Chapter 6

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Only Time Will Tell

"Now I don't want to be disturbed while I do this." Sean said seriously as they all sat in a circle with him being in the middle, Swift and her friends nodded, they were both anxious and excited for what their readings will be. Sean didn't tell them how far he could see into the future, and it made them feel even more anxious. Sean cupped his paws together, a white aura surrounding them, he spread them out and a sphere appeared. It glowed with his powers. He looked at them, "Who will go first? I'll have to connect our minds for a little moment so I could predict an event."

The group looked at each other silently. Sean rolled his head a little, as if he had pupils to roll his eyes. "Fine, I'll pick for you." He said, unamused. Sean closed his eyes, suddenly white smoke started to fly towards... Jake, Jake blinked multiple times and he smiled a little, the smoke surrounded him and Sean's eyes glowed.

"What-" Jake wasn't able to continue his sentence as his eyes suddenly went pure white and his mind went blank, Sean's ears perked a little, his tail flicking back and forth. The rest of his friends didn't know what was going on, and just watched. Jake opened his eyes, he was in a blank white room, he looked around and only saw Sean.

"Where are we?" Jake asked, his voice echoing. Sean walked up to him, levitating from the ground.

"Your mind." He said simply. "It's blank because well, I made it blank for this reading."

"Ohhh.." Jake trailed in interest, "So what's gonna happen?" He asked again, Sean spread his paws out and formed an imaginary circle, light appeared and the place turned dark, Jake watched the light in awe as very blurry and faded images started to appear, he couldn't identify who were in the vision.

Sean spoke in an echoing voice, "Be careful, for in the future you will appear different." He said mysteriously. Jake blinked multiple times again, opening his mouth to talk but they were suddenly gone from his mind. Jake felt woozy and clutched his head, he groaned a little. Sean opened his eyes and looked at him, nodding. "The pain will subside." He said simply.

"Pain?" Izzy asked curiously.

"You'll feel a small headache after the readings." Feather explained, she clutched he down head, laughing. "They'll be gone after a while."

"You don't say." Jake said dizzily, closing his eyes again. Sean then looked at Izzy, Izzy's ears perked up as the sphere's white smoke started to fly towards Izzy, Izzy prepared for it, her eyes went pure white too as they transported to her mind. She stared at Sean once they appeared in a blank white room, he formed a circle and the light reappeared, the room dimmed and blurry images were seen.

"Grave danger is threatening a loved one and will take them if left unchecked, save them before it's too late." Sean echoed, Izzy's pupils shrunk as the light spread and they were back in the room, Izzy felt dizzy and shook her head, her kind feeling foggy. Sean looked at Laika, then the same smoke surrounded her, and they were in her mind.

Laika started up at the light showing images that were too blurry and faded, "How come these visions are blurry?"

"This happens because it can be almost too far for me to read by time. I have limited abilities." Sean replied, then spoke the reading, "You and someone you have lost in the past will make amends together." They returned to the room, Laika rubbed her temples, thinking about the reading and unconsciously stared at Kyle, who's ears perked up a little as if he knew she was looking, they shared eye contact before he looked away first.

Sean looked at Hunter, who gulped a little, smoke surrounded him and they were transported into his mind, which instead of being blank white, it was already pitch black. Sean blinked, looking surprised. His tail flicked. Hunter sighed deeply, probably knowing the reason why it was this way.

"Huh, so far you are the only one with a blank, black mind." He commented, Hunter didn't bother replying, he looked around frantically for Death, he hasn't spoken to him for a while, but he feared he might just be lurking around. Sean shrugged, "But that's okay, we can still do your reading."

"Great.." Hunter said distractedly. Sean formed a circle and the light with blurry images started to appear, despite being blurry Hunter saw flashes of red and white, it made him shiver. Sean winced a little, "Be careful, for the darkness is waiting."

Hunter was a little breathless when they came back, he looked around frantically, everyone was looking at him, concerned. Izzy walked up to him, "Hunter? Are you okay?" She asked, worriedly. Hunter looked at her blankly, he shook his head and rubbed his face.

"I'm fine." He said through his paw, Izzy sat down beside him to provide comfort. Sean went to Kyle next, once they were in his mind, it wasn't white either, but not black also, it was gray. Sean's nose twitched a little.

"Odd how you and Hunter's minds aren't white like everyone else's, but we can still do your reading." He said, Kyle nodded and watched as a light dimmed the room, images appeared in the light, still too blurry for him to see. "Your wounds from the past will be forgotten as in the future, you will find what caused the wounds, once again."

Kyle was really confused, until he started to put the pieces together. His relationship with Izzy was broken by Laika loving him.. And he believed he loved her too.. His love for Izzy remained in the secret of his mind.. And when he broke up with two of the girls that he loved, he was left heartbroken and hopeless for.. His eyes suddenly widened, Sean was saying he'll find love again. He shook his head, thinking angrily. No way, he thought, glaring at nothing, but his ears lowered again as an imaginary shadow covered his eyes, It'll never happen again..

Swift was the last one, Sean looked at her and they were transported to her mind, which was also gray, Swift looked at the light with the blurry images, Sean suddenly frowned. Swift's heart picked up, he spoke slowly. "Your future.. is.. up to your life choices.."


Since after the readings of some events of their futures, the group were in their own thoughts most of the time, they were having dinner in the kitchen, eating pasta and other things. The meal was quiet aside from the clinking of silverware, the occasional chair shift creak, and glasses being moved. Feather watched anxiously at everyone else, Silver looked at her with a warning look, she didn't listen, again, and said suddenly.

"I'm sorry!" She cried out, everyone stopped and looked at her, finally out from their thoughts.

Sean blinked in surprise. Feather flew up a little to look down at them with a sad expression, her ears and tail lowered as she rubbed her paws together nervously, her gray eyes looked down sadly. "I'm.. I'm sorry I even mentioned Sean's Fortune Telling ability, I-I just thought.. since you're all so quiet since after it.. i-it was because of the readings.." Feather finished, her ears flattened, "I'm sorry for what I caused..."

Swift's eyes softened and she offered a small smile, "Feather, it wasn't your fault. Actually, we're kinda thankful for those readings. Right guys?" Everyone else nodded, "Besides, we didn't know what we were gonna be told and that wasn't anyone's fault. You didn't do anything wrong." She said softly. Feather flew back down onto her seat, still a little sad.

Hunter replied this time, "What we were told is just kinda a pawful to take in, we're not sure when they'll happen and that's what kinda scares us." He looked warily at everyone else.

"That's my point! You guys got scared from the readings! If I never mentioned about them you probably would be happy and talking the whole dinner.." Feather trailed, tears threatening to escape, Silver sighed a little and cradled his sis and pet her head gently.

"The future is always a mystery, is what we were told." Izzy said, quietly. "And that thought alone is scary, we're at least more relieved, now that we know a thing or two about an event that'll happen." She added, smiling reassuringly, the others nodded. Feather sniffled and looked at them, wiping her tears. Her wings flattened against her back.

"R-Really?" She asked, looking at the Magic Alphas. "You're not mad?"

"Of course not, why would we?" Jake asked, smiling. The light gray coyote sniffed again, then smiled softly. "And yeah, the silence is pretty deafening." He added, everyone laughed. Feather felt cheery again and then flew from her chair to look down at them again, Silver face pawed while shaking his head amusedly.

"Well then, how about we play fun games or something?" She asked. Everyone didn't seem to mind.

After dinner, they played a couple games like Charades, board games and roleplaying, the night was fun and it took their minds off from the mysterious readings for a while, enough for them to have fun. Feather was good at all the games they played and they dubbed her 'The Master Of Games', she held the title proudly. Despite all the fun however, Hunter couldn't help but feel a headache at the back of his head, it was way too familiar. His fears were not being helped as he heard a faint voice, laughing evilly.

He's back.

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