Chapter 3: Danger

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Pound! Pound! Pound!

Janis's heart began to race as she couldn't find an exit.

"What's going on?" Janis asked herself, fear seeping through her voice. "Let me out!" Janis pleaded as she searched for her miraculous, only she didn't have it on her.

"Looking for this?" a voice asked, taunting Janis as the bunny hybrid girl looked up to see someone holding her necklace.

"Get it back!"

"I don't know. It looks like it's worth something and besides, finder keepers am I right?" the figure asked laughing soon afterwards.

"Why would you want it?" Janis asked, trying to remain calm. Where was Bendy? Ugh! Why couldn't Janis bring herself to wake up?

"I've been given a reward if I bring your necklace. However, you look cute. Maybe, keeping you will be a bonus," the figure said snapping his fingers appearing next to Janis.

Rubbing his finger on Janis's chin, the figure grinned mischievously. "Oh, yes. You're indeed a cutie," the figure said, wrapping a chain on Janis's neck.

"Now, how about I claim you as mine, Bunnycakes?"


Jolting up in her bed, the teenage bunny hybrid couldn't go back to sleep. Her head was now plagued by a terrible nightmare that she wanted nothing to deal with.

Sighing, the girl punched herself and checked her head to make sure that she wasn't sick.

"Janis? What's wrong? I heard screaming," a small creature asked, rushing towards Janis with her small arms open wide.

Weakly smiling, Janis accepted her kwami's early morning hug.

"Thanks Angie. I just had a bad nightmare. That's all," Janis answered, as Angelina pulled away nodding. Before one of them could say anything, Janis's alarm rung startling her kwami.


Screaming, Angelina hid behind Janis and frantically pointed at the alarm clock.

Usually, Angelina was fine with the sound. However, because she was close to it, the sound's frequency pounded on the poor kwami's ears.

"Destroy it!" Angelina whispered to Janis, glaring at the alarm clock. Laughing, Janis turned off her alarm clock and Angelina's anger for the alarm clock faded away at once.

"Thanks Jana!"

"Anytime Ang!"

Soon chuckling afterwards, Angelina began to organize the little things while Janis began to change into her school outfit.

Janis's outfit consisted of a blue T-shirt with light blue denim jeans.

Placing on her sneakers, Janis switched to her human form as she lightly began to touch her bunny ears.

For some final touches, Janis placed a heart clip in her hair and grabbed her backpack.

Her backpack was filled with Janis's essentials like books, paper, her sketchbook, things similar to that. "Now, I'm ready," Janis said just as her door opened.

"Guess who's taking you to school today?" asked a overly excited Bendy as his smile was bright. He was also in his human form.

Bendy's outfit consisted of a white T-shirt, black jeans with matching sneakers and his light gray circular-shaped glasses.

"You are," Janis answered lightly chuckling.

"Oh yeah!"

"Finished!" squeaked the kwami.

Almost forgot!

"Ang, come on," Janis said as Angelina nodded, lightly clapping. In an instant, she appeared inside Janis's backpack.

"How did you do that and can you teach me? It would make going places so much easier," Janis said in awe as Bendy chuckled.

"Hey, what about me?"

"You have wings, Bendy. You can fly."

"Yeah, but I want to teleport too!"

Chuckling at their conversation, Angelina simply grinned. "It's magic and maybe or maybe not," Angelina hinted before going deep inside Janis's backpack.

Closing their apartment door, Bendy locked the door and placed the key in his pocket. In his human form, Bendy adjusted his glasses.

"Remember to stay positive. I can't risked you getting akumatized," Bendy said with a wink.

Since knowing Janis's secret, Bendy has been consistently telling his friend to stay positive.

"Of course. The same goes to you, Bendy," Janis softly said as the two gently chuckled over nothing in particular.

Once arriving at school, Bendy then stopped himself from going any farther. "Alright, this is your stop," Bendy said as Janis huffed.

"Do I have to go?" Janis asked as she began to stare with Bendy with her signature pleading eyes. Looking away, Bendy nodded.


"Aw man."

Gently shoving Janis towards the steps, Bendy gave Janis a reassuring smile.

"Now go!"

"Alright, alright," Janis said surrendering at once. "Bye Bendy!" Janis added, waving towards him before walking inside the school.

Waving back, Bendy watched and smiled. "Now, Janis can be the school's problem," Bendy joked to himself as he began to leave. 

When Bendy entered their apartment, Bendy locked the door from behind him.

"Oh Bendy..."

Quickly turning around, Bendy couldn't see anybody. "Who's there?" Bendy asked before spotting a yellow blur from the distance.

"Miss me?"


Janis sat in her seat as she spotted Nathaniël. "Nath!" Janis excitedly said as Nathaniël chuckled and waved to her. Smiling, Janis waved back.

Racing up the stairs, Nathaniël sat next to Janis as she grinned. "Excited about school?" Janis softly asked.

"Not really, but you make it easier to bare," Nathaniël honestly answered as Janis felt her cheeks heat up.

"Aw! I doubt it," Janis said, playfully punching Nathaniël's shoulder. Laughing, Nathaniël returned the gesture. When his laughter died down, Nathaniël scanned the classroom.

"Hey, Jana. Have you ever realized how Alex doesn't show up to school anymore?" Nathaniël asked as Janis nodded.

"It's weird, right? I mean, when he first went missing, I thought he went after you," Janis answered.

"It's been at least three months now. The cops haven't added anything to the matter. I just hope he's okay," Nathaniël said before hearing laughter.

Looking up, the duo spotted the one and only Chloé Bourgeois. "Alex deserves to be gone. Seriously, he was so annoying," Chloé stated as Janis growled. Nathaniël quickly held her back.

"Chloé," Janis started, adjusting her tone to a calm one. Curious, Chloé perked her head to see Janis.

"Janis, don't tell me you're actually defending him?" Chloé asked before laughing soon afterwards.

"Man, you're pathetic just like him," Chloé added as Nathaniël's casual personality turned off.

"That's it."

Running towards Chloé, Nathaniël punched her in the face. Falling, the classroom fell silent at once even Janis did. Everyone was generally shocked.

No one (not even Janis) expected Nathaniël to punch Chloé Bourgeois. "Chloé!" Sabrina panicked as she quickly helped Chloé up. Brushing Sabrina aside, Chloé held her nose as it was bleeding.

"You'll regret messing with me, Kurtzberg."

"You're nothing without your daddy though!" Nathaniël exclaimed as 'oohs' were heard from the classroom.

"Mr. Kurtzberg! Principal's office right now! As for Miss Raincomprix, take Miss Bourgeois to the nurse's office," Miss Bustier sternly demanded as silence fell.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Get moving!" 

Instantly, Miss Bustier handed Sabrina a note as Chloé and Sabrina left the classroom. Sighing, Nathaniël stood up as Janis handed him his things.

"I could've punched her you know," Janis whispered to Nathaniël. "Yeah, but you don't deserve to get in trouble," Nathaniël whispered back.

"Mr. Kurtzberg!"

"Coming!" Nathaniël exclaimed before glancing back at Janis.

"Take notes and tell me about our homework. Knowing Miss Bustier and the other teachers, they'll give us homework," Nathaniël said as he saluted Janis and made his way downstairs.

Once he made it downstairs, Nathaniël opened the door, spotting Marinette from the distance.

Waving at him, Marinette had a cheerful smile. Turning away from Marinette, Nathaniël walked outside and closed the door from behind him.

Frowning, Marinette raised her arm down. Ever since the Evillustrator event, their 'connection' faded. Nathaniël tends to avoid Marinette and moved on from her.

Sighing, Janis stared at the now two unoccupied spots that once had her friends sitting there.

As Miss Bustier continued to talk about who knows what, Janis began to draw in her sketchbook.

"Miss Channing."

Looking up, Janis saw Miss Bustier with a stern face.

"Yes?" Janis nervously asked.

"What is our unit about?" Miss Bustier asked as the chatter ceased. Blinking, Janis quickly racked her brain searching for the last thing that they had talked about.

Brain come on! You're making me look stupid.

"It's over Mythology," Angelina whispered to Janis as Janis heard this.


"We're learning about Mythology, Miss Bustier. Right now, you're teaching us about the Greek Gods and we're currently on Zeus, the king of Gods," Janis answered as Miss Bustier's smiled.

Though, Miss Bustier wouldn't say it, she was genuinely impressed. For a minute, she had thought that Janis forgot.

"Good job, Janis. I'm sorry for doubting your intelligence," Miss Bustier said looking away and redirecting her attention to the entire class.

Sighing in relief, Janis placed her sketchbook down and began to take notes.

"Thanks Angelina," Janis whispered to her as her kwami smiled. "No problem, Jana," Angelina whispered back before hiding once more.

"Students, your homework is to pick one folktale and turn it into a modern adaptation. Good luck!" Miss Bustier recited as the bell rung.

Quickly writing down their homework assignment, Janis made a mental note to tell Nathaniël. Placing her sketchbook inside her backpack, Janis picked up her bag.

Then, blending in with the crowd, Janis slipped outside her English class before Miss Bustier could invite Janis to another lecture about her lack of paying attention.

Bumping into a boy, he quickly caught her. Looking up, Janis sighed in relief. "Hey, Nino!" Janis greeted him as Nino let go.

"Hey, Janis! You're just the girl I wanted to see!" Nino exclaimed as Janis perked her eyebrows. "Oh, really?" Janis amusingly asked. "Yes," Nino simply said.

"Alright, what's the catch and how come you aren't asking your girlfriend Alya?" Janis asked, gesturing to Alya talking to her best friend Marinette.

"Just the thing. I need your help."

"Okay..." Janis awkwardly said, trailing off. "If it's anything supernatural or freaky, I'm not a great helper," Janis added quickly walking off.



Janis quickly left to her next class, leaving Nino all alone. Sighing, Nino couldn't help but wonder.

Was his girlfriend Alya cheating on him? Or was he thinking about someone else? If so, who? That remained a mystery.


"Ugh! Everyone's so happy and it's killing me!" Hawkmoth whined as he surveyed Paris.

"Have you ever considered manipulating emotions instead?" asked a voice as Hawkmoth turned around.

"Who's there?"

"I swear 'Who's there' is really becoming a clichè line, wouldn't you say?" the voice questioned as Hawkmoth blinked.

Not entirely.

"Interesting," the voice continued as Hawkmoth turned around to see a humanized demon.

Hawkmoth's eyes widened at once and prepared to scream, but the demon continued his mouth and shushed him.

"Now, you'll do me a favor, dear servant..."

"Yes, my Lord," Hawkmoth said as the demon's magic went inside Hawkmoth's miraculous.

Snickering, the demon smirked.

Three victims down. Let the fun begins.


In her next class, Janis was sitting next to Sabrina as the two were completing an experiment.

"Okay, now add two drops of the phosphorus solution," Sabrina instructed. However, Janis was confused. "Wait, two?" Janis asked tilting the container inside the pitch bottle.

"Yes," Sabrina confirmed as she stared at Janis. "Janis, quickly move the container away from the--"


Instantly, the container exploded in front of Janis as her face was covered in black smoke.

"Bottle," Sabrina finished, coughing soon afterwards as she had inhaled the smoke.

"Since, you two failed to complete your assignment, it looks like we theologically finished first," Kim boasted as he fivehighed his partner Max.

"Ah yeah!" Max cheered as Sabrina struck out her tongue. "You two only finished because Max did all of the work," Sabrina challenged as Max rolled his eyes.

"At least our experiment didn't blow up," Max interjected as Janis stared at him. "Hey!" Janis objected as Sabrina pat down Janis's hair.

"Well, now we know that black doesn't look good on you," Sabrina gently said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Along with the fact that smoke is not a great perfume," Janis added as her and Sabrina laughed before coughing in unsion.


Sabrina and Janis quickly stopped talking as the two began to act like they were seriously working.

When their teacher, Miss Mendeleiev walked to their station, Sabrina had hid Janis's face, so that she wouldn't see the smoke on her face.

"Miss Raincomprix, why are you hiding Janis?" Miss Mendeleiev sternly asked as Janis peeked out with one eyeball shown.

"Janis became jumpy and now she's shy," Sabrina easily lied as she gave Miss Mendeleiev a reassuring smile.

Miss Mendeleiev only raised her eyebrows before walking away.

Sighing in relief, Sabrina looked at Janis. "You can stop hiding now," Sabrina said as Janis huffed.

"She scares me," Janis said, rubbing her arms as she had goosebumps. "Don't worry, Miss Mendeleiev scares me as well," Sabrina said with a soft grin.

Chuckling, Janis returned the grin. Now, that she thought about it, Sabrina wasn't that bad to talk to. Janis now wondered why she didn't talk to Sabrina sooner.

Then, it dawned on her. Sabrina was constantly hanging out with Chloé.

Since her and Chloé weren't on good terms, that probably explained why she didn't bothered talking to Sabrina.
Janis was afraid that Sabrina was just like Chloé.

"Hey Sabrina," Janis started as Sabrina looked in her direction. "Yes?" Sabrina casually asked. "Would you like--" Janis was cut off by the sound of shattering glass.

Glancing around, some of the students screamed. However, Janis spotted... Ink?

Oh no.

"Miss Mendeleiev!" Janis called, immediately raising her hand. Looking up, Miss Mendeleiev spotted Janis smoke stained face and winced.

"You need to go to the restroom," Miss Mendeleiev said writing a note. "Here," Miss Mendeleiev added as Janis took her backpack and nodded standing up before accepting the note.

"You don't need your backpack," Miss Mendeleiev sternly said as Janis whispered something in her ear.


Miss Mendeleiev's eyes began to widen at once. "Okay, you can take your things," she added using a softer tone as Janis thanked her and left the classroom.

Since Janis had super hearing, she could hear things from miles away which gave her an advantage to detecting when an akumatized villain was attacking Paris.

Rushing to the restroom, Janis closed the door in one of the stalls.

"Angelina, you can come out now," Janis said as Angelina phased out from Janis's backpack. "Janis, have you ever considered a locker?" Angelina asked as Janis shrugged.

"The locker and I are at war."



"Nothing," Angelina said, dismissing the subject.

"Anyways, it would be easier if you had a purse like Marinette. That way, you wouldn't need to take your backpack with you. The teachers are becoming more suspicious because of that," Angelina explained as Janis nodded.

"I don't have any purses."

"We'll think of something. Now--"

Before Angelina could go any farther, the two heard explosions and the main restroom door open. Hearing footsteps, Janis and Angelina heard one of the other stalls lock.

Then, Janis stared at Angelina who mouthed 'Be still and don't say a word'. However, Janis wasn't good with reading lip.

"Tikki, spots on!"

"Let's Shift!"

Facepalming, Angelina went inside Janis's miraculous just as Tikki had went Marinette's miraculous. However, neither one knew their secret.

Walking out of the stalls, Ladybug and Shifter stared at each other. Blinking, neither girls spoke as they jumped out of the restroom.


Hawkmoth watched as his newest akuma terrorized Paris. "How would you able to manipulate his feelings like that?" Hawkmoth asked, staring at Bill.

"Oh, Bendy? Pfft-- He was easy! All I had to do was give him a terrible memory and boom! We're in business! I learned a thing or two from Zelia," Bill casually said as Hawkmoth tilted his head.

"Who's Zelia?"

Mortals. They're so dense on our history.

"The demon of despair."

"Demon of despair?"

"... I'll explain later," Bill said, dismissing the subject. Glancing below, Hawkmoth and Bill stared at the akuma's destruction.

"Ah, chaos!" Bill said, inhaling the smell of fear and ink. Okay, he wasn't a fan of ink, but figured he would get use to it.

"I love it!" Bill exclaimed as Hawkmoth bewilderedly stared at him. Not that, it mattered though.

Hawkmoth himself had a weird habit of talking to butterflies when he was alone...

"Oh! Keep an eye on the heroes. I have to talk to a friend of mine," Bill said and disappeared in a flash.

"He's a weird guy," Hawkmoth said before facing his direction on Ladybug and Shifter.


Inside Janis's necklace, Angelina sighed as she stared at the inside of the necklace. The necklace was gray and had different shades of gray.

Being inside the necklace always made Angelina feel depressed. Maybe, if she could fit a picture, then it would brighten up her mood. She just couldn't stand the color gray anymore.

At least, she was useful for something though. Without warning, a yellow blur formed into a demon-shaped triangle as Angelina blinked.

"Hey, Snowflake!"

Looking away, Angelina tried to block Bill out.

Go away, go away, go away.

"Come on, Snow! Don't be like that," Bill said pouting as she continued to look away.

"Go away Bill."

Transporting in front of her, Bill used his hands to give Angelina a smile. Pulling away, Angelina crossed her arms and merely glared at him.

"Are you still upset over--"

"Being your puppet and almost having my body controlled by you? Yes, I am still very much upset. Having this necklace is just the icing on the cake," Angelina bitterly said as Bill sighed.

"You were naive and I took advantage of that. Besides, being a kwami should be fun! I took you away from your family!" Bill happily said before realizing that everything he said came out absolutely wrong.

"You took me away from my aunt and her family. We both know that I don't know the rest of my family..." Angelina said trailing off.

Bill realized that he had touched a sensitive topic and was going to take advantage of it.

Having Angelina akumatized would be a fun experiment and he could even use his magic to have her turn on her wielder Janis!

Yes... This would be nicely, especially since he knew that the heroes would beat this new akuma anyways.

"Oh right. All you know is that your mother died from the flu, you had a older sister and you have yet to learn about your father's whereabouts," Bill casually said as every word made its way towards Angelina's mind.

Bill knew that if he used his words correctly, Angelina would crack. Angelina, on the other hand was determine not to let Bill get to her head.

The last time that happened... Things didn't end well.

"What else happened? Your friend, Stanford Pines had your back before betraying you. That allowed me to get access to you as my host. Oh, those were great times," Bill continued as Angelina quickly pushed back the memories she had with Stanford Pines...

Laughing, Bill stared at Angelina. This was her way of cooping with sadness. The laughter didn't stop ending. Now, Bill wondered if he went too far...


"Shifter! Are you alright?"

"Yeah! I'm fine, Ladybug! How are you holding up?" Shifter asked as she had caught herself in one of Bendy's ink traps. Or, as he called himself 'Dark Angel'.

Lame name, but then again, Hawkmoth was the best at coming up with lame names.

The best one that he came up with that wasn't lame was... Evillustrator (in her opinion).

"Decent!" Ladybug yelled as she scanned the area. "Chat! How are you holding up?" Ladybug asked standing up to find herself covered in ink.

"Yuck," she mumbled as Shifter rolled her eyes.

How could Bendy's emotions cause him to turn to his old self? He was just fine this morning.

Now that she thought about it, Bendy hadn't turned to this state since... No. She wouldn't go to 'that' memory. It was best forgotten.

"Bendy, if you can hear me, please snap out of it buddy. At least for a few minutes," Shifter whispered before breaking free from the ink cage.

The two heroines heard gurgling sounds as they turned to see Chat drowning in a pool of ink.

"Chat!" Ladybug panicked as she rushed to save her partner. Shifter watched as she realized that Dark Angel's advantage was ink. However, Shifter knew all about ink.

Maybe... This once, Shifter could be the leading hero. For the past few months, Ladybug or Chat Noir take the spotlight. Just this once, Shifter would like to sign autographs.

Taking out her belt, Shifter found her boomerang and went towards Chat Noir.

Suddenly, the boomerang shifted to a pocket knife as Shifter began to cut the ink off Chat Noir long enough for him to escape. After that, the ink started to grab Shifter's weapon.

"Bad ink! Stop it!" Shifter said as if the ink was an actual person. Ladybug blinked while Chat chuckled finding it adorable.

"Thanks for the save, Shift," Chat said shortening her name along the way. "Anytime, black cat," Shifter said, playing along as the two winked at each other.

Rolling her eyes, Ladybug huffed. "Aw, cheer up Bugaboo. My heart is still for you. All you have to do is ask for it," Chat flirtatiously stated as Ladybug giggled.

Slowly but surely, Ladybug was getting used to Chat Noir's punny and flirtatious nature. Watching this, Shifter made it in her mind that Ladynoir would happen.

However... They still had a mission to complete.

"Lovebirds! We have a mission, remember?" Shifter asked as the two quickly nodded. "Right! Thanks for reminding us, Shifter," Ladybug said as the trio grew serious once more.

"Alright, so what's the plan M'lady?"

"Basically, what cat boy said but without the 'M'lady' part."

Pondering, Ladybug was about to speak, until a shadow appeared in front of the trio.

"Well, it's about time you three show up."

"Looks like we'll be improvisating this," Shifter mumbled as Chat and Ladybug nodded. "Mostly likely," Chat plainly said.

"Alright, let's go grab this akuma and be heroes!" Ladybug determinedly said as the trio nodded and charged.

"Not if I grab your miraculouses first!" Dark Angel exclaimed as he raised his ink wings towards Ladybug.

"Look out!" Chat Noir exclaimed as he was about to push Ladybug out of the way, but she quickly saved herself by rapidly spinning her yoyo. The yoyo acted as a shield against the ink.

Sighing in relief, Chat Noir did the same approach by spinning his baton.
For Chat, the baton was his shield.

Shifter was preoccupied by the mini ink-like demons as Dark Angel had placed that there to act as a distraction to Shifter.

"Fools! Your miraculouses will be mine soon enough!" Dark Angel exclaimed as he amplified the ink. Becoming thicker, Ladybug and Chat Noir begin to realize that their 'shields' were quickly failing them.

Pulling away just in time, the heroes then helped Shifter as his mini ink demons vanished.

Backing into each other, the trio found themselves cornered ready to anticipate any dangers that would face their way.

"I have you right where I want. Three miraculouses at once. This should be easy," Dark Angel confidently said as Ladybug laughed.

"Not if we have anything to do about it," Ladybug calmly stayed as she grinned shortly afterwards. "Lucky Charm!" Ladybug added raising her yoyo into the air.

When she finished, a light red glow started. As it did, a item appeared. While the light faded, the item fell into Ladybug's hand. Glancing at her item, Ladybug saw it was a picture of Bendy And The Ink Machine crew.

"Wait... What am I supposed to do with this?" Ladybug asked generally confused by this. "A picture, huh? Maybe, this akuma will come out by reasoning?" Chat Noir suggested.

"Shifter, any ideas?"

Showing Shifter the picture and back at Dark Angel, she instantly knew what to do.

"I'll shift and show him the picture. Since, his heart is so pure, the akuma inside him will weaken once he snaps out of it," Shifter explained casually as Chat Noir smirked.

"It looks like you're not the only strategist here," Chat Noir said to Ladybug nudging her with ease. However, Ladybug felt unsure.

Being the strategist was her thing. Having an additional member sure made Ladybug rethink her status at times.

"Good luck, Shift," Chat Noir said as Shifter bowed. "Will do," Shifter casually said.

"Best of luck, Shifter!" Ladybug added after Chat's comment. To this, Shifter saluted Ladybug. "Thanks LB," Shifter said before touching her necklace.

"Shift Repeal," Shifter said as she shifted into a butterfly before placing the picture in her mouth.

Dodging Dark Angel's attacks, Shifter moved towards the center and held the picture in front of him. When Dark Angel looked at the picture, everything transferred into slow motion.


"Boss, you're losing him," Bill said laughing afterwards. "This isn't funny," Hawkmoth challenged as Bill continued laughing.

Though, Hawkmoth had tried to get Dark Angel to snap out of it, the damage was done.

Sure enough, all of the Dark Angel's destruction was wiped clean as Bill solemnly sighed. "You had a good run," Bill said plainly.

Yeah... I knew he was going to lose this one.

"I'm always losing to those heroes!"

"Maybe, try a different approach then relying on your butterflies," Bill suggested as Hawkmoth stared at him.

"They are moths, not butterflies," Hawkmoth corrected him as Bill rolled his eyes. "Right... Moths," Bill said before shrugging.

"Do you have any ideas on how I can beat the heroes?" Hawkmoth asked as Bill went into a thinking pose for a millisecond. Afterwards, Bill grinned evilly at once.

"I have a few ideas..."


"Pound it!"

The trio had fistbumped each other as Dark Angel was none other than Angel Bendy now in his human form.

"What happened?" he asked just as Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculouses beeped. Shifter's miraculous on the other hand was losing color.

"I can take him," Shifter said as she lift Bendy onto her shoulder. "This girl has to dash!" Shifter added and left without a trace.

Another beep came from the original heroes as they said their farewells and disappeared. 

Once again, Paris was saved by Ladybug, Chat Noir and Shifter!


Detransforming, Shifter landed in her bedroom before returning back to her civilian form, Janis Channing.

"Thanks for saving me, Janis," Bendy said after getting the run-down of what had happened to him.

"It's what heroes and friends are for," Janis said winking at Bendy as she did a heroic pose. Laughing, Bendy smiled and shortly afterwards, Janis did the same.

Standing up, Bendy felt unsteady and leaned on Janis's drawer. "Any homework?" he asked as Janis sighed.

"Unfortunately, yes. Even the heroine of Paris gets homework," Janis dramatically said as Bendy laughed.

"Cheer up, Jana. I'm sure it's not a lot and I owe you one, so maybe we can go out tonight," Bendy honestly said, gently nudging Janis as he walked to her.

"You don't need to owe me."

"Please, I insist."

"Okay, if you say so... Shifter," Bendy implied as Janis playfully punched him in his shoulder.

"Stop it, dude. You shouldn't treat me any differently," Janis said as Angel shortly bursted into laughter.

"Oh, I know. That's why the loser is paying for tonight's dinner," Bendy casually said as Janis huffed.

See, the two often had races and the loser ended up for dinner. Since, Janis hated running, she was usually the one to pay.

"You know, I think I liked being treated differently," Janis started, as she was trying to change Bendy's mind.

"Oh no, please. Like you said, I shouldn't treat you any differently," Bendy said, reassuringly patting Janis's left shoulder.

"Have fun, Jana!" Bendy confidently added as Janis casually brushed him off. "Go eat dust," Janis challenged as Bendy gasped in awe.

"Ooh, getting competitive I see? Alright, Miss Channing. I accept. I hope you brought yourself running shoes, because we're going out in exactly--" Cutting himself off, Bendy glanced at the time.

It was a quarter after four.

"Three hours from now," Bendy finished as Janis nodded. "You're on, Bendy!" Janis confidently said as Bendy smirked.

"Good luck," the two said in unison. With that being said, Bendy left her room.

"He's fun, wouldn't you say Angie?" Janis asked softly before turning around. "Ang?" she asked and began to panic. Frantically searching, Janis couldn't find Angelina anywhere.

Leaving her room, Janis began to search the kitchen. "Bendy, I can't find--" Janis cut herself off seeing her roommate stone cold.


"Looking for this?"

Looking up, Janis saw exactly why Bendy was stone cold.

The person in front of them had a torn black dress as her knees were leaking ink. Her face looked distorted by the lack of ink as her black hair looked messy.

Gripping onto the small kwami tightly, Angelina couldn't breath. Gasping, Janis couldn't believe who was in front of them. It was none other than...


Author's Note,
I finally finished Chapter 3! I am very late yes, but hey. A update is a update.

Besides, I had no inspiration and I originally had something about Hawkmoth and Bill teaming up. However, I scrapped that out and I'm glad that I did.

It had like 600 something words. This one has over 4,000 words! Exciting right?

Anyways, if you have questions, I'll answer them! Have a great day/night readers (or Jana since I know she's reading this)!

Stay miraculous and may your heart soar. Miraculous Love!

You're all amazing!


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