Chapter 8

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Kingdom Anaria (Part 2)

The group left Sean's house, following a trail through the forest that was decorated with large stones. Sean and Silver were in the lead while everyone else stayed behind them, Feather fluttered around happily, flying in circles, Kyle was quiet the whole walk so far, not looking at or talking to anyone. Whatever happened, his friends were already noticing, but didn't try to question it. Swift looked up at the sky, seeing the clouds cover the sun, some of the blue sky piercing out from the thick clouds, birds could be seen flying past them from above. She looked back down ahead, she jumped a little when she saw Feather was flying backwards but was facing her with her usual cheery smile.

"So, how's Jamaa Academy like?" Feather asked curiously. Swift smiled, feeling warm inside thinking of the school again.

"It's wonderful, I see it as my second home." Swift described, she looked up again, "It's the best place I've been to, I've met all my friends now and learned about my destiny and where my lost grandmother has gone to. I learned so much about Magic and it's history, apparently I was in a prophecy my grandmother wrote ages ago." Swift smiled softly. Feather's eyes brightened as she smiled wider.

"Your grandmother wrote an ancient prophecy? Who is she?" She asked, her tail wagging.

"She's Kira, the former Water Magic Alpha." Swift answered, smiling again as she remembered meeting her grandmother again in The Spirit Realm, then her ears lowered as she said sadly, "But.. she and the other former Magic Alphas were gone long ago.. when I was still very, very young. Their lives taken by a mysterious animal that nobody knows of." Swift added, Feather blinked.

"Nobody doesn't?" She asked, Swift nodded. "Huh.. You have any suspicions?"

"Not.. really.." Swift trailed, rubbing her chin in thought, "Nothing else in Jamaa History has any more animals mentioned who wanted to kill them.." Feather slowly nodded.

"I guess it'll stay a mystery." She shrugged a little, "I'd want to know though! They must be very powerful to be able to take down all of them at once.."

"Yeah.. now that I think of it." Swift agreed.


They finally arrived. The huge purple gates were open, the middle of the gate with a huge Phantom's eye carved, it looked very menacing. The two guards at the gate stared at them, nodding after a while, and let them in, the group walked in and everyone aside from Feather and Silver, their eyes widened in awe. The kingdom was massive! Animals of all shapes and sizes wearing foreign types of clothing roamed the wide area, chatting and going about their day, the kingdom was surrounded by tall, sturdy cobblestone walls, and the colors were mostly dark gray, black, purple and white.

There were also several guards on duty, wearing dark purple armor that gave off a menacing aura, they looked like knight armor but the differences were that the helmet had a narrowed Phantom eye in the middle, and their weapons were long purple steal which the end looked to be made of crystal. They scanned the areas, making sure everything was in order and the animals were safe, and the last sight to be see was the enormous castle, it was also purple like everywhere else and looked similar to a regular medieval castle, but a bit more designed and protected. Feather flew around excitedly.

"This place is awesome! Right?" She asked cheerily. Suddenly getting the attention of several guards, they narrowed their eyes and pointed their spears at her, Feather's ears laid back suddenly and she flew slowly back to the protection of her older friends and brother, "I-I uh..-"

"Halt!" A tiger guard yelled, several guards started surrounding them, the group turned uneasy and Hunter's paws started to glow to try and intimidate them. The guard's eyes widened, seeming to fume even more in hostility. "Who goes here?" He asked suspiciously, looking at them, they were surrounded in all directions, their ears perked up when they heard heavy metal hitting the ground, the tiger suddenly gestured for the rest of the guards to make way. And that's when Swift and the others saw him, a tall, menacing, dark gray arctic wolf with the same armor, but looked heavier and stronger. He stood tall and glared at the group. "Captain Dusk." The tiger greeted respectively.

"Thank you." The arctic wolf stated, he looked at them one by one, he apparently had heterochromia because his eyes were of different color, one blue and one purple, and one eye had a scar near it, "Who are you to trespass-Hold on." He stopped suddenly, locking eyes with Silver and a cowering Feather, "Silver and Feather?" He asked, all hostility gone.

"Finally!" Feather cried and hugged Dusk's chest armor, "They were about to hurt us but luckily you came!" She added, Captain Dusk sighed and called the guards off, only keeping one by his side. "These guys aren't threats!"

"How so?" Dusk asked, suspicious. Suddenly, the light reflected off the Magic Alphas' necks which revealed their Gems. Dusk's eyes widened and he suddenly murmured, "Magic Alphas." He looked at them and then bowed his head and body low. "I am deeply sorry for me and my guards' hostility, dear Alphas, you stopped the Corruptors from destroying our world after all.." He looked up, apologetic.

"It's okay.." Swift answered, still a little uneasy of the other guards' looks and stares, "We're here because we have to speak with the royal family." The others nodded. Dusk nodded as well.

"Come, I'll lead you to the castle." He stated and started leading the way. The Magic Alphas started following him, Feather chatting happily to Dusk about what happened before they got back there to the kingdom.

"Between you and me, this kingdom is more hostile than you at first sight." Jake whispered to Hunter.

"Was that supposed to be a compliment?" Hunter rolled his eyes.


Dusk was first to arrive at the top of the flight of stairs, he looked at the two guards at the castle doors, they bowed and opened the doors, The engravings on the doors were of Phantoms and jammers, they lit up with a bright purple glow and the doors opened, the group panted when they finally reached the top, Feather having no problem since she flew the entire way. "Follow me." Dusk said and lead the way again. The castle inside was wide and had a pretty high ceiling, the walls had stained windows which showed some historic events concerning the original Alphas and Phantoms, there were also different kinds of paintings, pictures and decorations as they walked further in the castle.

The path they walked on was a black rug, the floor was made of tiles which were white, a contrast to the purple and black they've often been seeing in the kingdom, they arrived at another large pair of doors and he knocked a couple times, it opened after a while and the black rug led to the royal family, seated at their respective thrones. Dusk nodded at the group and he entered first, he bowed to the family when he got close enough. "Your Highnesses, we have guests for you all today." Dusk said.

"Thank you, Dusk. Who are these foreigners?" A deep male voice said, coming from the king, he was dark gray with orange eyes, black spots and was wearing a black and purple king's crown and outfit. His eyes glanced at the group and his eyes lit up. "My Mira!" He gasped a little, "Is it really the Magic Alphas?" He asked. Dusk nodded.

"It's a great honor to meet you all." The queen smiled softly, she had a lighter gray coat, with purple heart markings, dark purple eyes and black ear tips, wearing a smaller, queen outfit. "We have received news from your homeland, that you needed our help..?" She asked. Swift nodded and they all bowed to the royalty.

"Yes, your Highness, we just saw signs of a Phantom possibly in Jamaa, and we were told you knew about Phantoms more than anyone." Swift stated, looking at them.

"It's true though, our past relatives knew so much about Phantoms." Another female voice spoke, it came from what looked to be the king and queen's daughter, a light gray fox with black tips, light purple eyes, a purple tiara, purple gem necklace and a gray and purple wristband with a heart gem at the center. Her voice was soft yet her aura gave off an intimidating vibe.

"She is right, I am King Alec, this is Queen Cynthia, Princess Raven, and Prince Alexander." The king smiled, the royal son smiled and nodded to them, he was dark gray with orange eyes, black ear tips, and with black spots. "We're quite familiar with all of you, especially Silver and Feather, they visit sometime." The king chuckled. "May we verify your names?"

"I'm Swift, this is Jake, Izzy, Hunter, Kyle, and Laika." Swift smiled, gesturing to her respective friends.

"Would you want to rest from your journey? There will be a royal party in order to welcome you, news flies fast to our subjects." Raven smiled, the others nodded. "We can discuss how to help you soon after."

"Thank you, Princess." Jake smiled, the king then clapped his paws together, and a pair of doors on the side opened and a seal came sliding in, she immediately stood upright with the side of a flipper on her forehead.

"Yes, your Majesty?" She smiled cheerfully, she was a light pink seal with yellow eyes and red heart markings, wearing a red flower on her head. "Oh! Guests! How wonderful!"

"Thank you for coming, Lulu, may you escort our guests to their rooms?" Prince Alexander requested, Lulu nodded and looked at the group.

"With pleasure, your Highness!" Lulu said enthusiastically, "Follow me!" She said and slid down the hallway she came from behind the doors, the group thanked the royal family and followed the energetic seal, Kyle turned around to look at the royal family, his gaze lingering on the princess a little longer. She smiled warmly at her parents as they spoke to her, Kyle's heart skipped a beat but they had to go already. This feels weird... Kyle said in his head.

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