A Wild Crack Appears

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Still not a chapter. It's fine, though. I'm working on an actual chapter.

So I put a thing on my for a headcanon about Janna, but since I'm thirsty for attention and need the approval of my peers (aka the one person who reads this trash book) I'm putting it here.

Okay so like, it's a basically everyone's headcanon that Janna texts with out proper grammar, spelling, punctuation and all that junk, but what if she thought like that to.

So all her thoughts would be like:
omg!!!!!!1!!111 wth wear tf is my bootiful girlfriend¿ wa t did u monster a$$e$ dooo with starfroot,,, im going to beat all of u up git gud m8 haha gg rekt ign approves dab on that shheeeet its litty fam

Anyway that's my thoughts. The next update will be an actual oneshot by the by. Unless it's not.

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