Chapter 9

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A Different Kind Of Girl

"Here we areeeeee!"

The cheerful beam of Lulu and doors swinging open caught the group's attention again after chatting amongst each other, Lulu slid inside the fairly large room, the floor made of soft matting. The group gasped, the windows were fairly large as well, the curtains were dark blue and were already neatly fixed on the side of the window, allowing light to enter, the walls were red and had a couple paintings and pictures hung. There were three bunk beds with two single beds, the bed sheets were dark red and the bed itself was neatly fixed, there were at least two bathrooms on different sides, a medium sized chandelier in the middle of the ceiling. And lastly there were two large closets that looked like they could fit a lot of clothes.

"Here's where you'll be staying, our great Magic Alphas." Lulu smiled and gave a respectful bow, "Also, just call if you need anything! Happy to help!"

"Thank you, Lulu. It's much appreciated." Izzy smiled at the seal, who nodded.

"Oh! One more thing, before the party me and some others were told to help you get ready, we'll be bringing some fancy outfits for the party later!" Lulu clapped her flippers in remembrance, "Until then, you're all free to do what you want to!" She smiled. Feather squealed as she face planted on a bed, everyone started to unpack some of their things.

"See you later, Lulu, and thanks again." Jake said, Lulu nodded, slid down to the hallway and closed the doors behind her. "So what do you guys want to do in the meantime?" Jake asked.

"I don't know about you guys but I kinda wanna explore the castle." Izzy said, excitedly wagging her tail.

"I don't think we can unless we're allowed to by the royal family." Swift said cautiously. "Besides, this isn't our castle.."

"Aw man, you're right though." Izzy said, defeatedly lowering her ears. The doors swung open again. Everyone turned around to see the royal siblings, Raven smiled warmly.

"I'm so sorry if we're interrupting anything." Raven smiled sheepishly, Alexander nodded with a shy smile. "But our parents asked us if we could tour you around the castle, if you'd like."

Izzy's eyes brightened, "Yes! We'd love to!" She beamed, the others chuckling. Raven nodded and gestured for them to follow, Alexander walked by her side as they started the tour. The castle was indeed massive.


After the tour everyone decided to go back to the room to rest, Lulu just brought in some food and placed it on a table for them since it was already afternoon, the group thanking her. The sun was covered by clouds, and it wasn't too hot either, Feather had already fallen asleep on a bed, a bit exhausted. Swift yawned as she stretched on her bed, reading a book with Jake who seemed pretty tired as well, Hunter and Izzy were cuddling on a bed, dozing off, Silver was busy with his and Feather's things while Laika and Kyle weren't talking to each other at all. Kyle gazed at the doors, he was tired but he also didn't have anything much to do, he looked at the others. They wouldn't mind, right?

"I'll be out a bit longer." He said loud enough to be heard, he got simple nods, others silent, while the remaining just gave a paws up. With that, he decided to walk around the castle again, the doors closed and he thought of going to the castle garden. When they were brought there he was really mesmerized by all the plants, flowers and trees, which felt strange to him since he sometimes didn't take time to admire things like that, his steps didn't really make sound because he was walking on carpets. He glanced every once in a while at the artifacts the family had, the paintings, and other things that were there to see, he finally arrived at the entrance to the garden.

He was greeted by a gush of wind, he sighed slightly and walked on the soft grass, the few meters of the garden entrance were medium height hedges that were decorated with flowers of different kinds and colors, and then a tall, wooden arc signaled he was gonna enter the proper garden. Kyle smiled once he entered, the sweet smell of the flowers gave him some peace and content, he sat down under a tree, looking at a fountain in the middle of the small area he was in, though the garden was wide and had several paths. Kyle took some time to think about what's been going in lately, his ears went down slightly as his mind wandered to the memory of the founding anniversary party.

Laika looked so heartbroken and desperate, she really thought there was something between her and him, though Kyle didn't feel anything back. He's only ever wanted his parents to be happy, and he remembers that fact that his parents didn't like it when they find out that he and Izzy became a thing, at least, mostly his mother.. His eyes darkened.

"Are you joking?" The cold voice of his mother asked in disbelief, Kyle's ears flattened a little in slight offense, his dad didn't talk yet but he had a slightly worried expression as Kyle's mom walked to him. "Am I hearing and seeing this correctly, Kyle?"

"..Yes, mom.." Kyle said quietly, glancing at Izzy who was clearly uneasy as well. He looked back at his mom, "Me and Izzy are dating.." A scoff came from his mom's mouth, his older sister looked like she was also against the reality. Kyle's ears went back almost completely. Why are they so against this?

"Does she come from a rich family?" His mother asked, narrowing his eyes.


"She doesn't look all that wealthy.." His big sister, Keila scoffed in disgust. Walking up to Izzy, she suddenly tapped her spiked collar, Izzy flinched a little, Keila's muzzle scrunched a little. "A spike? My Mira, those things are just getting too common, I can't see why jammers would keep begging to have those.. things." ..Is she saying my girlfriend is too ordinary? Kyle gritted his teeth and growled inwardly. His mom looked even more disgusted.

"Kyle, we are one of the richest family here in Jamaa! Why settle on this.. this.." His mother couldn't even find the word to describe Izzy, Izzy hung her head low, a shadow seeming to form on her eyes. Kyle nuzzled her, in an effort to comfort her, to no avail. Kyle's dad then stepped in. "Seriously, Kyle, this is just.. outrageous! Do you want to disrespect our family name?!"

"Bella, honey, that's-"

"That's what Kane? Aren't you concerned that your son is making affairs with ordinary, not wealthy jammers?"

Kyle growled, stopping the memory. He shut his eyes, trying to contain his anger as he felt his body turn hotter, after a while, he exhaled and just looked up at the sky, suddenly jumping in surprise when he sees he's not alone anymore. Raven yelped too, falling on the grass, the two stared at each other silently before looking away. "Sorry.." Kyle said softly, "I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's.. fine." Raven mumbled, shaking her body to get rid of the dirt and grass, "What are you doing here?" She asked. Kyle shrugged.

"Just, thinking I guess.." He said. Raven tilted her head slightly. "I just thought this place could be a great place to just think and enjoy peace and quiet, you know?" Kyle chuckled a little.

"Well, funny because that's why I'm here." Raven said, sounding a bit serious as she looked up.

"Really? Well, wanna join me?" Kyle asked, Raven suddenly looked at him, seeming to be a little surprised and flustered. Kyle raised an eyebrow, confused. "Uh.. something wrong, princess..?"

"I-" She stuttered, clearing her throat she looked at him with a more collected look. "Yes, I'm fine. It's just the way you worded your sentence." Raven said. Kyle was even more confused.

"Uh.. you know I meant that you could sit here with me, right?" Kyle asked. Raven scoffed a little.

"No." Raven huffed. "Just word your sentences more carefully, alright?" She said, her ears moving back a little, Kyle slowly nodded.

"Okay, okay, Don't make it a big deal." Kyle put his paws up in surrender, Raven merely glanced at him. Kyle looked up at the sky, noticing more clouds appearing. "So... do you want to sit with me here?"

"I might as well since this is my original spot." Raven mumbled, sitting beside Kyle but with a couple inches of distance. The two didn't talk for a while, Kyle didn't know what to say, he doesn't really know what kind of conversation he could start with the princess. It suddenly dawned on him, he was with the princess of Kingdom Anaria, his heart beat a little faster, as he remembered being awestruck towards her when they first met. He fidgeted a little, the princess looked at him, a little confused. Kyle chuckled a little in nervousness.

"So uh.. nice weather we're having, huh?" Kyle blurted out. Raven blinked a few times. Smooth, Kyle.. Smooth

"Were you trying to start a conversation?" Raven asked, sounding amused but keeping a straight face. Kyle gulped but shook his head.

"I mean.. it kinda worked, we're chatting right now.."

"My Zios.." Raven face pawed, laughing a little. Kyle didn't know if she was laughing at him or his pitiful effort of starting a conversation. "You're hopeless." She laughed again, more heartedly this time, Kyle's ears went back.

"Excuse me?" He asked, not wanting to be rude but he was a little offended. Raven halted from laughing.

"If that's your way of starting conversations with girls then that won't really get you anywhere." Raven chuckled, Kyle's ears went back a little further, his expression a little annoyed, Raven laughed again. "Your face is kinda priceless, too." Raven added, making Kyle a little more annoyed.

"Ha, ha, ha." He said in a monotone, looking away, darn was he out of remarks. "Very funny, princess." Kyle scoffed a little. Raven nudged him jokingly, not giving up the teasing.

"Aw come on, you gotta admit, it was funny." Raven said with a teasing smirk.

"I'd rather say it was pitiful." Kyle said again in a monotone, trying to ignore the embarrassment he was feeling and the laugh that followed. The laughter died down after a while.

"Though you'd describe it as 'pitiful', I'd give you a point for making it funny." Raven said after a while, "But that's all you're gonna get from me." She said cockily, seeming proud of her own remark. Kyle looked at her, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"So, another point for making you laugh?" He asked. Raven looked at him in disbelief.

"What? Of course not! I was only laughing because it was pitiful like you said! It'd get you nowhere!" Raven protested suddenly, Kyle blinked in surprise at the sudden outburst, Raven's ears went back as she looked at him. "You should probably be thanking me for even continuing to talk to you after that." It was Kyle's turn to look at her in disbelief.

"Once again, excuse me?"

"You heard me." Raven said, she stood up, Kyle stood up as well, "What, can't get over the fact I roasted you?" She asked, smirking. Kyle narrowed his eyes.

"You want to see a challenge from me?" Kyle asked in a challenging tone, Raven looked amused. "You haven't seen anything yet."

"Oh yeah? What are you thinking then?" Raven asked, standing tall, Kyle stood tall as well, eyeing her.

"Later at the party." Kyle narrowed his eyes. "What challenge do you think I can't handle?" He smirked. Raven smirked as well.

"Let's see how much spicy food we can eat." Raven asked, challenging him. Kyle nearly laughed, he smiled at her with a challenging glint in his eyes. The two shook on it.

"What will I get if I win?"

"Oh, probably some Gems, maybe more. If you don't win, you'll have to pretend to be a servant of mine for a couple hours, no, a day." Raven smirked.

"Aside from just Gems, if I win, you're gonna have to do a stunt, it's pretty difficult. I won't tell you what but just have that in mind." Kyle said. The two shook on it.

"You're on."

Ehhh, I know it's kinda boring and that bet sounds kinda ridiculous but it's just how I want Kyle and Raven's spark to begin or something, spoiler? uwu Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! I'm sorry for the inactivity again ;-;

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