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Summary - College au where everyone, Tom, Jackie, Marco, Star, and Janna, go on the worst/best camping trip.

Authors Note(s) - Based on (exaggerated ) true events. Strong language. Not really focused on Star and Janna's relationship in the beginning.

Word Count - 2153


"Umbrellas, check, sunscreen, check..." Janna sat on the roof of Marco Diaz's van and watched as the Latino made sure every thing they needed was packed and ready.
"Marco, dude, you woke us up at one in the god damned morning so we could leave as early as possible." Janna groaned as she hopped down from the vehicle. She wasn't very optimistic about getting to go camping where there isnt any cell reception. She definetly wasn't excited to be driving all the way across the country to get there.
"You just have to be patient, Janna, double checking is no joke." Marco replied, not looking up from his clipboard, yeah, a clipboard.
"Marco you've been double checking for like, one hour." Star said, jumping down next to Janna. "I don't want us to not have something we need, Star." Marco replied, with the smallest hint of annoyance.
"Yeah, let me see that." Janna grabbed the pen and clipboard out of his hands. She looked at the paper once and put a line through every square quickly before shutting the trunk of the van. "Okay, there we have everything, let's go." Janna shoved the clipboard into Marco's chest and grabbed Star's hand trying to get in the van as quickly as possible.
"We're leaving?" Tom popped his head out of the passenger side of the van. "Can't you people be patient?" Marco got in and clipped his seatbelt.
"At least Jackie can be wait, right Jackie?" Marco turned in his seat to find his girlfriend sleeping on an argument that he needed her in. "WHAT." Marco turned and threw his face on the wheel as Janna, Star, and Tom laughed away.
"Wow Marco, you even bore your girlfriend to sleep." Janna said in between laughs, that was the most hilarious thing ever.
"Its not eveb funny." Marco muttered under his breath starting the car. "I'm leaving all of you at the first abandoned gas station I see."
"You tell them Marco." Jackie said yawning, still asleep, a sentence that inspired more delirious laughter from Tom, Janna, and Star.


Light from the stars entered into the car. Janna looked at the through the dashboard. Everyone was asleep in the car except for her and Marco.
They were in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Only three more hours. Grenda (the name they chose for the GPS) said that they were only five hours away.
Janna yawned, closing her eyes.
"We should get there at one." Marco informed, hearing Janna's yawn. She nodded, even though Marco he couldn't see her.
Star mumbled in her sleep and Jackie basically threw herself onto Janna's shoulder. The bluenette wrapped her arms around both the girls and buried her face into Star's neck. The perfect way to fall asleep for five hours.


The group finally arrived at their camp site. Everyone unloaded the things that belonged to them (except for Marco, who had to carry every thing else). "So...where's the beds?" Tom asked. Everyone thought the same as him. "Great... no beds." Marco sighed. "Alright let's put everything away before decide on this bed situation." And with that the five friends put their thing where theyre supposed to go, food in the kitchen, hygiene supplies and clothes in the bathroom.
After all the steps for unloading were completed Marco lined everyone up on the pullout couch (which is what all five would be sleeping on). "Okay everyone I have an idea. Star will sleep on the far left sode of the couch, Janna will sleep behind Star, Tom will be in the middle of both couples, I will sleep behind Jackie whom will be on the far right side." Marco stated swiftly, gesturing to the person and the spot they'll be sleeping in. The girls looked at each other aimlessly, all understanding, that they didn't understand. "In other words, Star, Janna, me, Marco, Jackie." Tom said, smiling when three nodded their heads.
"Cool, so I'm just gonna go outside and look around while everyone else makes the bed." Janna stated, going outside as she said. It was dark outside (being around one in the morning) but Janna could still identify her surroundings. There were two other cabins on each side of the groups own, a fire pit below the deck she stood on, and a lake surrounded by trees and no doubt swarming with mosquitos.
"Heyyy Janna Banana." Star walked up next to Janna, mimicking her lean on the railing. "Hey Starfruit."
"It's pretty out here." Star said. "Yeah it is. Not as pretty as you though." Janna turned her head winked at the blonde. Again, it was dark but Janna could see her blushing. "Pssssh, okay you nerd." Janna smiled, she intertwined her fingers with Stars.
"I loooove you." The bluenette teased, connecting her forehead to the other girl's. "Oh my gosh, stop it Janna." Star giggled. They stayed like that for a while until Star moved in, closing the gap between each of their mouths. Unfortunately, for Janna, Star ended the kiss as quickly as she started it (which wasn't that quick). "Let's go inside, Marco said we're going to the beach tomorrow, and I want to not be sleepy on the beach." Star told Janna.
"Fuck yeah." Janna yelled, fist pumping. Boogie boarding, sunscreen, and waves. Nice.


"Fuck no." Janna stood with her friends in front of a sign that read

Beach Opens 10:00 AM
No Trespassing After 10:00 PM
Carry In Carry Out Beach

"Ugggh, I told you it was to early Marco! Ten is like an hour away." Star rolled her eyes.
"Well now we have time see that light house I wanted to go to!" Marco exclaimed walking to the van.
"This is Lake Ontario. It's big, but it's not the ocean. It doesn't need no stinking lighthouse." Jackie added loud enough for everyone but Marco to hear.
Tom and Star laughed, Janna was too busy looking into the distance.
'That lake-beach is reallllly small. Like the length of of two school buses, and the width of one school bus.' Janna thought to herself. 'And is that a...oh my god...'
"Holy shit! Is that a nuclear power plant!?" Janna yelled furrowing her brows and smiling. She could recognize the two white silos and billowing smoke from anywhere.
"Very funny Janna, but I would not have us swim in irradiated water. That would be kinda-" "Holy crap it is!" Tom blurted out his sentence before Marco could finish. Marco raised his hand to his forehead, as if he was saluting, to improve his vision (it didn't). "Well while we look for that lighthouse we can find a beach further away from the power plant." Marco said trying to ignore the fact that they'll be swimming in irradiated lake.
Janna took Star's hand and walked with her to the car. "So how far away is this lighthouse?" The bluenette asked Marco, getting into the van. "Not to far." Marco put the keys in the ignition, "Thirty minutes maybe."
"This better not blow like the beach." Janna said. 'The nuclear power plant is pretty awesome though.'
Janna buckled her seatbelt and re-twined her and Stars fingers. To be honest, as long as Star was there, nothing could suck that much.


"That light house sucked." Tom told everyone. "Like it was literally a house with a really big porch light on top of it."
"It was a big-porch-light-house." Star said getting out of the van. Along with a sucky lighthouse, the gang couldn't find any beaches further from the power plant so they settled to the first option.
"Well at least it killed time. The beach is open now." Jackie replied to both comments, trying to defend her boyfriend.
"Yeah, the beach is open now." Marco spoke bitterly looking at Janna. 'I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.'
Marco and Jackie bicker with Star and Tom a little more, giving Janna time to chase seagulls before having to actually help unload the van. She pulled out two lawn chairs, and an umbrella. 'That's my team effort for the day.' Janna thought walking down to the "beach."
The group set up their area on the beach, trying to get as far away from other families and their whiny children.
A tall skinny boy, a life gaurd most likely, approached the group of friends. "Hi, uh, can you guys not set up right here. The dune grass is really fragile and you might, uh, break it. Also you can't use those on the beach. Boogie boards are like, a safety violation." He sounded like an idiot to Janna "Oh, yeah, of course. We won't use them then." Marco told him with a smile. The boy didn't say anything back to Marco before running to a table of five other life guards, stepping on multiple of the plants he just told them to avoid.
"Okay he just stepped on all of those plants. Oh look they have beer...great." Tom observed picking up and moving two lawn chairs.
"I can't wait for a drunken life guard to save me from drowning." Janna said dryly.
"If they're drunk they'll probably drown before they get to you. Damn alcoholics." Star said shaking her head. Star removed her shirt, a blue bathing suit underneath it.
"It's not they're fault that they have a raging addiction that needs to be fed." Marco said matter of factly. He changed next, only having to take of his shirt, he wore red and gray swimming trunks. Janna and Jackie changed next.
Janna already had black swimming trunks on, so she joined in on only taking her shirt off to reveal a black bikini top. Jackie, like Star, wore swimming shorts and a bathing suit. Tom was the only one who didn't wear any shorts.
"Oh Dios mio." Marco put his head in his hands. He was trying to hide it but Janna saw his red face. She turned around and saw what the boy was blushing at, what everyone in a five mile radius was blushing at.
"Why do you have a speedo on." Jackie questioned at Tom, eyes closed, and pinching the bridge of her nose. She was obviously tired of his shit. Janna covered Star's eyes before she started choking on air. "What the hell, Tom!?" Janna laughed and gawked at the dark purple speedo with a skull that had literal fire mohawk in Tom's y'know, crotch-ular region.
Janna felt Star take the bluenette's hands off her eyes, before the blonde covered them with her own. "Ooooh my god." Star said under her breath.
Janna laughed even harder the only one finding this hilarious. She walked right up to Tom and kneeled down. Stifling her laugh, Janna brought both hands to her mouth, as if she was praying, and inhaled. She kept her hands together as she pointed them at Tom's speedo. "BOI!" Janna shouted getting looks from parents and kids and then losing those looks as everyone looked at Tom.
"Janna!" Tom yelled at her through his teeth, "Shut up!" Janna wiped years from her eyes. "Okay, okay." She weezed standing up. "Are we gonna go to the water or what?" Janna asked walking down to the shore.
"Pssh, safety violation. Yeah let's go." Jackie whispered the first part, obviously talking about the boards, before answering Janna's question.
Star jumped onto Janna's back and yelled, "Onwards, Janna Banna!" The blonde pointed to the water and Janna neighed like a horse before running to the waves.


"MY EYES! WATER IS IN MY EYES!" Marco yelled rubbing his eyes frantically and trying not to get knocked over by waves. Janna and Star laughed as they watched their friend over react. "It's not even salt water Marco, how does it even hurt?" Tom asked Marco, not looking at him
"It just doe-AAUGH!" Marco started but was cut off by falling into the water.
"Okay how about you and me go to our spot and see if we can find something that'll help?" Jackie helped up Marco and led him out of the water.
"Good job, Janna." Tom looked at the brown eyed girl and shook his head. "Pssh, he'll be fine. Anyways, now that there's less of us let's go trespass." Janna said. "Uh, no thanks. I'll be a criminal some other time." Tom replied.
"Suit yourself." Janna sighed, "Star, you wanna go trespass." Janna turned and saw Star putting tiny sea creatures on her head. Star turned and looked Janna dead in the eye. "Yes." She whispered, "Yes I do."
"Ha, nice."


Authors Note: oh my god this is horrible. Sorry if it wasn't to focused on Janstar, I just haven't wrote a fan fiction in a long time. This the first part, I don't know when the next one comes out. Anyway tell me if it sucked...or dont.

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