Jake bumped into her, then Izzy, Hunter, Kyle, Laika then Silver. They groaned in slight pain. Feather smiled sheepishly. She pulled a lever, and another opening appeared, this time to a well lit room with furniture in it. "Here we are! Make yourselves at home. Sean is busy right now so he won't mind." Feather smiled then flew inside.

"Be careful!" Silver exclaimed as he heard a thud and an 'oww' after. Silver sighed then gestured for them to come in, which they did. Their hideout was almost like a comfy small cottage, with green recliners, couches, and rugs, the furniture like cabinets, tables, chairs and everything else were made of tough, sturdy wood, the wallpapers were a dark blue with white stripes, the first room to the right was the kitchen, the room beside the stairs was a bathroom, the room to the left looked like a TV room with a big flat screen in the middle. They all gaped in awe.

"You guys like it?" Silver asked, smiling at their expressions.

"Yeah, it's cozy and has a relaxing atmosphere." Izzy commented, sitting in a long couch, sighing in content. Hunter chuckled at her and sat beside her. "Sean has really good taste."

"He does." Feather chirped, coming from the kitchen with a tray of snacks, "Snacks anyone?" She asked, everyone took their snacks.

"Feather, Silver I'm — Who in Mira's name are these guys?" A voice startled them, in the entrance stood a dark gray snow leopard with black swirl patterns, with two sacks of gems with him. The strangest thing was he ha don pupils, just blank white eyes. Though they were narrowed. "Feather. Silver." He warned.

"Sean!" Feather cried, ignoring his warning tone, she hugged him by the neck, Sean choked a little and glared at her. "I missed you!"

"Yeah, yeah, sure you did." Sean grumbled, patting Feather's back. "You didn't answer my question, who are they?" He pointed to the group of Magic Alphas.

"These are the Magic Alphas." Silver replied, gesturing to them. Sean's ears perked and he blinked.

"Is it really them? In that case, I apologize for my attitude from earlier." Sean said.

"It's.. no big deal." Kyle said distractedly, looking at Sean's pure white eyes.

Sean looked at Kyle confusedly, "Why are you staring at me.. Kyle?"

Kyle blinked in surprise, "Oh, uh.. I'm just confused on.. uh.." He looked at Jake.

"I'm not saying it." Jake grumbled to him.

"Well I'm not." Kyle defended. "Hunter, you say it."

"No." Hunter barked quietly. The boys started quietly bickering, the girls rolled their eyes in odd unison. Sean huffed. Feather and Silver looked at each other in confusion.

"You're wondering how I can see without pupils?" Sean asked in a monotone. The boys stopped their bickering and looked at Sean in shock, Sean didn't look fazed, he wore a blank face.

"How did you-" The boys began in unison.

"Read your minds?" Sean asked in the same monotone voice.

"How can-" The boys began again.

"I do it?" Sean raised an eyebrow.

"This is-"

"Creepy? Weird? Strange? Odd?" Sean asked again in the same voice, the boys shut up.

"How can you do it though?" Izzy asked, glaring at the boys. One huffed a little, one looked away sheepishly, and the other stayed quiet.

"Psychic." Sean said simply.

"It makes total sense!" Swift said, clapping her paws together. "Weren't we thought this at Jamaa Academy?"

"I forgot, almost." Jake admitted sheepishly.

"So you're a Psychic?" Hunter asked Sean.

Sean nodded, "Yeah, been studying Psychic powers for years now." He took the bags with his mouth and tail, then walked to a storage room, putting the sacks there. "Anyways, I'm assuming you all are gonna stay here for a while?"

"He's good." Kyle whispered to the other boys. Sean gave Kyle a look, he shut up instantly. The other two snickered quietly in unison, before glaring at each other.

"Yeah, I guess we are, do you mind?" Swift asked, "We're sorry for.. barging in here?" Swift tried to find the best words. Sean waved a paw dismissively.

"Oh it's alright. Just don't break anything." Sean shrugged.

"Anyways!" Feather intervened, stretching the word. She looked at Sean, "Do you think you could give them the thing?" She asked Sean, Sean suddenly changed from blank to a different expression.

"What? Why?" Sean asked in disbelief. Feather looked at him with a 'duh' expression.

"Why not? They're on an important mission and they most probably want to know some things!" Feather replied, crossing her paws on her chest as she fluttered in place, looking at Sean in the face. She looked at them, "Don't you?"

"I mean, yeah, about the Phantom threat, about other things, why?" Izzy asked curiously. "What 'thing' are you urging Sean about?"

"Don't tell them." Sean warned Feather.

The young coyote ignored him, "Readings of the future!"

Everyone else was silent. Save the silent argument of Sean and Feather.

"...What?" Everyone else asked in disbelief. Feather looked at them.

"Sean's a Psychic! He said Fortune Telling is an ability that can be learned by only of experienced Psychics, and it takes a long time depending on how far they want to see into the future." Feather explained, Sean sighed deeply and put a paw on his face. "He was able to accurately describe an event that happened to me and Silver before, it was amazing!" She exclaimed, throwing her paws into the air as she flew a little higher.

"And I don't do it for free." Sean growled quietly.

Feather frowned in confusion, "But you did for us, a couple times."

Sean's ears laid back, "Those were different times." He defended.

"Come on, Sean, these guys might be so curious of what might happen to them! They're the Magic Alphas and they're important! This is the evidence they are!" Feather gestured to them, "They're sent here to talk to the king and queen of Kingdom Anaria about a Phantom threat on Jamaa, and the kingdom practically grew up for generations with Phantom knowledge! More than anywhere else in the entire world!" She said in exasperation.

Swift clapped her paws again, "So that's why the kingdom was so specific. They practically know Phantoms more than we do."

Sean sighed again, rubbing his face, his tail flicking in annoyance. "Ugh, fine. Only one reading each though." He agreed finally, Feather smiled widely and hugged him by the neck again, if Sean had pupils he'd probably be rolling his eyes as he turned his head slightly away from the affectionate coyote's own, but he smiled a little nonetheless.

"Does that explain the white eyes?" Hunter asked.

"Not really, but I guess you can say that." Sean shrugged. He stood up after Feather's hug. "Anyways, if you guys want a reading each then follow me." Sean said, pulling another secret lever and revealed a staircase going down into what looks like a secret room.

To Be Continued...

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