My Best Friend's Hot P1

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Summary - "My best friend's hot, my best friend's hot. No matter what I do you love me not."
Author's Note - So I saw this picture on tumblr, which is based off the song My Best Friend's Hot by the Dollyrots. So this is a fanfiction based off a picture based of a song. I told the artist Maddzroks that I would make one so yeah.

Word Count - 1378


"All I'm saying is that all those nursery songs have dark messages."

"Janna, Baby Baluga does not have secretive undertones of illuminati affiliation and the key to end global warming." Jackie sighed.

"Alright, alright I get it, no more conspiracies. Exhibit number B." Janna pulled a note book from out of her bag and flipped through the pages before reading. "In the song Baby Baluga, it discusses the matters of whales. The Baluga whale. In ancient Aztec scriptures-"

"Okay, I'm done." Jackie stopped in her tracks and walked in the opposite direction of Janna "And go back to detention!" She called to the bluenette.

"You go back to detention." Janna muttered. She took out her phone and checked the time. She sneaks out of D-10 all the time. Skullnick wouldn't be checking back for a while now. When Janna's phone flashed on she nearly fainted. "Crap, crap, crap!" Her phone read 12:56. She had four minutes to get back to detention.

Luckily, with Janna's tendency to be reckless, she had been in this situation many times and knew the exact steps that needed to be taken. To get to detention, that is.

First step, run like hell. Janna ran like hell.

The second step, avoid obstacles. The Phillopina proceeded to embrace her true form, a ninja. She parkoured over benches, kids, and a random dog.

'Almost there.' Janna thought. She could smell the Wrestlemania already. 'Left turn in one, two, thr-' her thinking was cut off when she slid into a unsuspecting passerby.

Newton's Third Law of Motion states that, for every action there is an eqaul, and opposite reaction. Thus the ususpecting passerby grabbed onto Janna, causing the teen to crack her nose against this person's forehead. With her arms being outstretched Janna's hands landed on the ground, holding her above the stranger.

Janna, opened her eyes and a blush slowly crept onto her face when they revealed who she probably murdered in this incident. Star Butterfly. Not sure about what to do, Janna opened her mouth slightly, trying to say something.

"I, uh..." Janna tried to say something only to be followed by train of thought going off tracks. She couldn't help but stare. "I, erm, S-Sorry. Sorry Star!" The bluenette finally got her mouth to make the words her brain were saying. She attempted to pull herself up but was stopped by a rope of some sort. Oh, no, it was just Star's arms wrapped around her back.

Janna went even reder in the face. "Uh...Star." Janna cleared her throat.

Star blinked and looked back at Janna, not staring anymore. "Yeah?"

"Your arms." Janna told her. Star's face tinted red. "Oh! Sorry." Star let go and smiled sheepishly at her friend. "It's fine." Janna replied.

Janna stood up and offered her hand to Star. She took the hand and pulled herself up. "Oh my gosh! Janna! Your nose." Star's eyebrows lifted in suprise. The beanie-wearing bandit raised her hand to her nose, yeah, she was definitely bleeding.

"It's cool Star, I'm good." Janna flashed her friend a smile. Star returned her own. They both looked away from each other awkwardly. Janna's nose bled more and Star got redder by the second.

"WELP." Janna shouted, clapping her hands together, earning a jump from Star. "I need to, um, go to detention before Skullnick gets there. So, uh."

"Oh, yeah. You should totally go to detention and I'll just goooo, this way." Star said, forcing a laugh.

"Yeaah, it was nice falling on you but I don't need a month of detention."

"Ha, yeah. We should do that more often." Star slipped out of view, but Janna was sure she winked before she left.

Janna stood there for a moment, not entirely sure what had happened. She turned around to walk and stepped right into a big wall of, how do you describe it? Squish. A big wall of squish. Janna took a step back and looked at the squish wall. Ms. Skullnick. "Ordonia." The troll growled.



'3.....2.....1.' The detention bell rang. She was finally free. Janna grabbed her bag and rushed out the door. As she walked through the halls of the school she thought back to her encounter with Star. 'What is wrong with me.' Janna thought walking down the hallways. 'I'm finally going crazy.' She concluded.

While exiting the school, Janna missed one of the steps (due to her daydreaming about Star) and tumbled all the way down.

"Ow, ow, ow." Janna lifted her face off the concrete. Bloody concrete I might add. Janna felt her face, her nose was bleeding again and she had two small cuts on her forehead and on the bridge of her nose. "Ha, nice." Janna reached into her back pocket and pulled out neon band-aids.

The teen leapt off the ground, her phone rang causing her to almost fall again. She pulled it out and looked at the caller ID.

It read: ☆ B-Fly

She answered it the call, her voice higher than she liked. "Hi, uh. Hey Star."

"Hey Bananaaa." Star's voice said through the phone.

"What's up?"

"Do you wanna go on a mall date with me and Jackie?"

"Date?" Janna choked.

"Yeah! We're leaving right now actually."

"Oh, yeah, totally! See you later...pal!" Janna quickly hung up. "Did I just call Star pal?" The bluenette asked herself, looking at the ground. Janna started for the direction of the mall that actually wasn't to far from the school.

When Janna got to the mall she saw her two friends waiting outside the entrance for her. "Hey, dudes." Janna called, getting their attention. Both of the girls turned their heads in her direction and walked over. Janna met them halfway, exchanging greetings and hugs with both.

"What're we gonna do?" Janna asked her two friends, entering the mall. "The usual. Look for outfits. Buy stuff. Steal a car." Jackie responded. "Nice." Both Janna and Star said in unison.

The trio entered the first store they saw. Star and Jackie looked through the racks, Janna didn't like anything other than a leather jacket and a fedora. She searched for more items that would match the clothes she selected.

Eventually she found dark jeans, boots, a leather belt and a white t-shirt. Janna smiled with content, finally she could be a greaser. All she needed was a motorcycle.

"I'm gonna go to the changing rooms real quick." Janna told the two, her king her thumb in the direction of her destination. Jackie nodded, Janna took it as a sign to leave.

The teen walked through the Teen Section until she found the rooms. She slipped into one of the stalls and put on her outfit, slipping on a pair of sunglasses she found when she made her way to the changing rooms. Janna walked out of her stall and looked into the mirror. A whistle sounded from behind her and Janna whirled around to see her two friends smiling from behind her.

"Lookin' good, Janna." Star said, winking when she finished her sentence. Janna blushed, sweated, and coughed when she saw the blonde wink at her. She slid her glasses up her face and leaned against the wall, attempting to regain her cool facade.

"Ha, yeah. I know." Janna coughed out, she managed to look calm but when she spoke it was as if she threw up between each word.

Star smiled and raised an eyebrow, making Janna scream even harder inside. This was a smile that knew things.

"Weeell, we're going to go put these on now." Star said, as if everything was fine when it was indeed, not fine. The blonde walked into the stalls, Jackie behind her. Janna was about to release the sweatiness , that she was trying not to let go when Star was in front of her, until Jackie turned around and looked at the stall Star entered and back at Janna and smiled.

After her action she walked into the stall next to Star's. Janna breathed out, letting herself blush. Janna hid her face in her hands thinking one thing only.

Jackie knows.

Author's Note - That took a long time. Originally I was going to release this as one big chapter but I decided to split it up because I just needed to get it out and I was having a brain fart. Anyways I hope this didn't suck. Here's the picture btw.

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